bf ' ■wltiéh were enthusiastically Irons' Club, Mra. E. D. Brig«*, applauded. At the close ,ot the pleasing hostess. program all yoked appreciative « » » thanks. At a table, a harmnriy OvR- « u b M o r t f r ) la pink and white, with Rs great An official board meeting QP- bowl ot fragrant LaFranea roans, aaed the last regular eeesloa of Mrs. Martin and Mri. Mary, Wll- the Civic improvement C|db. It , shire poured. was held at 1:16 p. m. Tuesday, The hoateasee were Mre. L. A. and affairs of the d a b were care­ Roberta, Mrs. Mary Wilshire and - ■ i 9frs. Mariât. There were soverril Thanefey, May ftO.—feaby Clinic. fully considered. / At 2:26 p. m. the regular pro­ visitors present to enjoy with the Givi? Club House. Afternoon. Umrsday, May » . — Trinity Guild, gram began. After the patriotic members the interesting program opealng, the reports of secretary, and social hour. parish House.' standing committees and treasur­ * The report of the nominating Thursday, May » . —Commence­ er weye gives. Interesting let­ committee w ill .he given at a .la ter, ment. Armory, S:pd p m. Li ters from Mrs. Metikel and others date, for it has not been domplet- I Tliarsday, Friday aad Hatarday— were read to an Interested au­ Poppy Days. dience. < 22 22 22 Friday, May 21.—-Ladies Aid M. The full reports received their Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Putney En­ B. Church. Mrs. W. , Qavisf meed of praise and a vote of tertain— hostess, 453 Allison. thanks was given the treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Putney en­ Friday, May 21.— Mount Ashland Mrs. Wilahlre for her faithful tertained at a plcnie supper Chapter, D. A. R. Meets with services. Thursday evening, Because of the Mrs. Gordon MacCracken, the rain it became an Indoor picn)c. . Mrs. Backus, 199 Granite. Mr«. Harriet Fielding. Hostess. Mrs. out-going president,. took this The fiesta wes honoring little time to express to her committees Jack's first bittbdsy and fee cele* Gardner, Social Chairman. Friday, May 2 1 — Who Do Class ,and the memberanip her apprecia­ hraton fer 4 e v e r hwTriay. W ife tbs dramatic ending ol the fe lid a c t fe e lovely gifts which'bad bsen brought were ¿re- Wort» ' rife 4w ih twg PFt.W fc * »• Mwle. la « l ^ ^ M ra lie y aebi», M/. «»We*l MOdbartl Mr. Karl p. « ta h , eaoh staudng tWl<*. Miss Marguerite Hammohd accompan- led all ferire who M ac, *t ‘U»e plano. i - » Mre. H. B. (tenfdrd aad UH. lieraMa* Matterà rierved. -rbcy wsre asstoted by a aamber o f young girla. . • One b«aOMC «ad (lfty werd Brághman. I, Volee.. " Iw rit Spring Tima," Churchill Orln- dfe a mond, Mra, G. H. Bedburg. 8r., Meryl Jsrcnon, Ethel Templin, long, happy and useful life's Mb. and MW ElweSd Hetberg J a n i t a Tarr, Grace Hawk yard, Journey." Mr. and Mra. W. H. BSrtgee, Mra. is unique io the * a fw e » Whmidt, Bent, Alleen Shepherd, Herman Matters, Mra H. W Pan- 22 22 22 with which fine things are W a Poley, Mildred tr a in , Nofti Guild alhsra ford, Mrs. Harrte Fielding. washed. feier, Calmefvson, Irene Berg, Miss Blanche Hicks was hostess ftiryle Van Dyke. at Tuesday erwaiaWs meeting of •We will be £lad to dem­ ’. 22 22 22 W estminster Guild. ónstrete thia wtoxadwT Wedding— The derotionalfl worn led by t Saturday evening, at'th e home Mr®- Fred Hitfecock. The «bar­ Haight WIR appear la pubHo re­ washer of the age. Of Mr. and Mra. Q, F. Billings, ter Studied dealt w ife fe e Slav u cital kt her hums at 695 B. Maia ^Mlss Hilda,!,. Hanson and Harvey h e e a te n fe e U. 8. Miss Hays strsst, Batttrday, May 29. 