CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Fair Tonight, Contained Cold. Unsettled in Northwest. D o y o u r C hristinaa a h o p p in y ea rly , w h ile th e stocka axe oooU p íete. 'a Ashland's Leading Ni per for Over Fifty Years 1 (United Neve W ire Service) ASHLAND, 0 Latest Normal School En tertainment is Well Received Here 1 A » o re colorful or artistic or- ganlsation of musicians Is seldom seen la any country than the “ U krainian National Chorus, which 1 I appeared at the Ashland Armory _ Monday evening, under the most * able direction of Alexander Ko- on Mexico Brings Resolution al commander. Savage attended a* conference W A N TS INFORMATION of the commander and adjutants’ of the local poets o f Kansas today Bolshevik Tendencies o f Mexico and spoke to them of the coming year. I 'J “The backbone o f the* American Legion always has been 1 o e s I W A S H IN G TO N , Dee. 14.— post,“ he aald. “ In J 0 I7 each I (U N )— Secretary of State K el- post is to perform some worth* loy is ashed la h resolution ln- while service to the commaaRR jtrodneed in the house today by in which it lives. . 5® "W h at that service may he '~W Rspraaentetive Laguardla, N e w | York republican, to relate the de- up to yon. In one place a freag I tails of a press conference by one a ir camp fo r children is needeA Curtailment of N avy Pro gram Brings Long I of his officials which resulted In a, In another, perhaps an education» Discussion I story by a press association other* al campaign in citizenship dntwa I than the United News o f a bol- among our foreign born would ha lahevlk hegemony be Interposed the best service that could be .10» [between the United States and ca. . "W hatever It may be the * —*r f the Panama canal. j Kellogg Is asked to toll whether lean Legion poet o f th a t commiffW the state department had "any ity w ill stand higher In the s f® [authentic, accurate or reliable In­ mation of its citizens and - * formation relative to Mexico’s at­ town or city w ill ho a bettor phase titude - toward Nicaragua and when the service has been r « * * Mexican activities. la Central ered.” America detrim ental to the inter- eete of the United States.” “Did the state department,**, the resolution asks, have in its I possession on o r about the 10th ¡day of September any authentic, accurate $ r reliable information regarding bolshevistic activities in the republic of Mexico.” The resolution gave the report­ President of Portland Rosp ed prose conference date as Pep, tembar 10, thoagh the article whlett prompted the inquiry was printed the la tte r part of Novem­ ber. Laguardla asks that the name and official title of the of- U H ICAOO, Pee. 14.— (U N )— the frosen wastes of Alaska t M toast sevère eold w are o f the w ittier was heading toward Chi- gWfo tonight, M a rin i swept through western Canada sad the northwestern states in advance of s swirling biisssrd whlett piled the snow into the d rifts 10 and SO feet high la places. Pah sard temperatura«, com­ mon fn the affected a r e a * and •now were responsible t o r a t least Throughout Canada, Which re­ ported the w o n t December Weath­ er in a decade, the mercury de- ■cenfled to record low levels to r the last month of the year, reach­ ing SB decrees below to re at Sas­ katoon. W ild er, Mont., reported a temperature o f S I degrees below, five degrees eelder than, Wad re­ ported a few weeks age a t Crook­ ston, Mina. Because o f the Intense eold had disrupted street ear service a ll schools la Sioux City, Iowa, were closed for the day, white* post­ ponement, o f a meeting to Em­ metsburg. Iowa, was necessary because of the no a-arrival o f the [made pnbUc. , , c ' Nia resolution was referred to the?foreign a ffaire committee. I f the- committee refuses to consid­ dofrrttep, C. A. Haskins, 71. of er it w ith in 'te n days be can call Minneapolis, perished as a result !|t qp antootetlcally in the house. of ^l)s Intents cold and the htis- card. He died of heart disease aggravated by hie straggles in CANTON. Ohio.'. Doc. 14 — walking through deep drifts, phy- ! I (U N )— The terrors of a newspa- r man’s w ife. Whose home had ' la ths Pacific northwest sad hh threatened by the targets of western Canada six deaths were [her husband's editorial crusades attributable to the weather. Mre. John Stewart and her baby I were described on the witness [ Former Prohibition Head daughter, aged two years, were I stand today by Mre. Florence Mel- C ' Says He is Not victims of the etorm to It swept flh tL - I Qnilty over their little farm six mile« t . W ith her amali daughter, M ar­ SAN PRANCISCCh Dec. 14.— j •010 of HanjMx Alberta. Two p er­ tha Jane, standing at her aide, I (U N )— F la t denial of a ll charges sona whpa killed near ¡Tacoma, I Mrs. M ellet told the whole story (against him has been voiced from Wash., when their machine skid­ [of - Don. R. Mellet*a fight against (the witness stand by Colonel Ned ded In the snow. A man and his [vice and crime In Stark eototy, w ife were crushed to death Bear1 land of events leading up to his rM. Green, form er prohibition ad- J morder last Jane. J [ ministration. now being tried for Seattle by a trto : < J Mrs. M ellet was the state's star ! embesslement in the form of j I witness in its attem pt to send seised llqnor. I Patrick McDermott to the electric | “ I never gave away a drop of I chair qa leader of the underworld 'confiscated liquor and I never I gang which is held responsible for eonsnmed any myaelf," m id Green I the young editor’s death. A nar­ Monday while testifying to hla ' I IR V IN G T O N , N. J., Dae. 14.