Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1925)
message of Christ to the world, It la said that he will soon come again to America for public ap pearance, his ministry to be without charge and without price. • • Expensive Presents Do Not Clive Most Pleasure That the practice of stealing - Christmas trees along roadsides, or wherever they may be found, is not only mprally wrong, but • direct violation of the law both in Oregon'and Washington, In the substance of a statefient Just Issued by the U. 8. tore«, service, Portland, Oregon. Olsen’s Oregon laws sec. S4d, provides treble .damages for trespass for cutting trees, stating that “Whenever any person shall cut down, girdle or otherwise injure or carry off any tree, timber or shrub on the land of another, uftthout lawful author ity, 1q an action by such person, if judgment be given for the plaintiff, It shall be given for treble the amount of damages.” The Washington law, Sec. 38 (6812-1) provides that "any per son who shall go upon any lands owned by the state, or by any persons, firm or corporation without the consent of the own er thereof, and cut dpwn, cut off, top or destroy any tree, shall be punished by a fine equivalent to one dollar for every tree so cut down, topped or destroyed." Foresters suggest that It is not In keeping with the Christ mas spirit of “peace on eartb, good wilt to men” to secure the central symbol of the holiday a Christmas tree, by an act of Immoral, Illegal vandalism. mmbmmmmmmbmbsmsshbmmbmswm Chic Boutonnieres KSSKSSKMI0MS0MMMS0hMSNS9NMMMMS Madame Mode considers It almost a misdemeanor to appear on the street without s bright flower ol some kind pinned to the coat or fur neckpiece, and above are pictured six good reasons for this pretty fad. Valley lilies, carnations, gardeniaa roses and oAer blossoms, from the milliner’s, are used with millinery foliage or preserved fern, and mounted on stems wound with tin- foil. Sometimes they are scented, and they make charming gifts. \ <B . AND MBS. GORSE word ln- IVl- vlted to spend Christmas with Mr. florae's .wealthy sister on her farm. ' “Bat we ean*t; wa can't," Insisted Mrs. Gores. "Our rent has been raised this year, and liv ing is so dear In town we cannot afford presents that even her chil dren will enjoy.” "It’s ns they went, and not onr gifts,* rejoined Mr. Gorse. "Yon leave the presents to me." On Christmas Day the Gorses J . KMSHNAMURTI NEW YORK, Dee. 22— Pic turing the return to earth of Christ - with the close of the year 1926, the New York World today startled Its readers and sprung a sensation npon iB the entire nation. T The World carries the story 83 on a’ two-page* "spread” with “ photographs of various religions * leader^». Central figure is that b< of 29-year-old Krlshnamurtl, J® avowed pupil of Ifie "White Q‘ Lodge of Adopts,” supermen, m said to reside in inaccessible re- m glons of the Hiiflalsyas, and to 01 be the identical “Wise Men of w the Bast" who two thousand years ago came forth to welcome ■ Jesus. , . - The international Order of the HIS GENEROSITY Star In the East, Including representatives of all churches r and men and * wemen of note. Is responsible for these remark a b le sta te m e n ts. The fam ous ~ Dr. Annie Besant In her ad- dress at Queen’s Hall. London, announced definitely that Krlsh namurtl Is to become the vehicle of the Great World Teacher, and that an era of peace and love among men will Immediate ly follow. t Vast educational changes are a lso . predicted: in fact already In progress, Dr. Besant stated, with the establishment of World Universities l û Holland, Tndl*, mobile for Christn»aa^L________ "Yes, but It Is guaranteed not to Australia and Southern Cali run more than half way from her fornia. Additional branches arc house to mine, without breaking to bo opened In other countries. down.” I The “transfiguration” of Krlsh- namnrtl kbich has taken place • .. .Common Type iog, will w|thln a .few days, la Jud Tunklns says his folks al said to be a Divine manlfesta- tlon, similar to that experienced ways pot off their Christmas ar rangements so that along about by Jesus, at the time when the the 23rd of December they haffe to spirit of the Christ descended ■hop both early and lata.