Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 29, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    fc»AGE TWO
(E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 0 )
P u blished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by
“ Books in the runn in g brooks,
Serm ons in stones,
A nd good in ev e ry th in g .”
T here is no such thin g as an unsuccessful h unting
Saturday, November 29, 1921
tow ard the m ain stream . A long these stream s, large and aman is using the ‘Meiican m an's' a reliable cough remedy
small, the Ind ian s had th e ir lodges, and between the medicine>” «aid W etterstroem .
Why experiment with unknown
stream s they had th e ir h unting ¿ro u n d s in' the m aguifi-l " ™ ’„,”
remedies for th at cough or cold
X x,
A 1
x •
• r
m arkets for American drugs and
when you can secure FOLEY’S
cent to rests th a t clothed the m ountain heights. In the medicines.”
m ain valleys, such as the Rogue, A pplegate, Illinois and
It Is a safe and reliable remedy
t e r t R. Greer ....... ..................................................................................Editor
others, they hunted deer, antlope and jack -rab b its and; second Robbery__
for the relief of coughs, colds.
George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager
pastu red th eir ponies ill tile splendid meadows that
Wednesday night of last week hoarseness Equally beneficial for
Fni1 was agaiu treated to an-:younK and old Mrs- Anna Cornelb
E ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass M ail M atter
^ (> l°Hgei is it the universal sentiment of the white! ~
------ --------------------
---- ------
m an th a t “ the only good In d ian is a dead In d ia n .” F r o m ' possessed th e ir own sense of appreciation of the scenic
• th e • pn?
Subscription P rice, D elivered In C ity
r j -
x» xi
1 - T xi
1 1 X, .
.thieves doubled on their activity FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR
one Month ............................................................................................ $ .6 5 1 one ot exterm ination the Indian policy of the wdiite m a n ’s a ttra c tio n s Will) which they were surrounded; th e ir own and robbed the Drug sto re again; COMPOUND for my cold and find
i bree Months
3 75 governm ent and the w hite m an him self has changed to one sentim ent of p ro p rieto rsh ip ; th eir happy-go-lucky m ail-' and also the Smoke House farther il ffreat.” Insist upon tlie genuine,
Six Months
o n e Year ................................. " ..................." ..... 7.50|of friendly aid. Instead of w arfare there is education, for
ner of living and freedom of action. W hat ruthless aw ak- down ,he street- At the Drug Refuse substitutes, sold every-
B y Mail and R ural R outes
ening aw aited and surprised them . W hen we realize th eir
lhat, has been mis8ed is where-
o n e Month ....................................................................... .................... $ .65
Three Months ........................ .............. ............... ................................
1.95 d ition o f naked savagery and of cruel exploitation by un­ situ atio n and then ponder upon w hat would be our re- about $5.00 in cash and some
| candy. A t the Smoke House the
Six M onths .....................................................................................................
One Year
_________________________ ......................................
6.50 scrupulous w hite men the A m erican Indian has been course m such circum stances, we will b etter realize the prizes on a punchboard were re-
Bonneville — State fish hatch­
raised in less than a century to an appreciation of m odern storm y tim es th a t followed and which we will now at- moved and some candy and small ery to have six new feeding
civilization and to relativ e safety from encroachm ent on tem pt to n a rra te w ith im p aritality .
articles taken from the show P°nda. making
total capacity
dingle insertion, per inoh .......................................... ................. $ .30
Yearly Contracts
to E nter-
his rig h ts and property.
(To he C ontinued)
One insertion a week ...................................................................
The Indian has now been brought into constant con­
tw o insertions a week ....................;..............................................
There’s a message in The
Gaily insertion .................. _..................................................................... 20
iaci w ith the w hite m a n ’s civilization. H is children are
pay for this year’s construction.
R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising
Tidings W ant Ads.
The sixty millions', with Feder­
being ta u g h t the E nglish language and he him self is
F irst insertion, per 8 point line .................................. .............. $ .10
al aid money and current funds,
Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ............
learning the w hite m a n ’s trades. The life on the reserv a­
Card of Thanks ................................................................................
built about 3,400 miles of pave­
F o r Dress or W ork
Obituaries, per line ........................................... ............................
