Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 21, 1925, Image 1

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Without tbç use of medicine curça
nine case«, nut of ten of asthma.
This is a proven fact.
Newspaper For ^Nearly Fifty Zettr«
The Tidings Has Been Ashland's
J "W I
Foreign T raffic,
on Ú. 9. Railroads
is Increasing
Fears Morons
Death to' Three
Demands Satisfaction for
Olanh on Border in
w hich Greeks Died
P . l —-Europe, dreaming o f peaee
in the wake o f Locarno treaties,
found, today m a rtia l difficulties
In the Balkans, w hile press re­
ports from the F a r East pictured
Japan anxious lest the ChineSfe
strife should develop eventually
Meanwhile, other hews of a w ar­
lik e ring came from Morocco.
The French made a brilliant
thereby cleaning up tbe last Rtf-
flan strenghold south of Ouerghu.
A rebellion is reported In Da­
W A SH IN G TO N , Oct. 21
B — Th® volume o f foreign
tt tra ffic handled by the
tt cpuntry’e railroads dur-
tt Ing August was placed
tt by th® bureau o f.ra ilw a y
tt e c o n o mice, maintained
tt here by the carriers, at
tt 41,722,158,000
net Aon
tt miles, the highest figure
tt for an August on record,
tt except In 1920, when It
tt was 951,752,000 greater,
tt * *An Increase of 14.4 per
tt eeqt was shown for this
tt ..August
1924, and of 3.4 per cent
q te r
F reig h t tra ffic In the
eastern district, the bn-
roan reported, registered
a 20.1 per cent increase
over August, lest year, in
the southern district, an
increase of 18.5 per cent,
and in the western dis­
tric t 6.1 per cent.
Denials Made in Answer Til
ed by Plaintiffs in
Local Case
A TH E N S , Oreece, Oct. 21
<U. P .) — -Greece has sent the
Bulgarian government a very
severe note, demanding satis­
faction on acrount of the Bul­
garian occupation of Derotrhlsar,
together with hosvy punishment
for those who were chiefly re­
sponsible for the incident, and
the ' payment of heavy Indem­
nities to the fam ilies of those
who were killed In tbe clash
on the border.
A heavy Joyce of Greeks have
crossed the Bulgarian f son tier,
and are now occupying the city
o f P etrltsl, In order to eom;/el
a compliance w ith tbelr demands,
and to force Bulgaria to dls-
solve the Com ltadjls, the force
of Bulgarian Irregulars, who. It
against t|Je security of neighbor­
ing states.
Twelve Greeks were killed and
several severely wounded In the
clash on tbe Bulgarian border
yesterday morning with the Com-
Itsdjie. One Greek, who walked
toward the B ulgaria^
displaying a white flag, and
w ltli the intention of talking
over the m atter, was shot down.
The Greeks replied with a heavy
fire , but were driven back l»y
the superior forces of the Com-
Itsdjis, who occupied a Greek
city until this morning, when
they were driven out.
Oregon and Washington
— F air, w ith light south-
erly winds.
Again the farm er rules the
roost. And this time, the farm ­
e r Is ruling not only his rural
roost, but he Is aiding In running
the city, and he Is aiding In a
big way, for one third of the
city council of Ashland Is com­
posed of farmers.
fega th ia laeemotfOe, drawing s fast Wheeling-
Irgtnla, hud overturned. Five coaches piled up
I n the background is the Ohio river
I Gambling on
( Campus Charged
by Student Paper
Portland Department Re
ports Best w ork of Sea­
son During Past Week
P O R TLA N D . Oct.. 21— (Spe­
c ia l)— As a result of checking
up on farm Investments, one
town alone in Clackamas county
has ju at reported eight new set­
tlors fo r Oregon.
Estacada, snugly and quietly
resting on the banks of the
Clackamas river. Is the hub of
the rich farm ing district that has
attracted this company of hoine-
The names are re­
ported to the Land Settlement
Chamber of Commerce, by Mlg-i
M argaret Beetle, secretary of
the Oregon C ity Chamber of
The new settlers are: L. J.
Crosier of Texas, who has p ur­
chased 4 1-2 acres In the Es-
tacada district; L. W . Fox from
Alberta. Canada, who has In­
vested <20.000 In a 60 acre
farm ; August K le tt, of Washing­
ton, an Improved farm : J. W . O.
Cox. Washington, 42 seres; J.
