. t .» * ettjv « Street. RîlWfe MAMOfiÜ ■ ■»»fVB« ».■* a re-» WANTED t o .. i r t ; 1 » " » » fr lu n a r : —; By Yoang j t t t r Brin«, a«« yet e e t of i>er ’’teena.’’ U another of too faflr m to prove th e v a le « « * a name. M e a lso halls from T ax»,. W totot spent m o « or t e r gtritood t e n rW bg fee plains with neiffh- t e r t h t cew tofo. Mary had hard. Jy arrived in Hollywood before she woo a beauty, osatest that Uuaqbeg her o il a. celtatotd ehr- ML B R K M tt A. WOOD»— F r a c Uce H m lO T B î f ê . te r , uoae and throbt— 3C-fay iwdhdtng teeth. OWto fceuto. » to i i and 2 • t o s . Sw etenbùrg fcldg., te n - land, Oregon. e«r. I H m b fc fam e alfofot over ■ Irtt to the foie of "WeHdy" to "Pteer Pffh.’’ VfoM O r id u to foardom F fott taking care of little chicks on an Illinois poultry farm. Mary Aster baa rtaefc to a ' place u r n « fllmlattd’. Potatoes. 8uc- Tintine a fttta ilA ooaa has met her at every turn In E te of Ih e batting sensation* of the American League xcumei to Heim » Manual), outfielder for the Detroit Tygera. Manuah. who luw-ftren cavort the road. . FOR SAKE—c ñ w r o fo poaches, Wg 4n T y C obb'fpoat fwr the last few weeks, has Iweti hitting itw tmii m She made her debut In motion « tem n c cHp T wo ana three bingles a gam e to not an unuauul da.' a 2c pound Call evenings. Phone picture, ta Hew York, playing In Work foe.the biff ¡hrtfow M anuah cam e to the T yg e ra m 1*23 fro m Omaiui «•$-L. Chas. Avery, 827 I t e ­ Of Ute W eM toij League Where he turned in u, mark o f 37V. ’—’ ting i-ti a aartes nt one-reelen. With the hit» In J€T games. < rase. W -W signing of a contract with Famous FOR S A L K -M flk fed fryers. Dealers In Coal, Wood. Packing. Plsyers-Lasky several years ago, has Jnat beeh completed. Many j of the smoky < Phone 257-Y. Mrs, W. D. Booth. Crating and Storage. Long diat- Mhry’g future wa* assured. Her of Hollywood’s picture s t a r ? In pictures wa ihl, !.. * , moat recent appehfohce la with sought thia role with the famous 1821 when Sha John Barrymore In "Don Juan," grid here but U Wah Just another she has h atai KAÙ8AS having been Itened to Warner esfo of a ”Mbry” victory. the asms stndl Brother* by First National, whose »tarred When Only IS tt you WMt cctatract she now holds. Mary Phllbin absorbed conald- * n,ni#' * "It was Just in the stars that .. , i have mentions up 1 whs to get thia part.” That’s emble quantities of soft coal soot, would . .short prosperity and lots of Ra. what Mary McAfitater thinks of FhHe attending grade *«d high the proverbial That la the new El Dorado—the her good luck charm. schools la Chicago. But Holly- ______ land where wheat is yellow gold She played opposite "Red” wood’s .sunshine— and the make­ yield, ’rasldee being abundant is Otange in "The Halfback.”,which up box— have Wiped out all traces Advertise B of such high quality that a given and ,the termor la a prospector. OKLAHOMA quantity of grain weighs far mare than It ordinarily does. The walls of many an elevator have cracked 282-