Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, July 15, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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ASrrLAM) fcAttt «MM68
T I D I N G S u/’ for
mOst Part> ^ as hardly more than faint. Now
are coming to Oregon literally by hundreds,
(E stab lish ed in 1 876)
darly. They are coming by automobile and they are sec
P uhli-hed Every E vening Except Sunday bv
ing this state.
In natural resources Oregon outmatches California, i
Bert R Greer ..................... ............................................................... E ditor In development and in advertising—especially in advcr-! JJ|- f
George Madden Green
...................... Business Manage j tising—California has always outmatched us. Now, with
OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ............................................................... , Telephone o .39
, daily hundreds of Californians seeing this state who never
1 Z»
_ .
Entered at the A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice ns Second Class Mail M atter
WÀSHINGTON, July 14.— For
saw it before, Oregon is reaping benefits. Some of these every
move ou the chessboard
Subscription Price, D elivered in City
a checkmate, and it is
One M o n th ......
î A5 going back home. Many others will go back home, sell
Three Months
established a fact that
Six Months __
3.75 die cottage, give away the family eat, and come back to for the development of every new
One Year
7.5« O/egon to live. They will do this because Oregon is allur­ weapon in modern w arfare there
By Mail and Rural R outes:
is the evolution of a counteract­
One Mor^h .....
$ .65 ing; because the great outdoors of Oregon is unmatched
Three Months
1.95 at this season of the year by any other anywhere; because
Six M o n th s.....
This probably has never been
One Year ......
6.50 prosperity sticks out wherever the visiting tourist gpes in dem onstrated so completely as
Oregon because our wealth of resources is so great and during the last three months,
Single insertion, per inch ........................................................... $ .30
! so apparent and comparatively so untouched that it can­ when the Coast A rtillery Corps of
Yearly Contracts:
the American Army has develop­
One insertion a week ..........................................................
• 27% not fail to impress the most casual flivver tourist driving ed and tested successfully a num ­
Two insertions a week .................................................
, by along the highway; because things up here are fresh ber of anti-aircraft machine guns
Daily insertion ............................................................. ...................
.20 in contrast to California’s brown and forbid­ and cannon th a t are calculated to
R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertising
First insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10
ding dryness as this season of the year; because there is seal the doom of the airplane of
Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line...................................
pure water available in every rill at every roadside in future wars, be it a fighting
Card of T h a n k s ___ _ ___________ ___________ ... , ......................’*
fciane, a reconnoissance plane or
O bituaries, per lin e ...................................................
.02% lour mountains—again in contrast to California’s parched a bombing plane.
U. S. A chievem ent
“All future events, where an admission charge is made or a
Talk to a few of these California tourists. They can It was not until late in the
collection taken in Advertising.
see for themselves what a beautiful city Eugene is and W orld W ar th a t the development
No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
what a marvelous country surrounds and backs it. But of an tiaircraft artillery became
successful, but it was left for the
No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertis­ tell them how well people do here who are industrious and American inventive A n iu s to
in g or ^ob printing— our contributions will be in cash.
thritty and who live right. Show them our material as carry on the work until now it is
well as our natural advantages. We have room for a lot practically complete. The Coast
FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, th a t he gave his only of Californians here of the right kind. And a lot of them A rtilery, which took over the an­
begotten Son, th a t whosoever believeth in him should not perish, are going to stop here within the next few years and re­ ti-aircraft defense from the field
but have everlasting life.— John 3:16.
place their California license tags with Oregon license artillery at the close of the war,
has the following weapons
tags and settle down among <us. They are for the most now
in action and three others near­
part desirable people of fine community spirit. Let’s ing completion:
encourage them.—Eugene Guard.
1. 50-caIibre machine gun, firing
“ Good business’* and keen salesmanship are more
500 shots per m inute at vertical
responsible than atuomotive progress for the summer
The direction in which the eyes of most men turn is ranges up to 4,000 yards.
