Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, August 26, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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The writer of the proposed constitution says that he reason neither Mrs. Stratton ncr
(E sta b lish ed in 1 8 7 0 )
has the advantage of six years more experience of life i
6runce were called on to give a SPA R K S AND FLASH ES 8
than President Coolidge has, that he will bring about testi“ ony J*33 that it was repre a a a a a a a a « 8 8 8 a
sented to him th a t Mrs. Stratton
P u b lished EVery E v en in g E xcept Sunday by
W here th e re ’s smoke, th ere’s
more reforms than either Coolidge or Davis and that if was too badly h u rt to be d isturb­ I fire,
pinch out th a t cigarette.
___________________the two candidates will promise to work for his pro- ed and th a t the traffic officer had
G re e r.................................................................................. Editor posals, if elected, he will immediatelv withdraw.
released Brunce and he was on
Wise is the camper who knows
Coos Bay — Hoop factory pro-1 ty to California buyers.
diving quantity lots with heavy
advance orders.
St,’ HGlens ~ Five men wil1 b®
J employed in Union Oil distribut-
Klam ath — 15,000 lambs will . ing station, built at cost of $50,-
be shipped out of Klam ath coun- J 000.
Bert R
George Madden Green .................................................. ...Business Manager
his way home and not available at how to put out his fire, and does
th at time.
He stated however I it.
OFFICIAL CITY P A P E R ..........................................................Telephone 39
E ntered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffic e a s Second C lass Mail M atter
a t if anything had come out to
At the last legislature somebody proposed, probably th
throw any suspicion on Brunce
‘ Till the Brands of Your Camp­
Subscription P r ice , D elivered in City
miniimim in the testim ony of other w it­ fire Grow Cold,”— sing it with
One M o n th ......
5 .*5
Three M onths
1.95 ! speed limit on the highways, asserting that the slow driv- nesses, he would have been re­ water.
s ix Months.....................................................................
3.75 er is one of the leading ” menaces to highway
Tliig called. A fter being down there
One Y e a r ....... ..... ;._______ __.................____________ _______
- - - i
7'5e I proposal, revived in some way or other, has been drawing I am much more inclined to ap­ Who burns a forest, burns the
By Mail and R ural R outes:
th e kindnesses of all w elfare of the world.
By J. H. PUELICHER, Chairman
. _ .
One M o n th _____
__ _____ _____
$ .65'the sarcastic fire of the Junction City Times here of late. preciate
those people than to attach blame
Three Months .................................................1.9
Six M onths................ ........................................
3 50 The Times thinks the fellow who,made it ought to be shut to any of them. They speak of
Somebody invent a cigarette
One Year ........
' .
6 50 up as a dangerous lunatic.
To be favorably known at a bank is a business advantage.
the S trattons as being about the th a t won't burn hy the roadside.
aim to deal with honest people only. How does one be­
. Possibly. And yet the fact remains that the slow pluckiest bunch they ever saw
come known at a bank for purposes of doing
Single Insertion, per inch ................ ........................................... $ .30
and say th a t th e children never
FIR E : The cheer of the camp;
business with it? “One must be identified,”
Yearly C ontracts:
says the banker.
One insertion a week ............................................ .....
Two insertions a week ................................................
IDENTIFICATION=M ore than presenting
thirds of the accidents and close shaves occur while some­
221 G ranit • Street. Ashland.
Forsake not your campfire un­
Dally insertion .......................
oneself at a bank and saying “I am John
body is trying to pass another ear.
til it is dead,
Rates for -egal and Miscellaneous Advertising
Smith.” Some one known to the banker
F irst insertion, per
point line ..........................................
$ .10
As the spark is left so the fire
must say, for instance, “This is John
Each subsequent ins- ion, 8 point line".."".."............
Smith. He is honest and dependable.”
will spread.
drivers, just as they would be immensely safer if there
Card of T hanks................ ................................
........... .......... .
Then the bank will do business with him.
Obituaries, per line...........................
.02% were fewer fast drivers. The ideal condition for safety
Why cannot a bank do business with an
The greatest fires m ust have
A C hronicle o f E ven ts O ccuring
would be a uniform rate of speed.
in W orld C enters of
unidentified person? Because, if an unknown
one spark to sta rt them.
“All future events, where an admission charge is made or a
J. H. Puelicner man gets money from a banker on a check
But, for Heaven’s sake, let’s ,choke the lawmaker
P opu lation
collection taken in Advertising.
payable to “John Smith” and he be not the
who first proposes a law requiring a uniform rate of
“ This is where a pinch in time
No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
particular “John Smith” entitled to cash that check, the bank
speed. We have so many laws as it is and so little respect
LONDON, Aug. 26. — Great would have saved nine,” said the ]
would probably lose the money. To be known at a bank is a
business necessity.
