Oregon Historical 8oetety Auditorium For Neariy Fifty Ywn ¡Technical Denial • Now Takes Place ih Social Life W A S H IN G T O N . Sept. JO— (U . P .) — The sending of the 111 fated n a ra l d irigible Shenandoah west­ ward In to th e storm of the mid­ d le west, la which the big a ir­ ship w a s . tprn into pieces and wrecked, taking the Urea of fourteen members of Its crew, was “ In direct violation o f'th e law»’’ Colonel W lUtam ’ l l Itch ell. stormy petrel of the arm y air service told the aircraft Inree- tlgatlng hoard * appointed hy President Coolidge to investigate th e wreck of the big dirigible Jtnswar Mas bang ttldd hy {he Flrot Baptist ehureh ef Ashland, te (ho nmended coasylaiat of thè Ashland Baptist ehureh r i Asb- • ■ M p iA p » - A jd ta a r i^ t ^ thè compiate», p osoeaale n of thè ehureh edifica, damages for seriore of thè ehureh house of wei ship la ri July by thè Ashland Baptist chnrch and rent et thè n U of »7« a nronth, “Mnee thè The legal document to an- nth e a chapter In the factional d lfthr pw r as that here split the ■a, Meat yeoftc flapper» ; the ukelele, with its tan- **heach of W aikiki. But at Ukelele factories 1» in And here a re real Ames» ito and abort grass sklru i toss base rushing since BopHri charch her» ateee last Novemhpr. The Ashland Baptist ehureh adheres to the established faith and the First Baptist ehureh follows’ the “A^mee Mo» Phonon -.Pour Square Gospel The ' AOmprilh t charges, that U v M M B X A f the Portland Bap» f l r i O H h d u n , In upholding the Ion r i the Regne River aaoetotlen b ri "ritem pt- thdraw the baud of fai­ rem Raw. B. C. M iller, ■tor of the First Baptist |a preeumiitlous., Un- 1, uncalled for and nn- * f n rih i r alleges sad Baptist church, talon e f the ehureh t l« « fit the F irs t I, which to roteate. tqring Through Window, Pew Articles of Clothing Only Thing» Removed PrpWUre sometime Monday kllfcsd " MffehdR ana nlght, entered the Ashland Laun- w w ed # ¿ueet|on M w dry on W a te r street, and a fte r thought ” he c o a tlu fR tr T B u thleVee lifted out the broken ..Tho Question of Judgment piece» o f glass, unhooked the w in- glw uld hot bp «nt t y p f C . t t M B a •tf&w lirtch and entered the Wlll'ti^'flleH,” he MSI. " ^ T f u m a i w t ehureb to a, »operative tow- au­ Ing to Itself, except, w h eh not follow ­ in g the H oly Bible, and subject lu its decisions o f' a clerical nature to the m ajority rule. The answer also charges that the eomplaiat has net set forth la particularity, where In the "Atm ee McPherson Four Square Gospel, New Movement, differs. I f a t all, from the regular Baptto- tic teachings, and .that teachings of Atmee McPherson Four Square Ooapal, New Movement, does not conflfet w ith, or is antagonistic to th e Baptist teaching«.” I t to specifically denied that «wy member of the Baptist church has been stricken from the rolls, except oa hia own w ritten request, w ith the excep- SSon “of one persistent dis­ turber who had bean asked to deetot, sad when he refused was stricken fr conference, the officer «greed hours of 8 a. m. and 7 p. m. to allow the owner to take Cars may not l>e parker nearer possession of his stock, upon the than 10' feet from ench inter* payment of l i t pound fans. a a c t lo a ,..___ t____ . ______________________________ United States Forest In addition, the ordinance rangers, who have beau oa duty specifies that no car may " be in the canyon throughout the parked on any street In the city summer declared several times more than 12 honra. Cars, if that cattle were ranging In the parked tem porarily near a street hunter», who are planning on The city officials, light, need not have the light» making the trip to the hunting watershed. were not certain on, unless a storm obscures It grounds tonight. In order to be however, from the vision of passing motor­ on hand for the opening tomorrow whether they would be within their legal rights In rounding ists.. However, any car, park­ morning. ________ up this stock and Impounding it. ed away from a street light, must Report» from the Klam ath unless the stock was discovered be le ft with the tights burning. country indicate