fc»AGE TWO ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS ASHLAND DAILY T ID IN G S (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 0 ) P u blished E very E ven in g Except Sunday by “ Books in the runn in g brooks, Serm ons in stones, A nd good in ev e ry th in g .” T here is no such thin g as an unsuccessful h unting Saturday, November 29, 1921 tow ard the m ain stream . A long these stream s, large and aman is using the ‘Meiican m an's' a reliable cough remedy small, the Ind ian s had th e ir lodges, and between the medicine>” «aid W etterstroem . Why experiment with unknown stream s they had th e ir h unting ¿ro u n d s in' the m aguifi-l " ™ ’„,” “P remedies for th at cough or cold , X x, A 1 1 x • , • r „ , m arkets for American drugs and when you can secure FOLEY’S cent to rests th a t clothed the m ountain heights. In the medicines.” THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND? trip. m ain valleys, such as the Rogue, A pplegate, Illinois and It Is a safe and reliable remedy t e r t R. Greer ....... ..................................................................................Editor others, they hunted deer, antlope and jack -rab b its and; second Robbery__ for the relief of coughs, colds. George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager THE MODERN INDIAN pastu red th eir ponies ill tile splendid meadows that Wednesday night of last week hoarseness Equally beneficial for s p re a d 'o u t in floral beauty every where. T he In d ia n s ? Gold Fni1 was agaiu treated to an-:younK and old Mrs- Anna Cornelb E ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass M ail M atter ^ (> l°Hgei is it the universal sentiment of the white! ~ ------ -------------------- ---- ------ m an th a t “ the only good In d ian is a dead In d ia n .” F r o m ' possessed th e ir own sense of appreciation of the scenic Thi\ • th e • pn? Subscription P rice, D elivered In C ity - • x- xi r j - v x» xi i-x .< .• -X, 1 - T xi 1 1 X, . .thieves doubled on their activity FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR one Month ............................................................................................ $ .6 5 1 one ot exterm ination the Indian policy of the wdiite m a n ’s a ttra c tio n s Will) which they were surrounded; th e ir own and robbed the Drug sto re again; COMPOUND for my cold and find i bree Months 3 75 governm ent and the w hite m an him self has changed to one sentim ent of p ro p rieto rsh ip ; th eir happy-go-lucky m ail-' and also the Smoke House farther il ffreat.” Insist upon tlie genuine, Six Months o n e Year ................................. " ..................." ..... 7.50|of friendly aid. Instead of w arfare there is education, for ner of living and freedom of action. W hat ruthless aw ak- down ,he street- At the Drug Refuse substitutes, sold every- B y Mail and R ural R outes destruction has been su b stitu ted protection. F rom a con­ ening aw aited and surprised them . W hen we realize th eir lhat, has been mis8ed is where- o n e Month ....................................................................... .................... $ .65 Three Months ........................ .............. ............... ................................ 1.95 d ition o f naked savagery and of cruel exploitation by un­ situ atio n and then ponder upon w hat would be our re- about $5.00 in cash and some . . , . | candy. A t the Smoke House the Six M onths ..................................................................................................... 3.50 One Year _________________________ ...................................... 6.50 scrupulous w hite men the A m erican Indian has been course m such circum stances, we will b etter realize the prizes on a punchboard were re- Bonneville — State fish hatch­ raised in less than a century to an appreciation of m odern storm y tim es th a t followed and which we will now at- moved and some candy and small ery to have six new feeding DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES civilization and to relativ e safety from encroachm ent on tem pt to n a rra te w ith im p aritality . articles taken from the show P°nda. making total capacity dingle insertion, per inoh .......................................... ................. $ .30 Yearly Contracts cases.— Gold Hill News. , 10,500,000 fish, equal to E nter- his rig h ts and property. (To he C ontinued) One insertion a week ................................................................... .27% , prise plant, ‘ largest in the world. The Indian has now been brought into constant con­ tw o insertions a week ....................;.............................................. .25 There’s a message in The Gaily insertion .................. _..................................................................... 20 iaci w ith the w hite m a n ’s civilization. H is children are pay for this year’s construction. R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising Tidings W ant Ads. The sixty millions', with Feder­ being ta u g h t the E nglish language and he him self is F irst insertion, per 8 point line .................................. .............. $ .10 al aid money and current funds, Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line .................. - ............ -05 learning the w hite m a n ’s trades. The life on the reserv a­ Card of Thanks ................................................................................ 1.00 built about 3,400 miles of pave­ F o r Dress or W ork Obituaries, per line ........................................... ............................ -02% tions has been preserved but not isolated. T he resu lt has ment. been th a t the red m an has been brought into com petition The average cost of road build­ WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING W. L. Douglas USED CAR “All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a w ith his w hite skinned b ro th er econom ically and forced ing has been $30,000 a mile. collection taken is Advertising. This figure includes grading, Shoes offer the best to ad ju st him self socially. bargains No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. building of bridges and pouring values W hile the Ind ian s were left to them selves they slow- Springfield, m ., Nov. 28. — DONATIONS of the concrete slab. Roads built One Dodge T ouring No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ly east off th e ir n ative trad itio n s, custom s and culture for! I1Hnois is out of the mud. Until in 1919 cost $45,000 a mile. ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. One Buick T ouring the w hile m a n ’s. He preserved his a rt, religious rites re#enGy notorious for its im -| n Illinois u nois is buying During its rq&ds rol icies, hacked by thc H artford Fire Insurance Company, can take from your shoul- le rs all w orry of loss. Make sure you have adp- luate insurance, fitted to four special needs, Talk with this agency today. Billings Agency Estab. 1883 Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 IT I s Delight Her Murphy Elec. Co. Ford, L incoln, Fordson D ealers Our Phone 82 Main • Plaza Ashland V ic tro la T he Gift That Keeps on Giving Each time you play a Victor Record you derive new enjoyment from your Victrola instrument. As Dealers in Victor Products we stand one hun­ dred percent behind every Victrola we sell. We are proud to be able to say that for any music in the home, at any time you may turn to Victrola knowing that Victor has the finest artists; that Victor affords the largest, most unusal choice of records; that Victor woods, finishes and construction are the highest quality in the world, and th at Victor comes nearest to perfect­ ion in sound reproduction. Select your Christmas talking machine here, —and you’ll be sure it bears the Vic tor trademarks. 145 E. Main THE ROSE EASY TERMS ARRANGED Open Evenings New Victor Record», Once a Week, Eoery Week—Friday Phone 213