the undarainaA haa 1 m m appointed Administrator of Sfttete of Eunice W in *, de­ ad., and ail persons bavin» te» W it* prop«- tonelera, wttfc- I ate «tenths trate tb it date, io HA. •nberts, Attorney tor said Rata, at his offlve over the Olt- tes Bank of Ashland, Oregon, m is « In ly 24. i l l « , «OB BENT: ~ Spleddld a p ä £ meat, frith private bath, vary seas­ onable to right party. Phone 243-B. «?«'—«< * FO B ..RENT —• Housekeeping 44« Reiman 8L from the date of the first pabft- tnelualve; said holds to he te eetlon of this summons, to-Wit: denomiaailop. of |1,MC teak t i W ith in six weeks from the l l t h hear Internet at tbe rate et Evo day o f l i n e , 111«,* th e s»me be­ percenf (8 % Ip e f tentott pwfoW fog (he date of the fira tp u b ilc a - sem iannual; .principal and In­ tion of this summons: and if yon te r e s t pu/able at the Fiscal AgtecI fa il so to appear and answer oh of the State of Oregon in ttbw o r before the Jth o f August, 112«, Torit City. . ; 273-4* fin is h - teF t «te Clono te. tddbfte ÍI7 272-tt the same being the la s t day of time prescribed In the order for publfSktlor. Judgment w ill be taken sgataat you fo r Want there­ of, for the relief demanded in tbe complaint of p la in tiff, a succinct statement Of which to as tallows: *>» A » - H4HTW F O B BALE; — M ilk Goats and registered Toggenberg B illie. O. H . Col«, W alker Ave. 274-4t« ~A OTli it'tak;» a t once. .Is N. Main St. , , , . . , >7M f F O B B A U s ^ O n n and .(tep .lW t ton O ld ajtru ek, good robber. E ra R b o d y , good condition at Buckeye Orchard, 1 mile weat. ot Talent «Japnery. phone 371-R-4. F or • tdeorded a t page 111 velóme 35 of Deed Records of Jackson bounty, Oregon; thence east along eouth linn of said tract , 2 X 9 chajns, i more or less, to the west line* of Harrison street: north along the wedt line of Harrisoh street 234 tl feet, more or le n t t o - t h e north-11 -j east corner of land heretofore conveyed by John B. Sells and w ife to Sophronia E . Loomis by ' Deed recorded'ed page 313, vel­ óme 43 Records of Deeds-of Jack- son Cbunty, Oregon; thence West T . L . X*OWMUL— General Trans- ; p a r a lle l w ith Iow a S tr e e t . 1 :C 9 — Ó íx ü t i r a * and motor « d in e , marts o r less, to the pitee jpg : beglfcntag, ' containing 1 .3 « I aerea,. mofe o f less. The forego- I ih g premises are situate in the City of Ashland and form a pdrt of the original Government Lot No. 4 in Section 1 in said Town­ ship and Range. Excepting and jre ee rv in g from the foregolng'de- I scribed premises the following, to-wit: Beginning at a point of I Intersection of the WesP bound- | i r y line o f a tract of land here- | tofore deeded by Jasper E. I Young and wife To O. H. Johnson, W A N T E D : — To give aw«y W ftig Jersey Calf. ~ uvt . u 1 D.,:"w arvC< an<| whi^B ;' h . a - I the terest therein from tbe 38th day J of May, 1935, at the rate of lig h t I per cent per annum, b e i n g ! the amount paid by the plaintiff for In su ra n ce on the b u ild in g 'o n «aid mortgaged premises, also such an amount as attorney’s fees as the Court shall adjudge to be .reasonable, and the costs and dis­ bursements of this suit; also, bach farth er relief ns to the Court «han seem meet and equitable. This summons is published In p u r- •nanoe of an order thddb by Ran. C. M . Thomas, Judge of said C ir­ cuit Cónrt datad 33ad «ay of > /n.,''* • • at > June I9 2 e . '4tátetlftjr thte service N R W T O N F A U * QWe, J al» ’ ♦.— Apparently crane« by thp heat, Robert Prêt». 23, abet and htlle« bla Wife and two children and then took bis oWfc life bare daring the night. ÍE 8 8 B 8. W ING . T h at a certain mortgage made by yon and the defendant H llm a M . Jalo dated the 2«th day of 111« coupon detached. January, 1 *24, in said complaint The Board reserves tbe right set -forth .before closed and the to reject any dad a ll bids. •; v promisee therein described, to- F. 8. BNGLM. Clark. 1 Addisse Ashland, Oregon J Beginning a t a point 20.7« 211— U I j chaina east and .20 chains south I I of the southwest corner of Dopa- , j I tlon Land Claim Number Sin in " . I Township 21 south, range 1 east W radenbnri Bldg., Aaû- of the W illam ette Meridian, Ore­ gon: thence South 20 minutes I east 224 feet fo r the place of be- , . ... - B N E W W E S TM IN IS TE R , 8. Bride« Administrator. 274-6-Sat. vertunent Sale 3f Beer Defeated ro<«aa, suitable fo r one to four, weteen. Wood, furnished, 17.5« Ws w □ ö X lB ta MOTI t <1(HS.8O $1010.60 G00DK1W S1 Folks say the place to get REAL SERVICE is