t ‘ í'X THE POULTRY INDUSTRY ? THE WEATHER Unsettled, probably light rain in is a potential pay roll for 'Ash-, west, moderate variable winds. K M m W ire Service) VOU L aad rTHE SUPPORT OF AND STYLE SHOW F rank Jordan, chairman of tho slty park hoard, told members of the c ity council last night that tho board .would be glad to co­ operate In any way possible if some plan could be worked out City Council Goes Definitely Final Enactment of McNary. whereby the middle parkway on Record for Big . Hauven Bill Will Take along the Boulevard from the city Water Project . Place Very Soon * • lim its to the library could be im ­ proved during the coming spring TWO MEMBERS OPPOSE and SUBSTITUTE STOPPED summer months. The m atter was presented by Councilman W hite, who asked if funds could not be made avail­ able to beautify this extended parking strip.* Mr. Jordan called AU doubt as to the determina­ W ASHING TO N, Feb. 16.— The tion of the new city administra­ attention to the fact that the last hope of killing off farm re­ tion to build the storage dam In board had budgeted $400 for this lief by a fllibnstor faded out to­ Ashland creek canyon was re­ .work last fa ll bat that the former day whsn the house voted tq moved last night when the coun­ council had eliminated this appro­ substitute for its bill the slightly priation from the budget. cil, after a spirited argument, different version which passed the “ W e w ill do whatever we can placed itself definitely on record senate a few days ago. The dif­ with onr lim ited funds, and will as favoring all the water projects ference In the two bills are triv ­ be more than glad to assist in for which the people last fall ial and technical. any way possible,” was the assur­ voted bonds in the sum of $450,- Final enactment of this meas­ ance given by M r. Jordan. 000. ' / ure is Imminent and it w ill go to The policy of the council was the W hite House immediately af­ ter the house takes its final vote. brought to a head through the This was assured by the substi­ presentation of a motion by Dr. tution of the senate bill for an al­ E. A. Woods which placed the most identical house bill. Had council on record as favoring the house passed its own bill a Immediate prelim inary work In conference to revise the two Ashland ¿reek canyon in order measures into one Identical ver­ that actual construction of the The Ashland H l-Y club held dam can be started in August. Ooufeswes to Killing Woman sion would have been necessary. their regular meeting and dinner This revised hill would have had More Ttane Urged and Five Year Old Son in the dining room in Pioneer to be voted upon by the house This motion was passed by a With Ball B&t One o f the aqd senate. W ith adjournment hall* last evening. vote of four to two, with Coun­ important items taken np at last barely two weeks ago, a filibuster cilman O. T. Bergner and J. E. CONNBAUT. Ohio.. Feb. 1«.— Thornton opposing IL Both op­ Floyd H ew itt, 16, told police to­ might have prevented final ac­ night’s meeting was the entar- posing councilman declared that I day that he killed Mrs. Colla tion. The collapse of the opposi­ talnlkg of a group of High School they are not opposed to the Ash­ Brown, 27, and her five year old tion was indicated in the fact that boys from Central Point at the land creek dam, bat they argued son, because “he became crazy in only 62 votes were mustered meeting next Tuesday. This wee against substituting the senate, voted unanimously and an invi­ that before any definite action love with her.” tation extended to the Central, is taken, the council'should wait W ith in gight hours after Mrs. while there were 201 for IL Last Chance Point boys. Conflicting dates 1 q and learn tho value of the water Broffn’s husband had returned This was the last chance of the the form of a basketball game at conservation program which is home to find the bodies of his being Inaugurated. W ith the wife and child, surrounded by opposition to throw, sand in the Central Point that night may repairs and enlargements to the wrecked furniture. H ew itt bad machine. A fter the vote however make it impossible for them to distribution system, together with been arrested and had confessed it was said around the lobby of aeeept, according to a telephone the house that the opponents of call received from there, hat thq the purchase of the Talent Ir r i­ his crim e.. “ We were listening to a jazz tho hill deliberately refrained plans w ill go ahead until further gation water and the lnatoilsUq# from showing th e ir fu ll strength*, notice, according to members of of meters, they felt that enough song on the radio,” the hoy said. Barney M iller was for preferring to reserve that for the the club. water might possibly bs con­ “ I became crazy with love final rote. * elected as a delegate to the her. She repulsed me, and blind served to elim inate/the necessity The Asweil revolving loan fund Northwest Y. M. C. A. Assembly for building the dam. They felt, w ith fnry, I beat her to death. bill was offered later as a substi­ for Work w ith (United Preas W ire Service) Official support and approval of the bis Bpring Opening to bo hold at tho armory on March 1 and X. awe given by tho city council last