Image provided by: Ashland School District #5; Ashland, OR
About Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1925)
ö C T ü o r m sm r s? XX,T $ B * W ftik R igM H»$ IU l T W A»***ÏT 15 PIMP. AN NAY iF AH'fOMS A5K6 fö ff / BFOKE TbE FlRSToF T h C VW ff fttyfinU D K R IK- (TU. SB TWO' ElW ISM lÜ JU LD NIGHTS'» B U M uxan*r mummo ©ornai v ee siR WOB RKWT—j-röom furnished D Vtth »rirate bath. Oetoop Furnace hatte«. U th la A p a r t'O M o e maata, >1 B. Second. * 7 9 -tt; Vh C a p nrtn teàt s • FOR M UVT'-Ofttne or stor» room v a s t to The Tidings of fice, formerly occupied by The Offtoe F h oae 1S4-S Hom e Fhoneldd-L Needleeratt. F loaty room for amall store or . office. Bent Office honra, U . « 0 /1 1 A. IL ; 1 reasonable. A pply T h e T id ie s t to I P , B .: 1 to 8 evenings. CltL o ffic e . 48-tl aena Bonk Building. 1 amco NT cf I'MOCTT i NG Z » T r tC F O B R E N T — Olean front room s. H ot bathe. 110 per m e. B lk H otel. 4th a a d A I t «0-1 me. M o NCY w eek« NOT EMOOSH t o „ MieTMYCXMNfiBS \ HOWABOUr-r-^ h c r c each Office hours, 10 to 18 and 2 to », Swedenbnrg BWg., Ashland, F O R RENT— F am ished cabla» and email apartments. G ranite St. c 188 8 1 -|f IF YOU SPENT YOUR X MONEY IN THE R h SHT J WAN INSTEAD CT 1 TRYING To PAtfir T h e I TbWN RED EVERY N16MT YOU COULD ( MEET YOUR EXFEWSCS. NOW PONT BOTHER ME BECAUSE YOU WONT SE T ANOTHER C E N T / HANg SON® H'XP-EVE I BOUOMT AN EK3A3EMCNT RING V W »M \3 ir L AND XHAYE TÖC c UGHUP F H Ä B B IÄ E 5A W E E K TILL « I B HMD FOR,AND 1 HAMClBT ENOUGH . T b paw fo r T he n e x t / < in SB4AM£ NT WELL V u . « — ’ SAY DONT YOU k n o w any eeTrcR THAN TO GO INTO DEBT BEYOND i . YOUR MEANS? J r mcll MM n a naxoM rtv EN6AGBP HB HAB Tb GlVS ÌHB âlffV A R lN fl DONfTHE? THE ONLY . YIAY 1 COULD SET ONE VIAS T& BOW X S DEBT BO BIT . J S ì BS é MAN-'tot) A a d r o i i ö T h is m e s s / THEN TEUC ME OWE T h i n s - h o w a m i EVER E X P e c r e o T Ö Ö ST A FOflTÍNG ÍF MDUR6ELFANOYOU CAM 6ET OUT OF IT THE fcAME WAY- You DONT COME ✓ Y ou w o n ’ t g e t . <. L ACROSS? y r ANY HELP FROM MC / WELL »F YOO 13O1HE« ME ANN MORE ABOUT IT T h a t ’S v ih a t GOINS ju s t YO ü 'R £ , TbGtr' • F O R BALM FO R HALE— ( 4 0 eg g Inca- hater. Save m oney by hatching you r ow n chicks. P hon e 257-Y . * 81-3 FO R S A iiB — N ew F O R HALE— h eatin g a to re s 8 1 0 .0 0 . . E agle 140 O berlin St. d Ven 104-U bungalow . P hon* 81-8 W ood and coni from 81-00 to B rees Foundry. * 80-1 mo.* F O R ’ SA L E— Tw o year old grap e vin es. Tokaya and other v arieties. E dw in P. H ughes. T alen t. 80-1 m o.» A U C IIO W JE S B A. L. GJDBON taken anywhere— anytime. Ashland. Qregon F O R MALE— One good work m u le. R t. 1, B ox 101. A shland. b ea tin g stove. FOR puppies. H arris. 1 88 U nion St. 80-6* SA L E — ■ G erman p olice 187 Beach street. Tom 80-«* F O R S A L S — Ona 14 ft., boat, tw o F ord to n rin g cuts . 108 N. Pioneer. 78-4» BUY W meh St. C ò r n e i’ H o f t O U ' '- 71-1 mo* PA IM tlN G CONTRACTOR ington, but indications are that there w ill bq no hitch About this. W hat Prem ier M ussolini says "goes” in Rom e, and since ho wanted an agreem ent and now he’s got it, it ’s safe to predict that h e’ll ” o. k .” it. • On the other hand, the Italian s have A ll th is redounds to th e Mna made th em selves extrem ely pop- so lin i g o vern m en t’s glory. It Fé ular here, so C ongress appears certain to struln dounds to It a ll th e m ore by reasonably every possible pofht in their reason, of • its co n trast w ith F ran ce's b alkiness. N or is It a favor, bit lik