Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 30, 1925, Image 1

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Historical 8oetety
For Neariy Fifty Ywn
¡Technical Denial
• Now Takes Place
ih Social Life
W A S H IN G T O N . Sept. JO— (U .
P .) — The sending of the 111 fated
n a ra l d irigible Shenandoah west­
ward In to th e storm of the mid­
d le west, la which the big a ir­
ship w a s . tprn into pieces and
wrecked, taking the Urea of
fourteen members of Its crew,
was “ In direct violation o f'th e
law»’’ Colonel W lUtam ’ l l Itch ell.
stormy petrel of the arm y air
service told the aircraft Inree-
hoard * appointed
President Coolidge to investigate
th e wreck of the big dirigible
Jtnswar Mas bang ttldd hy {he
Flrot Baptist ehureh ef Ashland,
te (ho nmended coasylaiat of thè
Ashland Baptist ehureh r i Asb-
• ■ M p iA p » - A jd ta a r i^ t ^
thè compiate», p osoeaale n of thè
damages for
seriore of thè ehureh house of
wei ship la ri July by thè Ashland
Baptist chnrch and rent et thè
n U of »7« a nronth, “Mnee thè
to an-
nth e a chapter In the factional
d lfthr pw r as that here split the
■a, Meat yeoftc flapper»
; the ukelele, with its tan-
**heach of W aikiki. But
at Ukelele factories 1» in
And here a re real Ames»
ito and abort grass sklru i
toss base rushing since
BopHri charch her» ateee last
Novemhpr. The Ashland Baptist
ehureh adheres to the established
faith and the First Baptist
ehureh follows’ the “A^mee Mo»
Phonon -.Pour Square Gospel
The ' AOmprilh t
U v M M B X A f the Portland Bap»
f l r i O H h d u n , In upholding the
Ion r i the Regne River
aaoetotlen b ri "ritem pt-
thdraw the baud of fai­
rem Raw. B. C. M iller,
■tor of the First Baptist
|a preeumiitlous., Un-
1, uncalled for and nn-
* f n rih i r alleges
sad Baptist church,
talon e f the ehureh
t l« « fit the F irs t
I, which to roteate.
tqring Through Window,
Pew Articles of Clothing
Only Thing» Removed
kllfcsd " MffehdR ana
nlght, entered the Ashland Laun- w w ed
# ¿ueet|on M w
dry on W a te r street, and a fte r
searching throughout the estab- t
ttobsjont. breaking open several
M|tchen referred to the gov-
bundles of laundry and removing frn m e n t M a tttU a an opinion of
a few articles, departed, W ir t M. the a tto rn e f general, that only
W M ght, proprietor of the «stab- fly|Bg o|f|cets , hoaW be In coh-
itoqmqnt reported to the police <rol Qf experim ental voyage«,
yesterday afternoon.
" T h a t does not mesa you'should
The prowlers entered the build- p,ck M
gp o ff the deck
lag through a window, In which pf #
hhB r « , w
the glass bad already been brokert. d,r l i ,bleg>” he c o a tlu fR tr
T B u thleVee lifted out the broken
..Tho Question of Judgment
piece» o f glass, unhooked the w in- glw uld hot bp «nt t y p f C . t t M B a
•tf&w lirtch and entered the Wlll'ti^'flleH,” he MSI. " ^ T f u m a i w t
ehureb to a, »operative tow- au­ Ing
to Itself, except, w h eh not follow ­
in g the H oly Bible, and subject
lu its decisions o f' a clerical
nature to the m ajority rule.
The answer also charges that
the eomplaiat has net set forth
la particularity, where In the
"Atm ee McPherson Four Square
Gospel, New Movement, differs.
I f a t all, from the regular Baptto-
tic teachings, and .that teachings
of Atmee McPherson Four Square
Ooapal, New Movement, does not
conflfet w ith, or is antagonistic
to th e Baptist teaching«.”
I t to specifically denied that
«wy member of the
church has been stricken from
the rolls, except oa hia own
w ritten request, w ith the excep-
SSon “of one persistent dis­
turber who had bean asked to
deetot, sad when he refused was
stricken fr<wn the rolls, as a
detrim ent to (he church.”
