Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, May 20, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    bf ' ■wltiéh were enthusiastically
Irons' Club, Mra. E. D. Brig«*, applauded.
At the close ,ot the pleasing
program all yoked appreciative
« » »
thanks. At a table, a harmnriy
OvR- « u b M o r t f r )
la pink and white, with Rs great
An official board meeting QP- bowl ot fragrant LaFranea roans,
aaed the last regular eeesloa of Mrs. Martin and Mri. Mary, Wll-
the Civic improvement C|db. It , shire poured.
was held at 1:16 p. m. Tuesday,
The hoateasee were Mre. L. A.
and affairs of the d a b were care­ Roberta, Mrs. Mary Wilshire and
- ■ i 9frs. Mariât. There were soverril
Thanefey, May ftO.—feaby Clinic. fully considered. /
pro­ visitors present to enjoy with the
Givi? Club House. Afternoon.
Umrsday, May » . — Trinity Guild, gram began. After the patriotic members the interesting program
opealng, the reports of secretary, and social hour.
parish House.'
standing committees and treasur­ * The report of the nominating
Thursday, May » . —Commence­
er weye gives. Interesting let­ committee w ill .he given at a .la ter,
ment. Armory, S:pd p m. Li
ters from Mrs. Metikel
and others date, for it has not been domplet-
Tliarsday, Friday aad Hatarday—
were read to an Interested au­
Poppy Days.
22 22 22
Friday, May 21.—-Ladies Aid M.
The full reports received their Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Putney En­
B. Church. Mrs. W. , Qavisf meed of praise and a vote of
hostess, 453 Allison.
thanks was given the treasurer,
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Putney en­
Friday, May 21.— Mount Ashland Mrs. Wilahlre for her faithful tertained at a plcnie supper
Chapter, D. A. R. Meets with services.
Thursday evening, Because of the
Mrs. Gordon MacCracken, the rain it became an Indoor picn)c.
. Mrs. Backus, 199 Granite. Mr«.
Harriet Fielding. Hostess. Mrs. out-going president,. took this
The fiesta wes honoring little
time to express to her committees Jack's first bittbdsy and fee cele*
Gardner, Social Chairman.
Friday, May 2 1 — Who Do Class ,and the memberanip her apprecia­ hraton <as a rely happy one.
Meets at Home of Mrs. J. R. tion of their help throughout
After fe e delightful supper, a
McCracken, Valley View. Cov­ the year and she thanked them radio conoert. with the happy vis­
ered ;D|sh Dinner. Meet at very earnestly for the cooperation it of good friends made the eve­
so efficiently £iven in the club ning
church at ’l l a. m.
pass Quickly/
Saturday, May 2 2 — Recital Pu­ program o f activities for the
Those who enjoyed the pleas­
, ant hours were Mr. and Mrs.
pils of Miss Berna ^Haight, 525 year.
She then turnd the program Forest Michelson, Mr. and Mrs^
E. Main, 8:00 p. m.
guuday. May 23.-—Annual Memor­ over to the chairman of the mu­ Wick Fog, and daughter, .Jean,
ial Service. G. A. R. at M. B. sic committee who presented sev- j Medford; Mr. aad Mrs. Earl
Church.. All patriotic bodies eral performers in a delightful j Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. El-
invited to worship with them. musical program that was all too » hart and son, Billy; Mr. and Mra.
] H. Weren and the host and
Monday, May 24----Ladies Art short for the attentive listeners. E.
Clnb. Hosteeses, Mra. J. A,
Schubert’s “Serenade"
and hoeteea
and little sea.
Huger and Mrs. George King a i "Klllarney" were given by Mias -
« 22‘22
Roe« Atkins, with sympathetic j
Pariah Heuae.
Monday, May 24.— French Club. interpretation and much feeling.
Her instrument was the cello with ;
Mra. W. M. Poley, hostess.
