Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, April 06, 1927, Image 1

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    m i ,
ia a potential pay roll for
»•«**’ ith moderate southerly
Ashland*9 Leading
(United Nova 'Wirt BorricoX
Coast Winds
per for* Over Fifty Years
(United Proa* Wire Borrico)
A S H L A N D ,.O R K flO N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R IL 6, 1927
■ by the United Newt deoil eg
io Baseball Team«
Oatfield Strong
D istrict
•1988 .Itaaup—Waner ef, Rhyne
2b, Cuyler rf, Wright aa, Gnurth-
am lb, Traynor Sb, Barnhart tb,
Smith c.
1937 lineup— Grantham lb ,
Rhyne 2b, Cuyler Tf, Waner ef,
Wright ss, Treynor 88b, Barnhart
If, Smith «.
Owen Bush, the new amaagur
M&yorality Election Has a
the Pittsburgh Pirates, is for­
Back Ground o f Machine
tunate In being able to start hie
Guns* Borahs, Bullets
first season In the National
witb a club which is strong
as any in the circuit.
. <5
P olice Fear Herion» Consequences
A little improvement In the
As Bombe Are Exploded
pitching line with some help for
and Bnllhts Fired
Lee Kremer and Lee Meadows IB
this respect, and the Bucaaeers
will be the club to beat for the
1927 pennant.
The infield. If Glenn Wright’s
knee behaves, is better than when
the Pirates became world’s cham­
pion’s two season’s ago. Ray
Rbyas certainly la an improve*
ment over Eddie Moore and
others are better than .290 hitters.
Alpha cbapted No. 1, O. B. 8.
was hostess to the district meeting
of the Southern Oregon chapters
O. E. 8. Tuesday evening, April 6,
in the Masonic hall, the occasion
L being the official visit of the
Worthy Grand Matron of Oregon.
Mrs. Leonora Hamilton Kerr of
Accompanying Mrs.
[) Kerr was Mrs. Margaret Barnes
of Grants Pass, . Ore., associate
p, grand matron. Nearly four hun­
dred attended the meeting.
Many people attended the ban­
quet which was served at 6 o’cock
• in the LI thia Springs hotel, ad-
0 Journlng later to the Masonic hall
which, was beautifully decorated
with hanging baskets of spring
i, blossoms, huge bouquets of Japan-
g ese magnolias and daffodils.
The chapter opened in due fQrm
by the Worthy Matron Mrs. Mazie
j Rates. J. H. Hardy, worthy pa-
. tron, gave the address of welcome
t and a response was given by Mrs.
Lena Dennis, worthy matron of
t Aloha chapter No. Cl of Klamath
, Falls.
Mrs. Leonora Hamilton Kerr,
r worthy grand matron; Mrs. Mar­
garet Barnes, associate grand ma-
. tron; Mrs. Nellie McGowan, of
i Reames chapter No. 66 and Mrs.
• Josephine D. Crocker of Alpha
i chapter No. 1, past grand ma-
i trons. were introduced and after
, being escorted to the east were
given the Grand Honors. They
PEK1N, April 9.— Two Ameri­ were also presented with beauti­
cans have been arrested by Chi­ ful bouquets of flowers.
nese police on the grounds that worthy matron and Worthy pa­
they are propagandists tor the na­ tron of Aloha. Adarel a n d ]
tionalist government of south Reames chapters were also intro­
duced, escorted to the east and
They are Mrs. Mildred B. Mit­ given a generous bow and flow­
chell, formerly a reporter on the ers. The officers of Alpha chapter
Honolulu Advertiser and WUhur exemplified the opening and clos­
Burton, of Columbus.
ing ceremonies, and the officers of
Chargee against them will ha Reames chapter exemplified ln-
traaamtttod-to U. 8. MlpjatovJttA Jtlatory * o r | , t« h candidates he- 1
Murray Immediately and later to lag initiated into the order.
the U. 8. consal at Tlensln, who
Under the “good of the order” 1
will be expected to take them into the worthy grand matron gave a 1
custody and conduct thalr trial In very pleasing talk on Eastern Star 1
the American consular court.
work, where It originated and oth- ’
Meantime both Mrs. Mitchell er things of Interest.
and Burton, were un«ler guard by ( Paul B. Rynnlng. worthy patron ‘
of Reames chapter, with pleasant 1
Chinese police at a local hotel.