2. 37-millimeter (one pounder)
outcropping of new automobile models. Gf course there only another proof that beauty is only skin deep.
machine gun, firing 120 high ex­
are many and very desirable improvements and engineer­
plosive shells per m inute at v erti­
ing advances represented in the new models, but they
Undoubtedly Senator Hdnry Cabot Lodge has a bet­ cal ranges up to 8,000 yards.
were not the motive tor the new creations in the motor ter idea of how it feels to be a real isolationist, especially
3. 3-inch anti-aircraft cannon,
15-pound shells
since the recent Republican national convention at Cleve­
up to 7,-
The real reason for the many new models in automo­ land.
000 yards.
biles is the unexpected depression experienced by the au­
4. 4.7-inch anti-aircraft can­
tomobile industry and trades in May and June. A record
I he lounge lizard’s life isn’t always a pleasure. At non firing fifteen 45-pound high
business had been expected and prepared for. When the times lie doesn’t know where the next cigarette is com­ explosive shells per m inute at
altitudes up to 15,000 yards.
expected business was not forthcoming the industry ing from.
In addition to these four power­
turned to the ever-effectual stimulants—new models and
ful weapons, a newly designed 37
increased newspaper advertising. The result has been a
There is a great deal of religion in America still, hut m illim eter and a new 3-inch can­
general increase in volume of business during the first someone lias suggested that it seldom interferes with non have been developed and are
day of July, with some factories oversold and many deal­ anything.
now being tested out by the Ord­
ers unsupplied.
nance D epartm ent at W artertow n
Early in its history the automobile business learned
Medical men say dirt eating is caused by hookworm.
the valuable lesson of never waiting for business but to He might add, also by a desire to keep up with the car Thousands of 30-calibre a n ti­
aircraft machine guns are still in
make business where it hadn’t been before, and in those that just passed.
the service, but they will be re­
periods and seasons when less progressive businesses ac­
placed by the 50-calibre piece as
soon as quantity production can
cept depression as inevitable and are content to rest on
Thrift Called Foe of Divorce
) be secured. This gives the army
their oars until it picks up from natural causes. The man­
a t . present seven types of an ti­
ufacturers and dealers of automobiles know new models
aircraft defense weapons, more
and improvements, coupled with newspaper advertising,
than any other nation in the
will sell automobiles anywhere and at any time.
What the automobile industry—the world’s second
P ow erful Ream
against speed­
argest industry—is doing in the promotion of business
y has recent­
by daily newspaper advertising is also being accomplish
ly brought out the 60-ineh Sperry
ed by the moving picture industry-next in size to the
dishpan searchlight, which has an
automobile industry—and by those local businesses mos’
effective range of 6000 yards. To
recognized for their progressiveness and greatest public
illu strate the intensity of its illu­
m ination, a person standing in its
service. The stores having the most to sell and selling the
bean can read a newspaper when
most are also doing the most summer advertising They
tw enty miles away from the source
have disproved the old idea that summer is a poor time
of light. This means th at an a ir­
or business and with the aid of extensive advertising are
plane traveling at the rate of 100
equalling, if not exceeding their fall and winter sales.
miles an hour (which few fight­
ing machines ever a tta in ) would
Business progress goes hand in hand wtili advertisi
C ISlllg
require twelve seconds to go
• 1
through the broad beam, and
from this it can be seen th at an ;
aviator incurs considerable diffi­
culty in endeavoring to get away
from the searchlight once he has
The trio of intrepid American fliers, accompanied by
been illum inated in its beam.
a like number of mechanics, flew triumphantly into Paris
Foreign ordnance experts and
yesterday and were the recipients of congratulations from
skilled m ilitary attaches are
General John J. Pershing. From Paris to New York is a
w atching the new American a n ti­
aircraft developments with keen
long, long way, yet the fact that the nervy fliers have I
interest, for the attacking, bomb­
arrived at the French capitol brings relief and joy to the DAYTON, Ohio, July 12.
