Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, August 05, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    . t .» *
ettjv «
■ ■»»fVB« ».■* a re-»
.. i r t ; 1 » " » » fr
lu n a r : —; By
Yoang j t t t r Brin«, a«« yet e e t
of i>er ’’teena.’’ U another of too
faflr m to prove th e v a le « « * a
name. M e a lso halls from T ax»,.
W totot spent m o « or t e r gtritood
t e n rW bg fee plains with neiffh-
t e r t h t cew tofo. Mary had hard.
Jy arrived in Hollywood before
she woo a beauty, osatest that
Uuaqbeg her o il a. celtatotd ehr-
ML B R K M tt A. WOOD»— F r a c
Uce H m lO T B î f ê . te r , uoae and
throbt— 3C-fay iwdhdtng teeth.
OWto fceuto. » to i i and 2
• t o s . Sw etenbùrg fcldg., te n -
land, Oregon.
e«r. I H m b fc fam e alfofot over
■ Irtt to the foie of "WeHdy" to
"Pteer Pffh.’’
VfoM O r id u to foardom
F fott taking care of little
chicks on an Illinois poultry farm.
Mary Aster baa rtaefc to a ' place
u r n « fllmlattd’. Potatoes. 8uc-
Tintine a
fttta ilA
ooaa has met her at every turn In E te of Ih e batting sensation* of the American League xcumei to Heim »
Manual), outfielder for the Detroit Tygera. Manuah. who luw-ftren cavort
the road. .
FOR SAKE—c ñ w r o fo poaches,
Wg 4n T y C obb'fpoat fwr the last few weeks, has Iweti hitting itw tmii m
She made her debut In motion « tem n c cHp T wo ana three bingles a gam e to not an unuauul da.' a
2c pound Call evenings. Phone
picture, ta Hew York, playing In Work foe.the biff ¡hrtfow M anuah cam e to the T yg e ra m 1*23 fro m Omaiui
«•$-L. Chas. Avery, 827 I t e ­
Of Ute W eM toij League Where he turned in u, mark o f 37V. ’—’ ting i-ti
a aartes nt one-reelen. With the
hit» In J€T games.
W -W
signing of a contract with Famous
FOR S A L K -M flk fed fryers. Dealers In Coal, Wood. Packing.
Plsyers-Lasky several years ago, has Jnat beeh completed. Many j of the smoky <
Phone 257-Y. Mrs, W. D. Booth. Crating and Storage. Long diat-
Mhry’g future wa* assured. Her of Hollywood’s picture s t a r ? In pictures wa
ihl, !..
moat recent appehfohce la with sought thia role with the famous 1821 when Sha
John Barrymore In "Don Juan," grid here but U Wah Just another she has h atai
having been Itened to Warner esfo of a ”Mbry” victory.
the asms stndl
Brother* by First National, whose
»tarred When Only IS
tt you WMt
cctatract she now holds.
Mary Phllbin absorbed conald- * n,ni#'
"It was Just in the stars that
i have mentions
1 whs to get thia part.” That’s emble quantities of soft coal soot, would
. .short prosperity and lots of Ra.
what Mary McAfitater thinks of FhHe attending grade *«d high the proverbial
That la the new El Dorado—the her good luck charm.
schools la Chicago. But Holly-
where wheat is yellow gold
She played opposite "Red” wood’s .sunshine— and the make­
yield, ’rasldee being abundant is
Otange in "The Halfback.”,which up box— have Wiped out all traces
Advertise B
of such high quality that a given and ,the termor la a prospector.
quantity of grain weighs far mare
than It ordinarily does. The walls
of many an elevator have cracked
and split open under the strata.
The railroads cannot carry it
away fast enough.
fr tft. Price
To understated conditions here
*• * *
in southwest Kansas It la neccs-
2__ _js •
NBA Sew iee Writer
sary to contrast farming condi­
DODGE CITY, Kas., A u g ^ 3 ._ tions here and elsewhere.
A nejr El Dorado has arisen—
In the a u t a man thinks he has
the ElDoredo of the boundless a good-sised farm when he has £0
southwest,1 where as far as the acres under cultivation. Eighty
eya can see the land la yellow acres makes a ranch. In many a
MARCELIdJfG— By M n. Sulli­
with growing gold.
middle western state a quarter
van, 88« Hargedlne S t, upstairs
In California men grew rich section of land la considered a big
apartment. Phone 2 «
tor ap­ when they found rivers that flow­
farm. Bht not here.
283 1 Mo* ed over golden sands.
Wheat fields a tfaoasanda acres
In Colorado men dug fortunes la also are the role. Many arc
out of golden mountains, hidden larger. A man whose field Is
Brown’s a good fellow, but h e ’s different from von. He is n ’t successful
In the lavender mists of the tint­ smaller does not consider himself
tire way you are. H e ’s got a funny taste in clothes. He doesn’t un­
ed foothills.
a “big” farmer. A number of men
And in ’Kansas men are finding owp two or three thousand-acre
derstand what makes a good show or a pood brtok. He doesn’t golf.
untold wealth In gold that grows tracts in different localities. Some
He isn ’t popular, either — Brown. Not tii6,way you are. Oh, Brown is
on the end of wheat stalks.
fields run over 2000 acres; some
as far removed from w u as tire North Pole!
