Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 16, 1927, Image 1

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    t ‘ í'X
Unsettled, probably light rain in
is a potential pay roll for 'Ash-,
west, moderate variable winds.
K M m W ire Service)
F rank Jordan, chairman of tho
slty park hoard, told members of
the c ity council last night that
tho board .would be glad to co­
operate In any way possible if
plan could be worked out
City Council Goes Definitely
Final Enactment of McNary.
whereby the middle
on Record for Big .
Hauven Bill Will Take
along the Boulevard from the city
Water Project
. Place Very Soon * •
lim its to the library could be im ­
proved during the coming spring
summer months.
The m atter was presented by
Councilman W hite, who asked if
funds could not be made avail­
able to beautify this extended
parking strip.* Mr. Jordan called
AU doubt as to the determina­
W ASHING TO N, Feb. 16.— The
tion of the new city administra­ attention to the fact that the last hope of killing off farm re­
tion to build the storage dam In board had budgeted $400 for this lief by a fllibnstor faded out to­
Ashland creek canyon was re­ .work last fa ll bat that the former day whsn the house voted tq
moved last night when the coun­ council had eliminated this appro­ substitute for its bill the slightly
priation from the budget.
cil, after a spirited argument,
different version which passed the
“ W e w ill do whatever we can
placed itself definitely on record
senate a few days ago. The dif­
with onr lim ited funds, and will
as favoring all the water projects
ference In the two bills are triv ­
be more than glad to assist in
for which the people last fall
ial and technical.
any way possible,” was the assur­
voted bonds in the sum of $450,-
Final enactment of this meas­
ance given by M r. Jordan.
ure is Imminent and it w ill go to
The policy of the council was
the W hite House immediately af­
ter the house takes its final vote.
brought to a head through the
This was assured by the substi­
presentation of a motion by Dr.
tution of the senate bill for an al­
E. A. Woods which placed the
most identical house bill. Had
council on record as favoring
the house passed its own bill a
Immediate prelim inary work In
conference to revise the two
Ashland ¿reek canyon in order
measures into one Identical ver­
that actual construction of the
The Ashland H l-Y club held
dam can be started in August. Ooufeswes to Killing Woman sion would have been necessary.
regular meeting and dinner
More Ttane Urged
and Five Year Old Son
in the dining room in Pioneer
This motion was passed by a
With Ball B&t
One o f the
aqd senate. W ith adjournment hall* last evening.
vote of four to two, with Coun­
np at last
cilman O. T. Bergner and J. E.
CONNBAUT. Ohio.. Feb. 1«.—
Thornton opposing IL
Both op­ Floyd H ew itt, 16, told police to­ might have prevented final ac­ night’s meeting was the entar-
posing councilman declared that I day that he killed Mrs. Colla tion. The collapse of the opposi­ talnlkg of a group of High School
they are not opposed to the Ash­ Brown, 27, and her five year old tion was indicated in the fact that boys from Central Point at the
land creek dam, bat they argued son, because “he became crazy in only 62 votes were mustered meeting next Tuesday. This wee
against substituting the senate, voted unanimously and an invi­
that before any definite action love with her.”
tation extended to the Central,
is taken, the council'should wait
W ith in gight hours after Mrs. while there were 201 for IL
Point boys. Conflicting dates 1 q
and learn tho value of the water Broffn’s husband had returned
This was the last chance of the the form of a basketball game at
conservation program which is home to find the bodies of his
being Inaugurated.
W ith the wife and child, surrounded by opposition to throw, sand in the Central Point that night may
repairs and enlargements to the wrecked furniture. H ew itt bad machine. A fter the vote however make it impossible for them to
distribution system, together with been arrested and had confessed it was said around the lobby of aeeept, according to a telephone
the house that the opponents of call received from there, hat thq
the purchase of the Talent Ir r i­ his crim e..
“ We were listening to a jazz tho hill deliberately refrained plans w ill go ahead until further
gation water and the lnatoilsUq#
from showing th e ir fu ll strength*, notice, according to members of
of meters, they felt that enough song on the radio,” the hoy said.
