Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, August 13, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    is in Ashland, visiting friends. Bonansa. anaounea the birth of a
A fter a fe v days visit here, she daughter. Rear! M arie Henry, on
will go to Klamath Phils.
July 25th,
lira . Henry w ill he
remembered as Miaa Cernelia Lar­
Step Ladders — Red Top and sen of this city«' V
Zass Safety Ladders in different
styles. Carson - Fowler Lumber
291-1 mo Be Thrlfty-Look Nifty-Save Flfl
Men's Saits
Ladies Dresses (p la in ! |1 .5 0
Brtarard H ome
I from Marshfield and North Bend, Rtoppcd in Ashland—
Ashland Cleaning and Dying
i Mr. and Mrs. Kinney returned where he has spent the p u t few
L. W riter, of Oxnard, Calif.,
Works, 187 Bast Mala
last evening
Marshfield, days visiting.
stopped In Ashland yesterday, on
th e re they have been visiting for
his way south.
the p u t few days.
Give your children good books.
hVom H ilt—
Perry Norton, of H ilt, Calif.,!
y'Rexall Liver Salts, 25c and 50c.
Having studied w ith Tatom a:s was in Ashland last evening visit-)
Confined to Home— '
IfrN a ir Bros.
leading vocal teacher, Frederick ing friends.
Mrs. J. M. Hughes, o’f Beach Kieopper. I win be gia< te share
Ave., if confined to her home with my knowledge with anxone Ister-
, 'Dr. C. W B htnn, who h u been illness.
ested. Call Mias E. Pilker, 344-
In M a rs h M l for several days at-
Anneke Jan* Bogardes, heirs,
ienPTng the American
fbnventio«. returned-to-his home descendants, for important Infor­ Registered nt L i l l i i n A p rim i
mation. please-communicate with Wot el—
be Oak street last even lux
On Vacation—
W . Stuart, cor. Wapato and Bea­
Mr. and Mrs. C. Marca
David McGarry left yesterday,
> “Ltfe-LUte Likenesses,” Studio verton Ave.,. Portland. Oregon*
San Rafael. Calif., are regia
for a two wepkrf vacation w ith his
Ashland on The Plata.
2 9 2 -lt • at the Lftfala Springs Hotel.
cousin Bobfrte Conroy, who lives
on a ranch out of M ed f.-d
Will Leave for Canyonville— * Moved—
.M r and Mrs A A Madden and
M r. and Mrs. Lestey Cash who
The Loyal Men’s Sunday school
femiiy. wIU leave tn the morning have been living at the Vebdome
tor O apflyW lle. Oregon, where Hotel, have moved to the Colum­ class, of the Christian church, en­
!®ey w ilr ^ e a d » few days vtoit- bia. Hotel.
tertained the Berean class, at a
picnic dinner in the L ith la Park,
F O R R E N T : Furnished house
last evening.
with a ll conveniences, and gar­
Also furnished cabins by
week and month. Phone 153.
Ripe Alberta and M uir peaches,
C. Scroggie, of the Sherwan
2 9 2 -lt
for canning. Ashland F ru it
Williams Paint Co., is In Ash-
FOR HALE: Peaches, 3 to 4
land for a few days on business. and Pro. Assn.
cents. Bring boxes,, come and get
fttopped In Ashland—
them, Overhead cEoesing. W . B.
Get your window screens and
iO . W . Anderson, of Taylor, Beebe.
292 F r! -Mop.
, , Mra. Martan Hager nnd two screen doors at Jordan S u h and
daughters Eunice and M­ Cabinet Works.
254-tf Neb., stopped in Ashland on his
FO R HALE: M uir peaches. 637
way north, yesterday.
turned home Tuesday evening,
Terrace: Phone 408L.
toon» a IP days visit at Bandon Returned to W o r k -
Dr. J. J. Emmena-—specialist of
Joe NeH, who h u been confined
W A N T E D : Men w ith cars, make
to his home with illness for the Medford, Oregon, h u returned to easy money quick. Sales large.
p u t few days, h u returned to his his practice after a short vaca­ GIVe full name and address. Box
« Laraex for Moths— McNairs
29D-St 9 Care of Tidings.
position at the Ashland Creamery. tion at Gearhart.