Mrs. Mitchell worked for years remarks on behalf of Alpha, Alo­
on newspaper In San Francisco. ha, Adarel and Reames chapters, s
She wrote under the name of Mllly presented Mrs. Kerr .with a beau- 1
tlful silver meat platter. At a late 1
hour refreshments of sandwiches 4
and coffee were served.
Indoor Baseball
Tomorrow Evening
The second round of the city
Indoor baseball league will h9
played in the Armory tomorrow
night. Owing to a conflicting
date, at high school, the Hl-Y
club team and the Hoot Owls will
play the first game of the even­
ing at seven o’clock. The second
game will be between the Nor­
mal and Battery B at eight
o’clock, and the laat game will
be between the Bankers and the
Employed Boys at nine. A large
crowd is expected at these games,
according to those in charge.
Some predictions as to the pos­
sible winners of the series have
been made, and If what the
captains of each team haa to say
counts, there will be six teams
win the trophy.
Large Deal Closed
In Coos County
(IP)— The Empire Development
company recently organised here
has announced the purchase of
holdings of the Southern Oregon
company, at Empire, marking onfe
of the largest jvaterfront and real
estate transfer« on Coos Bay with­
in the past several years.
The purchase Includes a large
sawmill with a dally capacity of
400,900 feet, docks, wharves, sev­
eral miles of deep waterfront and
the water system and water rights
on Empire Lake. In addition the
transfer also Includes several
large tracte of timber.
Visitor from H ilt—
Lucille Hallman, a resident of
Hilt, Cal., waa in Ashland yester­
day shopping and visiting with
The outfield, with Waner likely
to flash across the baseball firm­
ament at one of the brightest
stars of the season. Is fast and
strong, well supplied with cap­
able substitutes.
"Donle” Bush has not had to
worry much with replacements
during the spring training at Paso
Robles and on the subsequent
trip through Texas. He has been
able to concentrate upon getting
the old machine Into smooth run­
ning order, and most Important,
letting the boys know who Is boss.
Too many cooks spoiled the
broth for the Buccaneers In 1926.
a year when they should have
breezed home for a second succes­
sive pennant.
This season there is to, be one
Captain Kidd and that’s Bush.
On the strength of the settle­
ment of Its managerial difficul­
ties, the Pittsburgh* club figures
as a more dangerous contender
Baseball Team to Play Here
This SeaMn Offers
Prize for Name
Mechanics Leap Overboard
And Make Their W ay
to Safety
Conquerer o f
Lanes Was Just About
Ready to Take Off
6. 7— World flight commander
F/ancesco De Pinedo conqueror of
unchartered air lanes came to a
halt today when fire destroyed his
giant twin motored monoplane.
No one was injured. De Pinedo
was talking to newspaper men on
the shore when a sudden blast was
heard on the lake and Immedlatly
the ship was a mass of flames. The
Mechanics who had been adjust­
ing the motor in preparation for
the next leg of the flight leaped
overboard and swam to safety
while the big plane burned.