Barney M iller was
for preferring to reserve that for the the club.
water might possibly bs con­ “ I became crazy with love
final rote.
elected as a delegate to the
served to elim inate/the necessity
The Asweil revolving loan fund Northwest Y. M. C. A. Assembly
for building the dam. They felt, w ith fnry, I beat her to death.
was offered later as a substi­ for Work w ith <boya su’d young
H ew itt said that he then killed
n t ' any rate, that this program
This w ill he voted on men, to be held at Rolling Bay,
of construction should be given
Thursday. The .house having de­ Washington the last o i the
a thorough trial before the coun­
cided to suspend consideration of month. M iller w ill go w ith Sec­
cil started actual construction, of killers coat during the struggle
farm relief tomorrow to permit retary W alter and others from
the dam.
action r y small bills on the cal­ here ; to the Assembly, Which is
The report of Consulting En­
of Importance to a ll branches
Police learned that H ew itt, who endar.
gineer D. C. Henny was receiv­
The vote on substituting the of the Y. M .'C . A. work in the
ed by the council. This report lived across the street from the
senate bill undoubtedly is more Northwest, According to word
urged that actual construction Brown’s had been in the habit of
sided than the final vote on received from officials ’of the
work on the dam be delayed visiting Mrs. Brown at nlglU
w ill be.
Northwest Council who «re pro-
until August for the reason that when her husband was at work.
The McNary bill shonld have
it is better and safer to pour
25 to 60 votes margin.
(Please Turn to Page 6)
concrete during cold weather. with a club.
Hi-Y BoysÌName
Their Delegate
Peters W ants Action
Councilman Peters, who has
served on many former councils,
opposed the proposal to wait an­
other year before starting con­
struction o f the dam.
He said
the people had been talking
water improvements for 16 years
to his knowledge, and by their
votes last November, had stated
definitely that they wanted acr
tlon from this council. Council­
man Woods had the same view,
and he ‘ was opposed to further
“ 1 am not opposed to building
the dam, but I believe we should
w ait until the other improve­
ments are tried out,” was the
argument of Councilman Thorn­
ton. ”1 don’t want people to
think that I am against thts
work but I do not believe we
are reality to build It.”
In expressing himself in a
sim ilar vein, Councilman Berg­
ner declared:
“ I think It is absolutely poor
judgment to build that dam right
Other Policies Given
Prior to the definite action on
the dam, which w ill bo built on
the Reeder site, Councilman
Letter Falls
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 16^—
(U N )— L lta Grey Chaplin and
the two Chaplin babies w ill move
hack into Charlie Chaplin’s Bev­
erly H ills mansion tomorrow,
i She won a court order today
authorizing her to take up resi­
dence in ' the handsome home
pending her divorce action.
“ I intend to move back tomor­
row,” was Mrs. Chaplin’s only
comment as she left the crowded
courtroom, where she testified
that Charlies had once threatened
heV life and had Insulted guests
she brought to the house.
Attorneys for Chaplin made no
effort to block the court order.
In granting the request for rein­
statement, Judge Guerin ruled
that the temporary a l i m o n y
awarded Mrs. Chaplin should be
reduced from $4,000 to $2,000
monthly, since in the origtnsl
grant $1,000 had been considered
for her rent.
Mrs. Chaplin testified that she
been living on
money and that ahe was unable
to pay the $1,000 rent, due Thurs­
day on the house into which she
moved after she left C h a rily
Judge Guerin stopped further
testimony and ordsrad that Mrs.
Chaplin and the babies bs per­
mitted Ao occupy the Chaplin
He then ordered the redaction
in the alimony award.
Secretary of the Treasury M el­
lon’s letter characterizing the
eqnalizatlon fee as unworkable,
expensive and an encouragement
to unscrupulous persons w h o
want to cheat the government has
apparently changed no votes In
the house.
In fact the house has long since
passed the stage where it is mov­
ed by Srgpments. Many speeches
are being made for and against
the bill, but these are Intended
not for the ears of the handful
of congressmen who are w illing
to listen to general debate but
for the eyes of constituents to
whom copies of the speeches will
be mailed before next year’s cam­
paign is over.
Lyle Elton Poole, age 16 years,
from Mankato, Minn., E d d i e
O’Malley, age 17 years, Missouri
Valley, Iowa and James Clifford
Faris, age 17 years, war« arrested
10 miles from Ashland ou the
Klamath Falls highway by Oso.
McNabb and H arry Igllng Ip pos­
session of a stolen Reo automo­
bile, the prooerty of W . F. A r­
ant of Rock Street, and some etg-
arettes and cookies stolen from
Holmes Grocery which they rob­
bed shortly after midnight last
night, before stealing the ear.
A fte r the boys were brought
hack to Ashland they admitted
stealing a Stephens touring cat* la
Medford and driving tt to Ash­
These boys w ill he given a
hearing before Judge Roberts of
Ashland this afternoon.
