ASHLAND CLIMATE Without tbç use of medicine curça nine case«, nut of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. Newspaper For ^Nearly Fifty Zettr« The Tidings Has Been Ashland's J "W I OBE001 Foreign T raffic, on Ú. 9. Railroads is Increasing Fears Morons Death to' Three B Demands Satisfaction for Olanh on Border in w hich Greeks Died ADVANCE ON SOFIA P . l —-Europe, dreaming o f peaee in the wake o f Locarno treaties, found, today m a rtia l difficulties In the Balkans, w hile press re­ ports from the F a r East pictured Japan anxious lest the ChineSfe strife should develop eventually Into a Russo-Japanese war. Meanwhile, other hews of a w ar­ lik e ring came from Morocco. The French made a brilliant capture of Dtebet Mezzous thereby cleaning up tbe last Rtf- flan strenghold south of Ouerghu. A rebellion is reported In Da­ mascus. W A SH IN G TO N , Oct. 21 B — Th® volume o f foreign tt tra ffic handled by the tt cpuntry’e railroads dur- tt Ing August was placed tt by th® bureau o f.ra ilw a y tt e c o n o mice, maintained tt here by the carriers, at tt 41,722,158,000 net Aon tt miles, the highest figure tt for an August on record, tt except In 1920, when It tt was 951,752,000 greater, tt * *An Increase of 14.4 per tt eeqt was shown for this tt ..August over August, tt 1924, and of 3.4 per cent q te r August. 1922/ F reig h t tra ffic In the eastern district, the bn- roan reported, registered a 20.1 per cent increase over August, lest year, in the southern district, an increase of 18.5 per cent, and in the western dis­ tric t 6.1 per cent. Denials Made in Answer Til ed by Plaintiffs in Local Case NOT A TH E N S , Oreece, Oct. 21 sr 21, while the duck s s»— Is open for some time yet- F a r this reason, most of the huateoa are searching for tho *h *w a a ts and quail, taking advantage W tbe few remaining day»