No donations to charities or otherwise will me made in advertis tor most- of them that it would he a serious mistake to B ritain is in danger of starving cigarette sm oker who had started
lng or ,ob printing— our contributions will be in cash.
her own industries by pursuing a a forest fire, when the judge gave
add further to the list.—Eugene Register.
policy of foreign investm ent, ac­ him nine days.
to J. Maynard Keynes, the
Many are bachelors because they failed to embrace cording
A thoughtless camper is no
English economist.
The public is evincing much concern on the water their opportunities.
G reat B ritain, declared Keynes,
situation. Many citizens have been in the Tidings office
should take the same line as the
lately inquiring what headway is being made with prelim­
The man who said figures don’t lie wasn’t an income United States, which exports capi­
inaries up Ashland creek and what the prospects are for tax collector.
tal only with reluctance, and,
in small anti large sizes
when it does so, dem ands both ex­
immediate action in providing more water for the future.
Most of them express themselves as favorable to immed­
A pretty girl doesn’t mind reflections on herself ably higher interest th at at home.
Guns, ammunition, hunting- and fishing licenses
iate action along the line of adequate dam construction. when they eo,me from the mirror.
B ritain ’s passion for Em pire
They think that construction should start without delay.
WASHINGTON, Pa., Aug. 25.
building is probably responsible
If bonds for the project are necessary they think, the mat­
Earning her own living by
Lawns and people are much alike. The greener they
Biggest Little Store in Ashland
g lace a t the age of ninety-
ter should he put up to the people at once so that the pro­ are, the easier they are to trim.
out th a t G reat B ritain is now the
only nation th a t is as willing to seven years, although so badly
ject can he forwarded this fall. The Tidings invites for­
Invest abroad as it is a t home. crippled by paralysis th a t she is
um articles on the subject.
Hollywood announces that the “ Sheik,” as a type is Precarious risks have been taken, bedridden, is the record of Mrs.
dead. Probably just from the neck up.
he declared, and proportionate M artha Clemens, who resides at
profits built up, but there has Eldersville, in the northern sec­
The report ot an investigating committee in some
a change in the attitu d es tion of W ashington County.
When a youth sows wild oats, he usually spends the
This aged woman is so skillful
southern cities regarding murders and capital punish­ rest of his life harvesting a bumper crop.
of foreign governm ents, which
her needles, and her lace is
makes such ventures percarious.
ment gives some interesting data which has a direct bear­
a fine quality, th a t she is
ing on this important question and which is now being
Ray Franks, Messrs. Brunce, said Keynes, " th a t there are now unable to supply her many pa­
considered hy a great majority of Americans due to a sen­
Powers and Forschler fram ed up very few countries in the world trons. She finds great satisfac­
case, but if they did they cer­
sational .murder trial which is now being broadcasted in
in which a public utility u n d ertak ­ tion in her work and declares that
tainly did a slick job for they ing, m ainly owned by foreigners, life is still pleasant, in spite of
the newspapers. Two things are most directly responsi­
Articles of tim ely iaterester
deceived the whole community. is secure of fair treatm ent. The her handicaps, although she has
ble for the great number of murders which arc occuring are welcomed under this head. On the other hand it is ju st as
in the United States, according to this report, as follows: Communciations m ust bear the difficult to account for Mrs. cases of ruinously unfair tre a t­ been an invalid, confined to her
m ent are so num erous th a t any bed for the past eight years. Her
First Laxness in the arrest, prosecution and con­ signature of the author.
S tratto n ’s conviction th a t they typical pre-w ar investor has suf­ lower limbs are paralyzed, and
viction of the murderers;
Minister of the Christian Church
were struck from behind. She fered heavy loss.
she has little use of her back.
t Second—Leniency in punishment in the comparative­
“ Then th ere are loans to gov­ Despite these disabilities, she is
EDITOR TIDINGS: In an edi­ hand side of the rear seat and
ly few cases in which a conviction is finally secured.
ernm ents and local authorities able to lean over in her bed on
torial appearing in the Tidings when she heard the crash and
her left arm , hold the thread in
On the first, the report well says:
of recent date you called a tte n ­ felt the car being skidded around
“ Who can m aintain th a t the her left hand and operate two
Our law-enforcing machinery rarely apprehends
tion to the dissatisfaction here in she looked across to the other
indirect m aterial advantages of needles with her right hand.
