Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 14, 1926, Image 1

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Fair Tonight, Contained Cold.
Unsettled in Northwest.
D o y o u r C hristinaa a h o p p in y
ea rly , w h ile th e stocka axe oooU
p íete.
Ashland's Leading Ni
per for Over Fifty Years
(United Neve W ire Service)
Latest Normal School En
tertainment is Well
Received Here
1 A » o re colorful or artistic or-
ganlsation of musicians Is seldom
seen la any country than the
“ U krainian National Chorus, which
appeared at the Ashland Armory
_ Monday evening, under the most
* able direction of Alexander Ko-
on Mexico Brings
al commander.
Savage attended a* conference
INFORMATION of the commander and adjutants’
of the local poets o f Kansas today
Bolshevik Tendencies o f Mexico and spoke to them of the coming
I 'J
“The backbone o f the* American
Legion always has been 1 o e s I
14.— post,“ he aald. “ In J 0 I7 each
I (U N )— Secretary of State K el- post is to perform some worth*
loy is ashed la h resolution ln- while service to the commaaRR
jtrodneed in the house today by in which it lives.
. 5®
"W h at that service may he '~W
Rspraaentetive Laguardla, N e w
| York republican, to relate the de- up to yon. In one place a freag
I tails of a press conference by one a ir camp fo r children is needeA Curtailment of N avy Pro
gram Brings Long
I of his officials which resulted In a, In another, perhaps an education»
I story by a press association other* al campaign in citizenship dntwa
I than the United News o f a bol- among our foreign born would ha
lahevlk hegemony be Interposed the best service that could be .10»
[between the United States and ca.
"W hatever It may be the * —*r f
the Panama canal.
j Kellogg Is asked to toll whether lean Legion poet o f th a t commiffW
the state department had "any ity w ill stand higher In the s f®
[authentic, accurate or reliable In­ mation of its citizens and - *
formation relative to Mexico’s at­ town or city w ill ho a bettor phase
titude - toward Nicaragua and when the service has been r « *
Mexican activities. la
Central ered.”
America detrim ental to the inter-
eete of the United States.”
“Did the state department,**,
the resolution asks, have in its I
possession on o r about the 10th
¡day of September any authentic,
accurate $ r reliable information
regarding bolshevistic activities in
the republic of Mexico.”
The resolution gave the report­ President of Portland Rosp
ed prose conference date as Pep,
tembar 10, thoagh the article
whlett prompted the inquiry was
printed the la tte r part of Novem­
ber. Laguardla asks that the
name and official title of the of-
U H ICAOO, Pee. 14.— (U N )—
the frosen wastes of Alaska
t M toast sevère eold w are o f the
w ittier was heading toward Chi-
gWfo tonight,
M a rin i
through western Canada sad the
northwestern states in advance of
s swirling biisssrd whlett piled
the snow into the d rifts 10 and SO
feet high la places.
Pah sard temperatura«, com­
mon fn the affected a r e a * and
•now were responsible t o r a t least
Throughout Canada, Which re­
ported the w o n t December Weath­
er in a decade, the mercury de-
■cenfled to record low levels to r
the last month of the year, reach­
ing SB decrees below to re at Sas­
W ild er, Mont.,
reported a
temperature o f S I degrees below,
five degrees eelder than, Wad re­
ported a few weeks age a t Crook­
ston, Mina.
Because o f the Intense eold had
disrupted street ear service a ll
schools la Sioux City, Iowa, were
closed for the day, white* post­
ponement, o f a meeting to Em­
metsburg. Iowa, was necessary
because of the no a-arrival o f the
[made pnbUc. , , c '
Nia resolution was referred to
the?foreign a ffaire committee. I f
the- committee refuses to consid­
dofrrttep, C. A. Haskins, 71. of
er it w ith in 'te n days be can call
Minneapolis, perished as a result
!|t qp antootetlcally in the house.
of ^l)s Intents cold and the htis-
card. He died of heart disease
aggravated by hie straggles in
CANTON. Ohio.'. Doc. 14 —
walking through deep drifts, phy- !
