Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, March 16, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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▼lattine Waat
d k M t a ft« «*$> o a f e tfeteb
fulness with lta> eurua, .4 t hae u
fine system • of follow-tip .work
4 and < preventative : measures, so
4 that tha victim s. »111*, get the
j pMP»r starf in • goep > a»vtron-
fr ,-toabta. »- / 1
¡a-> w t ::vi •,> •/
Some of the caaomi wktoh,have
| cotoe from alt parti of .ft» state,
i- are • voltintary 1 aeahera , sifter
it dtreekh, wefto tM uaajofti/ *ra
i Court conunlttmeota, hanae the re-
d qnert on the part afi f h e . or-
T canlration that all retiffthfts of
s the etate help finance this most
e needed institution? It Ja d tate-
f ffuhrd against their PJVP. and
: x
. T
f i a
i r
officers of -the boapfUL .
* The <p*t lsg fc ia ta « Indorsed
> IseasOs Mb lif t ftp» ti to to.
; Bare a d a g e that the Beit hosdL
« d ft being built. The present
* capital
Inadaqugte to- cope
; rlth the disease, as It cares for
nt 1«’ girls. The new hospital,
. earing completion a t Elwood
tation, .near TroatdaJ«., p g , (he,
* 8-acre property of the Louise
1 lome, will, if Oregon’s men and
women help, be opened June
The hospital will accomodato
i patients. There will he* BO
igle rooms, two 10-bed -wards,
gregatlag and receiving reams,
eratimt to ssii, ClidfttiPtom for
tiaan and lectures to teach
i yenng woasen bow to care Cor
sampfton atid to carry oh their
«ml studies while they are re-
u ltim a r /
te studio« ard mmdtictod b f ,the
b a ft Mbdof BnH tatoM ent.
¿imidtods ol enau ad Utile
p». sema' «a ymmg w i s
la p mothers, h ate beta laved
M H # fatif«A M 0 » o i t t ’A t o *
4«*" f t * ' ? * * * * * * * g t a i y ' t b e
'HmftMfttF4 n H " *«WMd IheW to
t o M t o f t f t t t a W tlw ltortf
M d paoftfa-*kfth ft p ltita s ««
/ t a t a p t a ’l « « * fttoM
>nd wfttif» t o to iA r ftwWlto Mt'S
h a n d a aptogd ' * * ® * ' *
¿T<M t * 4 % > t ft*y tfca * t t s
, C rown PtrlaeOse of Sweded Mtire
¡ (,,jhenbnrg* oti th » l» tb * «< Way
in the Swedish motor, p a a ta g v r
,lin er orlpsholm fob a two tfHfttb
visit to Aka Un&ati State«. / T f 1
T h ey are foliowing »« toCUa
tio a to bp present at the On-
veiling o t the Jobs Brftaeoa
monument to Washington On the
2 9th o f M a e and wish to are
th is oppfcrttrtrtty to t a « dHtofWti
p arts of tbe eetintiy. '
Bottr of them look torwaM to
** Älasirs, make • «**.
on to'
to'C Cfilcago.
„ ‘Detroit,
--------- , g go
o op
Minneapolis‘and B t ’ t a t i , - - -
Their Itinerary th e» rtg h a t
th eta
Fkaft» f a l l i i M o t gp rb ta. •*!}
* '* <»'4 tow
Lefte O ft, GetiW Cftfc ' « t a
f i J, -2,’ • V -I AWli'.fc»
Mb m o*nftjbt. a Bfetcaatfeaad Mattonai - Stark/ 'Grand Cantar,, ,
in tfcn F o tta * « Fark near ,th* Lae Aagafc* anti-Bagnala MeMhn-1
i d k a t a m eta fteb t, will ba M l*
ta r ty ****«< by ttt* praaidort
with tha OrwWn Prla«« Vnd
Clow s FMtaae as tart*PMta.