band makes, woe be to th a t home. ing or reconnoissance
_____ —
millions of Americans who wished them Godspeed when Three-fourths of home disruption Planned buying always leads t o ! was the biggest unchecked
the\ depaited from the states intent on circling the globe and divorce proceedings over the planned thinking in the expendi­ er of the last war. It now ap­
follow disagreem ents over ture - of time, health auu
and m aterial, pears th a t it will he a tame weap­
TV*,! i
it seems that they are almost home. country
to happiness. on, and the w onderful strides in
With the broad and frozen expanses of the Pacific behind courts of domestic relations.
them, and having successfully passed through the tor­ “ When poverty comes in the International peace is the dom ina­ aviation development and the
ting consideration in every wo­ prognostications th a t the bomb­
rential rains and typhoons of the far East, they bid fair door, love flies out the window,” man
s convention held in America
plane would rule the battle­
to bring distinction to their country in being the first to quotes Edith McClure Patterson, today. By peace in the individual ing
field of the fu tu re have received
circumnavigate the earth by heavier than air machines. known to women’s clubs over tho American home comes closer to a severe setback at the hands of
country as the ' ‘th rift lady,” every American woman. Nothing the Yankee Ordnance and Coast
To those who felt an interest in the epoch-making pointing
to court records.
tends more to peace in the home I A rtillery experts.
flig h t and who admired the nerve and pluck of the daring
Mrs. Patterson recently held a than efficient family finance, with
guns can be put into ac­
aviators every step of the journey has been watched with T hrift Conference in New York, the family living within its in ­ tion These
w ithout delay day or night.
marked interest. The thoughts, prayers and best wishes attended by Mrs. John D. Sher­ come and with a nest-egg in the The super-calibre machine guns
of Americans have been urging them on and on, much as man, General Federation of Wo­ bank.
can be relied upon to effectively
we urge our favorite horse when he lags in a race. Now m en’s Clubs chairm an of educa­ Realizing this, the General Fed­ protect zones to an altitude of at
tion; Mrs. Maggie W. Barrie, eration has added to its divisions least 3,000 yards, while the artil-
that they are headed for home we are crving for them College
Sation, Texas, chairm an of of work one th a t will distribute
to come on, and the closing days of the flight will be home economics, and other spec­ inform
L etterheaas,
statem ents,
t o
watched with as much interest as that which marked their ialists, together with 5,000 in­ methods of buying and more ef­ vour order at the Tidings Office.
departure. Every American wishes them success in the terested spectators, and outlined ficient spending to club women. We have a good job printing de­
flight across the Atlantic. Once that body of water is a family budget, which, if lived It also advocates increased tra in ­ partm ent.
up to according to Mrs. P a tte r­ ing in practical finance for young
spanned to America will come the distinction the aviators son, will make divorce a dead is­
have fought so nobly to bring to their native land.
sue and every little home a para­
G reater efficiency in the e x -1 Classified Ads Bring Results
It remained for the brave men of the old world to dise all its own.
penditure of the net family income
“ The American woman spends will resu lt in:
accomplish most of the daring achievements of discovery
and travel, hut it now seems certain that to America wiil' the family income, so it is she who “ Increased quantity and quality
the national standard of liv­ of industrial production; greater
come the honor of being the first nation to chart the sets
ing good or bad,” says Mrs. P a t­ family harm ony and, therefore,
course around the world through the air, a feat that calls terson. The wife’s buying is of fewer divorces; elim ination of
for no less bravery, fortitude and intelligence than that of greater national im portance than sickness; improved environm ent
n g
Thi8 recaIls the fact that America th a t of Rockefeller, Morgan and for children and more money for
is a nation ot achievements in many fields of endeavor other W all Street dictators. As recreation; happiness for every­
a wife buys so will her family be. one which, after all is w hat the
and proves that the spirit that permeated the h e a rt/
If she spends more than her hus- whole world is looking for.”
Poverty Deadly to Happy Family
Life, Declares Woman Economist
men and y on?en who set out to cross the plains
' nd build a new empire in the West still lives in the hearts
of their sons and daughters. The spirit of heroism and
adventure still survives.