-02% tions has been preserved but not isolated. T he resu lt has
been th a t the red m an has been brought into com petition
The average cost of road build­
W. L. Douglas
“All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a w ith his w hite skinned b ro th er econom ically and forced
ing has been $30,000 a mile.
collection taken is Advertising.
This figure includes grading,
Shoes offer the best
to ad ju st him self socially.
No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
building of bridges and pouring
W hile the Ind ian s were left to them selves they slow-
Springfield, m ., Nov. 28. —
of the concrete slab. Roads built
One Dodge T ouring
No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ly east off th e ir n ative trad itio n s, custom s and culture for! I1Hnois is out of the mud. Until in 1919 cost $45,000 a mile.
ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash.
One Buick T ouring
the w hile m a n ’s. He preserved his a rt, religious rites re#enGy notorious for its im -| n Illinois
u nois is buying
During its rq&ds
r<wis on
and language only on the reservation and in the tribal
“ pay as y o f rid e” p i a i "We
C h e v ro le t. Sedan
the most extensive system of w ant the roads while we are here
Shoe Shop
Chevrolet Coupe
s e l f - m astery : — Keep back thy servant also from presump- tepee.
B ut when certain w ell-m eaning individuals and concrete highway in the world,
to ride on them ,” is the senti­
tu o u . sins; let them not have dominion over men; then shall I he g r o n p s s o u g | l t t o ]) a s te n h j g a s s i m i la t fo n ¡ „ to t h c w h j t e
C hevrolet T ouring
figures of highway
authorities m ent of its citizens, and they are
upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let
the words of my mouth, and the m editation of my h eart be accept-I m ail’s civilizaiton by forbidding to him llis ancient tr*l-' s^ow- And at the recent general willing to go into debt for th e m .' Dodge D elivery
i s ' n , T x slgllt’ ° Lor<1’
“ rength ,I,d
Red«™«— PsalmIditions and cultu re lie rebelled and w ith ju stificatio n , I
n ^ The two bond issues represent i
Buick Touring
E ffo rts to abolish th eir cerem onial dances w ere m ade 1 i 11
the sp irit of. benevolent ignorance of the fact th a t the
In d ia n ’s culture is intim ately bound up w ith his religion
and th a t the In d ian expresses his religion in his dance,
th o se who have described the In d ian dances as imm oral
m ay be astonished to h ear th a t the Indian m akes the same
charge against the dances of the w hite man.
th e only really serious In d ian problem which con­
trol! ts the nation today is th a t which the voluntarily-in­
terested have constructed for them selves in th e ir m ission­
ary zeal. All th at the red m an w ants is to be left to live
his own life. All th a t the w hite m an m ust do to g ra n t the
In d ian his wish is to be tolerant. I t is the will of the gen­
eral public th a t the In d ian be left to his p o ttery , basket-
w eaving and snake dance fo r the sake of his own racial
salvation, the p reservation of his a r t and culture and of
one of the m ost interesting heritages of the A m erican
E verv once in a while these days one is rem inded th a t
in a little while C hristm as will be here. O f course the
m erry season is still more than two weeks away, but many
children and grow n-ups have alread y begun to m ake th eir
To do the kind of things th a t old .K riskringle does
takes a lot of planning if it is to be done well; in a man
n er of speaking you have to get read y for it. Not th a t
th is planning id* ever h ard work, even if you go at it with
all your m ight and m ain; because as every boy and girl
knows when you do an y th in g to m ake anyone happy, it is
never h ard work, and the m ore patience and skill you
have 4o em ploy in doing it, the more fun it is.
I f you were to ask him face to face, S an ta Claus
would tell you th a t a lot of people m iss h alf the fun of
C hristm as because th ey forget th a t it is n ’t w hat is given
th a t counts, but how the th in g is given. H e would tell
E m m a Goldman longs to get back to the U nited
you th a t w hat a th in g costs, or how much it shines, has
nothing to do w ith it. W h at really counts is how much S tates. H er conversation ap p ears to be fa irly complete,
affection and kindness and w ell-w ishing you p u t into it. hut there is no dem and for h er retu rn .
I t ’s w hat you are, and not w hat the g ift is, th a t counts.
