Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 26, 1926, Image 1

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    For the opening of the
season December third.
’ Rogen Placed Up
Irrest aa he Sleeps
Does Met Know Whether
176,000 is More Than
• ’ •
Defendant in Government
8n“ taá « ; Y ,m
Heavy Rain Storto is Re­
sponsible for Many Men
Losing Lives
NSW Y O hK , N o v .« « .— An Ok­
lahoma Indian with a red tie and
a broad gyln, possessed more than
11.(100,004),000 from oil royalties,
but unable to say whether or not
0&0.000 was more than 176,000,
testified Wednesday In federal
Judge Jahn C. K n o t’s eoiirt. V
. The Indian was Jackson Bar­
nett of the Creek nation, and re­
puted to be the wealthiest of his
THaJlsSwaprudsd Over Thanks,
Judge Knox summoned old
Jackson, he la about 76 years old,
to tpe stand to learn for himself
how much the Indian may have
comprehended of the procedure
wherpby he la alleged to hare
agreed to give 9660,000 of his
fortune to the American Baptist
kome mission society, and to cre­
ate trust funds amounting to
9690,000 for his white wife, Mrs.
Anna Laura Barnett, who Is about
half his age,
Elmer Bailey, Barnett’s guard­
ian, brought suit in Judge Knox’s
court to void the gift.
Jackson arrived * before
bench with a grin Illum inating his
face. He wouldn’t tell his name,
but. he became more talkative
when the jndge asked where he
giving Bat in Resumed
turned today whan couaaal renew Medft>rd j lna> through
their fig h t over adm itting as evi- nel(U snd through aBy obstacles
dense the senate Teapot, Dome tor ,OB<
and la tk» third
commlttoe testimony, containing ,quBrtBr came w ithin an ace o f
M. L. Dohsny's “confession” o f the • acortB< a sensational touchdown.
1100^000 advanca to FaU. ---- 1JnIy th«' sliPPdry flsid ptsvsnted ■*
Dohsny's counsel are fighting b l - from croa.m g the Msdfhrd
to prevent this testimony from COBl ItoB. Hod O»na also was
going before the Jury, they wish pjayiag wonderful football, both
io build up their ow» ease. The OB offs&ss and defense.
senate Investigation, they claim
IxK5Bi fans who saw tk» gams
was political sad un fit to stand
v a ll pleased with the w ork
as evidence in court.
C r t Z T h o y a Thoy wsro
Thanksgiving was a holiday tor
nttachss. and everybody except
tb s defendants. U s lawyers, court
the yoathfal Jury. I t was Jurt
aaotker day la prison for them
Thay, rather than U s accused
T h e io r v ia hualrar at
b U
0Btwslghed an average of nearly
to the player. a«d this
first season for g major-
tty , f
boyu. AJ,
authorlUea I id
WOTWu rs
were more th *a p ie » - » w ith the fcal
Tbrk of the boy. U l. year.
J i
adows opsalhg U ^ A b b o t t . LO
P resco tt, C;
wished with 19 H iw k u o c k .R O ; N e r te fe d T ; W -
able, all crowd-
^ 9 ; H otter, ft; Duna L H ;
rh MaíhtaÚ. F. ■ /
to eat Itfnch in
M tjft-ïM - Archer
I. T ? Seek, LG; H u * e s . c T # « - ’
ZX.— ’
CHICAGO, Nov. M c r -iU a l
News) — The- O’Donnell cl
'famous In Chicago’s gaagU
. 'awaa
Lors w as engaged In IlnfUg
the noon, and on e. Charle» O'Donnell
" wufl bsltovsd to be dying,
/ Fbs qtoudbuBrt which struck
Unknown gangsters to a speed
the Sa» Francisco bay ragion Just Ming automobile, fired shotgun vol­
imfore dusk swelled the San Pab- (leys at Charles aqd Thofees O -
* • » where a dam had been Donnell, brothers of S p it ' O -
ad dinner they
R O; Demmer. R T ; MtDon- ronsrncted to keep water from en- DohUell, famous bear runner, and
a cheap hotel Ol<, R É ; AUÌersou, Q; Ekorss, vnrtng'th» Latayettu tunnel.