M. Moore. Omaha, Nebraska. 20
acres, to be put Into a park:
W . L. Baughman, recently ar­
rived from C alifornia, 10 acres:
acres, highly Improved land, with
an Investment of 315.000, and
W . M. Saunders, Canada, also
an Estacada home.
Tbe total
investment of these new Estacadc
farm ers w^ll approximate <75,-
W . M. Beck, recently arrived
from the east, has located on
40 acres near Colton. Clackamas
county, and the town of Molalla
claims C. V . Nichols, from West
V irg inia, who has purchased f-2
Opening the firs t o f th is week •*
for the firs t tim e, the new Union tt
OH company distributing plant is tt
now operating. C. B. Lamb Is man- a
ager In charge of the Ashland tt
The te rrito ry which w ill be tt
supplied by the local p lant is from tt
T a li i t on the north to the C ali- »
fo r n ii line on the south, and from tt
Pine iurst on
the east
to the tt
E v e r.» Creek county on the west, tt
It was stated.
A to tal storage capacity of n
more than 50,000 gallons w ill be tt
at the distributing tt
plant here.
This w ill Include tt
storage capacity fo r gasoline, dis- tt
tlllp ta and kerosene, or a ll re - tt
flgtp] oils. WltD this large s to r-itt
rapacity. It w ill be possible tt
to am ply provide fo r a ll die- |t t
paper a t the University
of C a lifornia, that men
moat of the time ga/nb
ling for money in tho
lowing statement today:
“ The en tjec: of gamb­
ling in Stephens Union
comes to the president’s
attention for the first
tim e In the editorial as
I-ubllshed this morning
bv the D ally Californian.
The president im mediate­
ly w ill launch an Investi­
gation to ascertain the
facts, and If such an
abuse exists in Stevens
Union the president ex-
Cheek is Made by Highway
Department Over
highway Is showing a healthy
Increase In traffic, this amount­
ing to 147 -over last year, with
817 cOrs using that road, figurm
obtained In a check taken Sunday
by tha highway department show.
Oregon cars were greatly In cx-
' csss M 'th e others, there being
490 Oregon cars and 98 from
othde states.
The'count on the Pacific high­
w a y .« pulle south of Medford
showed a* total of 2864 ma-
i chines.
This was chiefly local,
' with 2284 cars bevlng Oregon
' licenses and 446 being from
• other states.
There were 21
j light trucks, 8 heavy trucks, 15
slon la represented by more than
qnp councilman.
Mayor O. H . Johnson Is a
jew eler.
O f th e councilman.
R. L. Burdlc Is a dentist, Wirt
M. W rig h t a Uundrym an, J. H .
Hardy, a groceryman and H . C.
H igh.
member, a building contractor.
The farmers land, two to ona.
Pictures of Near
East to be Shown
Here This Evening
_______ .
The answer alleges that B. C.
Miller, pastor of the Aimee Mc­
Pherson flock, ‘Through deceit,
fraud and undue influence, sought
to deprive the plaintiff of it'j
church property.” and that the
incorporation of the "First Bap­
tist church,” was “mere subter­
fuge for a selfish purpose, to ob­
tain possession of church prop­
erty.” It Is held that while the
Ashland Baptist church was newer
Incorporated as the "First Bap­
tist church*' tt was recognized ai
The alleged attempt to secure
the church property is character­
ized aH a violation and trans­
gression of "the commandment
which says: ‘Thtm shall not steal,'
and the one which says: ‘Thou
shall not covet anything that is
thy neighbor's.”
• The answeiu denies thnt mem­
bers have been barred from the
church, “but that all are welcome
as long as they act with decorum,
I drawn vehicle.
and not cause the church to be
Another point on the Pacific
an object of ridicule, and be a
highway where through travel ,1s
’detriment lo the Christian rellg-
tr i (tutors of Union OH products tt
checked In south of the junctioa
throughout this section.
of that highway and the Ashland-
G..J». Lamb. - the manager In
K lam ath
rails 'r o d » .* Wrero
charge o f the Ashland plant, was
were 932 cars counted there,
form erly service station attend­
of which number 481 were O re­
ant r.t the Union OH station here
gon, 431 other states, 10 light
on First and Main streets. Lamb
trucks, 9 heavy trucks, 3 motor
has been connected w ith tb e Un­
cycles and 4 horse-drawn ve-
ion Gil company for several years.