The answer fu rth e r sets lo rth
th a t the F irs t Baptist church of
Ashland waa formed October 17,
1877, was tr ie r known as the
Ashland Baptist charch. and was
never Incorporated u n til last De­
cember, when such action was
taken to g iv e * a "legal being
and the rig h t to transact busi-
b o m , and obtain and retain prop­
« y e n , «quipped w ith parachutes.
- Although several bundles of j t waM crim in a l.”
laundry which were already m ads,
The offleers in the navy of-
up, ready for delivery on Tues- j )ce wbo controlled the flight
day were broken open and scat- 'ware bungling amateurs, Mitchell
tered about the floor, the thieves M |d, explaining th at he did not
took only a few articles, among re fer to the men on the ship,
fine officers aa far
who were
se I know.
M E D FO R D ,
80— The
Southern O regon Gas com pany
suffered an approximate less of
2600, according to N. E. Boh«11,
an official. In a fire which or­
iginated In a large coal pile and
had beea smouldering, it is be­
lieved. fo r several days before
It broke out Wto flattie about
l« : 8 0 Monday night.
The fire was very d ifficult
to tight, ns It burned at the
bottom and la fthc Center of a
pile containing several carloads
of coal, about 169 tons. Several
The fa rth e r allegation to re­
tons had to be thrown aside
cited lu the answer that “the
before local firemen $ould throw
fr ie nre of the church edifice
a streabt of chemicals on *. th e
last July” is a detrim ent and
flames, which c a s t« heavy black
In ju ry to C hriritan lty.”
smudge., The firemen did not
The tria l of the *hu«Th caee
leave the scene until a fte r mid-
w ill probably be beard a t the
term of the circuit court, which rig h t, and a fte r they had need
40 gallons of chemicals.
aaaete Monday, October 2«.
The gas company then kept a
crew of men busy turning the
coal In different positions. A t 2
o’clock a. m„ the lire again
broke d o t but after a short tim e
' the flames were put under con­
tro l.
Yesterday the coal pile
ris e still smouldering' and I t Is
expected ' to continue u ntil the
c o irIa s ~ B e 5 n completely turned
by a crew of m«n, whose duty
(U . P .)— Wisconsin has
It w ill be to continue a fte r the
another t r i Pollette to
fire 'la completely out to pre­
United State« aenate.
vent a fresh start.
« M. U Follett«, Jr.,
peak thirty, the legal
the coal pile is said to have re­
at T rill1- he could enter
sulted from w ater and recent
,c a s t- waa elected to
rains soaking Into the center.
led hto father In that
The fuel used In the company’s
e by an overwhelming
new process of £ * * manufacture
was shipped here frdm Marsh­
field. Jt had been the original
plan to naa Roxy Ann coal, h u t
th at m aterial waa not found In
sufficient quantities.
It to probable that ft w ill be used
* »
.- —
next year a fte r several months
Like Father, Like
Son, Young Bob Grets
Fathers Senate Seat
BL Helens __ First National ( have been spent developing tho
p r ir * to build naw 229,000 horns, mins.
The formation of a super read
district from Raeh to th e Ore­
gon Caves Is the purpose of a
delegation o f Medford business
men and a delegation from W il­
liams valley, whô left Monday
night for Portland to attend the
monthly meeting of the high­
way commission. This road dis­
tric t would take in a 12 mile
strip in Josephine county south
of the Applegate river and would
take In Medford and Jacksonville
in Jackson county.
Tho move
to fostered by Medford Interests.
The news received here was
the first to be known in Grants
Paas concerned the movement.
I t has’ been rumored fo r several
months, however, that Medford
was Intent upon securing « road
direct to the Cavas.
The for­
mation of the »nper road dis­
trict, by which bond« can be
Issued, would solve th e ir prob­
lem, -the; lands ateng the road
paying the cost.
It is also understood that a
move to on foot In Gold HIU
to secure the same kind of a
road district from Oold H IU to
the Cratdr Lake highway "Baer
T ra il.
