Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 24, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    the undarainaA haa 1 m m
appointed Administrator of
Sfttete of Eunice W in *, de­
ad., and ail persons bavin»
te» W it* prop«- tonelera, wttfc-
I ate «tenths trate tb it date, io
HA. •nberts, Attorney tor said
Rata, at his offlve over the Olt-
tes Bank of Ashland, Oregon,
m is « In ly 24. i l l « ,
«OB BENT: ~ Spleddld a p ä £
meat, frith private bath, vary seas­
onable to right party.
FO B ..RENT —• Housekeeping
44« Reiman 8L
from the date of the first pabft- tnelualve; said holds to he te
eetlon of this summons, to-Wit:
denomiaailop. of |1,MC teak t i
W ith in six weeks from the l l t h hear Internet at tbe rate et Evo
day o f l i n e , 111«,* th e s»me be­ percenf (8 % Ip e f tentott pwfoW
fog (he date of the fira tp u b ilc a - sem iannual; .principal and In­
tion of this summons: and if yon te r e s t pu/able at the Fiscal AgtecI
fa il so to appear and answer oh of the State of Oregon in ttbw
o r before the Jth o f August, 112«, Torit City.
. ;
fin is h -
Clono te.
tddbfte ÍI7
the same being the la s t day of
time prescribed In the order for
publfSktlor. Judgment w ill be
taken sgataat you fo r Want there­
of, for the relief demanded in tbe
complaint of p la in tiff, a succinct
statement Of which to as tallows:
*>» A » - H4HTW
F O B BALE; — M ilk Goats and
registered Toggenberg B illie. O.
H . Col«, W alker Ave.
~A OTli it'tak;» a t once. <f
ro o « haute, «tag« t t f B H M
stote, garage, wood raed, and
chicken house. F rn lt and berries*.
Lot <4x175. l« 0 f t oK Boulevard
on M t.
Avs., 81*0«. cash. —
Brown A Rice, 4 j|N .'M a l»
35 a month-. Brou(A P»4 Eite>.Is
N. Main St. ,
, , . . , >7M f
F O B B A U s ^ O n n and .(tep .lW t
ton O ld ajtru ek,
good robber.
E ra R b o d y , good condition at
Buckeye Orchard, 1 mile weat. ot
Talent «Japnery. phone 371-R-4.
F or
• tdeorded a t page 111 velóme 35 of
Deed Records of Jackson bounty,
Oregon; thence east along eouth
linn of said tract , 2 X 9 chajns,
i more or less, to the west line* of
Harrison street: north along the
wedt line of Harrisoh street 234
tl feet, more or le n t t o - t h e north-11
-j east corner of land heretofore
conveyed by John B. Sells and
w ife to Sophronia E . Loomis by
' Deed recorded'ed page 313, vel­
óme 43 Records of Deeds-of Jack-
son Cbunty, Oregon; thence West
T . L . X*OWMUL— General Trans- ; p a r a lle l w ith Iow a S tr e e t . 1 :C 9
— Ó íx ü t i r a * and motor « d in e , marts o r less, to the pitee
jpg : beglfcntag, ' containing 1 .3 «
I aerea,. mofe o f less. The forego-
I ih g premises are situate in the
City of Ashland and form a pdrt
of the original Government Lot
No. 4 in Section 1 in said Town­
ship and Range. Excepting and
jre ee rv in g from the foregolng'de-
I scribed premises the following,
to-wit: Beginning at a point of
I Intersection of the WesP bound-
| i r y line o f a tract of land here-
| tofore deeded by Jasper
I Young and wife To O. H. Johnson,
W A N T E D : — To give aw«y
W ftig Jersey Calf.
~ uvt . u 1 D.,:"w arvC<
an<| whi^B <ox terrle«- W ill »n-
■wdr name of Spot. «6 reward for
retg m t o W r e Station.
IW -b t»
W A N T E D : — A woman to do
work on a tench In Klam ath coun­
ty. Chll 438-Y before Sttacddy;
July l i s t o r'c a ll a t 63 W f t t t
Worb, by hl
MBS Ohev. Touring, $260
1024 Gfaov. Tonring, $260
1022 T ori Toorfag, $100
H ie
Automotive Shop
Ohevroltt Dealora
Wo Snob With Gabriel
Hot Weather
(see Vol. 70 page «14 Deed Rec­
ord of Jackson County, Oregon,1
I With the north side line of Mon-
I tana Avenue as extended East to
I Harrison Street la the City of
I Ashland, Oregon: thence north 30
j minutee west IB« feet, thence
Desirable home,
housework to t small family. Phone-
3 7 3 ^ .3 . Address B. Lester New-
bry, Box «7, Talent.
• s o u th w e s t co rn er o f la n d h e reto -
new tjMf and p a in t,' 8 tltoa. E n ­
gine good shape. New bands, «176
— Oak St. Garage.
Vornan to do
Sift Town
Open Evenings
) tors conveyed by H . W illiam s and
w ife to Jasper H . fcoomls by deed
SALB: — r«rd n | a ^ t « ,
30-06 in oar Window
ginning of the tract herein to bo (
Thence sooth
SO .
I mihn(fte~1sast 334 test to ' thd
lot known as "C arter’s Point” at
L a ta o e W ood»..w ith house
partly tarnished, and steel tour
One c t the most desirable s«m-
boat rith Elto ont-boat motor,
mejf Homes ote tbe lake. E . V .