Marshfield — Coos A Carry
Telephone Company plans for
of " Improvements
(United Preas W ire Service)
Official support and approval
of the bis Bpring Opening to bo
hold at tho armory on March 1
and X. awe given by tho city
council last night, when, by aaaa-*
tmous vqte, they urged that «vary
cttisen in Ashland attend thia gi­
gantic spring display* and thus
show their loyalty and faith to
the city, Its merchant, and indus­
The American Legion post,
which is sponsoring this city-
wide affair, reporta that interest
Is mounting each day and pros­
pects are that the armory w ill bo
literally packed w ith people on
tho two nights of tho display.
As an added incentive to get i
the people down town and to tho '
armory on these two nights, mar- t
chants generally are entering into <
tho spirit of the a ffa ir and plan <
to decorate their windows w ith I
spring stocks. Free street stunts »
w in be held ’ from 7 to $ o’clock <
on these nights, prior to the ex- >
hlbitlon and vaudeville program
at the armory.
The legion committee announe- i
ed this morning that practically »
all its vaudeville program h a l t
been signed up, and the several o
Jordan Tells Council
ioaev is Available
for Boulevard
Judge Reduces Ori
mony Award
a Month1
id ,,,.
ESDAY, FEB. 16, 1927
The report further declared that
It would take several months to
prepare plans anti blueprints,
locate sandl and gravel pits and
do other preliminary work neces­
sary before construction work
could be started.
The report
of Mr. Henny, together with his
January report, w ill be printed
in full in The Tidings, starting
next Monday.
Because of its
length, it w ill be printed In in­
As/Uand’a Leading Newspaper for Over Fifty Years
Offers to Bet $25,000 That
Ca/alina Winner Can
Win Any Race
1«.— (UN—
W illiam Wrigley today offered to
back George Young.
Channel swimmer, for 126,000
against any swimmer in the world
Carefully A void Refusing in a long distance race.
New Storms Are Forming
In making the offer Wrigley
Suggestions Made Upon
On Coast and Expected
said he would post the $25,000
N aval Armament
to Sweep Inland
with the understanding that this
a pnrse of $50,000 would go to
Interpret Message as a Refusal the winner.
Woman Leave« Kansas to Avoid
The chewing gum magnate raid
to l*resl<lent’s Plan of Five
Cyclones and Has Her House
the swim should be between 20
Power A g n -rm n t
Blown Away
and '30 miles in any body of wa­
PARIS, Feb. 16. — (U N ) — ter which Young’s opponent may
France replied today to President choose.
(U N )— Blustery winds, accom­
The race would be governed by
Coolidge's proposal for further
panied by heavy rains and snows
reduction of naval armaments, the same rules which governed have left a trail of death and
avoiding definite refusal of the the Catalina swim. Young arriv­ damage in California. The dis­
American suggestions, but set­ ed in Chicago today and called turbances are moving eastward
ting forth objections that are in­ on Wrigley. - The latter's an­ over the northwestern states, but
nouncement came after a confer­
terpreted as a polite rejection.
new storms are forming off the
Foreign Minister Brlsnd deliv­ ence between the two.
Pacific coast and are expected to
----------------- B o * * ’
ered the French note to the
weep Inland.
« s r *
« S &
American embassy, which .cabled
A snowslide at Blg^Creek, 70
it at once to Washington.
miles from Fresno was reported
The reaction among Ameri­
to have killed three men this af­
can diplomats was one of disap­
ternoon, bringing the total num­
pointment. They interpreted the
ber of deaths to fifteen. Tele­
tenor of the note as a refusal
phone wires have been blown
of President Coolidge's sugges­
down in that section and Coron­
Teams Are All Paired for
tion for a new five power naval
First, Second and Third er J. N. Kennedy has left Fresno
to investigate.
Two traffic deaths in the San
As a counter suggestion to the
Governor’s Income Tax B ill Coolidge hope for a conference
The city basketball league will Francisco bay region have been
Most Important Measure between France, Great Britain, finish their schedule tomorrow attributed to the storm, while San
Italy, Japan and the United States night andi it will be a fight to Diego and Los Angeles each re­
Before Legislature
lim iting armament of cruisers, the finish, according to officials ported an additional fatality.
A small cyclone at Watsonville
submarines. ot the teams. The first game of
France proposed that Coolidge the evening will be played be­ swept the home of Mrs. Laura
submit hiB proposals to,the pre­ tween the undefeated Battery B Ames from its foundations. By
paratory commission of t h e team and the undefeated faculty an odd coincidence Mrs. Ames
League of Nations, which is al­ team who are tied tor first place. had recently come from Kansas to
ready actively* considering „ the This game will start at 7 o’clock. escape cyclones which had wreck­
ed her home there.
phases of disarmament.