In fo rb id d in g political m eetings in Ita ly P rem ier
T h a t’s why C hristm as is such a w onderful season;
an d th a t is why most people who like S an ta Claus an d ’ -Mussolini appears to proceed on the theory th a t th is will
C hristm as try to plan and get ready for this g re a t day, prevent opposition from consolidating.
so th a t they m ay have m ost of them selves to give when
A new ly discoveied m inor p lan et is said to be m ov­
th a t day comes.
ay from the earth. W ishes to avoid being mixed
S an ta Claus never y et w aited till the last m inute and
then scurried around and .wondered w hat lie would do up in an y of its troubles, m ay be.
— —
------- T—
about th is and about th at. You can guess from the stories
M . J . B ryan says h e ’ll q uit lecturing and w rite his
they tell about him, and from the way he looks, th a t he
is the kind who does things when th ey ought to be done— memoirs. Then h e ’ll still have som ething to unload on
q u ite a while before the last m inute. And in these Blings the public to bring in the money, he hopes.
j, - "
it is well to follow S a n ta ’s example.
Pioneering in Southern Oregon
Some little girls will have big, flaxen-haired dolls
sm iling from th e ir stockings on C hristm as m orning. Some
little boys will have toy airplanes, bom h-tlirow ers and all
th e oth er p arap h e rn a lia of m odern n ursery w arfare.
Some other little- boys and g irls w on’t.
B ut those whose dollies are the o rd in ary saw dust
kind w ith eyes starin g , it m ust he confessed ra th e r stu ­
pidly, in fro n t of them , and those whose toy soldiers are
ju s t everyday fellows, are to be congratulated.
T he toys have known it all along. They have known,
too, th a t the hum bler ones of th e ir assem blage, now so
shiny w ith new p a in t in a thousand toy shops over the
land, are due fo r a fa r h ap p ier life th an th e ir portentious
brothers and sisters who are destined for the homes of
the rich. F o r a to y ’s happiness is m easured by the love
th a t is lavished upon it. A nd the child who has one sim ple
toy thinks fa r more of it th an he or she who has a new
trin k e t fo r every mood.
Psychologists are beginning to find th is out. They
have w orked out a whole involved system of toy teach ­
ings, in which the child m ind dwells p rin cip ally on sim ple
objects, plain contours and brave, not delicate colors.
So it a m om entary sigh comes to you because you
cannot afford to have S an ta Claus b rin g “ the best there
i s ” to your little lad or lassie, smile instead. T hey will
he all the b e tte r for it.
by C. B. Watson
overwhelmingly for a $100,000, a $760,000,000 m ortgage on the
000 bond issue with which to State. Thia vast sum is to be
build more roads.
i paid, interest and principal, out
During the past construction of auto license fees, which are
season approxim ately 1,200 miles now rolling into the State Treas­
on eighteen-foot concrete road- ury at the rate of $10,000,000
way were laid in Illinois, b rin g -' a year. .
ing the State’s mileage of pave- ■
—— ______________
m ent up to 4,200 miles. Califor- ‘
nia, long famed for its paved
roads', falls short of this total, i
while New York, Pennsylvania I
and W isconsin, other leading'
paved-road States, trail C alifor-'
nia in concrete mileage.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 28.—
An arm y of more than 10,000
I Believing th a t ginseng, which is
men, equipped with several thou­
I product in large quantities in
sand team s and trucks and more
Ohio and exported to China, pop-
than 100 huge mixing machines
: sesses properties which prolong
labored all Summer and Fall on
i life, Chinese are protesting be-
the Illinois highways. An average
1 cause it is not recognized as a
of fifty miles of road was com­
pleted each week, and single medicine in the United States
i Pharm acopoeia, which has Just
crews, w orking with one mixer,
I been 'translated into Chinese,”
laid as much as one-half mile of
said Theodore D. W etterstroem ,
the eighteen foot concrete rib­
of the Ohio Pharm aceu­
bon in one day.
tical Association.
Practically all Illinois cities of
Ginseng is a perennial plant
consequence are now linked by
“ hard roads,” as they call them with an arom atic root — called
here, In contrast to the roads of “ seng” by Chinese — for which
soft, black earth which former- the Chinese pay $16 a pound, ac-
ly made Illinois the horror of cording to Secretary W etterstroem
tourists. All main to u rist routes who stated that, although Ameri­
are concrete. It is possible to can pharm acists do not believe
m otor from the Great Lakes on it has any medicinal value, the
the north to the Ohio on the Chinese esteem it very highly.