C a rte l, Ashland, Orsgons 2 7 4 -tt
F O B BALE— Two chi
5 0-1« I on paved st tor
cost of pavassent. . 3 35 «
<n ly 14.— Thirsty souls who had
itopea that tale of beer by glase
er government control within
lim its aright he instituted
) war» disappointed today.
The proposal was rejected by a
teaiority of 17«, W ith
, names on the voters* roll. IS IS
Bids most be uneonditlonal and
ed against and 1432 in favor
aceompmted by « csrtlgsd ebetfr J the suggested change^ -
in the amount e t «1,0««.
The approving le g tl opinion of
Messrs. {Teal, W tefree, Johnson
A McCulloeh wlltb« tarnished thd
successful bidder.
Thaed bond«
a te on hand signed and ready fo r
immediate delivery, August Is ti
Electrical appliances, to reduce
tbe severity o f honsekeeplng
during the hot summer «tenths,
ar« no longer a luxury, bat
a neceealty from the viewpoint
We have many kinds • ( elec­
trical appHancto which will
make summer work more of a
Ashland Electri
«46 G. Moia Stnot
Vulcanize and
Repair Tires
Trade for Your
. Old Tires
L. A. RC
2 6 3 -ld a t.
Dodge teetM iS suceess: N E V E R T O
L O W E R q U a LITT JN A 8 1 N O L B
D E T A IL ,
Vs S. Royal Girds
thereof be made by publication of
Attorney for plaintiff,
Aria ÿdstofflce addro«,
R efinem ent! and lower price« have been
made pdsaible'hy spectacular inofeaaes in
sales. N o t by Violating tbe basic teiw t of
kfxUIO M n «S.'oo
Rimate* tt.00 to .».00
Owners and engineers know Well that
mechanically tbe car is sturdier than ever
Touring (to ... ttW.«0 Oonpo
fioodrier . . . . M B .» M M
Dodge Brother«, Ihc., achieved third place
in world production this Spring because
they have been able— W IT H O U T SAC­
R IF IC IN G F U N D A M E N T A L S — stead­
ily to improve the smartness» comfort and
smoothness of their product.
of economy, convenience and
greater satisfaction.
east parallel to the south line of
Iowa street In said city 75 feet:
"Nothing tonehed that aching
thence south 30 minutes east 159
spot nnUl I took Foley Pilla, a di­ I fret to the north aide tone of
uretic stim ulant fo r the kidneys,
Montana Avenue; Thence weet en
l am so glad I can reéommend I the north side line of Montana
them to
Eased of her
tedte Itrs . HRtet Relghsrd at Avena» 76 feet to the place of be-
I ginning, be, by the Court ordered
Bohlh t o r i . jM nh., w ritta
th ii
Isold, and the proceeds applied to
thóékfW ly.
Fotey Pilis htvb
¡the payment of the sum of |8 5 0
helped many people— a reliable
guaranteed to With interest thereon from the
g lv i te ittA fc tio to ' UChstantiy la 7th day o f July, 1935, at the rate
of eight per cent per annum, the '
nee over «6 years. Ask your
t e lfc tttt fo l t t l t e H tls. 8 o G ev-J amount due the p lain tiff upon the “
erywhere. '
, . • 1 note in cbmplalnt setforth; andlfl
further sum of 334.00 w ith in-
p - fr
i ü
, ■ "■» >;' h . a - I the
terest therein from tbe 38th day J
of May, 1935, at the rate of lig h t I
per cent per annum, b e i n g !
the amount paid by the plaintiff
for In su ra n ce on the b u ild in g 'o n
«aid mortgaged premises, also
such an amount as attorney’s fees
as the Court shall adjudge to be
.reasonable, and the costs and dis­
bursements of this suit; also, bach
farth er relief ns to the Court
«han seem meet and equitable.
This summons is published In p u r-
•nanoe of an order thddb by Ran.
C. M . Thomas, Judge of said C ir­
cuit Cónrt datad 33ad «ay of
> /n.,''* • • at >
June I9 2 e . '4tátetlftjr thte service
N R W T O N F A U * QWe, J al»
’ ♦.— Apparently crane« by thp
heat, Robert Prêt». 23, abet and
htlle« bla Wife and two children
and then took bis oWfc life bare
daring the night.
ÍE 8 8 B 8. W ING .
T h at a certain mortgage made
by yon and the defendant H llm a
M . Jalo dated the 2«th day of 111« coupon detached.
January, 1 *24, in said complaint
The Board reserves tbe right
set -forth .before closed and the to reject any dad a ll bids.
•; v
promisee therein described, to-
F. 8. BNGLM. Clark.
Addisse Ashland, Oregon
Beginning a t a point 20.7«
211— U
I j chaina east and .20 chains south
I I of the southwest corner of Dopa- ,
j I tlon Land Claim Number Sin in "
. I Township 21 south, range 1 east
W radenbnri Bldg., Aaû-
of the W illam ette Meridian, Ore­
gon: thence South 20 minutes
I east 224 feet fo r the place of be- ,
. ...
B N E W W E S TM IN IS TE R , 8.
vertunent Sale
3f Beer Defeated
ro<«aa, suitable fo r one to four,
weteen. Wood,
furnished, 17.5«
Ws w
□ ö X lB ta
G00DK1W S1
Folks say the place to