Clarence B arrett, a friend, as
men hard tjye
atlonary wash-
A ll « f tito
y teceivè from
Ijpeted by flap-
Iddeu commun-
y not talk With
a and chlldrUn,
J. H ; Lang, f t h ; Bean, F.
: j VMa watey la the crock bed rose they were talking on a south
ArtUn<1> H 1H tor Mims,
bPwever. fin ally bursting
for Tiealy, P a rt for th’ «*•«
smashing over nto
crumpled a fter the
Madden, Carter tor N u tter, Oar-
,nto « » •iflrk t volley, tea Sl/gs having en-
D „ B f# r 0 and. -bore fur a distance OJ a quarter lta f^ j „ „
Thom M WM shot
el>( M atter for Beason, Huger tor
’ ’
In the le ft arm . whlTe Barrett
, ^ doni.
w o caught In t h . left shoulder
p arim ente of Oakland, Barkelsy . u_,v„
--- ------------------- ---- -
bnd other eart bay communities.
° B * h0M
tyo at~
P -Î
“ *,U "
C ,' C ,
<ncs of guards, gw
t 'o r n e
s swa
ont a o u cou
(Please Turn to Page 3)
real prisoners u l i v i » V J F U K I j r l j l s
ty sheriff’s office a t Matines were í
K r îf îs n T a lftfld s
Âmlmlanee. were kqy-
ed, the are an- .
» a i u o l i A D 1A 1IU 9
from hospitals in Oakland
iry the legal '
and Berkeley.
• Is presumed
LONDON, Mov. »<.— Froth tbs
A deftntls check oa .the men In ___________
•' British tales to the River Elbe l u ' ^ tunnel was possible because *
be comforts of Germany Europeans groped their the timekeeper. McCann, Kad put
f ' -------- T u , r------------------------
Court attaches w<Jr »bQut today In a fog which
nalnea OB his sheets as they
V ill I
to them and WM tfce w o r,t
sections had enUre<i the bore.
\| lJ l A .
-Ing recesses to experienced In scores o f yéars.
slk. They a r e } W hile London was hidden un­
tar no personal
sr. They have
tlly furnished
i In an office
e courthouse.
the ulta for
trtdli Food is
R ayC osart o f this etty, whb
w a s arrosied the tore part of the'
weMt by Chief o f Police McNabb,
pleaded guilty to a charge of pet­
ty larceny in Justice court at
Medford Wednesday and was sen­
tenced to >0 days in the county
Cosart admitted having aided
in disposing of tires and auto ac­
cessories which are alleged to
have been stolen at K lam ath Falls
by 8am Beardsley, Beardsley was
arrested last .yrednesday at Sent*
w ill Once
he sent
beck was
ath Who
Falls wasn’t
for prosecution.
a K lam
once a poor
boy on a farm .
Bitter Statements Made By
‘ Bishops of Religions • -
Ia Pkrto' thou» who visitad the
boulevard estas Ih honor o f 8t.
Catherine’s d»y were forced to
movs slowly or be boyrled over by
pushcart men or other lost pedss-
Hamburg reported that all
shipplug w»s tied up as the result
of.ths m urky has* which hung oV-
ar »be Rjvar Bib«.
lB London vehicle traffic was
i-ithsy halted or oreegtng through
the «trusta. Trucks, taxicabs and
—— —
horse carts moved about suutlons-
— g
ljr, but eould not avoid accidents.
P le G ¡
I ’irtThtsljr owned automobiles ro-
f i ki'¿A lkdM (u thu karàged.
r IS flv g U
’W jlkt hqadrsd toas of smoke
was imprisoned by thé fog over
ten dquato miles ' of thé Lfldon
a'**é-‘" D llr clotrdu aldad by ah
Iktoisnos bf w in * htadu tratflc dis-
organlsdtlon prttotleally complète,
Ambulances hurrying to étoér-
gency culls warn held up and pa-
tlkhtfl w glttd oa operating tabjés
for snrg»oas to m a ts thfllr why to
Phyntotahs callad to
nttand thé dying
kétoyéd in
the truffle ns were ethérg wgo
hsA been sniUmoMd to »Id birth»,
,.— ------
Ashland merchants w ill official­
ly recognise the opening of the
Christmas holiday shopping sea­
son on Frlddy night, December A
when the business section of the
city w ill be specially decorated
with Christmas trees, holly, col­
ored lights and other designs
that w ill bring home to local
residents the real Christmas spir­
it. The merchants wHl compete
for prises In the decoration of
windows, and it Is planned that
all be kept covered, and the street
lights turned o ff un til seven
thirty, when, amidst a gigantic
serpentine and special music,
w ith a profusion o f confetti,
horns and bells, the lights w ill ba
flashed on and the Judging of the
windows w ill be started.