“ As a result of the translation
south, and from the W abash on
the east to the Mississippi on the of the Pharmacopoeia, the Chin-
west, w ithout touching tire to
d irt or gravel.
The additional 5000 miles of
road provided for under the
$100,000,000 bond issue ju st vot­
Send this ad and ten cents to
ed will touch every county 3eat Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.,
and give alm ost every commun­ Chicago, 111., w riting your name
ity a paved outlet.
and address clearly. You will re­
The last money from a $60,- ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY’S
000,000 bond issue was used to HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND
(Continued from N ovem ber 15)
In preceding pages we have given n a ra tiv e to the
for coughs, colds and hoarseness,
chief incidents between the Indians and w hites prio r to
also free sample packages of
FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stim u­
the discovery of gold in S outhern Oregon, and the be­
lent for the kidneys, and FOLEY
gin n in g of actual settlem ent south of the CalRpooia
m ountains. T here were o th er depredations of m inor
stipation and Biliousness. These
ch aracter, isolated p arties were attack ed and fatalities
w’onderful rem edies have helped
millions of people. Try them. Sold
resulting. M any p arties sta rte d out from th e ir rendez­
vous and were not again h eard from. To en ter into all
Beats Electric or Gas
The d etails and m inor incidents, m any of w hich could
not be strictly verified would result in tirin g out the
A new oil lamp th a t gives an
read er w ithout adding value to the history of the region.
amazingly brilliant, soft, white
It . . will,
however, aid those readers who are not fam iliar
— light, even b etter than gas or
Wlttl tlie geography, and topography of the country to I electricity, has been tested by the
give in a very brief way some of these facts, to he followed u - s - Government and 35 leading
ill a subsequent volume w ith a fuller exposition of tlid unIverslties and found to be su-
geography, topography and geology, of S outhern Oregon, ^ ^ ^ 0 " , l o k T or w ith a beautiful and use­
Minch is w onderfully rich 111 all these n atu ra l c h a ra c te rs - n o is e - n o pumping up, is simple,
tics; including m ineral resources, scenic a ttra c tio n s and clean, safe. Burns 94 per cent air Waffle Iron
w onderful forests.
and 6 per cent common kerosene
(coal oil).
Inasm uch as our n arativ es have taken us across the
The inventor V. M. Johnson, or other electrical a p p a r­
Cascade m ountains into w hat is now known as E astern 161 North Union Ave., Portland, atus.
Oregon, and will necessitate fu rth e r journeys across this Ore., is offering to send a lamp
g reat b arrier, we would become b e tte r acquainted w ith on 10 days’ FR E E trial, or even We will be glad to lay any­
thing aside until Christm as for
it and its significance to the early settlem ent of the coun­ to give one FR EE to the first i you.
user in each locality who will I
try . W hen we come to geological exploitations we will help him introduce it. W rite h im '
learn still fu rth e r the im portance of this range. Suffice today for full particulars. Also
it for the m oment, to say, th a t the Cascade m ountains con­ ask him to explain how you c a n '
Tlie Ashland
stitu te s a continuous b a rrie r of m agnificent proportions get the agency, and w ithout e x -'
Electric Shop
perience or money make $250 to
extending from C alifornia to and into, B ritish Columbia. $500 per month.
240 E ast Main S t
To the early pioneers who crossed the plains w ith ox
team s th is g re a t b a rrie r constituted a night-m are until
the te rro rs of it had been placed behind them . R ising as
it does from five thousand feet to alm ost fifteen thousand
feet above the sea-level, it m easures up as one of the g reat
I t will pay you to see
o ____
m ountain
of ___
the ______
w orld, , _____
and contains m uch of the
g ran d est m ountain scenery of the continent. T his
Please Her More
Harrison Bros.
presents an im passible b a rrie r to all riv ers except tlie
Columbia and K lam ath. The Columbia rises in the Rocky
than an electric waffle
m ountains and finds its w ay to th e ocean thro u g h this
iron for her C hristm as
g reat b a rrie r; the K iam ath riv e r rises in E a ste rn O regon
and has forced its w ay th ro u g h the Cascade range to the
•We have them in various
ocean. T he Rogue and U m pqua riv ers rise in th e Cascade See the Chevrolet we
m ountains and flow, thence w esterly to th e ocean. A t
designs and all priced
rig h t angles to the direction of all g reat m ountain ranges
PRICE $125
are “ s p u rs ” reaching out from the sum m it and declinhig
as they d ep a rt from the sum m it. W e see th is exem plified
in the “ s p u rs ” reaching out tow ard the w est from the
Cascades, each “ s p u r ” having an axis of its own and.
from its axis will be other, sm aller ridges. Betw een th e s e !