This would give Gold
H ill a direct connection with
C rater Lake, the distance being
greatly shortened ever the Med-
JÉttsic Teachers And
■ Study in
j&fBc that the practice hours
frige Interesting rather than
Change your question
t, J,How many minutes dirt
Practice today?" to "Have
Iparui-d your music lessoo?”
f - Jxd your children realize
study of trinale to of
H ill have had- efficien t music
work through carrying I t on
somewhat departm entally.
this year the following schools
In addition are m aking e ffo rU
to h are definite Instruction in
note music In a t least a part
o f th alr grades: Central Point,
Talent, Jacksonville, and Eagle
Holmes Carter, county superln-
tendent of schools.
In several ru ra l schools ex­
cellent beginning was made last
year, notably In W illo w Springs.
Reese Creek. W im e r and' Oak
Grove schools.
More teachers
are this year ready tp attempt
regular w ork in music, because
they prepared for It during-S um ­
mer School.
In the line of music appre­
ciation almost flkury school nam­
ed above has carried on ex­
cellent w o rk chiefly through
definite presentation w ith the
À number of schools
have purchased ViCtrolas and so
«re age*** ready to follow on in
thia line.
Th« county »nperln-
tendent’a office to again ready
to send out lists of records
which thia year lead Into some
new possibilities in mualc atudy.
Miss Leona Marater« of Bugeno
Schools to edltjng a department
of mualc In The Oregon Teach­
ers Monthly published In 8alem.
and the outlines presented are
attracting attention of onr teach­
ers. Misa Marsters w ill present
work la music during the Med­
ford In stitu te, says Mr«. Carter.
The following program
muric In th« home .ue worked
out hy th e General Federation
Chairm an of Music, Mr». Mark
pberndorfer, Is offered hy the
Dlvlajon of the Hom e Making
Departm ent of th e Auierlcsn
S. F. RAY SlOnON «tr-menti
1 U . p .) — The bay district was
shaken by a slight earthquake
shock a t 7.88 a. m. today. * Mesi-
debts of Oakland. Berkeley and
»an Francisco fe lt the slight
No damage Was ie-
Oregon and Washington
— Generally fair tonight
and Thursday, with frost
GonUa variable winds.
- SAN F R A N C I S C O .
2 9 — <U.
P .) —
Come» now the "technical
denial” to take It» place
In fame along side the
"hypothetical quest ion."
Two Blocks to be Completed _
So far. Its use ha» been
This Year, Remainder to
„ confined to ramored mar­
W ait U ntil lM ft
riage engagement», but
FEAR WET WEATHER J it 1» declared to hare
The fire* Instance was
H arking Ordinance Finally P at “
whan Mrs. Annabell Tor-
Across. Budget W ork
bert Lee. dlvbrccd wife
to Started
of Don Lee, automobile
dealer, waa naked about
B ut two blocks of C street,
her engagement to W alter
from Pioneer to Second street,
V an Pelt, attorney.
w ill be macadamized and curbs
"H o w can I be?" she
and gutters ordered In this full.
"1 do not get
It was decided at the meeting of
a fin al decree of divorce
the city council last night, called
a n tll January 27. so I ’m
hy Mayor Johnson to act upon
• t ill m arried and can't be
this matter.
M engaged to someone els«,
I t waa suggested by City En-
|t In the future? Perhaps."
glnecr W alker th at tho euri re
street be graded, and the center 22 Cesare Fermlchl. noted
of the street rocked, with the It baritone here for the
curbs and gutters being held
tt opera season, was asked
over until next spring. Thia sug­ tt about hia plan» to wed
gestion waa made by the city tt Mlaa Grace Holst, singer
engineer since be stated th at he
In the company.
believed the w et weather would
*T do not know yet
prevent the installation of the
that 1 am divorced,” he
curbs and gutters.
tt shrugged,
-However, one block could be
tt nay.”
completed within 10 days. The
council members «pressed the
opinion that the entire work
on these two blocks could be
completed w ithin this month.
Bids are te be advertised for
on both the rock and the carb
t.nd gutter, since the work la
to be done under the Bancroft
»• a «»
w ith mas
rt h r i you
to have 1
2, On
«o “ or*
studies of school.