—Wash The reoccurrpnce ington Evening Star. upon of this advent, it is claimed will It Is Christmas usher In a new dispensation Io dne time we shall wish a for mankind and found a new race, based Spon practical re merry Christmas to everybody ex cept those who call It Xmas. alisation of the long-sought universal protherhood, substi tuting unselfish co-operation for the present greed and . competl- Krlshnamurtl Is now at Adyar, India, where spiritual leaders of all countries are In conference. The United States Is represented by L. W. Rogers, President. of American Theosophists. Krlsh namurtl recently fe lte d this country, making many friends. Humble in manner, very human, DISTURBANCE IN A LOCAL and showing Intense compassion THEATRE for all suffering, this striking The patrons of a local show young man appeals most of all house were very much disturbed because of his life of absolute and annoyed by the continuous purity, and no thought of per coughing o f a person In the audi sonal gain. Bearing the new ence. Don’t bo a nuisance be cause you have a cough or cold.. A few doses of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND taken promptly will bring speedy re lief- from coughs, colds and hoarseness. Mrs. W. T. Clary, White Plains, Va., writes: "We have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND for colds and bad coughs with splendid results. Because clients have ex Sold Everywhere. 2 more Star, Woman, The Live Wire, The Junior Munsey, The Caviller and recently the New York UlobeJ In the latter ease, Munsey purchased the Globe and combined It with his New York evening daily, The Sun. Munsey was a close friend''of Theodore Roosevelt and helped the former president when he left the Republican party In 1912, organliing the Bull Moose party. Munsey testified at a congressional Investigation that he donated in that year 1119.« 000 to Roohjaveltfs campaign tmm wtsn «-‘THf sosse wMB fund. It was generally believed MMt Vt »SAK that Munsey would hate been A t T he V ining Tuesday, W ed made ambassador to Great Brit nesday and Tharsdey. ain if Roosevelt had beep elected. Borne political observers at the SHENANDOAH ORAI time said that Munsey alone PROBE COMES TO made possible the Roosevolt re volt. WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. —OP) Munsey was educated In the i—After, an attack by Lieutenant public schools and at one time Commander C. E. Rosendahl, sen was manager of the Western ior surviving officer of pie Mint Union Telepragh Company at ed Shenandoah, against Colonel Augusta, Maine, where he was William Mitchell and other critics, raised. He was a member ol the naval court of inquiry into the Union I-eague club, the the naval court of Inquiry into' [New York Yacht, Riding Lotos, the Shenandoah disaster today Lambs and Chevy Chase club of ended Its look Investigation and Washington. took, the case under advisement. SUPREME COURT 8 A 7 S RUSTLER . MUST HANG Novel Powder Puff« FRENCH MASSACRED, HOUSE VOTES DRY REPORTS INDICATE PROHIBITION BA , BAGDAD, Dec. 22.—(IP) — A convoy arriving today reported two French officers and one hun dred men were ambushed. and massacred when rebels surrounded Homs, to the north of Damascus. The district is reported to be very festive, with -pillage and murder increasing. eraaaraizBMa Dinner A DELICIOUS Gay little beauty doctors are these up-to-date powder puffs, and idea1 Christmas gifts. By meaus of water-color paints, narrow ribbons, aces and tiny flowers, ordinary powder puffs are transformed Into these whimsical affaire that portray laucy flappers or demure maids. One slder of the puff is decorated while the other makes Itself useful. CHRISTMAS DAY 21.00 Don’t forget tables being reserved now for Watch Party Williams Service Station BOULEVARD and «HERMAN W ITH SHADES is the only station in Ash land selling the in many colors and pat Shell Company Gasoline 61 Per Cent Gravity which is tlie highest grav ity in 10 years. Give it a trial and judge for your self. rest Cody on August 18,. 