' hides.
This was an increase
and his advancement to the posi-
In the total of 234 machines.
tlon of mnnsger in charge is a
Redwood highway traffic Is In-
suDitantial promotion In recog­
' creasing at a faster rate than
nition of his efficient services, one
i on the Pacific out of Grants
of tho officials of the company de­
Pass, tbe ¿punt taken, Sunday
clared this morning.
On Sunday 1005 ma­
This Is the second large com­
chines passed the Intersection
pany which now has a distrlbut-
ing plant in Ashland, the Stand­
ard Oil company having m ain­
tained a plant he^e for several vicinity are neglecting the poui- me same uay h im year wiieu
try industry', a 345 day income, 811 cars were counted.
the year around Income, one of Pacific highway south of the In-
the necessities of success, accord- tersectlon showed a travel of
Ing to Carl J. Brommer, manager 1357 vehicles, or only 352 more
of the Ashland F ru it and Produce than the Redwood.
Of the cars •*8ln< the Redwood
"The soil and climate here are highway, 864 had Oregon H-
Ittoel for the production of clean, censee, showing evidently that
sweet eggs. Ashland Is receiving this was mostly local traffic,
Three reels of motion pictures, vary good prices for its eggs and Other states numbered 71, light
depicting scenes In the Near good feefe are cheap. A greatly ‘ trucks 54, heavy trucks. 10,
East, where It is claimed, m il­ Increased volume of eggs can In- motorcycles 5 end horse-drawn
lions of Armenian and Persian crease prices here. A greatly In- vehicles 11.
children ere being cared for by creased volume of feed used low-;
Tbe Pacific highway south of
American relief funds, w ill be era cost of feed here," Brommer tbe junction had 1006 Oregon
displayed at the Congregational aajd
; cars, 296 from other state«, 30
A dvertise In Tlie Tidings.
church this evening. It waa an­
Since Brommer has been co»- light trucks. 19 heavy trucks,
nounced tills morning by Rev. nected w ith the Ashland F ru it four motorcycles and three horse-
W. Judson Oldfield, pastor of nnd Produce association he has drawn vehicles. I This made n
the church.
iipoken of
these facts
several total of J367 machines, or a
Rev. M. B. Paranouglan and times.
| gain of 45 over the same day
Rev. A. B. Jones, two members
A. L. Lloyd of Petaluma, Cal- last year.
of the Near East R elief drive ifornls, and many others have
The Pacific highway north of
will present the pictures.
Rev. remarked th a t it seemed very the junction showed an Increase
Paranouglan, who spent severs! strange th a t there Is so very few of only 37 over last year with
years in the Near East w ill alno hens in this exceptionally natural a total Sunday of 2159.
favored poultry location.
I these 1595 were Oregon. 310
w hile W ile y was elected for the
The pictures w ill be started at
The Ashland F ru it and Produce other state», 82 light trucks,
firs t tim e a t the election last 7:30 this eyenlng.
There Will association has for many months, 26 heavy trucks, six motorcycles
November. .
be no admission charge. Rev. been very short on eggs. They | and llh o r s e d r s w n vehicles,
W ile y ’s place Is on W alnnt Oldfield stated.
have been forced to go to o th e r,
street, while Peters maintains
a smell acreage on the Boule­
vard, just off the Pacific H ig h ­ pttF-NOH ARE TO THRU
way, but both sre well Inside the
city limits.
PAR IS, Oct. 21. — *IF )— The
French foreign office today stat­
ed that the cabinet has seml-of-
flcially decided not to accept the,
American debt funding proposal,
but to have
Cslllaux make counter proposals
within the next eight or ten days.