— row head o f bina on her h at re­ own behalf. E a rlier la the day the defense lieved t h r tovere black of the (U N )— Holding Its sides which I widow’s costume. She told a obtained the dismissal of throe I are sore from laughter over tha eleven counts in Green’s indict­ arrest of 08 cltissas fqr, various straight forward story, but her ment leaving eight as the tria l tone was so low that even the Ju ry offaaaos ranging frettt ahlninjg bf ted men and two w dm to leas­ shoqs to sailing soda water on ed forward to their chairs Vo catch i Green was on tha witness stand Sunday tha town of Irvidgton now daring the entire afternoon sas- bar words." • ------ is preparing tor tha mars Serious slon. The murder gf the m ilitan t edl- aspects of its sadden taforcemeht I tor had not come unexpectedly, Tha defendant admitted that ha of tha "blue laws” of 1700. carried llqnor from the govern­ Tha farmers who shdt o ft their ! Mre. M ellet said. F or weeks the m en t vaults to his hotel room", sinister shadow o f the death radios and camo to town from bnt m id that it was for ths pur­ miles around to watch six detec­ threat had hung over the M ellett pose of sfudy,ng temples o f con­ tives arrest any oitiaah in the act home while the husband and fath er continued his attack I fiscated stock to determine the of working or anjoymhnt, Mow amount of genuine Imports liq­ are wondering if they w ill ba Im ­ through the columns of the Can­ uor that was finding its way In­ ton D ally News On conditions to panelled fa r Jury duty Itt the to California bootlegg channels.. trials o f several oftfadfcas who Stark county and demanded that He had received legal advice that the criminbl element ha driven have demanded. a hadting. such methods ware w ithin his * ---- - t I Under qneetlon4>y Prosecutor rights, he told. Ancient Blue Law Revived In East A IM H B lU K n V H S VOTHS i J*.?* I fold o f t o r marriage to tha adl- SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dae, 14. t a to d o f th e ir home life, than — Almee Semple* M ophepon XW | ° * the killin g . HAS N O T ra U K H M W H IT E PLAINS, N. T „ D m . M — (U N )— Mrs. Sadie Reyanka a t celved votes in the last California The Withee^ drew a picture of Yonkers wlll^aevar fear the th ir­ election fo r goVernof, lieutenant | the Moffett home and its oocn- teenth. governor, controller, state hoard tonts bn'the night of the killing, A supreme court Jury awarded of equalisation, chief Justice o t Dinner, the group on the porch her 040,006, while she ley la the the supreme eourt and aspectell whara the editor smoked While his W hite Plains hospital admiring Justice ot the supreme coitrL ‘ p rifa eaWad, the children playing the beauty o f a son hern while I Kenneth G. Ormletea reoehred ju t o u H n Um dn0k- ’ ’ ' J the Jurors were deliberating. ' Votes for five state otfleee. whltfcj Then atte told tit the arrival of She had aned the Penasyljranla the evangellat’s mother. Mre. 1 their friends, M r. and Mre. V a il, I railroad foV damages la tha death Minnie Kennedy, ‘ feeattod Votes whlle at The city took an appeal to the 11 months, and total bullding the convention, winning a beau- state tax commission, which, it is I tlful silver cup, which was em­ ¡upheld the ruling of the assessor. blematic of the hotel men’s cham­ pionship. , , , Thin tournament was held last Attorney Sayg Reports That [Saturday, the final d ay .o f the Local Man Wins Golf Tournament convention, and some of t^e beat golf players in the state competed for the cup. The convention was one of the best in the aaaoclatlon’a history, M r. Price stated, today. Many problems of mutual inter­ est to the p#$nj|j j>oth states were [brought. u p rt fo^ diipussion. and new id eto .in thq operation of ho­ tels w fre g£y|uiMd< which, w ill re­ sult. In the qjtimato good .o f both ,6 4 traxgUng pnhUç ^nd t^e hotel °P0r6 /W » ii-j U e.t’ ’ « *,* Gifte OfLàïè Czar On Display MOSCOW, Dec. l^ .— D eu llng I of .precipes jewels, [set in . delicately wrought metals, [the presents exchanged In 4he [family of tye late C»ar of Russia 1 prior t o ; the world war ware die- [ played In a dull eoviet offlce room today to ha viewed by foreign [correspondents. Gem studded montoys, price­ less mechanical,toys that delight­ ed ths children of , Nicholas ■ J I [ when that, emperor wap ths moat [absolute relay in the werld, eoet- [ly trinkets qf diamonds, platinum and mother of. pearl ware placed on the.Ieng display tables. A fo rtu ip estimated qt M lj» ,- ' 000,000 waa represented by thaaa baubles, which, had bean shaped to please tbs, Imperial t a t a - Aad today, utyder toe ownership>ef |he Fovl#t govarnmsnt, the, nrilolee were watched by eight wearing tight blouses, caffs tight- Will Appeal to Pope is H O LLYW O O D Cal.. Dec. 14.—. (U K )^ M r s . L ite « M y Chaplin, estranged wife of Chhrlec Chaplin, bmphatleally denied Monday night that she would appeal to the Vatican at Rome for A n nul­ ment of her marriage. ' George Beebe, her attorney, branded the report as "guff?* <“ T« te attsriy rid ic n lh aa « 1 *ha declared. “ I do not ’ etos 'te dle- eush the akatta* i t length, w t 1 w ill eaya that Mid. Chaplin p