Have you driven m u c h on t h e P a c i f i c
highway lately? If so, what did you most remark? That’s
it; the answer is unanimous: California license tags! Cal­
ifornia is beginning to discover Oregon. The Californians
have always known in a general wav that a lot of folks
were up here to the north of them, but their interest in
a sealed box with iced packing,
and upon the report he receives
from Oregon will depend fu rth er
MARYSVILLE, Calif., July 15.
In the way of an experiment,
C. B. H untington, m anager of the
Farm Bureau Produce Exchange, To C alifornia—
has made a shipment of iced corn
Mrs. Overmire and two chil­
to Portland, Ore., hoping thereby dren, who lived near Seattle, has
to solve the problem of sweating spent the past fortnight as house
which always accompanies the guests of Mrs. Van Fossen. The
'consignm ent of corn to distant Overmire family left recently for
points in open crates or boxes.
California, where they will seek
H untington placed the corn in a perm anent location.
fuecda), July 10. l t d !
l«ry weapons can taka care of the
iiignflying ships up to 17,000
yards. The big guns are on car­
riages mounted ou trucks or tra il­
ers, or can be established in per­
m anent emplacements. W hile the
control of the guns involves the
use of sighting systems and data
computers, nevertheless their op­
eration is simple.
Guns Take “L ead”
The gun is aimed often at a
point a mile in advance of the
speeding airplane, and the ap­
paratus issued to the gun crews
and observation stations are cap­
able of computing autom atically
the lead to be given a gun and
the setting of the fuse of the high
explosive projectile. W hile it is
the hope in firing on aircraft, as
in shooting game girds, to bring
them down, nevertheless anti­
aircraft gunnery does efficiently
are lingering and annoying.
fulfill another important mission, io change his course but keep him
th a t of b u n tin g shells all around constantly in the beam for anti­
the aviator until he is forced to aircraft guns to shoot at and for
change his course and return defense airplanes to attack.
w ithout accomplishing his p u r­
Although official records show
th a t American anti-aircraft bat­
teries brought down one airplane
for every 605 rounds of 75-mili-
m eter shells, it is also on record
that of the 483 German airplanes
sent against Paris in 191S alone
only thirty-seven flew over the
city, and thirteen of these were
brought down. The searchlights
employed at night not only blind
the enemy airm an and cause him
W. L. Douglas
Developing and printing
• One Pair Leads
To Another,
McNair Brothers
T he very first night apply
2»« S g x o l t
Shoe Shop
a r o R u b
O n e r 1 7 M illio n J a n Vsr d Yen
Pushing Back the Wall
'H E vast territory covered
the voice of man. To places and
by these lines at once strikes
to people he has never even seen
the observer, and some conception fiy his w ire-borne thoughts.
may be had o f the importance o f
Over distances which it would
the long distance telephone in the
take him days to travel his words
business world o f the east."
speed in an instant.
T his was the contemporary
The 90,000 miles of toll wire
comment of a scientific journal
oi 18 90 have grown to more than
on the long distance telephone
4,500,ooo miles carrying a daily
service of i 890. T he “ vast terri­
average of more than 1,600,000
tory’’ ended with Pittsburgh on
long distance conversations.
the west and Washington on the
Thus has the wall of silence
south. Along its frontier stood
been pushed hack to the edges
a wall of silence.
of the continent. In its place is a
No such harrier 1 nv confines
nation-wide telephone service.
T h e P a c ific T e le p h o n e and iele£rap b . (Jonipunv
O n a P o licy
O n e S y stem
You Don't Have
U n iv e rsa l S e rv ic e
to Yell
At Us, Unless there is a Storm going on, to
get our sudden service for tires, auto acces­
sories and replacement parts.
Is there any good, sufficient,
plausible reason why you have
to put up with the old house
heating range style of cook­
And Universal ig a range
steadfast and sure; lasts a life­
time; fool-proof; bakes accur­
ately with a much less cost
than gas, coal, wood or any
other fuel burning stove.
rpH E Ashland
Electric Supply
JÄvw «
E astm an Kodak Age»»c.v
Why Not Have
E lectricity Cool
Cheap, Econom ical
Have You Tried Our
Sudden Service
Phone 104
Leedom’s Tire House
Beaver Block
Drop In For Chat