I (U N )— The terrors of a newspa-
r man’s w ife. Whose home had
' la ths Pacific northwest sad
hh threatened by the targets of
western Canada six deaths were
[her husband's editorial crusades
attributable to the weather. Mre.
John Stewart
and her baby I were described on the witness [ Former Prohibition Head
daughter, aged two years, were I stand today by Mre. Florence Mel-
Says He is Not
victims of the etorm to It swept flh tL -
over their little farm six mile« t . W ith her amali daughter, M ar­
SAN PRANCISCCh Dec. 14.— j
•010 of HanjMx Alberta. Two p er­ tha Jane, standing at her aide,
N )— F la t denial of a ll charges
sona whpa killed near ¡Tacoma, I Mrs. M ellet told the whole story
(against him has been voiced from
Wash., when their machine skid­ [of - Don. R. Mellet*a fight against
(the witness stand by Colonel Ned
ded In the snow. A man and his [vice and crime In Stark eototy,
w ife were crushed to death Bear1 land of events leading up to his rM. Green, form er prohibition ad-
J morder last Jane.
J [ ministration. now being tried for
Seattle by a trto : <
J Mrs. M ellet was the state's star ! embesslement in the form of
I witness in its attem pt to send seised llqnor.
I Patrick McDermott to the electric | “ I never gave away a drop of
I chair qa leader of the underworld 'confiscated liquor and I never
I gang which is held responsible for eonsnmed any myaelf," m id Green
I the young editor’s death. A nar­ Monday while testifying to hla
IR V IN G T O N , N. J., Dae. 14.— row head o f bina on her h at re­ own behalf.
E a rlier la the day the defense
(U N )— Holding Its sides which I widow’s costume.
She told a obtained the dismissal of throe I
are sore from laughter over tha
eleven counts in Green’s indict­
arrest of 08 cltissas fqr, various straight forward story, but her
leaving eight as the tria l
offaaaos ranging frettt ahlninjg
bf ted men and two w dm to leas­
shoqs to sailing soda water on
ed forward to their chairs Vo catch i Green was on tha witness stand
Sunday tha town of Irvidgton now
daring the entire afternoon sas-
words." •
is preparing tor tha mars Serious
aspects of its sadden taforcemeht
I tor had not come unexpectedly,
Tha defendant admitted that ha
of tha "blue laws” of 1700.
llqnor from the govern­
Tha farmers who shdt o ft their ! Mre. M ellet said. F or weeks the
m en t vaults to his hotel room",
radios and camo to town from
bnt m id that it was for ths pur­
miles around to watch six detec­ threat had hung over the M ellett
of sfudy,ng temples o f con­
tives arrest any oitiaah in the act home while the husband and
fath er continued
attack I fiscated stock to determine the
of working or anjoymhnt, Mow
amount of genuine Imports liq­
are wondering if they w ill ba Im ­ through the columns of the Can­ uor that was finding its way In­
panelled fa r Jury duty Itt the
to California bootlegg channels..
trials o f several oftfadfcas who Stark county and demanded that
He had received legal advice that
have demanded. a hadting.
such methods ware w ithin his
---- -
t I Under qneetlon4>y Prosecutor rights, he told.
Ancient Blue Law
Revived In East
I fold o f t o r marriage to tha adl-
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dae, 14. t a to d o f th e ir home life, than
— Almee Semple* M ophepon XW | ° * the killin g .
HAS N O T ra U K H M
W H IT E PLAINS, N. T „ D m . M
— (U N )— Mrs. Sadie Reyanka a t
celved votes in the last California
The Withee^ drew a picture of Yonkers wlll^aevar fear the th ir­
election fo r goVernof, lieutenant | the Moffett home and its oocn-
governor, controller, state hoard tonts bn'the night of the killing,
A supreme court Jury awarded
of equalisation, chief Justice o t Dinner, the group on the porch her 040,006, while she ley la the
the supreme eourt and aspectell whara the editor smoked While his W hite Plains hospital admiring
Justice ot the supreme coitrL
‘ p rifa eaWad, the children playing
the beauty o f a son hern while I
Kenneth G. Ormletea reoehred ju t o u H n Um dn0k- ’ ’
' J
the Jurors were deliberating. '
Votes for five state otfleee. whltfcj Then atte told tit the arrival of
She had aned the Penasyljranla
the evangellat’s mother.