Monday, May 24— W. R. C. So­ Mrs. H. S. A Ik las at the plane. ,
cial. In the Park. Mra. JeP- A piano solo by Everett McGee. ,
nings and Mrs. Koch hostesses. an arrangement of favorite ae- j
Monday, May 2 4 — Ashland Mnaic lections from “H Trwvatore," was <
Study Club. 7:45 p. m. at Miss the second number; to insistent
Election applauses* Mr. McGee repeated a j
members please come. ,* ,
pleasing tneme from the arrange- <
thesday. May 2 7 — Alpha Em­ ment played.
broidery Club. Masonic Hall.
MrS. H. S. Athens and Mrs. ,
Mrs. Ernest Wallin and Mra. Alice Willits were heard in duet, <
M. S. « Ito , hostesses.
In two selections from Moakow- j
«hnrsday. May 27.— fcadtos Oiks ski's suite “In Foreign Parts;4 ,
the first, “Italy’ with Its charac­
Card lub. At Club Room.
Those enjoying Mrs. Monroe's
(toesfeiy, May » — W. C. T. V. teristic movement and tempo. ,
hospitality w ere‘Mrs. W. D. Gill
The second was / ‘Russia,** both ,
and her mother, Mre. Nehrer of
Oakland, California, who is vis­
it her at present; Mrs. Spaulding.
Mrs. W. L. Maxey, Mrs. B. B.
Balls, Mrs, W. L. Huxley, Mra. 8 /
A. Peters, Mrs Blair, and Mrs.
Otto Winter.
22 22 22'
American Legion Auxiliary—
Friday, May
American Le­
gion i Auxiliary entertained fee
American Leglou at the Civic
<^lub House with a Box Supper.
Dancing and playing cards dur­
in g the evening helped to make
the affair a success.
»*« # .
American Legion Auxiliary Meet-
Cooking School
Monarch Electric Range Demotistra
tion now being held in our display
rooms, 2 to 5 P. M.
These clasarai will he under the supervinion of an
exjierienced Home Economist from the Home Service
Department of the Malleable Iron Range Company.
Electric Cookery, Oven Dinner Planning and Ecou-
omy Kor-tppg irttt tw tire prtnctpn! pubjectg wirered
and demonstrated during this cooking school.
Remember the date and take advantage of this ex­
ceptional opportunity.
$10.50 Oven Dinner Set Free!
th each Monarch Electric Range Purchased dut-
p tbe Cooking Schopl.
; a f
Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. McNair Enter-
Houortng Mra. Mary Ueher, of
Oakland, California, wjio Is visit­
ing her daughter, Mrs. Waldo
Gill, Mr. and Mrs. fM<Nalr were
host and hostess at a delightful
dinner Saturday evening last.
Covers were laid for nine for
this plesksarit function; Mr? and
Mra L. J. Harnere, Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Gill. Nancy ou and Law-
renck OHI, Mra. Mary Npher, with
the boat aad hostess, Mr. and
M rar< B. McNair.
ft It It
The American Legion Auxiliary
met at . their club rooms Monday
Much business was
transacted add plans for Poppy
Days, Thursday, May 20, Friday,
May 21, and Saturday, May 22,
were decided and will sell Popples
on the street on these days. The
losing side during the member­
ship drive will entertain thé win­
kers at the next meeting.
» » 22
Monday, May 24, the W. "R. C
will have its social In the park,
from 2:00 until 5:00 p. m.
Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Koch
«re ths hostesses. They will have
a number to a'ssist.
It Is hoped that the membership
will koep the date free that there
may be a goodly number present
to enjoy the afternoon together.
Beryl Jarmon, a Juño
Et was happily surprised
by a iremnor or her mauds Mon­
day evening at t h e . F ru tice
j V dinner gueet at the home of
Mrs- C. R. Fell. Miss Jarmon wa«
stray when fe e friends assembled.