Gold for California— gold for evbn higher.
Colorado— but wheat for Kansas.
These fields this year are pro­
But—at that, there are pertain things. Both of you feel suddenly old
In the Dakotas and the rest of
ducing on an average a lit«?
the northwest _the wheat farmer
when you sere a ¡tack o f kids swimming frankly in Ih e ereek. Both of
may be In * difficulties. In the better than 20 bushels to tbo
get a tigty throat when you watch men hoist th e flag. Both of you
acre. One man, with thousands of
middle west the farmer may have
•fiercely Wayi your sons to grow np into fine, resfrectod men. Both of you
scree, expects to get about 8150,-
a list of grievances as long as
WÀltTKIK Woman wants work
OdO fot his crop thia fall. Anoth­
want to get on, and save money, and cut some kind of figure in the world.
the fence that surrounds his mort­
at hoatocleaning or nursing. IBS
er is getthlg / I 0 , 000 for the pro­
Both of you get hungry along about dinner-time.
gaged corn fields. Banks may be
Sfo atrtot.
tailing and business firing collaps­ duce from «80 seres. Still an- .
W ÀITKD— P M d dotts
m W
ing because the farmer ‘Is hard- other put 82000 trorth of seed on
No so very different after a lt In lots of way Qrown and you arc pretty
2500 scree and netted 288,000
Maghetoa to recharge. ' Recharg­
In the human, simple things. Has it eVer struck you how closely
this year. Other slm'Hkr example*,
ed by tto n e w ‘‘SarvweU" machine
But not in Kansas. The farmer
advertising deals with jnst those simple human things? Advertising
— tM only one of Its BM4 h»
here has struck pay dirt—-rich, could be repeated again and
down t o f a r i d a n o * t o t s — the health of ywur chiiditon, the happiness
Southern Oregon.
RM tafoiag
black dirt that lies In an unbrok­
With good wheat land, hitherto
81.8«. CUpcomb JfeMer
of your wife, vót Í t conifott. .It tells Ways to save money and tim e and
en harvest sea, level as a table
Ooth Oblige. Phone 60.
if e - t f
for mile on mfle. rippling and Idle, tolling for as low as 130 an
energy. It touches you Sn a hundred ways — in the ways that make
aare, Many a man-bawpaJd for his j
you and that gooij fellow, Brown, pretty much alike.
LOST: <— Dog, spotted black
farm with, onfe crop. Others begin
ana White fox terrier. Will answel*
by lensing their farms, buying I
name of fo>ot. 110 Reward for re­
In a few y to w with the i
Bead the advertising in the irewspujmrs. It is iidjiortuiit. It is humun
Kh-vatoru Bunding
turn to A r e Station.
28 p it *
helpful, ft is dedicated to Brown uud you.
E tefy farm yard has its groat
pile of threshed wheat, hepped th e wheat t h f
0. We will boy ytoor
high around erhs that can hold no BcceHlty Dev«
It la only t
ue every
more. Grain elevators are jlter-
foot oi
aly bursting with IL This year’s
Kansas terrlt
Ah toll.
used only for
The rte-
yoar Tire
velopbent »
B. R. 8tr
Its limit, bv
If itTs advertised, you
ably Jtalf a R
ander cultlfo
Jia Mar thart
FOR OANNINÔ — PeMhes, ’TtoM—lteb iU Uta,” ASid-O»!,. Nto
And the
plenty more
pears, nectarine«, plums and fo- M. Oreen (ab«iieL toderal ptohll,
LONDON, Aug. 5. — The Rou­ waiting foY
matoha. Bring awa boxee. J. B.
itlon chief for >«rthern CaHforn manian government haa declare«]
Glbtotia TflT »CWkW Twto. IB i-«*
la and N«yM£, ^rh»n
M b ran,ifni law for :io kllometr s
i thia «tato foMjyaar yiU
u r r,e.
a Wtonk the DobrpdJa frontier |o
und 8181,00/),010. g n u s «
to t e f nt lncuraiona front Bulgar­
the middle west, will feel
ian Cetnl tad J«, according to a
Vienna dispatch to the exchani o
Hatfield ? telegraph.
M fts to 8 J -
,, ..A »«*«------ '* 1
(betow ) wtfp'i
a grand Jury.
Portland — Loganberry sbl >-
mentq .to .the United Kingdom In
* :
ftW«> weeks, reach B7,t<8 «toms,
money-for roads. There la. In
Raanlta. worth 2222.823.
Brown and you
Martial Law in
Roumania Stalls
ïX fih ïiB
can be-surfc it
an important home need. Reai
the advertisements