Mre. 1 their friends, M r. and Mre. V a il, I
railroad foV damages la tha death
Minnie Kennedy, ‘ feeattod Votes <ha drive U j ) elah where they of her husband, killed when - the
for secretary of state and t r e t o towsad and tha return to tha Mel-1
Atlantic City flye r was derailed
tret*, ft had beea'aanounoed at tto
near Camden, N. / . , last July.
effted 6 f Secretary of State J d r - | ’1
—— —_____________
Whea fhe Jury retired she le ft the
courtroom for the hoppital.
. I
I Anu»ttDtttes
abets, and under the auspices of
, the Southern Oregon Normal.
T h e chorus of the most perfect-
J ly blended voices sounded at times
Bank Officials Id en tify Gfrt
One W l,o Locked Them ' th
V a u lt
a lik e a symphony orchestra and
then again, as in the Lullaby, ar­
ranged for the chorus by M r. Ko-
shets, the" cbndurt^r. it was like
the beautiful strains of a pipe or-
‘ gan ln the hands of a master. The
■ exeed»’ Ual leadership of the con-
*^gffttl Y th® beautiful voices of
Local Thermometor Reaches
Seventeen With Continu­
ed Cold Predicted
Snow and H ail is General W ith,
Temperature Slightly Above
Last night was the coldest
this year according to Loom
Dodge, local weather man,
who reported that the ther­
mometer reached 17 degrees
above sera.
Other cities
throughout the state exper-
ienced -cold weather yester­
day, and the weather report
for today continues to pre­
dict “clear and cold.”
3 proved to be a combln-
wftjoh was most delightful,
.fen d one which the Ashland au­
dience signified by their generous
Appearing bef
'applause as being highly satisfy­
Peace^ A. M. Radidey, of Hayas ing in every detail. The program
county, the college g irl’s counsel was chosen with the approaching
asked for a ’ redutetloh of the | | , - holiday season in mind as several
000 bond on Which she .now has Christmas songs were sung and
her liberty.
¡one New Tear's song. Among the
Justice Ramsey refused the re­ more fam iliar of the songs sung
Dec. 14.— Clear
quest. The hearing, attended by in English, was “The Bonnie
Miss Bradley and her mother and Bank O’ Loch Lommond,” which
a number of spectators, lasted less 'melody atruejc a responsive chord freeslng thia morning followed on
the heels of a snowstorm that
than five minutes. There was no in many a Scotch heart. -
the ground to the depth of
A ll numbers were sung without several Inches of fine snow.
'accompaniment, the choral solo­
The snowfall was reported con­
Miss Bradley, her mother and ists being accompanied by the
siderably heavier la the higher
other allies, returned immedlate- chorus.
Most of the numbers
ly to Austin, .where the habeas were sung In their native tongue altltudee of the county.
corpus proceedings which were In­ and they appeared in-the very el­
ALBANY, Dec. 14.— (U N )—
terrupted today, will be reopened aborate and colorful costumes of
section was literally frozen
their native land.
The ladles up today after the season's m ini­
Earlier In the day, Judge Geo. headdress was extremely gorgeous
Calhoun of Austin, the girl’s home and beautiful with flowers and mum temperature record was es­
tablished at 24 degrees above aero
granted a delay in the habeas cor­ ribbons of many hues.
last night.
pus hearing In order that Miss ¡ The groups of numbers played
Spits of snow and hail preced­
Bradley could apply for bond at a by Max P ollikoff, the violinist,
ed the freete up, leaving a film
preliminary hearing at San Mar­ accompanied at the piano by Jo­
of white upon the ground.
cos this afternoon.
seph Barsky, were immensely en­
Despite Justice Ramsey’s re­ joyed by the music lovers of Ash­
fusal to grant bail Miss Bradley land, He showed a skill and art­
BEND, Dec. 14.— (U N )— Cen­
atm is at liberty and the w rit of istry. at^Mths v is lia whtoh.As.ealy
tra l Oregon last night experienced
habeas corpus granted by Judge attained by the best artists, and
Re coldest weather in two years,
O. C. Latlmore of the state of ,he graciously responded to several
whea the temperature dropped to
criminal appeals and made return­ encores.