Coming home early In the evening
She found th e rooms fitted with
» perry*eoafeeny.
•' .»
. A fere»-act aouiedy put on dnr-
Int fe4 eve»feg. afforded much
amusement and gave scope for,
the hlstrlònlc ability or fe e cast
whlcb not only presented the
piay. h u t Mtna M b M fto BombsC
prepared f e e J ln e c ^ Inwrorisk-,
trim. too. <t« utlllksd to » cinsid«
ershle extent—affording opport
iunity>fer 4 e v e r hwTriay.
W ife tbs dramatic ending ol
the fe lid a c t fe e lovely gifts
which'bad bsen brought were ¿re-
' rife 4w ih twg
PFt.W fc * »• Mwle.
la « l ^ ^
M ra lie y aebi»,
M/. «»We*l MOdbartl Mr. Karl
p. « ta h , eaoh staudng tWl<*. Miss
Marguerite Hammohd accompan-
led all ferire who M ac, *t ‘U»e
i -
Mre. H. B. (tenfdrd aad UH.
lieraMa* Matterà rierved. -rbcy
wsre asstoted by a aamber o f
young girla.
. •
One b«aOMC «ad (lfty werd
Brághman. I, Volee..
" Iw rit
Spring Tima," Churchill Orln-
d<tfl, B. “The T onatale,” Jeasie
drtvnor Jamas Barghwan and-
Hfwa®« • Mayberry,
eoom be a t FU so.
». (Coatlnoed oh P»g® F$vri), ,
< Small tables w « e « e f o n fee
fc » .
j . sm ith. Mr.
B w n uhder the beehflful trees
ÌUlfe, fee "(Mhor oí per
M m ier wgs served cateteri« fa«h-
bla vii®, who hava
Wh, from the pardi and fe e gnysts
pUrifeat ttfrea ter Mra
J «¿Joyed fee repast, with Its heap­
ing bowls of strawberries as the
A)li< ious finish, still more he-1 Frick of Medford and fe e mem­
■Buse of fee lovely setting.
bers «( fe e BUliags fe w . ,
t, ' honra with them.
| F The guest list included, * f e . . The marrlag® copras '«a grits a
T to w ■- R u o r i' feeetviag lbm in performance and speed
foul Mra. Q. A. Briscoe, .Jfr. Àllì- surprise to Mfe. Morgaa’s many wsrrit Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Church
of washing, the
B n , Mr. Hughe», Mr. and Mrs. C. frtends in ¿«bland, hut each aad Ut. fe e K w . wad Mra. P. K. Ham
ft. Howell, the Misses Casad, gll unite in wtohlng for fc>fe a mond, Mra, G. H. Bedburg. 8r.,
Meryl Jsrcnon, Ethel Templin, long, happy and useful life's Mb. and MW ElweSd Hetberg
J a n i t a Tarr, Grace Hawk yard, Journey."
Mr. and Mra. W. H. BSrtgee, Mra. is unique io the * a fw e »
Whmidt, Bent, Alleen Shepherd,
Herman Matters, Mra H. W Pan-
22 22 22
with which fine things are
W a Poley, Mildred tr a in , Nofti Guild alhsra
ford, Mrs. Harrte Fielding.
feier, Calmefvson, Irene Berg,
Miss Blanche Hicks was hostess
ftiryle Van Dyke.
at Tuesday erwaiaWs meeting of
•We will be £lad to dem­
22 22 22
W estminster Guild.
ónstrete thia wtoxadwT
The derotionalfl worn led by
t Saturday evening, at'th e home Mr®- Fred Hitfecock. The «bar­ Haight WIR appear la pubHo re­ washer of the age.
Of Mr. and Mra. Q, F. Billings, ter Studied dealt w ife fe e Slav u cital kt her hums at 695 B. Maia
^Mlss Hilda,!,. Hanson and Harvey h e e a te n fe e U. 8. Miss Hays strsst, Batttrday, May 29. 8:W-
V . Morgan were nnifed in mgr- gave fe e review very Interesting­ o’d o c k p .m .
page- the Rav- H. F. Pemberton ly.