Another legal document In the
long . preliminar)- skirmish be­
tween the Aahiand Kaptiet elturcb
and the First Buptlst church of
Ashland, w b i filed in the circuit
court Monday. It is tho answer
of the p laintiff, folios i ra of the
True Baptist fuith. to. tho defend­
ant, followers of the Aimee Mc­
Pherson .Four Square Gospel. De­
nials and
new charges, tinged
with bitterness, mark the lutes)
B E R K E L E Y . Oct. 21 ft
— Charges In the B ally, .{<
M Californian, student news-
C. B
This Is a condition which exists
Ashland’s peculiarly laid out
tn almost no other city in the city lim its allow these men to
o t efluraa. there »re
cities, In which farmers are members of the
councilman. but In most cases which governs the city, and still
these farmers are either men engage In a business not usually
who have . retired and moved
associated w ith cities. And they
into the city, a fte r years of
do their part, as efficiently an
tillin g the soil, or they are gen­ any other member of the coun­
tlemen farmers, who live In the cil, even though their Interests
cities and maintain a country are prim arily with the farmers
home. The U tte r are not really
W ith 'th e exception of the two
farmers, but are simply playing farmers, no business or profen-
Building Perm it 0
Ordered Drat
at Once
Believed ('aee W o u ld fo n ie up
Dqi-lag October I'o u rt T e rm
But so F a r It I m Not Listed
in Charge
A TH E N S , Greece, Oct. 21—
(U . P .) — Oreece, 1st« today sent
sn ultim atum to Bulgaria, de­
claring that Greek troops w ill
advance fu rth e r upon Sofia un­
less the demands upon the Can-
ko ff government, regarding the
differences over the border qnez-
tion, are complied
Thuraday noon.
nouacamant this morning by II.
D. McNaJr, proprietor of tbe
Tbe Oldemobtle, has becomo
one of the leading auto sellers
and Is proving to be one of tho
moat popular cars on the m a rk et
Members of the building com­ Mr. M cN air stated he already
He now
mittee of the board of n orm al. had several prospects.
regents, together with President has a coach on demonstration
Churchill of tbe local normal at" Ms garage, and later w ill have
school arrived here this morn­ other models of the Oldamoblle.
ing, and immediately want Into, He has also m ad» arrangements
conference w ith the mem hern o f , t o . give first rises service to
the Ashland board of edacaUpjt , Oldamoblle owners.
N E W Y O R K , Oct. 21. — (IP) —
Twenty seven members o f the
crew of the Ita lia n
Ignatlo Florlo, were rescued In
m id-Atlantic
President H a rd in g / according to a
wireless mtsdsge Vecelvwd hare
This accounts fo r a ll of Matters of providing trsltfw k
the crew of the freighter, which school facilities for the normal 1
Was abandoned on the high ease. Weru being discussed a t luncheon .
It lg denied that the "church
was Seised'by stealth last Ju ly,”
and fu rth e r emphasizes the Inten­
tion of the regulars to retain pos­
session. and cites the. fact that
the Rev. B. C. M iller occupies the
parsonage, though dismissed as
The Four Square Gospel Is
accused in the answer of being
"unseemly, disgusting and lu d i­
crous, ” and the action of the var­
ious county and state Baptist
councils In
upholding the
church, is upheld.
I t wau thought that the hear­
ing of the case would be put on
the calendar for the October term
of court, but tt is not listed. The
case has been hanging fire for
nearly a year, and the factional
row is the o utgroiyh of the Dr.
Price revival meetings, held in
Ashland In 1921.
Son of Former
Tidings Man
Visitor Here
O. L . McPherson, o f P o rt­
land, w I iomc fath er, W , A .
M cPherson, was a w rite r on
T h e Tidings hack In lM7fl,
visited at T lie T illin g s o f­
fice Tucsilrt) afternoon w hile
enroute to K lam ath Falls,
M r. McPherson also visited
w ith residents o f Ashland
w ho w ere here In the early
ilays and who knew his
H. C. High, local coatrfcetaff
was last night appointed by
Mayor O.
Johaeop U s u c ­
ceed R. E. Detrick. Who re­
signed from the council last
week. In order to take np an­
other city position.
High's ap­
pointment was Immediately eoa-
firmed by a unanimous vote of
the five remaining councilman,
at the regular meeting »1 the
council last night, sad the Sew
member w ill take kts place at
the next session of the City
The time tor the compiling of
the city budget was fixed fo r
the first meeting of the council
In November.
Seven local men
were appointed members of the
budget committee, to meet w ith
tbe council members In fixing the
The members of this
committee are T. H. Simpson,
B. M. 8houdy, J. H. MsGee, S,
B. McNair, A. Kinney, B. D.
Briggs and C. C. Wisenberger,
City Attorney Briggs gas ID'
strurted to draw up a building
' permit ordinance, which w ill
cover buildings any place w ith in
the city limits. This ordinance
, which w ill be prepared with tho
aid of the fire chief, w ill fix
I specifications under which build­
ings may be erected. I t w ill bo
Report From Health Unit presented to the council a t tbe
Puts End to Belief at
next meeting. The motion wao
made upon the request of F ire
Chief Clinton Baughman.