ely th a t th e w lley Slgpoi M ussolini fa ile d to th in k otA feU NOTICE TO t u r o f t o R S d eta il. F rance, df cou rse, Is Jäe- N otice is hereby given that cldedly a stron ger cou n try , t»an the undersigned has been duly Italy. If th e form er couldn't appointed A dm inistratrix of the It seem ed reason able E state of Jam es F. Denham . gu ess that th e - la tte r coutdh't D eceased, and all persons having And then th e "cam e thronffh’’ claim s again st said E sta te are I n d su rp rised ,'n d t th o se ‘T n'fhe required to present them with k n o w ” but m ost people. Ira- proper vou ch ers, w ithin six m ed iately, "Good little Italy, m onths from th is date, to L. A. exclaim ed everybody. A ttorney for said Roberts E state at his office over The th a t th e com pact C itizens Dank of A shland, Ore m ean it. T hereby th eir credii le greatly stre n g th en ed , - their m oney in creases In v a lu e, their finan cial p osition la im proved a ll ’round and— e sp e e ia lly to tin point— th ey're ab le to do torn m ore large sca le borrow ing here. B y CH ARLES P . STEW ART N BA Service W riter , W ASHINGTON — The su ccess WHO AM IT of th e Italian w ar debt se ttle I am W. T. R o c k w e ll, a lia s m ent n eg o tia tio n s cam e aa no A rizona B ill, th e tw o brush m «n. su rp rise to o fficia l W ashington. I’m every th in g th e se oth er p a lit - The tip w as passed out in ad ere a in ’t. N uf Sod. P hone vance th a t Count V olpl <H Mis- urata had h is orders from P rem ier M ussolini to eom e to term s w ith th e U nited S ta tes— to got th e beet term s h e could, but on no accoun t to let. th e n egotla tlo n s fa ll through , a s the F rench n egotiation * (HÄ. PAÌNTING AND TINTING To be sure, a g reein g to pay a ff yon appreciate • first d am F O R S A L B —S eed w h eat, bino debt and a ctu a lly paying It are Job of painting or tinting figure stem , reclean ed . B eard less bar- w ith 8W BN N IN G A G E A R , th e tw o qfflte d ifferen t thin gs. N ev Deprrnlshln P ainting C ontractors. erth eless th e Ita lia n s did an ex- ce lle n t stro k e o í b usin ess sim ply betw oen C ount Volpi and ffecrw« Phone 8 1 5 -B. M ellon w ill have to be ratl- U nless 'and FOB SALE— Box Factory Inm- In a g reein g to pay. u ntil th ey d efa u lt, this cou n try fled by th e Rom e governm ent bdr yard has a fu ll stock of all i s ' bound to assum e th a t they and by C ongress, b ére in W asb- kinds of M ttdlng lumbar at rea D rayage, sto ra g e sonable prices. ,49-tf d istan ce h auling. WELBVRNY4 — R ech argin g cen t d iscou nt 53 Second St. NOTICE TO C R R D lfO R H N otice la hereby g iv en th a t th e u ndersigned has been d u ly ap pointed A d m in istratrix o f the E sta te o f Stephen A. H aw ks. D e ceased, and all persons having claim s again st said E sta te are required to present them, w ith proper vou ch ers, w ith in six m onths from th is d ate, to L. A. R oberts, A ttorney for said E state at his o ffice over The C itizens Bank of A shland, Ore gon. Dated D ecem ber 7, 192«. BETT1E JAIY HAW KS A dm inistratrix MIXED FEED — CRACKED CORN Cottonseed and Linseed Oil Meal SEE US FOR FEED PRICES H. B. PLUMMER, GROCERY Opposite The Plata " C ottage Grove— Proposed new B ap tist Church w ill cost 810,000. Dated December 7, 1926 CORA DENHAM A dm lnistratrix Annual Sale BA TTER Y »H O P 8 1 .0 0 . 20 per E stim a tes g iv en on w ater sys on repair w ork. tem s. A ddress ( 4 0 Oak. P hon e 40. «9-1 mo. 81-1 m o.* DOST— Sm all w ire hair terrier p.