^ficlating clergynspn. The im-
As the theme developed, the
Mtos-sive ring ceremony was riseti. difficulties whleh are faced; the opening “Flowers of Spring/* t i
Bptnrief. *>,
« The bride was very sweet and living cendltlees; help needed; Fargo, Fraaoes
Jam «
frilnty in a becoming gown, the help given; the church affm e­
work of her own skilled Uingera ntions and Interest in, or loss of
; "M iss Hanson has lived a t fe e Interest,’ and cause; migrant* la­
Billings home for the past seven bor— all Were subdivisions of a
years, ending with her gradua­ vital story, weH told.
tion from Alhland High School in,
Durinp fe e social hour, Miss
1925. She made a good record Hicks served punch aad home
ga a fine student and tor fe e past cookies.
eight months has taught success­
For fe e ‘^Quarterly" meeting,
a li.' the school at Msrslat (Up­ Whoa mlta bag» are brought In,
per Rogue River) aad has been there will bp a picnic In fe e park,
engaged to teach there again nert June first. Details will be an­
nounced later. •-
hH* Morgan to a native o f Jeck- - *4 pretty gift Cor Mrs. Mergler,
soo county, and has lived on the a valued Member aad one who
tipper Rogue for a number of will be missed greatly, was pre­
/M rs. He has proved himself to sented her as a slight indication
be an honest and Industrious for­ of fee love which a ll feel for her.
mer of whom »11 Ms neighbors
22 22 22
speak very highly.
Reception for Mr. and Mrs. t . A.
For fee event, fee rooms had Chnrchlll—
been made lovely with roses.
Beautiful In its floral daoora-
Hearty ooagretateSteas gmd good tions o f roses and sweetpeas, fee
wishes were offered bride and Parish house was fe e scene of s
bridegroom after the ceremony brilliant reception Saturday hon­
In Quhen quality 8hoes our cupfemsrs are assured of
from the group of friends as­ oring PresLdeut aad Mr». J. A.
correct styles, completing the perfect esto®toMe of your
hurdbUI. who ia v g but recently
costume; complete comfort and tnm lit knd a National­
Delightful refreshments were come to Ashland to make fnetr
ly Known Name which Is the makers' guarantee, as
well as oura, of your lasting satisfaction.
t '*
served and at fe e close of the home.
pleasant evening the company dis­
persed, the happy couple leaving
for the Mr. Morgan*» homstead on
Ashland Electric
Shoe Problem» Vanish
W hen You W ear
Americas Best Known Shoes For
Women and Young luomen
No Trouble To
Kid Leather Ardi Shoes
Price 16.50 . '
Pijt. and Kid Steel Bead
| >ur canned goods are
¿elected for quality.
Many of them are all
ready to serve. .
Don’| neglect eating plenty of vegetables just be­
came they are a little treacle to prepare. Our stock
pf canned goods will- solve the problem.
Ashland Feed & Grocery
353 East Main
You Can Get The
Surprise Shower For Miss Jar-
»t-Iteorttriftll '
•* < R I J
Mr. and Mrt. » . a
Jertateed fe s high sferici tesch-
B and a ter* other guasta at' a
ppily planned dinikr whlcti had
r ite artistic setting the bl¿-out-
,We are prepared to make
The Appropriate
' Graduation Gift
sifdressihg Parlón
ì' and 3, Citizens Bank Bldg.
• '• ♦ ♦■44« ♦ 4 ♦ » » 4 4 ♦
f-' ' '■>
It ig ft source of gratification to all of Ash-
Iftpd when ea<* yejr emit sniemtithclaMe*
arc graduated from Ashlind Hl and to thia
yBara ctoss we extend hearty congratula­
tions and wishes for successful future.