Wednesday Evening, August 27,
holds and administers prompt, adequate merited pun­ regard to the findings of the cor­ side and saw the rad iato r of the such loans are great? Many of
7:30 P. M.
ishment to murderers. Coroners, sheriffs, police of­ oner’s ju ry in the case of Percy other car coming from behind, them have been employed to wage Nehalem — W ork on new con­
ficers, police courts, grand juries, prosecuting attor­ Stratton. Also to the fact th a t then saw the front wheels of war, and w ithout them wars could crete highway paving to begin at
neither Mrs. Stratton or Kenneth th e ir car going over th e bank.
neys, criminal courts and supreme courts make up a
not have been carried on. We in once.
were called on to testify and th at Those who were w ith her after
th is country would have fared
formidable law enforcing machine when viewed in
Sutherlin shipping prues and
they were firm in the belief th at th e accident and w ith whom we
b etter if we had had the pears to eastern and southern
the aggregate, but on close inspection you will find
th eir car was struck by a car talked state th a t herm ind seem­
same distaste for this class of m arkets.
many loose nuts in it and much that needs overhaul­ coming up behind them instead ed perfectly clear after she was security
as the American investor,
of m eeting them as testified to by restored to consciousness and
who expects 8 to 12 per cent in­
thing she told me before
As to the necessity for the application of capital pun­ witnesses before the coroner’s every
terest, and does not like to lend
jury. On account of dissatisfact­ I left, about w hat
. ij 'ZanjTTJu Jüante
even th en .”
ishment, the report declares:
ion on these points Mr. Bachtel there, tallied w ith w hat I was
Keynes forsees th a t th e motives
( apital punishment will, if applied, exterminate
and myself made a trip to the told at Lamoine. It seems to me
tow ard repudiation by all
.murderers. Judging from the records, murder in
scene of the accident last week in th a t she was rem arkably clear on
debtor governm ents are likely to
the hope th a t we might be able every other point and it is hard
America does not place the murderer in very serious
increase, for the tim e is ap­
to satisfy ourselves regarding the to think she was m istaken in this
jeopardy and as a result we have many murders for
proaching when these govern­
atter. Our trip was not alto­ m atter. I think there is not a
no cause whatever Before the number of our mur­ m
ments will cease to borrow afresh
gether a success but so many person in Ashland who will ques­
each year more than th e interest
ders declines, wo must have a change of heart from an
people are interested th a t I am tion her honesty so it seems likely
on previous loans.
attitude ot man ilin sentiment for the murderer to an
w riting the results of our in­ th a t the m ystery will rem ain a
“ I see no special virtue in ex­
vestigations for publication. Due m ystery unless these lines are
attitude of stric justice for the murderer, the victim
ports for th eir own sake, which
to the fact th a t most of the peo­ read by someone who saw the
and for the community.
are not required to pay for desir­
ple who were present soon after other car and took notice as to
ed im ports,” continued Keynes.
the accident and m ight have which side of the car was injured
“ Investm ent abroad does not stim ­
thrown some light on the subject will w rite me giving the facts
One of the strangest manifestations of human nature were to u rists who stopped for a as they saw them. Such inform a­ ulate employment a scrap more
would an equal investm ent
is the vacation urge, which affects everybody during the short time to satisfy th eir curios­ tion would certainly be appreciat­ than
a t home. Last year w’e investea
summer months. For nine or ten months each year, Sep­ ity or to render w hat assistance ed. An occurrence on our way abroad about tw o-thirds of w hat
tember to June, the average citizen is satisfied to remain they could and then scattered to home convinces me th a t th e stear- passed through the investm ent
ends of the earth, it was very ing gear on the Ford went bad
m arkets and probably between a
just an ordinary citizen, working his eight hours or'more the
difficult to get to the bottom of and in case the cars met at repre­
and a th ird of our total sav­
each day, spending a quiet evening at home or at the the m atter. The scene of the ac­ sented, it went bad before they
movies, hut about the first o f June, and continuing cident was only about half a mile ever met the other car. Between
‘‘I believe th a t most of this
throughout the summer months, his thoughts wander to from Lamoine and we met some of H ornbrook and Yreka, on the could
have been usefully employ­
other fields and the regular routine becomes rather bur­ the people who came up from K lam ath river, a Chevrolet car ed at home; and indeed, in the
there and assisted in getting the went over th e bank ju s t before we
fu tu re o ur savings m ust be so
people up the hill and caring for came along, caused by the steer­
employed if our national equip­
If lie lives in a sea coast town, he wants to visit the them until the doctor came.
ing gear going back. The circum ­
mountains, while, if he is a resident of a mountain town, Among them were the follow­ stances were strikingly like those m ent Is to grow as fast as our
population and our theoretical
he wants to visit the sea shore. If he is a citizen of a great ing: Mrs. Finnegan, a nurse and surrounding Percy’s accident in standards
of life.”
citv, the country fields look most entrancing; while if her husband who works at th e many respects. Both cars were
he lives on the farm, his desire turns toward the city. box factory. Mr. Hansen, m anag­ on the down grade with a high
F o r th e first time on record a
of the Company store, Edgar bank on the rig h t and the river
flourishing family of chameleons
An> place except where he happens to be seems attractive er
Goff, foreman of the box factory, on the left. Both cars, as clear­
has arrived a t the London Zoo.
and ott he goes to satisfy the vacation urge.