“Notturne", a number • penu d fiiy A N w d e g re U e a h o v e
able to Judge Calloghan.
of his own composition, was well zero.
Austin police announced offic­ received.'
The minimum temperature in
ials of the Buda Farmers Bank
Buderet Call for Tax Levy had
Bend last night was eight degrees
identified Miss Bradley and I
is Excess of Legal ’
above aero.
she was reported to have made a I
Another storm of enow swept
statement to Courfty Attorney B. I
eastward from the Cascades last
MEf)FORD, Dec. 14.— (UN) — E. Neighbors of Tayes county, ad- I
night, covering all parts of the
Medford’s city budget, calling for mlttlng the crime.
Deschutes country to the depth of
a tax levy of 0125,760.60 is said
R. W . Price returned yesterday
three inches.
tc be 026,081.64 in excess of the Neighbors, she said she robbed 'from Portland where be attended
six percent statutory limit and as­ the bank for a "thrill.”
the annual meeting of the Oregon
and Washington hotel Mena* As­
sessor J. Coleman has refused to
ratify It.
sociation. Mr. Price demonstrat­
Salem has bullt 860 homes
ed hla prowess at golf >whlle at
The city took an appeal to the
11 months, and total bullding
the convention, winning a beau-
state tax commission, which, it is
I tlful silver cup, which was em­
¡upheld the ruling of the assessor.
blematic of the hotel men’s cham­
, , ,
Thin tournament was held last Attorney Sayg Reports That
[Saturday, the final d ay .o f the
Local Man Wins
Golf Tournament
convention, and some of t^e beat
golf players in the state competed
for the cup. The convention was
one of the best in the aaaoclatlon’a
history, M r. Price stated, today.
Many problems of mutual inter­
est to the p#$nj|j j>oth states were
[brought. u p rt fo^ diipussion. and
new id eto .in thq operation of ho­
tels w fre g£y|uiMd< which, w ill re­
sult. In the qjtimato good .o f both
,6 4 traxgUng pnhUç ^nd t^e hotel
°P0r6 /W » ii-j U e.t’ ’
Gifte OfLàïè
Czar On Display
MOSCOW, Dec. l^ .— D eu llng
I of .precipes jewels,
[set in . delicately wrought metals,
[the presents exchanged In 4he
[family of tye late C»ar of Russia
1 prior t o ; the world war ware die-
[ played In a dull eoviet offlce room
today to ha viewed by foreign
Gem studded montoys, price­
less mechanical,toys that delight­
ed ths children of , Nicholas ■ J I
[ when that, emperor wap ths moat
[absolute relay in the werld, eoet-
[ly trinkets qf diamonds, platinum
and mother of. pearl ware placed
on the.Ieng display tables.
A fo rtu ip estimated qt M lj» ,-
' 000,000 waa represented by thaaa
baubles, which, had bean shaped
to please tbs, Imperial t a t a - Aad
today, utyder toe ownership>ef |he
Fovl#t govarnmsnt, the, nrilolee
were watched by eight
wearing tight blouses, caffs tight-
Will Appeal to Pope is
H O LLYW O O D Cal.. Dec. 14.—.
(U K )^ M r s . L ite « M y Chaplin,
estranged wife of Chhrlec Chaplin,
night that she would appeal to
the Vatican at Rome for A n nul­
ment of her marriage. '
George Beebe, her attorney,
branded the report as "guff?*
<“ T« te attsriy rid ic n lh aa « 1 *ha
declared. “ I do not ’ etos 'te dle-
eush the akatta* i t length, w t 1
w ill eaya that Mid. Chaplin p<M.
lively baa not appealed to tea
Rota and whosever started tha
rumor must ha ernay.”
Mre. Chaplin told tha United