- F em ale. A nsw ers nam e e f p. Dost on Gresham stre et last tlrt. Dr. Charlea A. H aines, ill 184-L. 81-tf W A N TED — C arpenter w a n ts w ork by day or Job. W ork gu ar an teed . W rite Box 898. A sh land. »1-3 Whan You Foe! a CoItTWa** W A N TED : — To rent private g a rage on Church street. P hon e 4 6 1 -R , noon or e v e n in g . AMAZING VALUES AT THIS GREAT SALE CALL FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION. MARCELLH MIRACLE H 1 N 1 K U , M s*. J . A . E veretts E xclu sive Jsefcston Co. A gen t M edford, Ore. > Pho«® 8®T-Y Tw o blocks o ff E ast Main oh V aucbuver. 80« W ilW m ette. 78-36* POOR RIC H A RD SAID — “ I t’s a poor rat th a t has but one h o le .” I am n ot a poor rat, but a «arpenter, p ainter, repairm an and dem ent 'man. N eith er am I a poor fish so j a Blackw ell, Phone 888-L. 1 78-U form D R E SS M A K E R —You w ill find B ra . B. Van H ardenberg a t 1 H Buah S treet. 74-1 » ' HOT BATHS M assage and vib rator treatm ents. C on valescen t H o m e.. « I — tl M ARCELLING Tbc, P h on e 1 8 6 J (o r appointm ent- o r call 88 J le l- m an S t., u p stairs *Pt- B7_ti B lair G ran ite Co.’s C rystal B ine R a y , a r e unexcelled . L eave ■onr orders fo r fa ll aad spring lellvery. 1 7 8 , B ast A lain . B- 'en giston , M anager. _______ 68-tf The Foundation JT Laxative V, Weak ly es? Camphor II h d b ’ e w e A a eh ia g eyps toy sim ple camphor, wltchbazcl, Hydrastis, e t c .,’ aa m ixed in Lav- optlk ey e w azh. One sm all bot tle h S lp a a ffy eaae w eak , strained or ¿ ¡F r eyas. Aluminum eye cup d e e .— McNair B ros., Drug- N m any an Am erican city today tall structures stapd on founda tions th at were plgilnfed by th eir architects to support th e w eight o f extra stories i f th e fu tu re ’s needs should call for such additions. (Their travel, the telephone pioneers could not, of course, foresee in detail the problem» o f invention, m anufac tu re , construction and operation w hich fu tu re expansion m ight in volve. vision of m en w ho provided fo r that w hich they could not definitely foresee. Sim ilarly capable o f m eeting th e fu tu re’s needs was th e foundation upon w hich the Bell System has been reared. A t a tim e w hen a few miles w asthegreatest distende over wh;dh m an’s w ire-hom e voice m ig h t catch the vision o f a national growth w hich w ould necessitate a service continent-»wide in scope. T hey could and did provide th e foundation for a structure capable o f growing with thenation» T h e p roof o f th e ir vision lies in th ò fact th a t A m erica today has a nation-w ide, universal tele- I One Davenport Traev (walnut burl, fftiish) Value $435, Sale Price $375 This value can only bo appreciated by seeing it. Ono W urlitzer Playbr with 12 Rolls, Dark Mahogany, .Valued at $440. Sale machines too. The Pacifie Telephone and Telegraph Company 67 N. Main S t M U X SYS 'U b I v w m I 1 Sonora Phonograph, value $150. Sale Price «............................ $95 1 Edison M o d e l20Ü (U pright) Value $225. Sale Price - ................... .. • $125 1 Edison Upright, $200. Like new, w ith $40 worth of records. Sale price $150. A g o o d v a lu o . 2 Columbia Console Phonographs (M ahogany-W alnut). Come and see them. V a lu e fl$ 0 , .... • ' Our new Columbia records have arrived» We are now in a position to furnish you with the new process We also can take your orders for Victor áñd ¡ Brunswick records and Pianos and Play i Otte Polley • One System Advertise In Thd Tidings One Packard Piano, value $1250. Salo Price (Dark Mohogany) ...........$950 ’ * \ anos. Watches and