From Watabgtas, whyr« the
president Will etitartafe them,
their ftoyhf H teh aeo^ r win re­
i n n to New Tort for a few days
•toy and f<w vftfta to Phuadhi-
p*ia anti ftdftdn, and then that
will start for a to d r , fa motor
General — Shell Gasoline
WUßatos Service
. Milford Adame, of Mayking, K y., Restored fo
FJealth, A fter T aking Dr. T hacher’a l i v e r and Blood
Syrtxp. •
u d J t m h a t a r th a t included a fem ale Im personates M ated
Ansco Cameras
F olding
,artot. Charles « .B la n ch a rd took the part for tPP sdcond
r j U t a o *»W P b t o i n Ms, oositumm te s s t. a T Ì p took«
convincing * arguments
the speedy completion' of
this ,’a doctor. , After the doctor camp
1 th o u g h t J was getting better*
P/enatat clinics will h e c o n ­ then I began to get worse. Mf
d u cted , a s w e ll ae an obstetrical back ached; I loaf m y appettt«.
d e p a rtm en t w ith twp d o r m ito r ie s . 1 got s e weak 1 Wasn’t able te
I t ’s a sta te p rob lem an d n e e d » do my housework, ao I sent fot
e ta t e a id .
. t .
‘T j l
m oth er a4d father, and tk et
C o n trib u tio n « w ill b e rfeeeived
a t T h e J d v e ttlle Hospital for
G irls’ o f f ic e , 7 0 8 D e k u m b bftti-
ln g , P o r tla n d ; G reg o n , Mr. J. K.
G ill, T rea su rer.
tie, I kepan to wet an appetite
atid fait ao m«eh bettor, I titoa’t
think 1 needed tiny tiMto »«til-
«toe, but father aatid 1 burnt take
more atid I took tititi nwr«, bottle
and by that time I Paa wen and
gaining weight. I am glad to
say that r u t i recommend O t.
n a c h e r ’r u e w akti SMtid Syrup
to be n wdWfttirthl medicine fo r
weak and rundown peepte."-*-
Bast Side Fkatoritof. '
The w a d er value is the box cam «« at SI.
O U ier'ito. «tn.6O-»3.llO
«ad «p, a t
nuBSBAT Moamno
W e Are Not Going Out of
Don't Follow fhe
Goods During This Sale in
HENS and
50c Mens
75c Mens
M you ta n t
Real Mofaey on Groceries
now’s your chance. We hate
a United supply b it fair ae-
eortment. Hurry they majr
,go\b e fc e t day. p . .
Shoes! - Shoes!
K eds ;
' ¿J
/ l ”
I 'lW
Some line* are broken. Naturally
Vhoee Ooming P in t
A n Beet
One lût of mira dreM shoes, aseortod
itylM Mid leathers, W A t a tw W.50,
...................... GF / ti * F "witiM
' î i r
" ft;
fe ti"
One lo t boys shoes, $ 0 6 Tftìfctf» 4Ml
On« W4 drift B tœ s,
< 8 S 8 9
Byckaroo Belts
Come see that fiappy throng go out the
door laden with bnndlea of, bargain*.
50c Rubber
C am eras
, $ lò -^ 1 6 -Ì2 O -> 2 5 -S 7 5
w ith p a in s In m y h ea d a n d bacM. d en ld tr y It, «» ke a * d tky We-
B om e d a y « I c o a id ftt tip a ll d a y , btitid V e tit a b d ttot MtoM, aart
^and Othsr day» I would h a v e t » 1 b eg a n ta k in g It.
ignoring sta y in bed. For a While I bad
"After -I had token ene M t-
, 4 ordinarily.
“I want to tell you what yo«r
medimi« has dotte for me.
- X i u a a ftp mtd-trtater carnival, th e Comic Cowboys
h o sp ita l.
iW f c .
e t « y time yon drtv* your
ear info ouf service Sta­
county Is dahed * for <85,000
ftaltno^aft couhty**' Qptjta •*
Field 'workers
make a vigorous campaign in
-every county, and all- Oregonians
a r i.ftta d to help .tight. .ti>«
dread disease by sending con-
trlhatlons promptly. The boep!-
t r t i s being condtMtod under the
aisplces of the .F ertile Protee-
Vftf z ftociety, and Mm. H. E.
j*»<toP int as part of her con­
tribution to this statewide work
fthg volunteered her services as .When* Moto»
-beaded th e p
etipipalgn J cha|rm an...
in a Soldeh ,
This ip ■< project, that no oi)e •o o cesstv e y<
«am afford to overlook, as no
chto can tell when ft will atrllte
btime. These venetbally infect nd
g tta mDat be saved, a n d th e 1|-
Oto Mie wffl eftci receive « u f f e l «
men&uidiM gift. Nothing to buy, just
be at the door promptly at 9 A, M.
t o * - W e lM f r t a M
tiftft'tftjw Oik t a