m i , THE POULTRY INDUSTRY ia a potential pay roll for »•«**’ ith moderate southerly Ashland Ashland*9 Leading (United Nova 'Wirt BorricoX Coast Winds per for* Over Fifty Years Ö (United Proa* Wire Borrico) A S H L A N D ,.O R K flO N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R IL 6, 1927 IN THE BIG LEAGUES ■ by the United Newt deoil eg io Baseball Team« Oatfield Strong D istrict •1988 .Itaaup—Waner ef, Rhyne 2b, Cuyler rf, Wright aa, Gnurth- am lb, Traynor Sb, Barnhart tb, Smith c. 1937 lineup— Grantham lb , Rhyne 2b, Cuyler Tf, Waner ef, Wright ss, Treynor 88b, Barnhart If, Smith «. Owen Bush, the new amaagur M&yorality Election Has a of the Pittsburgh Pirates, is for­ Back Ground o f Machine tunate In being able to start hie Guns* Borahs, Bullets ---------- when Chief of Police McNabb and a deputy sheriff visited a place near the Tyler ranch on the old Klamath Falls road where J. F. Frye and Charles W eslli were arrested the day before at the request of California officers. The chief is not positive that the bottle belongs to the two men, although finger prints taken would Indicate that this was the case. The sheriff from Redding Is expected today to take the men in custody. A wire from Seattle this morning, stated that KIGHTY-FOURTH BIRTHDAY Weslle was wanted hr the Salt W .'R . Kincaid, who resides Lake City police. Chief McNabb near the Nell Creek school house, communicated Immedtatady with is today celebrating his 84 birth- the Utah officers but as yet has not heard from them. dag. * He haa been for many years A BABY GIRL one of the most prosperous farm­ * Who wants a healthy, nor­ ers of the Rogue River valley and mal legitimate baby girlf Dr. seems to have the happy facility Haines has one that he would of not .complaining about the weather, poor crops or hard like to find a good home (or. The baby was born yesterday times. He hat the respect of hie neighbors and all Who know him morning, of good parentage, and they trust, that his remaining and anyone wanting to adopt years will be filled with content­ it, should get la touch with ment and peace. Dr.* Haines Immediately. Action Comes A fter Refus­ ing to Allow Slayers N ew Trial BOSTON, April 8.—(ID -S ta te police are guarding several su­ preme and superior court Justices to preclude percussions, which It is feared may follow the Mass­ achusetts supreme court’s' decis­ ion denying a naw trial to Nlcota Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanssttl. convicted slayers. The decision, handed d o w n Tuesday afternoon, leaves an ap­ peal to the United States su­ preme court as the only possible step remaining in the notorious radicals’ six year fight to evade the electric chair. As soon as the court’s finding has been mads public, Deputy Sheriff Richard Murrey, mlndfold of previous Sacoo-Vansettl repris­ als, la thia - country, Europe, South Americd and Japan, sum­ moned state police end detectives to guard eU Judges who bad been identified with the sues. a .. «Ash. SALEM. April (IP>—