is in Ashland, visiting friends. Bonansa. anaounea the birth of a A fter a fe v days visit here, she daughter. Rear! M arie Henry, on will go to Klamath Phils. July 25th, lira . Henry w ill he remembered as Miaa Cernelia Lar­ Step Ladders — Red Top and sen of this city«' V Zass Safety Ladders in different styles. Carson - Fowler Lumber 'co. 291-1 mo Be Thrlfty-Look Nifty-Save Flfl Men's Saits 81.50 Ladies Dresses (p la in ! |1 .5 0 Brtarard H ome I from Marshfield and North Bend, Rtoppcd in Ashland— Ashland Cleaning and Dying i Mr. and Mrs. Kinney returned where he has spent the p u t few L. W riter, of Oxnard, Calif., Works, 187 Bast Mala last evening from Marshfield, days visiting. stopped In Ashland yesterday, on th e re they have been visiting for his way south. the p u t few days. Give your children good books. hVom H ilt— - Elharts. * r ' Perry Norton, of H ilt, Calif.,! VOCAL y'Rexall Liver Salts, 25c and 50c. Having studied w ith Tatom a:s was in Ashland last evening visit-) Confined to Home— ' IfrN a ir Bros. leading vocal teacher, Frederick ing friends. Mrs. J. M. Hughes, o’f Beach Kieopper. I win be gia< te share Ave., if confined to her home with my knowledge with anxone Ister- , 'Dr. C. W B htnn, who h u been illness. ested. Call Mias E. Pilker, 344- In M a rs h M l for several days at- J. 288-17* Anneke Jan* Bogardes, heirs, ienPTng the American Legion fbnventio«. returned-to-his home descendants, for important Infor­ Registered nt L i l l i i n A p rim i mation. please-communicate with Wot el— be Oak street last even lux On Vacation— W . Stuart, cor. Wapato and Bea­ Mr. and Mrs. C. Marca David McGarry left yesterday, > “Ltfe-LUte Likenesses,” Studio verton Ave.,. Portland. Oregon* San Rafael. Calif., are regia for a two wepkrf vacation w ith his Ashland on The Plata. 2 9 2 -lt • at the Lftfala Springs Hotel. cousin Bobfrte Conroy, who lives on a ranch out of M ed f.-d Will Leave for Canyonville— * Moved— Entertained Berean (Tas*— .M r and Mrs A A Madden and M r. and Mrs. Lestey Cash who The Loyal Men’s Sunday school femiiy. wIU leave tn the morning have been living at the Vebdome tor O apflyW lle. Oregon, where Hotel, have moved to the Colum­ class, of the Christian church, en­ !®ey w ilr ^ e a d » few days vtoit- bia. Hotel. tertained the Berean class, at a picnic dinner in the L ith la Park, F O R R E N T : Furnished house last evening. with a ll conveniences, and gar­ age. Also furnished cabins by week and month. Phone 153. Ripe Alberta and M uir peaches, C. Scroggie, of the Sherwan 2 9 2 -lt fine for canning. Ashland F ru it Williams Paint Co., is In Ash- 291-tf FOR HALE: Peaches, 3 to 4 land for a few days on business. and Pro. Assn. cents. Bring boxes,, come and get fttopped In Ashland— them, Overhead cEoesing. W . B. Get your window screens and iO . W . Anderson, of Taylor, Beebe. 292 F r! -Mop. , , Mra. Martan Hager nnd two screen doors at Jordan S u h and daughters Eunice and M­ Cabinet Works. 254-tf Neb., stopped in Ashland on his FO R HALE: M uir peaches. 637 way north, yesterday. turned home Tuesday evening, Terrace: Phone 408L. 392-3* toon» a IP days visit at Bandon Returned to W o r k - Dr. J. J. Emmena-—specialist of feach Joe NeH, who h u been confined W A N T E D : Men w ith cars, make to his home with illness for the Medford, Oregon, h u returned to easy money quick. Sales large. p u t few days, h u returned to his his practice after a short vaca­ GIVe full name and address. Box « Laraex for Moths— McNairs 29D-St 9 Care of Tidings. 