Mr. Bullis, who represents the ly shown by the tracks, started
Mother is a dw arf, and
Hie instinct in most ot us to visit a new place each Copco at Lamoine besides Mr. to the left and then turned to
the babies are astonishing mites
year guarantees that the vacation traffic wil lbe divided Powers who testified at the Cor­ the left again a t a sharp angle — each one only an inch long, in­
and that all will not flock to any one portion of the coun­ oners inquest. All these people and plunged over the bank.
cluding its tail.
The difference was th a t a kind
accepted the statem ents of
try. Some will go to the mountains, some to the seashore had
If one of them puts out Its
Powers and Forschler, who testi­ providence selected the best place
sticky tongue it m ight
some to the cities, some to fishing resorts, indeed some to fied before the coroner’s ju ry to for several miles for th e Chevro­
measure, in all, 1 1-2 inches.
all places where the tourist traffic is sought.
having heard the crash and look­ let to take the plunge and she
are fifteen children, and,
It is well, too, that the average American citizen does ing back in tim e to see the car went over a d irt bank about three to There
everyone’s delight, they are
love to get away from the surroundings and the people go over the bank w ithout ques­ feet and nosed into a thicket of feeling well and promising to live.
tion. I also talked with more small willows ju st large enough
of his permanent home for fifty weeks each vear.
The first meal was given to a ten-
than a dozen men about town who to stop her nice and easy while
were present at the scene to see the Ford went over one of the
opened its jaws. A gentle, about
if I could get trace of any suspi­ worst places imaginable.
one-quarter of an inch long, was
A citizen ot Grosser, Washington, whom the newspa­ cion th a t things were not as rep­ If the Chevrolet had been on popped inside, and the intelligent
per of that city states takes himself seriously (even if resented but found no such sus­ the same place Percy’s car was child chewed up and swallowed it.
picion. I had hoped to prove when the steering gear failed,
Now they are h unting and eat­
nobody else should), has declared himself an independent which side of th e G ardner car precisely
the same thing would
black-fly for themselves.
candidate for president of the United States and has pub­ driven by Mr. Brunce was injured have happened to them th a t hap­
are considered poison­
lished a long platform, which includes some of the most but only one of the above men­ pened to th e Ford. The theory
ous and are not included in the
ambitious planks that it has been the reader’s pleasure to tioned claimed to have seen the at Lamoine is th a t Percy turned menu.
car and he said it was injured to th e left to dodge a stone th a t
see included in any political platform.
As they grow, so their diet will
on the left hand side, which would iay about two feet from the bank
change in th e following gradua­
Many ot these planks verge toward socialism, but 1 indicate
it was going up the hill and th a t the track ran around
some of them are nearer ridiculousness or humor, such as and” m et S tratton as testified by and doing so, h it the other car tion: 1, black-fly; 2, small gen­
tles: 3, large gentles; 4, meal
the principle ot self-contession tor offense against th e 1 p ° w ers and Forschler.
____ We
did but it is inconceivable th a t he
5, stick insects.
law,” which he thinks should be part of a new constitu- lLnd one other man wll° said it would leave the safe side of the worms;
W hen they first arrived th eir
tion that he is advocating. Another plank of similar cal- 7as injured °n the left side but road and run out two feet d ir­ skins were of a dusky brown.
for reasons I will not mention ectly tow ard th e other car in
ibre is, “ the elimination of life insurance.”
Now some of them are already ex­
here, we did not consider his word order to run around a stone when
One which anticipates the millenium is “ the elimina­ worth much. I also made inquiry the safest, easiest and most sen­ perim enting with the wonderful
tion of the idler and the parasite.” He also advocates as to the character of Powers and sible thing to do was to straddle color changes of th eir race. Their
that property owners should make their own assessments, Forschler and learned th a t they it, especially a t a place w here the effort, of course, Is to tu rn green
m atch the plants in th eir cage.
the government retaining the right to purchase the prop­ stood well in the community. The road was only fifteen feet wide to They
have been separated from
erty at 10 to 20 per cent higher than the assessment with­ only way to get around the case with a stone wall on one side and th eir m other, who has never
being as represented would he to a precipice on th e other.
in 60 days after the assessment.
shown the slightest Interest In
consider th a t the traffic officer,
The coroner state® th a t the
her self-possessed offspring.
0 . 1). V, ool Long Pants
Army Goods Store
The Armory
Classified arvertisements have come
to he ait American institution—they
vitally concern every member of the
Most Readers
have become habitual patrons of the classi­
fied advertisements, because they have
found it is a profitable habit, indeed.
Pick up today’s issue of The Tidings, read
through the classified advertisements and
learn for yourself why classified advertis­
ing is so important.
1 Cent A Word
The Ashland Tidings