2»t< FRANK MUNSEY, PUBLISHER IS DEAD IN NEW YORK (Continued From Page One) General Gasoline, Also Press, Scrap Book, The Puritan Godey’s, Peterson’s, The Baiti- LAMPS December 31, 1925. Dinner and Dancing LITHIA SPRINÇS HOTEL ASHLAND terns will delight H ie Ashland Electric Shop 339 E. Main Ntreet CIGARS IN GIFT BOXES HUNTING COATS CIGARETTE HOLDERS HUNTING KNIVES ’ fc» mv'tS iii THAT YOU WILL ENJOY Served 5:30 to 8:30 P. M. ELECTRIC SALEM, Dec. 22— (U. P .)— The Oregon Supreme Court to day sustained the* decree of Judge Dalton Biggs of the Malheur county circuit court, sentencing Archie Cody, horse rustler to hang for the murder of Austin Goodman, sheriff of Harney county. Goodman was WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. —OP) — The House voted overwhelming ly "dry” on Its first prohibition vote toftay. Amendments to the treasury postoffice appropriation bill, to eliminate a »250,000 ap propriation for the purchase of evidence by federal prohibition agents was defeated, 129 to 17. it! ìli eì» »i i,»» s — — ; FOOTBALLS, BASKETBALLS 13th 9 Madison Sea, Oakland, Calli. DEUCHT HER T h e Great Engineering School o f the West BITTWELL DUAL USE , DAVENPORTS ONE SINGLE MOMENT . PLENTY TIME " T O THE BOYS erf A s West who A wear a chance—A ls coPags oOsis tog practice in A s anonest time. Degrees Granted in euc xricaLCivll, Mining, Mechanical, Structural and Architectural Engtn- ■ . cleaned and pressed be fore Christmas, a t the* Standard, Cleaners We will be glad to demonstrate this Davenport Free Delivery Servioe Phone 108 95 Oak St. Convenient Terras Clother Returned W ithout Odor Swenson - Peebler Furniture Co, ; MISS’SAYLOR'S P IG ’N WHISTLE CHOCOLATES IN GIFT BOXES a light upward and outward pull brings the lied into place. Exceptionally easy to operate, fool-proofed, cannot get out of order. Weight is absorbed by counter-balanced springs. Bed legs automatically go into position as Daven port is opened. To have your clothes dry ‘ .WITH NININQER’S ASHLAND Service That Earns Appreciation Advertise In Hi® Tidings Clean Clothes For The Holidays Do not wait until the 3ast minute to have your clothes dry cleaned and pressed for the holiday functions; but phone us now and we will call for them. Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing Works 35 P in t St. Phone 63 pressed emphatically their appreciation of efforts to serve th em ,, this agency knows it pays to extend to the public complete con sideration. Experience has la wisdom rrria/lrtm of endorsed 'A the thia course of action, _ INSURANCE Why not select one now and enjoy Christmas? Jordan Phone 80 The satisfaction ^njoyed by the policyholders of tha book* of this agency has stimulated a steady growth of business. The service ideals back- qf it all must be right. Attention to details has paid. Local Agency of The Hartford Vira Inaurane* Company Agency DAFFODIL FARMS TRAPNESTED 8. C. WHITE LEGHORNS TANCHED FOUNDATION STOCK . BABY CHICKS HATCHING BO0S BIGHT WHBK OLD FULL1T8 ( V, That IS a Santa Claus! «■ME* n Wheji you top off that Christmas feast with a plate of delicious ice oream, how can the kiddies doubt the good .. . . w i l l o f Old Nick 1 • * Why, even the old folks will begin to agree with the tots. Cool weather shouldn’t prejudice you against such a thought. * - Ice cream is soothing and invigorating at any tamo? especially after a sumptuous meal I ------ —Orders taken by phone. Immediate service during season I , ASHLAND CREAMERY B. 8. MORRISON <