e o a f e tfeteb S fulness with lta> eurua, .4 t hae u fine system • of follow-tip .work 4 and < preventative : measures, so 4 that tha victim s. »111*, get the j pMP»r starf in • goep > a»vtron- fr ,-toabta. »- / 1 ¡a-> w t ::vi •,> •/ 4 Some of the caaomi wktoh,have | cotoe from alt parti of .ft» state, i- are • voltintary 1 aeahera , sifter it dtreekh, wefto tM uaajofti/ *ra i Court conunlttmeota, hanae the re- d qnert on the part afi f h e . or- T canlration that all retiffthfts of s the etate help finance this most e needed institution? It Ja d tate- f ffuhrd against their PJVP. and : x . T f i a i r officers of -the boapfUL . * The IseasOs Mb lif t ftp» ti to to. ; Bare a d a g e that the Beit hosdL « d ft being built. The present * capital Inadaqugte to- cope ; rlth the disease, as It cares for nt 1«’ girls. The new hospital, . earing completion a t Elwood tation, .near TroatdaJ«., p g , (he, * 8-acre property of the Louise 1 lome, will, if Oregon’s men and women help, be opened June The hospital will accomodato i patients. There will he* BO igle rooms, two 10-bed -wards, gregatlag and receiving reams, eratimt to ssii, ClidfttiPtom for tiaan and lectures to teach i yenng woasen bow to care Cor sampfton atid to carry oh their «ml studies while they are re- ivitig u ltim a r / trsHttfteat te studio« ard mmdtictod b f ,the b a ft Mbdof BnH tatoM ent. ¿imidtods ol enau ad Utile p». sema' «a ymmg w i s la p mothers, h ate beta laved M H # fatif«A M 0 » o i t t ’A t o * 4«*" f t * ' ? * * * * * * * g t a i y ' t b e 'HmftMfttF4 n H " *«WMd IheW to t o M t o f t f t t t a W tlw ltortf M d paoftfa-*kfth ft p ltita s «« / t a t a p t a ’l « « * fttoM >nd wfttif» t o to iA r ftwWlto Mt'S h a n d a aptogd ' * * ® * ' * ¿T t ft*y tfca * t t s t a , C rown PtrlaeOse of Sweded Mtire ¡ (,,jhenbnrg* oti th » l» tb * «< Way in the Swedish motor, p a a ta g v r ,lin er orlpsholm fob a two tfHfttb visit to Aka Un&ati State«. / T f 1 T h ey are foliowing »« toCUa tio a to bp present at the On- veiling o t the Jobs Brftaeoa monument to Washington On the 2 9th o f M a e and wish to are th is oppfcrttrtrtty to t a « dHtofWti p arts of tbe eetintiy. ' Bottr of them look torwaM to ** Älasirs, make • «**. to on to' to'C Cfilcago. fiicago. „ ‘Detroit, --------- , g go o op Minneapolis‘and B t ’ t a t i , - - - * Their Itinerary th e» rtg h a t th eta Fkaft» f a l l i i M o t gp rb ta. •*!} * '* <»'4 tow V Lefte O ft, GetiW Cftfc ' « t a f i J, -2,’ • V -I AWli'.fc» Mb m o*nftjbt. a Bfetcaatfeaad Mattonai - Stark/ 'Grand Cantar,, , in tfcn F o tta * « Fark near ,th* Lae Aagafc* anti-Bagnala MeMhn-1 i d k a t a m eta fteb t, will ba M l* ta r ty ****«< by ttt* praaidort with tha OrwWn Prla«« Vnd Clow s FMtaae as tart*PMta. From Watabgtas, whyr« the president Will etitartafe them, their ftoyhf H teh aeo^ r win re­ VARIETY i n n to New Tort for a few days •toy and f 2 5 -S 7 5 w ith p a in s In m y h ea d a n d bacM. d en ld tr y It, «» ke a * d tky We- B om e d a y « I c o a id ftt tip a ll d a y , btitid V e tit a b d ttot MtoM, aart ^and Othsr day» I would h a v e t » 1 b eg a n ta k in g It. ignoring sta y in bed. For a While I bad "After -I had token ene M t- , 4 ordinarily. ' “I want to tell you what yo«r medimi« has dotte for me. 1 - X i u a a ftp mtd-trtater carnival, th e Comic Cowboys h o sp ita l. FUKNlSfflNG iW f c . e t « y time yon drtv* your ear info ouf service Sta­ tion. county Is dahed * for <85,000 ftaltno^aft couhty**' Qptjta •* 825,000. Field 'workers will make a vigorous campaign in -every county, and all- Oregonians a r i.ftta d to help .tight. .ti>« dread disease by sending con- trlhatlons promptly. The boep!- t r t i s being condtMtod under the aisplces of the .F ertile Protee- Vftf z ftociety, and Mm. H. E. j*»