Annual Report of Presifort Chamber of Commerce Con
O. P. Carson Given at
gratulates Appointee
Porum Lunch
and Governor
At the regular Forum luncheon
held yesterday at the Lithla'
Springs hotel President O. F,
Carson presented bis annual re­
port which la of general interest
to the public. The report wee as
The past year has been a busy
and pleasant one for th» officers
end directors of the Chamber of
Commerce, th e Board has bean
harmonious at all times. The di­
rectors and committee met) hairs
show s a willingness and earneut-
Here t« an opportunity, folks
to win a free season ticket to
the baseball games to be played]
in Ashland this season.
amalgamation of^Ashland, Gold
Hill and t^e Owens Oregon Lum­
Both Pilot and Passenger is
ber company baseball teams has
Located Beneath W reck­
been completed with the excep­
age of Plane, Dead
tion of a suitable name.
committee in charge wants to
give the team a name that will
recognize the three communities The Plane is Found f to be a
that are w«rklng together, have
Tangle«! Maas of W reckage
decided to offer the season ticket
With Men Burned
to the one submitting the. best
All names must be In
the hands of the committee by
next Sunday, for at that time a
meeting has been called at Nln- ,
ingers for the purpose of Ironing |
out all the details of the league, ,
arranging the schedule and select- ,
Ing a name for the new team. ,
Mail or send your name suggest- ,
ions Into Ninlngers, and do It to­
day, for the time Is short.
Council Votes to Table Pe
tition Requesting Post­
ponement of Work
The Forum luncheon yesterday
noon aside from listening to a
report by the president and secre­
tary, adopted resolutions author­
ising the secretary to send mes­
sages of congratulations to C. E.
Gates and to Gov. Patterson for
this timely recognition of South­
ern Oregon in making the ap­
Senator Geo. W. Dunn, Victor
V. Mills and J. C. Hopper dis­
cussed the Income Tax measures
briefly and the sentiment pre-
General Shake-Up at State
Continue* -
task wtth promptness add - dis­ be heUÎ for à more complété côn
patch. The Interest shown and sidération of the question
careful thought given to the af­
fairs of the Chamber the past year
on the part of the directors have
Miss Moselle Hair, secretary of
afforded much the
the Extension Department of the
I wish to comment in a genreal University of Oregon, will spend
way on the work of- the Chamber the week-end in Jackson county.
of Commerce last year and on a ^Extension department students in
few of Its activities la particular. Ashland and vicinity are advised
The budget tor the past year that Mias Hair desires to meet
was carefully and conservatively them and any others interested In
The Dalles— Black Butte Lum­
prepared by some of our best the Unlt/jrslty extension work on
businessm en. . Thd budget was Saturday evening of this week, at ber Company of Heppner, and
the home of Mrs. Louis Dodge, Wasco Pine Box & Lumber Com­
pany combine.
Boulevard. Phone 381-J.
(Please Turn to Page 2)
Time to Begin Laying More Golden Eggs
One Hour Programs W il
Given on E very Mon
day N ight Hereafter
8AN FRANCISCO. April 8.—
(IP) — The most elaborate radio
hook-up In the history of Pa­
cific e b a s t broadcasting with
seven stations joining in a three
hour musical program wag un­
dertaken Tuesday night.
stations cooperating were; KPO,
San Francisco; KG A, Oakland,
KFI, Los Angeles, KOW, Port­
land. KFOA, Seattle and KHQ,
Most of the broadcasting was
done from the St. Francis hotel
hei^, but during the evening the
other stations went on the air,
the whole concert being broad­
cast simultaneously through a
network of land wires and mic­
rophones to an audience estimat­
ed at 3,000,000 persons.
George J. Podeyn, who man­
aged details of the broadcasting
announced that a series of one
hour nightly programs will he
broadcast' from the next ehaln
beginning next Monday.
Salt Lake City Officers
W ant Qne o f Men Ar-
. rested by Chief
A bottle of what Is thought to
be dope running over one hun­
dred doHars In value, was the
only thing found yesterday > when
Chief of Police McNabb and a
deputy sheriff visited a place
near the Tyler ranch on the old
Klamath Falls road where J. F.
Frye and Charles W eslli were
arrested the day before at the
request of California officers.