Bring Into
the home circle tho- musical
selections which can be corre­
lated w ith the study of geog­
raphy and history.
7. Arrange the practice per­
iod so that father may not be
Encourage the chil­
dren to play for father at lea»!
once n week.
8. Arrange a music hour In-
yonr home a number- of time»
a week, when a ll can sing to­
gether the- good old Bongs and
can hear the best known and
H a v e -a Bunday, hour w hen you
can sing good hymns. A home
memory contest can be planned
for cinch month.
9. Know yourself th e - life
history of the great composers
and the story of th eir composi­
tions so th a t yon can tell yonr
There are a number
Place them In your library.
10. Own a good radio and
bring tn te your house the great­
est and best th a t radio offers.
Purchase*tor your lib rary those
selections which
have hoard over the radio.
Do you realize that America
is today the center of the great­
est musleal renaissance th a t the
world has ever known?
Ashland people who use the
foreign malls w ill take notice
that beginning October 1, a rate
of three «eats fo r single and six
cento fo r-re p ly poet cards, will,
apply to G overn m en t p ast cards
and p riv a ** m ulling cards mailed
In the United .• States addressed
for delivery, in foreign countries
A t* the same tlmo
the rate applicable to govern­
ment and private p e ri cards
Is inereaaed from ohe and two
reata tq tw o and ftMnr cent,
respectively fo r single sad reply
FEZ. Sept, 1C— (U . P .) — The
long delayetl concerted attack o f
the French forces In the Kittens
"Severe figh tin g" rand the terse
message received here from the
leaders of tho offensive, which
tt Is hoped w ill term tpate the
warfare In Morreooo.
Four Head qf
pounded W M
Ranging xm 1
Cattle D rift la
Lercia Ia to Can;
to Recape 1
Deaplte the aaeerttoaa Of
stockmen to the effect th at
cattle hare not been tw
In the Ashland creek w a te r
definite proof that cattle a
be found In the canyon'
brought out yesterday when
head of stock, owned by George
Mathis, well known local cattle»
man, were drives oat e f the
It watershed and placed in the city
For some time it haa been
positively known that cattle wens
Tanging in the watershed, d rift­
ing In from the higher levels tot- •
to the canyon, where they were
protected during stormy weather.
However, the owners ef these
cattle denied these aeaertieas,
and attempted to declare th a t
their cattle never were allowed
In the canyon.
Yesterday afternoon, four cat­
tle belonging to Mathis were
discovered ranging on land own­
ed by the city. In the watershed.
hours work, rounded-, them up
and drove them to town.
act, ■which specifies that bids
cattle escaped in the city, hut
must be called for.
were finally again rounded UP
The new parking ordinance,
In the lot next to the Jordan
which ba» been hanging- (Ire for
xeveral weeks, was finally passed Klamath F. County Mecca Electric company building, sad'
were finally placed in the pound
last night. Under Its provisions.
for Hundreds of
by Chief of Police McNabb.
It will he unlawful to park on
Mathis, upon hearing that Ma
Main street», lietween Ilelman
cattle were In the pound soagbt
street and Third street, for m ote
out McNabb, and a fte r a abort
than one hour, between th>
conference, the officer «greed
hours of 8 a. m. and 7 p. m.
to allow the owner to take
Cars may not l>e parker nearer
possession of his stock, upon the
than 10' feet from ench inter*
payment of l i t pound fans.
a a c t lo a ,..___ t____ . ______________________________
United States Forest
In addition, the
rangers, who have beau oa duty
specifies that no car may " be
in the canyon throughout the
parked on any street In the city
summer declared several times
more than 12 honra.
Cars, if
that cattle were ranging In the
parked tem porarily near a street
hunter», who are planning on
The city officials,
light, need not have the light» making the trip to the hunting watershed.
on, unless a storm obscures It grounds tonight. In order to be however,
from the vision of passing motor­ on hand for the opening tomorrow whether they would be within
their legal rights In rounding
ists.. However, any car, park­
up this stock and Impounding it.
ed away from a street light, must
Report» from
the Klam ath
unless the stock was discovered
be le ft with the tights burning.
country indicate that the ducks
Councilman R. E.
on city land.