The second game will be played
Rains were general over three
The French reply carefully re­ between the H l-Y Employed boys
far western ststes, with storm
stated the known French position team and the Llthlans at eight
warnings still displayed along
upon disarmament— that arms o’clock, and the last game will
the coast.
lim itation should be considered be between the Normal Seconds
A tornado was reported from
as applying to sea, a ir and land and the High School Seconds at
Bakersfield, a fight arena, a the­
armaments as* a whole. The nine o'clock.
atre and several dwellings were
American proposal would s e t
A peculiar coincidence has en­
aside the method adopted by the tered into this series.
Snow on the roof of the
preparatory commission at Gen­ B and the Faculty teams have
Truckee high school gymnasium
ova to consider the potential war won ail games and are tied for
caused the structure to collapse
strength of each nation as a first place. The Llthlans and Hl-
whole, it was pointed out.
Y Employed teams have won no
The French reply also takes a games in the series and are tied
Floods General
stand that all powers should have for the cellar position, while the
LOS ANGELES. Feb. 16.—
equal consideration in disarm­ High School seconds and the
(U N )— Flood conditions resultant
ament discussion and concludes Normal Seconds have each won
from three days of almost con­
that all nations interests in na­ two games and lost two games
tinuous rainfall had reached a
val disarmament should be In­ and will fight It out for the
dangerous stage in some portions
second berth In the league stand­ -»f southern California tonight.
It Is recalled in the ing. "No one wants to occupy
All towns in the San Fernando
note that the Rome conference the cellar position if they can
valley were threatened by the
help It,-b u t we would all like overflow from the Pacoima Can-
(Please Turn to Page 6)
(Please Turn tp Page S)
to have the top position, and so von dam. Fear that the partial­
it is going to be fight to the ly constructed dam might, give
finish to hold our present stand­ way was expressed In some quar­
ings,” said one of the players. ters.
The games will be played on the
In Van Nuys scores of families
Junior High gym floor tomorrow <n the west and north sections of
the town were removed in boats
from their flooded homes. All
people were ordered out of San
Dimas canyon, when flood waters
reached dangerous proportions.
The roadbed through the canyon
was said to be impassable because
of landslides.
A tT W s T F o R
Prom a normal flow of 25 cu­
A ll officers for the Y. M. C.
bic feet of water San Antonio
A. Board of Directors were re­
canyon stream was running 250
elected by the - members of that
ruble feet. Travelers were warn­
body at a meteing held In Pion­
ed to keep out of the canyon.
eer hall last evening. Homer
Eleven feet of snow on the
Billings was re-elected to the
mountain range in that section
office of President, together with
was said to be melting under the
a vote of appreciation for his
constant rainfall, adding to the
past efforts and services. Others
seriousness of the situation:
re-elected were: V. O. N. Smith,
Vice President, Henry C. Gsley,
Han Diego Isolated
reoording secretary, H. O. An­
BAN DIEGO, Cal.. Feb, 16.-—
derson, treasurer, and W . M.
(U N )— San Diego was abaolate-
Poley as Chairman of the Fin­
ly Isolated from all land com­
ance committee.
These officers munication with the north tonight
will assume their duties as us­ when both the coast and Inland
ual. The Board voted to invite motor routes end the Santa Fe
the Southern Oregon District railway traekr were pronounced
Older Boys' Conference to Ash­ impassable.
This Conference will be
A bridge out at' Poway, and
held early In April and w ilt bring long stretches under water be­
some 160 older high school boys tween Bonsall and Fallbrook ob­
to Ashland for a three day con­ structed the Inland routs, while
ference on High School problems. 600 feet of pavement south of
Optimism was prevalent In last Oceanside on the coast roats waa
night’s masting after listening to washed out.
a report on different phases ot
Santa Fa tracks In Sorrento
the 'work hers in Ashland, which valley were afloat, end the Ban'
was given by Secretary Walter. Luis Rey river, north of Ocean i
The work shows growth and side was flowing over /alien ot
strength In all lines, according to othér tracks.
the report.
0 M yi Lookit the Gang Playen' Hooky
Directors for Y
Are Re-Elected
A precarious conneettea
Imperial Valley waa and
Portland —g Southern Pacific
routing one way traffic
Railroad Company contemplates
Mountain Springs grada at
extending its lines from Klamath
Falla to Alturas, Calif.