Rev. R o m Cuney, of Eugene,
Madden retreads «rea.
other o fT a u l Onlley, to in Ash-
Id. and will conduct the services M otnrcl to Medford—
the funeral o? Charles D. Rif-,
Mrs. W illiam Myer and
M. B. Randles, motored to
ford yesterday to visit with
W ill take two boys of school age A rthur Hicks.
lh good, clean home for school
Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover
Jtor. W rite Box B. Ashland Tld-
at The Vanity Beauty
Shoppe. McGpe’s Store.
V W Leave Sooa—
X Mr. aad Mrs. J. R. Leslie
tom II y, will leave soon for
Xageles. Calif., where they
ylalt relatives.
Front Talent—
J. S. Crawford, qf Talent,
a buslness visitor ln Ashland
. Dr. and Mrs. Ç. W. 'Hanson and
family have returned «from a visit
• Mrs. S. L. Howard,'of Talent, to Chehalis; Wash.
pas la Ashland yesterday flatting
ipletdn, o f Hertford, At the Hotel O regon ,
tod Wednesday visit«
Mr. and M ». C. A . T
Ane o f Mm. Raymond Alameda. C a lti., are regi
thé Hotel Oregon today.
From Btokiybo—
; /
• |
_ rom
__ ¿»irarora
as_nm-- as " >
Elton Trask, of qtakiyoi*, t-ftl,
w si in Ashland yesterday y '.toeing
U ra l O, CelemgSr o f Medford,
>* <
ks a visitor in Axhlaad. fort
S. P-.-rftáJi
14 «f Montague cgi J
n i visiting st
Par*h«l?g , grand-
W.- H. Rnptl} of R.
- •
Returned from Lake o f the Woods
Mr. and Mrg. O. 4.. 'fnn'.sqritd1
(ratuvked la'st evpalhg fra«' the
., SslesK^Penr cdnnlng bei
noverai large planto here..
Fresh New Creations For Fall
‘ '
Saturday of
‘W elw orth” Dresses
I .
- 4
In the Very Latest Fabrics andPatterns
At Unusual Low Prices
Vaines to $1.00 Yard. Clean-up
Sale Price -r- Yard
The Sweaty
Of Summer
Heath’a Confectionery — cold
drinks, ice creams, candies, to­
Printed English Broadcloth
Returned from W olf Creek-
Mrs. W . A. Cooper, aecora
led by her cousin Edna Mein
returned Sunday from a vis
W olf Creek.
Sold Regular, 69c Yard. Clean-
Soon assume an offensive
odor. Play safe by send-'
ing them weekly to the
Standard Cleaners
9S0aM V
Stevens, of the 8t.
Francis Hospital at San Francisco
im, are in Ashland for'a
And Luster Prints
Visiting in Asliland-
R. Herrin, of the C. D.' John-
son Lumber* Co., at Portland, to
Marcelling 75c. Phone 264 for
visiting in Ashland fot) a few
appointment or call 369 Harga-
dine. Upstairs apartment, back of
W hite House Grocery.,
From Ann Francisco—
leave Sunday for a visit to
Phone. 108
We Deliver
Elbow or Three-Quarter SI
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Henry of
Printed Dress Voi
40 in. wide. Regular Values up to
59c Yd. Clean up Sale Trice—Yd.
/ . <1 1 * . 3
32 in. Fine Dress Gitogli
Henderson returned home
Sold Regular 25c Yard
' '
Clean-up Sale Price—Yard
Saturday Only
Urt Times Today
E lk Cinders
JE *
15 Suits »• ’1
A Number of Other
Attractive Specials
\VlLLIAf*I FOX frexnts
Only by partiriparin^in anenocmoi» pinchase
by thousands of atom» are we able to offer
tmarkable váuestnoor trade.
Lingerie Materials
in a good.assortment of colors. Values
to 59c YartJ-^-Clean-np’ Sale 1
Price — Yard*
Attractive New Coats
For Fall and Winter Wear on Display Saturday. Make Selection Now,
of Marvelous Beauty
Both in silk and wool in all the new shades for fall.
Among the materials you will find Rayco, Newsheerf,
French Faille and Satin Crepe.
$3.45T0 $5.00
He came out West as Absa-
Idtn Wales a harmless speci­
men dressed in the latest of
English sport clothes—
But they soon got to know
him as ‘Cydooe’ Wales — a
■an of peaceful methods, but
powerful fiata,
, '
A Printed Dress Pattern
The Green Archer
with every 810 purchase
t *■**
Slip Material
in all shades
Has Postponed Entry in
Ashland Saturday Aug. 14