The event la under the direc­
tion of the Chamber of Commerce
and la being handled by the Re­
Merchants committee
which. Homer ■ Billings is chair­
man and the advertising cominlt-
tee headed by E. R. Isaacs. It
Is understood that city officials
have pledged their cooperation, in
the m atter of decorating, and, w lt^
other details well under way, Ash­
land w ill see one of the brightest
and gayest holiday events In its
S E A TTLE , Nov. 1 « .- - ( U P ) —
Co-eds are really not so bad aa
-some people believe. In fact,
they are almost a necessity to a
well-rounded college career.
Thia was the conclusion of a
discussion by members of the
Stevens Debate club of the Uni­
versity of Washington.
Those who took the affirmative
of the question, “ Resolved, That
Women are an Immoral In flu ­
ence in Education," ought to
make a public apology, a resolu­
tion passed at the conclusion of
the debate contended.
Playing With Fire
, R»ffl> «IM M B OMflE AUG
sd by his Delilah.
I t was through Mrs. J. J.
Rogers, the outlaw’s wife, who
was arrested In a taxicab with
the lender of a rival gang, that
the police struck ’’Bum’s” trail,
Although she wept with her
bead on her husband’s manacled
hands, after “ Bum” had sent for
bar from his cell In the little
Bronx police station to which
he was 4aken, K itty Rogers could
not-deny that It was with Marty
Madden, a rival gangster that
she was riding when detectives
pursued her and dragged her
from the cab for questioning.
"Bum " Rogers was wanted for
many crimes laid at the door of
hta ’’mob.” The latest outrage
was the murdel- of a mail truck
driver during a daylight holdup
in Elisabeth, N. J., In which loot
exceeding 9166,000 was obtained.
It wad after the latter affair that
Jsmes “ K ille r” Cunllffe, Roger’s
lieutenant, was shot to death In
Detroit by a confederate.
Royers himself seemed to be
incapable of capture. He had
twlce escaped from Auburn prls-
on and lied established the nn-
claps-«< a gang of gunmen wftev
tkw pasirtw* n r fts nft i l t l m p mafl
W hlle his "mob” ladked the flu-
aaie displayed b y'*t>s Richard
copal chnrch have been plunged
into nn nmasing dispute over
their respective brands of mar?
rtage and divorce,
Breaking Into the open for the
first time Thursday night w ith
the Issuance of hitter statement»
by prominent bishops of both
denomingtloas, the conflict 1»
rapidly assuming the proportions
of an international religious con-
On one side stan<fg
the Episcopal bishop In whose
dlocease a socially prominent
American, heiress was married to
a British duke,
On the other stands » hlgW
representative of the head of the
where the marriage was annulled,
Both parties to the ' marriage
long since have been divorced
and wedded to new mates, hat
Issues that have beta raised by
their marital affairs are Just ta k -
ing form as tka basis for one ofl
the most spectacular re lig io n
disputes this country ever ha»
The »acred rota of Rome aa-
nulled tbs marriage of Coasuelo
Vanderbilt, and the dpke of
Marlborough en the grounds th a t
the American hairs«! was’ eosr-
tod Into marrying the noWsMam
by to amMtfcnto mother.
Reese Whittemore orbwd, it was
feared because most of its mgmt
bers were 'drug Wind*. Who never
hesitated to shoot to kill.
At one time Rogers 1st It be
' * Bishop #A h A
m T . Manning' oF
New York, where Consuelo and
the. dqke were married, Issued an
episcopal message to all hta dto-
csss Thursday denouncing th »
mown that he Intended to avenge
he execution of Chapman by a
icriss of murderous depredations
igainst society. Those who knew
ilm said that the outlaw had no
uch motives.