292-3t* position at the Ashland Creamery. tion at Gearhart. Rev. R o m Cuney, of Eugene, Madden retreads «rea. other o fT a u l Onlley, to in Ash- Id. and will conduct the services M otnrcl to Medford— the funeral o? Charles D. Rif-, Mrs. W illiam Myer and M. B. Randles, motored to ford yesterday to visit with W ill take two boys of school age A rthur Hicks. lh good, clean home for school Have a Fitch Dandruff Remover Jtor. W rite Box B. Ashland Tld- Shampoo at The Vanity Beauty 292-St* Shoppe. McGpe’s Store. 198-tf V W Leave Sooa— X Mr. aad Mrs. J. R. Leslie tom II y, will leave soon for Xageles. Calif., where they ylalt relatives. illustrated Elharts. children Front Talent— J. S. Crawford, qf Talent, a buslness visitor ln Ashland terday. . . Dr. and Mrs. Ç. W. 'Hanson and family have returned «from a visit • Mrs. S. L. Howard,'of Talent, to Chehalis; Wash. pas la Ashland yesterday flatting Wends. ipletdn, o f Hertford, At the Hotel O regon , tod Wednesday visit« Mr. and M ». C. A . T Ane o f Mm. Raymond Alameda. C a lti., are regi , thé Hotel Oregon today. From Btokiybo— ; / • | _ rom __ ¿»irarora as_nm-- as " > Elton Trask, of qtakiyoi*, t-ftl, w si in Ashland yesterday y '.toeing U ra l O, CelemgSr o f Medford, .friends., >* < ks a visitor in Axhlaad. fort ■enlng. • S. P-.-rftáJi 14 «f Montague cgi J n i visiting st the Par*h«l?g , grand- W.- H. Rnptl} of R. - • Returned from Lake o f the Woods Mr. and Mrg. O. 4.. 'fnn'.sqritd1 (ratuvked la'st evpalhg fra«' the ., SslesK^Penr cdnnlng bei noverai large planto here.. THE QVALITY STORE Fresh New Creations For Fall ‘ ' W '* • < « Saturday of ‘W elw orth” Dresses • * I . - 4 In the Very Latest Fabrics andPatterns At Unusual Low Prices Vaines to $1.00 Yard. Clean-up Sale Price -r- Yard The Sweaty Garments Of Summer Heath’a Confectionery — cold drinks, ice creams, candies, to­ bacco. 270-tf Printed English Broadcloth Returned from W olf Creek- Mrs. W . A. Cooper, aecora led by her cousin Edna Mein returned Sunday from a vis W olf Creek. Sold Regular, 69c Yard. Clean- Soon assume an offensive odor. Play safe by send-' ing them weekly to the Standard Cleaners 9S0aM V . Mildred Stevens, of the 8t. Francis Hospital at San Francisco im, are in Ashland for'a And Luster Prints Visiting in Asliland- R. Herrin, of the C. D.' John- son Lumber* Co., at Portland, to Marcelling 75c. Phone 264 for visiting in Ashland fot) a few appointment or call 369 Harga- days. dine. Upstairs apartment, back of W hite House Grocery., 288-tf From Ann Francisco— leave Sunday for a visit to Phone. 108 We Deliver LO N G SLEEVES Elbow or Three-Quarter SI ALSO SHORT SLEEVES Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Henry of Printed Dress Voi 40 in. wide. Regular Values up to 59c Yd. Clean up Sale Trice—Yd. / . <1 1 * . 3 j 1 z > 32 in. Fine Dress Gitogli Henderson returned home Sold Regular 25c Yard ' ' Clean-up Sale Price—Yard Saturday Only Urt Times Today COU.EEN MOORE E lk Cinders JE * 15 Suits »• ’1 A Number of Other Attractive Specials \VlLLIAf*I FOX frexnts Only by partiriparin^in anenocmoi» pinchase by thousands of atom» are we able to offer tmarkable váuestnoor trade. Lingerie Materials in a good.assortment of colors. Values to 59c YartJ-^-Clean-np’ Sale 1 Of Price — Yard* * iW Attractive New Coats For Fall and Winter Wear on Display Saturday. Make Selection Now, MILLER’S TOGGERY of Marvelous Beauty ' Both in silk and wool in all the new shades for fall. Among the materials you will find Rayco, Newsheerf, French Faille and Satin Crepe. $3.45T0 $5.00 He came out West as Absa- Idtn Wales a harmless speci­ men dressed in the latest of English sport clothes— NEW SILK But they soon got to know him as ‘Cydooe’ Wales — a ■an of peaceful methods, but powerful fiata, , ' alao A Printed Dress Pattern The Green Archer with every 810 purchase ‘ t *■** GIVEN AWAY J 1 Slip Material in all shades Has Postponed Entry in Ashland Saturday Aug. 14 WATCH -FOR EARLY ANNOUNCEMENT OF OPENING DATE