For the opening of the season December third. EtEI ’ Rogen Placed Up Irrest aa he Sleeps Thanksgiving Does Met Know Whether 176,000 is More Than 160,000 • ’ • Defendant in Government 8n“ taá « ; Y ,m Heavy Rain Storto is Re­ sponsible for Many Men Losing Lives S IT S CAUOHT BT W A T I R S XM COURT 7 ROOM NSW Y O hK , N o v .« « .— An Ok­ lahoma Indian with a red tie and a broad gyln, possessed more than 11.(100,004),000 from oil royalties, but unable to say whether or not 0&0.000 was more than 176,000, testified Wednesday In federal Judge Jahn C. K n o t’s eoiirt. V . The Indian was Jackson Bar­ nett of the Creek nation, and re­ puted to be the wealthiest of his iace. THaJlsSwaprudsd Over Thanks, Judge Knox summoned old Jackson, he la about 76 years old, to tpe stand to learn for himself how much the Indian may have comprehended of the procedure wherpby he la alleged to hare agreed to give 9660,000 of his fortune to the American Baptist kome mission society, and to cre­ ate trust funds amounting to 9690,000 for his white wife, Mrs. Anna Laura Barnett, who Is about half his age, Elmer Bailey, Barnett’s guard­ ian, brought suit in Judge Knox’s court to void the gift. Jackson arrived * before the bench with a grin Illum inating his face. He wouldn’t tell his name, but. he became more talkative when the jndge asked where he giving Bat in Resumed turned today whan couaaal renew Medft>rd j lna> through broken their fig h t over adm itting as evi- nel(U snd through aBy obstacles dense the senate Teapot, Dome tor ,OB< and la tk» third commlttoe testimony, containing ,quBrtBr came w ithin an ace o f M. L. Dohsny's “confession” o f the • acortB< a sensational touchdown. 1100^000 advanca to FaU. ---- 1JnIy th«' sliPPdry flsid ptsvsnted ■* Dohsny's counsel are fighting b l - from croa.m g the Msdfhrd to prevent this testimony from COBl ItoB. Hod O»na also was going before the Jury, they wish pjayiag wonderful football, both io build up their ow» ease. The OB offs&ss and defense. senate Investigation, they claim IxK5Bi fans who saw tk» gams was political sad un fit to stand v a ll pleased with the w ork as evidence in court. of C r t Z T h o y a Thoy wsro Thanksgiving was a holiday tor nttachss. and everybody except tb s defendants. U s lawyers, court the yoathfal Jury. I t was Jurt aaotker day la prison for them Thay, rather than U s accused trlml T h e io r v ia hualrar at b U M »■ •» •< thl wi J <•' *< °® B" 0Btwslghed an average of nearly „ to the player. a«d this WBB first season for g major- tty , f boyu. AJ, authorlUea I id WOTWu rs were more th *a p ie » - » w ith the fcal Tbrk of the boy. U l. year. J i ’ -- adows opsalhg U ^ A b b o t t . LO P resco tt, C; wished with 19 H iw k u o c k .R O ; N e r te fe d T ; W - able, all crowd- ^ 9 ; H otter, ft; Duna L H ; t rh MaíhtaÚ. F. ■ / to eat Itfnch in M tjft-ïM - Archer I. T ? Seek, LG; H u * e s . c T # « - ’ ZX.— ’ CHICAGO, Nov. M c r -iU a l News) — The- O’Donnell cl 'famous In Chicago’s gaagU ™ . 'awaa . Lors w as engaged In IlnfUg the noon, and on e. Charle» O'Donnell " wufl bsltovsd to be dying, / Fbs qtoudbuBrt which struck Unknown gangsters to a speed the Sa» Francisco bay ragion Just Ming automobile, fired shotgun vol­ imfore dusk swelled the San Pab- (leys at Charles aqd Thofees O - * • » where a dam had been Donnell, brothers of S p it ' O - ad dinner they R O; Demmer. R T ; MtDon- ronsrncted to keep water from en- DohUell, famous bear runner, and a cheap hotel Ol<, R É ; AUÌersou, Q; Ekorss, vnrtng'th» Latayettu tunnel. Clarence B arrett, a friend, as men hard tjye atlonary wash- A ll « f tito y teceivè from Ijpeted by flap- Iddeu commun- y not talk With a and chlldrUn, J. H ; Lang, f t h ; Bean, F. : j VMa watey la the crock bed rose they were talking on a south ArtUn<1> H 1H tor Mims, bPwever. fin ally bursting for Tiealy, P a rt for th’ «*•« smashing over nto charle, crumpled a fter the Madden, Carter tor N u tter, Oar- ,nto « » •iflrk t volley, tea Sl/gs having en- n()tt D „ B f# r 0 and. -bore fur a distance OJ a quarter lta f^ j „ „ Thom M WM shot el>( M atter for Beason, Huger tor ’ ’ • In the le ft arm . whlTe Barrett , ^ doni. w o caught In t h . left shoulder p arim ente of Oakland, Barkelsy . u_,v„ --- ------------------- ---- - bnd other eart bay communities. ° B * h0M tyo at~ P -Î “ *,U " C ,' C , “-