night, when, by aaaa-* tmous vqte, they urged that «vary cttisen in Ashland attend thia gi­ gantic spring display* and thus show their loyalty and faith to the city, Its merchant, and indus­ tries. The American Legion post, which is sponsoring this city- wide affair, reporta that interest Is mounting each day and pros­ pects are that the armory w ill bo literally packed w ith people on tho two nights of tho display. < As an added incentive to get i the people down town and to tho ' armory on these two nights, mar- t chants generally are entering into < tho spirit of the a ffa ir and plan < to decorate their windows w ith I spring stocks. Free street stunts » w in be held ’ from 7 to $ o’clock < on these nights, prior to the ex- > hlbitlon and vaudeville program at the armory. - • The legion committee announe- i ed this morning that practically » all its vaudeville program h a l t been signed up, and the several o Jordan Tells Council ioaev is Available for Boulevard Judge Reduces Ori mony Award a Month1 / id ,,,. ESDAY, FEB. 16, 1927 ASHLAND, COUNCIL SPRING O The report further declared that It would take several months to prepare plans anti blueprints, locate sandl and gravel pits and do other preliminary work neces­ sary before construction work could be started. The report of Mr. Henny, together with his January report, w ill be printed in full in The Tidings, starting next Monday. Because of its length, it w ill be printed In in­ stallments. land. As/Uand’a Leading Newspaper for Over Fifty Years Offers to Bet $25,000 That Ca/alina Winner Can Win Any Race CHICAGO. Feb. 1«.— (UN— W illiam Wrigley today offered to back George Young. Catalina Channel swimmer, for 126,000 against any swimmer in the world Carefully A void Refusing in a long distance race. New Storms Are Forming In making the offer Wrigley Suggestions Made Upon On Coast and Expected said he would post the $25,000 N aval Armament to Sweep Inland with the understanding that this amount would be covered so that M A N Y DISA PPO IN TED FIFTEEN ARE KILLED a pnrse of $50,000 would go to Interpret Message as a Refusal the winner. Woman Leave« Kansas to Avoid The chewing gum magnate raid to l*resl Before Legislature lim iting armament of cruisers, the finish, according to officials ported an additional fatality. A small cyclone at Watsonville destroyers and submarines. ot the teams. The first game of France proposed that Coolidge the evening will be played be­ swept the home of Mrs. Laura submit hiB proposals to,the pre­ tween the undefeated Battery B Ames from its foundations. By paratory commission of t h e team and the undefeated faculty an odd coincidence Mrs. Ames League of Nations, which is al­ team who are tied tor first place. had recently come from Kansas to ready actively* considering „ the This game will start at 7 o’clock. escape cyclones which had wreck­ ed her home there. phases of disarmament. The second game will be played Rains were general over three The French reply carefully re­ between the H l-Y Employed boys far western ststes, with storm stated the known French position team and the Llthlans at eight warnings still displayed along upon disarmament— that arms o’clock, and the last game will the coast. lim itation should be considered be between the Normal Seconds A tornado was reported from as applying to sea, a ir and land and the High School Seconds at Bakersfield, a fight arena, a the­ armaments as* a whole. The nine o'clock. atre and several dwellings were American proposal would s e t A peculiar coincidence has en­ unroofed.. aside the method adopted by the tered into this series. Battery Snow on the roof of the 1 preparatory commission at Gen­ B and the Faculty teams have Truckee high school gymnasium 1 ova to consider the potential war won ail games and are tied for caused the structure to collapse 1 strength of each nation as a first place. The Llthlans and Hl- partially. whole, it was pointed out. Y Employed teams have won no The French reply also takes a games in the series and are tied Floods General stand that all powers should have for the cellar position, while the LOS ANGELES. Feb. 16.— equal consideration in disarm­ High School seconds and the , (U N )— Flood conditions resultant ament discussion and concludes Normal Seconds have each won 1 from three days of almost con­ that all nations interests in na­ two games and lost two games tinuous rainfall had reached a val disarmament should be In­ and will fight It out for the J dangerous stage in some portions cluded in such a meeting of the , second berth In the league stand­ -»f southern California tonight. powers. It Is recalled in the ing. "No one wants to occupy ( All towns in the San Fernando note that the Rome conference the cellar position if they can valley were threatened by the help It,-b u t we would all like overflow from the Pacoima Can- (Please Turn to Page 6) (Please Turn tp Page S) to have the top position, and so von dam. Fear that the partial­ it is going to be fight to the ly constructed dam might, give finish to hold our present stand­ way was expressed In some quar­ ings,” said one of the players. ters. The games will be played on the In Van Nuys scores of families Junior High gym floor tomorrow