Tw* A SH L A N D ASrrLAM) fcAttt «MM68 D A IL Y T I D I N G S u/’ for mOst Part> ^ as hardly more than faint. Now Californians are coming to Oregon literally by hundreds, (E stab lish ed in 1 876) darly. They are coming by automobile and they are sec P uhli-hed Every E vening Except Sunday bv ing this state. ’ , THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO In natural resources Oregon outmatches California, i f Y PLANES Bert R Greer ..................... ............................................................... E ditor In development and in advertising—especially in advcr-! JJ|- f George Madden Green ...................... Business Manage j tising—California has always outmatched us. Now, with OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ............................................................... , Telephone o .39 , daily hundreds of Californians seeing this state who never 1 Z» > - - _ . Entered at the A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice ns Second Class Mail M atter WÀSHINGTON, July 14.— For saw it before, Oregon is reaping benefits. Some of these every move ou the chessboard Subscription Price, D elivered in City California tourists will become Oregon residents without th ere is a checkmate, and it is One M o n th ...... î A5 going back home. Many others will go back home, sell Three Months Just as well established a fact that 1.95 Six Months __ 3.75 die cottage, give away the family eat, and come back to for the development of every new One Year 7.5« O/egon to live. They will do this because Oregon is allur­ weapon in modern w arfare there By Mail and Rural R outes: is the evolution of a counteract­ One Mor^h ..... $ .65 ing; because the great outdoors of Oregon is unmatched ing means. Three Months 1.95 at this season of the year by any other anywhere; because Six M o n th s..... 3.50 This probably has never been One Year ...... 6.50 prosperity sticks out wherever the visiting tourist gpes in dem onstrated so completely as Oregon because our wealth of resources is so great and during the last three months, DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch ........................................................... $ .30 ! so apparent and comparatively so untouched that it can­ when the Coast A rtillery Corps of Yearly Contracts: the American Army has develop­ One insertion a week .......................................................... • 27% not fail to impress the most casual flivver tourist driving ed and tested successfully a num ­ Two insertions a week ................................................. .25 , by along the highway; because things up here are fresh ber of anti-aircraft machine guns Daily insertion ............................................................. ................... .20 in contrast to California’s brown and forbid­ and cannon th a t are calculated to R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A d vertising First insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 ding dryness as this season of the year; because there is seal the doom of the airplane of Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line................................... .05 pure water available in every rill at every roadside in future wars, be it a fighting Card of T h a n k s ___ _ ___________ ___________ ... , ......................’* 1.00 fciane, a reconnoissance plane or O bituaries, per lin e ................................................... .02% lour mountains—again in contrast to California’s parched a bombing plane. dryness. WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING U. S. A chievem ent “All future events, where an admission charge is made or a Talk to a few of these California tourists. They can It was not until late in the collection taken in Advertising. see for themselves what a beautiful city Eugene is and W orld W ar th a t the development No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. what a marvelous country surrounds and backs it. But of an tiaircraft artillery became DONATIONS successful, but it was left for the No donations to charities or otherw ise will me made in advertis­ tell them how well people do here who are industrious and American inventive A n iu s to in g or ^ob printing— our contributions will be in cash. thritty and who live right. Show them our material as carry on the work until now it is well as our natural advantages. We have room for a lot practically complete. The Coast JULY 15 FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, th a t he gave his only of Californians here of the right kind. And a lot of them A rtilery, which took over the an­ begotten Son, th a t whosoever believeth in him should not perish, are going to stop here within the next few years and re­ ti-aircraft defense from the field but have everlasting life.— John 3:16. place their California license tags with Oregon license artillery at the close of the war, has the following weapons tags and settle down among