The chief is not positive that
the bottle belongs to the two
men, although finger prints taken
would Indicate that this was the
case. The sheriff from Redding
Is expected today to take the
men in custody. A wire from
Seattle this morning, stated that
KIGHTY-FOURTH BIRTHDAY Weslle was wanted hr the Salt
W .'R . Kincaid, who resides Lake City police. Chief McNabb
near the Nell Creek school house, communicated Immedtatady with
is today celebrating his 84 birth- the Utah officers but as yet has
not heard from them.
He haa been for many years
one of the most prosperous farm­
* Who wants a healthy, nor­
ers of the Rogue River valley and
mal legitimate baby girlf Dr.
seems to have the happy facility
Haines has one that he would
of not .complaining about the
weather, poor crops or hard
like to find a good home (or.
The baby was born yesterday
times. He hat the respect of hie
neighbors and all Who know him
morning, of good parentage,
and they trust, that his remaining
and anyone wanting to adopt
years will be filled with content­
it, should get la touch with
ment and peace.
Dr.* Haines Immediately.
Action Comes A fter Refus­
ing to Allow Slayers
N ew Trial
BOSTON, April 8.—(ID -S ta te
police are guarding several su­
preme and superior court Justices
to preclude percussions, which
It is feared may follow the Mass­
achusetts supreme court’s' decis­
ion denying a naw trial to Nlcota
Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanssttl.
convicted slayers.
The decision, handed d o w n
Tuesday afternoon, leaves an ap­
peal to the United States su­
preme court as the only possible
step remaining in the notorious
radicals’ six year fight to evade
the electric chair.
As soon as the court’s finding
has been mads public, Deputy
Sheriff Richard Murrey, mlndfold
of previous Sacoo-Vansettl repris­
als, la thia - country, Europe,
South Americd and Japan, sum­
moned state police end detectives
to guard eU Judges who bad been
identified with the sues.
a ..
SALEM. April
(IP>— <Jov-
ernor I. L. Patterson announced
the appointment of the following
men as state game and -fish com-
Game commission: Matt Corrl-
gan, McMinnville; Bee Dorris,
Eugene; M. A. Lynch. Redmond;
s L. A. Wright, Union, and I. N,
i Flelschner of Portland,
Fish commission — Fred P.
i Kendall,
Portland;), /John
i Veatch, Portland and Chris Leln-
: en weber of Aatorla.
Veatch was appointed to the
commission by Governor Pierce
and Is retained by Governor Pat«
terson, who refused to accept hl^
resignation. His term expires
June M Kendall succeeds Jess
Hayes of Bay City and his term
will run until June, 1921. He'
Is a former member of the fish
Lelnenweber suc­
ceeds Walter E. Bakin, of As­
toria, whose trem expires is
June, 1928.
On’the game commission Corri*
gan succeeds Matt Bauer of Cor«
vallis and will serve until Febru­
ary, 1928; Dorris succeeds Wil­
liam L. Finley of Jennings Ledge
to serve until February, 1121;
Lynch succeeds John W. Ma­
loney of Pendleton, to serve until
February, 1989; Wrighj) suc­
ceeds Harold Clifford of Canyon
City to serve until February.
19S2, and Flelschner, who has
been a commissioner since the
commission was created In 1981,
la retained.
The general shake-up at the
state penitentiary saw the re­
moval of two more officials Tues­
day. John J. Qulnlaa, chief en­
gineer at the penitentiary for
the past four yean , was remov­
ed as was Charles Huddleton,
Fred Robertson has
been appointed to All Huddleton’s
Klamath Falls to
Dehate Friday Eve.
The Ashland High eehool -de­
bating team, wtanors in thia dis­
trict wUl meet the Klamath Falls
debaton, ehamptoaa ef their dis­
trict Friday eveatag at the high
school starting at seven thirty.
The w teaen of the debate will
meet the wlaaer eC a Willamette
sad Cooe Bay -district la the
ellmiaattoa «otteet which wHJ
finally reeeR la the state ehase-
ptoasbtp halag decided. The Aeh^