He robbed and killed for gala
nd succeeded in eluding the
post vigilant pursuit. For weeks
he police followed one trail after
nother to blind alleys.
annulment as the assumption o f
Jurisdiction by Roms "over an
American marriage.’*
"Our religious liberty In thlfl
oountry must he uncompromising-
ly defended, against anF such la»
Xsefa»spca.’l the bishop declared;
" I t 1» an intrusion and an Im­
pertinence.” .,
Catholic dignitaries were quick
to- reply that Catholicism is a
defender of the sanctity, of m ar-
; * 4I t did seem that the day»
o f : making woman captives an<9
holding them captive tor man-
irlage bad passed,” declared Blah-
op John J. Dunn of th« Catholto
archdiocese of New York.
Bishop Dunn stressed the ele^
meat of coercion that was alleged-
ed to have prompted the Vander-
bllt-Marlberough alliance, sad de­
clared that the "unlqn was th«
work of Mammon rather the«
of God.”
The sacred rota must hays had
overwhelming evidence aa to tacts
and motives In the case, Bishop
Dunn said.
W hits the Manning-Dunn dis­
pute was at Its height, dramatis­
ing tar the Moment th« .age-old
Famed California Preacher
to Start New Type of
Building Two New Ship*
That Will Oro» At­
lantic in Four Day«
«eovd aúe ^
Tür up ? ,
tails of wh|eh thé premier cannot
explain, to rfflponrtbto for the
proud boast of tbs ttoUaa dicto-
"W e have two ships plashed,
each of from fl.flé é to 40,éflé
tona which will Utah, the vo)r-
age from Cherbourg to New York
la four days,” laid Mussolini |n
an Interview w ith the United
Kiws. "The trip from Ita ly will
be made la five and the on« from
oar ports to Buenos Aireé w ill
tabs only suw n.--
-.J ?
Band W ill Play, sad Local Folks
W ill Make M erry oa Rve
of Holiday Beason
der a yellow hase which turned to
a black pall In the evening, out-
W * * Ptocee In this conntfy suf-
lerad almost completo obscurity,
There were three tatalittod In
England, ohe Jnst outside of Lon-
ddn- oaa at Rugby and one Ut Lel-
catevey uud to
counsel w alk
and w ait on
'starla patron-
era sad storks,
ilr ow » ‘ coats
ito the epurt-
for thalr dwn
no staff of per-
. take «aro n f
Istalla »a the
tohur workers
p-ief l^to W *4 -
n they W«re
café Wltg »'
qubr. Charley
he offtoét, bat-
•fobs p air bkt
Inaktng their
iroWtag . away
lor. Tké of fie-
Hudson sedan
re drfying and
m to show np
Ray Oosart Sent to County
Jail for Stealing Auto
Local Merchants to Conduct
Window Trimming
(United New«) — W ith all the
enthusiasm of a youag theolo­
gian about to begin his first
pastorate, the Rev. Jsmsa L.
Gordon, 98 years- old, and for
30 years a clergyman, to look­
ing forward to his part In an
experiment that w ill be snt|r«Iy
naw In American religious his­
’ ■ ,
D r. Gordon w ill preach twice
Ilra t fc Congregations^
church hero Sunday. The even­
ing services w ill he his lust up-
psaranss in th» pulpit hs ha»
occupied fo r ssvso years.
w ill writs and lecture until next
flsptomltor and *k«n ha p U | go
into som« Atteriegn «Ky, perhaps
Chicago, to aatabltoh kto “pulpit
without u ehureh.”
”1 wqnt to Introduce the sea
of th« Amarfssa prophet,” hs
declared ip. an interview with
the United
“ • waBt to
awgy from the crude, cumhsr-
sotos mechanics of the church.
I want to reach people, to preach
my message In the manner * f the
Hebrew prophets jnf old.”
This gsaigl, clear-eyed map.
who bus been sailed th« Lloyd^
controversy over marriage and
divert« other clergymen began
taking sides.
p r. John Heines Holmes o(
the Mg rommuatty ohureh des­
cribed the anaulm aavas aa o a t;
rag« gad declared It aadetm taf
the lartttutloa «1 marriage. H«
protsassd to see la It a waver­
ing oa the part of Ron^p toward
Georg« PI tlto Americas pulpit, i 1
because o f Me facial reoemblaaeej1
(Flessa Tprp ta Fago 9)