The four head
are 'more plentiful this Reason
taken yesterday were on land
subm itted his report on the
than ever before. For a time It
owned by the city.
was feared that the change in
, Although the lower end of tho
the »eaBon from September 16
canyon to fenced In, and human
to October 1, would see most of
beings a re 'n o t allowed to eater
the home ducks, fhs' ducks raised
the canyon, the sides and upper
department«, and «old at pub­
on the Klamath lake«, on their
end of the canyon are open and
lic auction. Thia report was ac­
way south, before the hunter»
cattle are able to d rift from
cepted, and the work ordered
would be allowed to shoot. How­ their regular range Into the
done a t once.
ever. the favorable weather this canyon.
Although there to a
A committee of residents near
year has kept a large'num ber ef
fence at the upper end of the
the rite of the new grade school
the home ducks on the ponds at canyon, it is out of repair, and
presented a petition, asking that
Klamath, and In addition, the Is of no use In keeping oat cat­
H o lly street be opeded for one
. ,
Liberty ‘ snd northern duckb are starting to tle.
1Clty officials are at a loan te
Beach street», and that Henry fly south, adding considerably
to the already huge number of understand why the federal gov­
street be opened from the gu’ly
ernment should fence the lowei*
on H olly street to Mountain ave. flocks.
The Tule Lake country la also end of the canyon, thus keeplug
The street committee was or­
dered to Investigate the matter certain to be y e ll patronised this out humans, and still allowing
year, ss It has been In past yaara. stock to range throughout the
and report Immediately.
Department heads were or- To hunt on much of this territory, watershed of Ashland creek,
the hunters will be forced to ob­ from which the city water sup­
(Continued on page lou r)
tain a California non - resident ply to obtained.
The federal
hunting license. Several «porting authorities have refused to aM
goods establtohmanta hare have In fencing In the entire canyon,
those licenses on aala.
but still Insist upon retaining the
fence a t the lower and o< the
Talent District
Exhibit at Fair
Attracts Attention
S A LEM . Sept. 30. — The non-
cqmpetltive basis on which county!
exhibits were arranged thto year,
at the state fa ir has brought Out
exhibits that are truly representa­
tive of the various sections of th e |
state, and are. Incidentally, th«,
beat, sort of advertising obtainable.
County agents and others here to^
taka charge of these exhibits, one^
and a ll express them selves s s ,
more than pleased with the new,
ruling. E. A. Oatman, supervis­
ing Jackson county’s exhibit, said: i
year, exhibitor and visitor sllke.” (
C. R. Richard», county agent of
Cooe county 1» equally outspoken
In appreciation of the change. |
N E$f LONDON, Sept 89—
Myrtlewood products, white cedar
(U. P .)— Rescue operations la
had dairy products are featured In
connection with the sunken aub-
th e ir booth.
msrlne 8-61, which Went down
Douglas county thows some fine
when rammed hy the liner. City
grapes snd apple». I t Is advertis­
of Rome, were anepmded for to­
ed aa "the county of diversified
erope." ’
Heavy weather developed to­
Klamath Is wall represented by
day In the forenoon, compelling
grain«, grasses, snd forage crops. the postponement of all plans
The Talent Irrigation district to attempt to hoist tho sunken
of'Jackson county has a booth to sub from the floor of tho acaon
Itself and la making a fine show­
ing. w ltji some splendid specimens
of potatoes qnd general products.
Financial Report
of Hotel Company
to be Ready Soon
J. H . Hardy, treasarer of the
Llthtan Hotel corporation, and O.
M. Frost, secretary of th at or­
ganisation, are preparing a fi­
nancial report which w ill shew
exactly the poelttoa In which
the corporation now riaada. A
rough draft of the report was
"H T"»
board of directors a t the M thla
Springs hotel a t aoon today, hut.
waa not made publie, the di­
rectors deciding to rcoocvo tho
pnbllerilon nhtU tho report la