8:W- ’ V . Morgan were nnifed in mgr- gave fe e review very Interesting­ o’d o c k p .m . Tira program presented wlH page- the Rav- H. F. Pemberton ly. offer fe e feUowiBg nnm hen. In ^ficlating clergynspn. The im- As the theme developed, the Mtos-sive ring ceremony was riseti. difficulties whleh are faced; the opening “Flowers of Spring/* t i Bptnrief. *>, « The bride was very sweet and living cendltlees; help needed; Fargo, Fraaoes “Sweet Vtotot,“ SmaUWedd Jam « frilnty in a becoming gown, the help given; the church affm e­ work of her own skilled Uingera ntions and Interest in, or loss of ; "M iss Hanson has lived a t fe e Interest,’ and cause; migrant* la­ Billings home for the past seven bor— all Were subdivisions of a years, ending with her gradua­ vital story, weH told. tion from Alhland High School in, Durinp fe e social hour, Miss 1925. She made a good record Hicks served punch aad home ga a fine student and tor fe e past cookies. eight months has taught success­ For fe e ‘^Quarterly" meeting, a li.' the school at Msrslat (Up­ Whoa mlta bag» are brought In, per Rogue River) aad has been there will bp a picnic In fe e park, engaged to teach there again nert June first. Details will be an­ year , nounced later. •- hH* Morgan to a native o f Jeck- - *4 pretty gift Cor Mrs. Mergler, soo county, and has lived on the a valued Member aad one who tipper Rogue for a number of will be missed greatly, was pre­ /M rs. He has proved himself to sented her as a slight indication be an honest and Industrious for­ of fee love which a ll feel for her. mer of whom »11 Ms neighbors 22 22 22 speak very highly. Reception for Mr. and Mrs. t . A. For fee event, fee rooms had Chnrchlll— been made lovely with roses. Beautiful In its floral daoora- Hearty ooagretateSteas gmd good tions o f roses and sweetpeas, fee wishes were offered bride and Parish house was fe e scene of s bridegroom after the ceremony brilliant reception Saturday hon­ In Quhen quality 8hoes our cupfemsrs are assured of from the group of friends as­ oring PresLdeut aad Mr». J. A. correct styles, completing the perfect esto®toMe of your hurdbUI. who ia v g but recently sembled: costume; complete comfort and tnm lit knd a National­ Delightful refreshments were come to Ashland to make fnetr ly Known Name which Is the makers' guarantee, as well as oura, of your lasting satisfaction. t '* . , served and at fe e close of the home. pleasant evening the company dis­ persed, the happy couple leaving for the Mr. Morgan*» homstead on UNÈQÜALLED ONE - MINUTE Ashland Electric Shoe Problem» Vanish W hen You W ear Americas Best Known Shoes For Women and Young luomen No Trouble To Kid Leather Ardi Shoes Price 16.50 . ' Pijt. and Kid Steel Bead ed, ’. Prked$8.50 | >ur canned goods are ¿elected for quality. Many of them are all ready to serve. . 8HOB WBPÀBTMENT Don’| neglect eating plenty of vegetables just be­ came they are a little treacle to prepare. Our stock pf canned goods will- solve the problem. Ashland Feed & Grocery 353 East Main You Can Get The Newest ' Surprise Shower For Miss Jar- »t-Iteorttriftll ' •* < R I J Mr. and Mrt. » . a Farsytbte Jertateed fe s high sferici tesch- B and a ter* other guasta at' a ppily planned dinikr whlcti had r ite artistic setting the bl¿-out- FLOWERS FOR THE GRADUATO ,We are prepared to make CON G R A T U L A T IO N S Graduation Baskets Bouquets Corsages The Appropriate ' Graduation Gift J ): ASHLÄND, FLOWER SHOP ,(OUT OUR MILLINERY Wipcland’s sifdressihg Parlón ¿¡TUA ì' and 3, Citizens Bank Bldg. • '• ♦ ♦■44« ♦ 4 ♦ » » 4 4 ♦ 1 f-' ' '■> cJ- It ig ft source of gratification to all of Ash- Iftpd when ea<* yejr emit sniemtithclaMe* arc graduated from Ashlind Hl and to thia yBara ctoss we extend hearty congratula­ tions and wishes for successful future.