that the ducks Councilman R. E. Dotrtck on city land. The four head are 'more plentiful this Reason taken yesterday were on land subm itted his report on the than ever before. For a time It owned by the city. was feared that the change in , Although the lower end of tho the »eaBon from September 16 canyon to fenced In, and human to October 1, would see most of beings a re 'n o t allowed to eater the home ducks, fhs' ducks raised the canyon, the sides and upper department«, and «old at pub­ on the Klamath lake«, on their end of the canyon are open and lic auction. Thia report was ac­ way south, before the hunter» cattle are able to d rift from cepted, and the work ordered would be allowed to shoot. How­ their regular range Into the done a t once. ever. the favorable weather this canyon. Although there to a A committee of residents near year has kept a large'num ber ef fence at the upper end of the the rite of the new grade school the home ducks on the ponds at canyon, it is out of repair, and presented a petition, asking that Klamath, and In addition, the Is of no use In keeping oat cat­ H o lly street be opeded for one . , block, between Liberty ‘ snd northern duckb are starting to tle. 1Clty officials are at a loan te Beach street», and that Henry fly south, adding considerably to the already huge number of understand why the federal gov­ street be opened from the gu’ly ernment should fence the lowei* on H olly street to Mountain ave. flocks. The Tule Lake country la also end of the canyon, thus keeplug The street committee was or­ dered to Investigate the matter certain to be y e ll patronised this out humans, and still allowing year, ss It has been In past yaara. stock to range throughout the and report Immediately. Department heads were or- To hunt on much of this territory, watershed of Ashland creek, the hunters will be forced to ob­ from which the city water sup­ (Continued on page lou r) tain a California non - resident ply to obtained. The federal hunting license. Several «porting authorities have refused to aM goods establtohmanta hare have In fencing In the entire canyon, those licenses on aala. but still Insist upon retaining the fence a t the lower and o< the canyon. TOM O RRO W Talent District Exhibit at Fair Attracts Attention S A LEM . Sept. 30. — The non- cqmpetltive basis on which county! exhibits were arranged thto year, at the state fa ir has brought Out exhibits that are truly representa­ tive of the various sections of th e | state, and are. Incidentally, th«, beat, sort of advertising obtainable. County agents and others here to^ taka charge of these exhibits, one^ and a ll express them selves s s , more than pleased with the new, ruling. E. A. Oatman, supervis­ ing Jackson county’s exhibit, said: i year, exhibitor and visitor sllke.” ( C. R. Richard», county agent of Cooe county 1» equally outspoken In appreciation of the change. | N E$f LONDON, Sept 89— Myrtlewood products, white cedar (U. P .)— Rescue operations la had dairy products are featured In connection with the sunken aub- th e ir booth. ‘ msrlne 8-61, which Went down Douglas county thows some fine when rammed hy the liner. City grapes snd apple». I t Is advertis­ of Rome, were anepmded for to­ ed aa "the county of diversified day. erope." ’ Heavy weather developed to­ Klamath Is wall represented by day In the forenoon, compelling grain«, grasses, snd forage crops. the postponement of all plans The Talent Irrigation district to attempt to hoist tho sunken of'Jackson county has a booth to sub from the floor of tho acaon Itself and la making a fine show­ ing. w ltji some splendid specimens of potatoes qnd general products. Financial Report of Hotel Company to be Ready Soon J. H . Hardy, treasarer of the Llthtan Hotel corporation, and O. M. Frost, secretary of th at or­ ganisation, are preparing a fi­ nancial report which w ill shew exactly the poelttoa In which the corporation now riaada. A rough draft of the report was «■ tu» "H T"» el the board of directors a t the M thla Springs hotel a t aoon today, hut. waa not made publie, the di­ rectors deciding to rcoocvo tho pnbllerilon nhtU tho report la completed.