.A M A T H F A L l-S , Oct. 21
An ordinance, creating tho ot-
Botulinus poisoning probably is 1 flee of purchasing agent for
not responsible for the deaths 1 the city water, light and street
of ducks In the vicinity of Tule departments was read and adopt-
laka, accordtyig tq word reoelvai ed. C. A. Malone, head <*l the
Tuesday morning by Dr. O. S. light departm ent.. w ill prohablv
Newsom, director of tbe county be appointed to this position,
health unit, from Dr. W illiam since the council has boon re­
Levin, who is in charge of tbe quested by the heads of tho
public health service, Portland, street and water departments to
and who received specimens of* make Malone purchasing ngont.
tbe affLlcted fowls.
Another ordinance, fixing the
The letter from D r. Levin is payment for the Alidn street
self-explanatory, and follows:
sidewalks was read, and since It
"W e are unable to find B. was but a routine m atter, re ­
Botulinus In tbe duck received quired In order to satisfy the
from you some tim e ago.
The conditions of the Bancroft net,
fowl was markedly jaundiced, it was passed w ithout discussion.
had stringy mucous, bile tainted
A chert discussion was held
but no other pathological condi­ on the m atter of securatg the
tions. Cultures made from v a r­ property necessary to ope» H olly
ious organs removed at autopsy street, and tbs m a tte r rel-irm d
did not show the presence of back to the realty commltteo.
B. Botulinus.
The sick duck
A bill for <2.60, for darvagee
which was brought In here by sustained on her car which was
messenger on Thursday, October wrecked by a piece of pipe ntlch-
15, died the following day. Tin- Ing up In a street was ordered
fowl had complete paralysis, of paid, when presented by D r.
the legs before death and well M attle Shaw. An additional MU
marked paralysis when it first
came here.
It had no clinical
symptoms of B. Botulinus Infec­
The duck was sutopsled
and cultures made from various
It is too early yet to
give our findings on the cul­
tures made on the organs of the
second duck.
These w ill be
(Continuad on
reported next week."
H e stated lie was only a
child when his fa m ily lived
here, but th at he rem em ­
bered the old W ashington
Ham LPress w ith which The
T id in g s printed th e ir ed i­
tions In th e early’ «lays.
R ichard C lipp ie was the
m ejn p rin te r In T h e T ld tn ( h
plant I" thorn- days,
The last few days of the
deer season, which closed yes­
terday furnished the beet hunting
of the season, according to
sportsmen who were out In the
hills when the sun lowered the
curtain on the 1926 season by
sinking behind thè bills.
Charlie and George Parman
each bagged a buck during
SAN PEDRO, Oct. 21— (U . P.)
— The booming of the big guns
of the United States battle fleet
gave the harbor dlstrit^ o n e -o f
Its periodic shakeups todny, the
first. In many months.
dreadnaught West V irginia open
ed fire with her sixteen Inch bat­
teries In the first round of
abort range .battle practice off
San* Clemente Island. Rattle fir­
Inger and Ben Bowers were a
part, bagged six bucks. Two of
tbe kills were fovknl I t o r i - a ,
while tho other fe a r we.o thiee
Fred Taylor and Ernest Biden
grabbed a four pointer In Yoa­
kum Valley, just over the divide.
A ll deer killed during tbe let­
ing of other ships o f the float ter pert of the season, and all
w ill follow before the end of the venison which hunters may have
on hand, must be tagged with a
metal tag by one of the strte
deputy game wardens, sscordlsx,
to Roy P arr, deputy state game
warden. This service la as ty to
obtain, since the wardens, U
celled, w ill visit the p r* nisee
where the meat Is kept, sad
w ill fix the tags.
There Is a
charge of five cents per t a j for
this service.
The tanneries thronghon' tbe
Valley sre doing a rushlag busl-
making them Into g io v o or
octets. and In mounting head®
which hunters desire to keep
as a reminder of their succose.
Hunters sre now turning their
attention to dock, pheasant 8ad
quell hunting.
The phceoaat
-ud quell seasons eloon o» Qsto-
:>sr 21, while the duck s s»—
Is open for some time yet- F a r
this reason, most of the huateoa
are searching for tho *h *w a a ts
and quail, taking advantage W
tbe few remaining day»