Brothers, Garage
ridges are riv u lets and small strea m s&th a t g a th e r a t the
‘ ‘ Many. h u n ters retu rn ed unsuccessful, ’ savs a news
rep o rt, com m enting on the h u n tin g season.
No real h u n te r ever is “ unsuccessful.” He m av not
bring gam e back to the city, hut he re tu rn s a b e tte r m an
physically for his outing.
T here is m ore to h u n tin g th an the k illin g of game,
ju s t as there is m ore in fishing th an catching fish. The
stay-at-hom e giggles inanely when he sees an an g ler or
gunner tru d g in g home a t tw ilight w ith em p ty creel or
hag, hut if he only could get it through his obtuse skull the
laugh is really on him. Of course, th ere are p o t-h u n ters
and fisherm en who hoggish practices b a r them from the
la n k s ot decent sportsm en, but they are not th e m en who
come home from stream or woods em pty-handed.
The tru e sportsm an delights in the gam e ra th e r th an
the score. A full creel or a well-filled bag is his tro p h v
of success. B ut he knows th a t no m an ca.n hope to win all
the tim e and he is quite content when he retu rn s em pty-
handed, fo r he has had h ealth fu l recreation and has com­
m uned v ith n a tu re in a m anner th a t only the outdoorsm an
knows. H e as learned new lessons from brooks and trees,
from fishes in the stream s, from anim als in field and
w oods; he has sm elled the sweet odors of the forest, he has
in his n o strils the ta n g of field and m oorland, he has seen
T n res
rn s n
t i s T ts s have
h n v o i striv
i f n v a en
n in vain to paint,
p iP
a r rtis
he i has m ain drainage, such as Rogue and _____
K lam ath rivers. A long
these num erous stream s are sm all valleys all converging
94% AIK
Priced for quick Sales
Come in and see our new
Nash, F ra n k lin and P ack ­
ard cars.
Automotive Shop
C hevrolet and Dodge
Sales and Service
— i
Good Tools
Good Work!
Good workm en enjoy
using good tools. Even
so does the house-wife en­
joy w ashing dishes in a
one-piece sink, th a t is eas­
ily kept snowy w hite—
w here hot w ater runs at
turn of faucet.
See the double and
single drain, one-piece
sinks in our store. The
C hristinas gift incompai
Jerry O’Neal
Phono 138
2 0 7 E. Main
Let us Explain
to you
You m ay not know how
completely insurance can
irotcct you against every
possible loss, but a few
m inutes’ talk with us will
show you w hat you need.
Carefii 11 y-w ri t ten j >ol icies,
hacked by thc H artford
Fire Insurance Company,
can take from your shoul-
le rs all w orry of loss.
Make sure you have adp-
insurance, fitted
four special needs, Talk with
this agency today.
Billings Agency
Estab. 1883
Real E state & Real Insurance
41 E. Main St.
Phone 211
Delight Her
Murphy Elec. Co.
Ford, L incoln, Fordson D ealers
Our Phone 82
Main • Plaza
V ic tro la
T he Gift That
Keeps on Giving
Each time you play a Victor Record you derive
new enjoyment from your Victrola instrument.
As Dealers in Victor Products we stand one hun­
dred percent behind every Victrola we sell. We are
proud to be able to say that for any music in the
home, at any time you may turn to Victrola knowing
that Victor has the finest artists; that Victor affords
the largest, most unusal choice of records; that Victor
woods, finishes and construction are the highest quality
in the world, and th at Victor comes nearest to perfect­
ion in sound reproduction.
Select your Christmas talking machine here,
—and you’ll be sure it bears the Vic tor trademarks.
145 E. Main
Open Evenings
New Victor Record», Once a Week,
Eoery Week—Friday
Phone 213