Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 07, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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D A I L Y T I D I N G S vrhen Avliat ye
i» som® moans of making winter mere-
man of Aberdeen, Wash., alid bride
of a week, was drowned last night
and her husband barely pulled
F^iThed iven Evening E ^ p t Sunday“^ -------------- tri£ eitiherj to
State F a ir at Salem or the International
from w ater in time to save his
at 1 ortland-
| L ondon , Dec. 7.— In olden
1 fe, and a car driven by Wizfiflff
------------------------------- ---------------------------------j
If you really want to get interested ask any of the day9 a club in England was a BR ID E OF A W EEK IS
life, when a car driven by William
place lnt0
into wnicQ
which ine
the rema,e
female 01
of tne
_’e" c Gree r .......................................................................Edltor fourteen who attended the summer school at 0. A. C w hat!place
DROW NED AT EUGENE Parks, San Francisco, lost with
‘ 10IAL CITY PAPER ....... .............................................. Telephone 39 they did there and then look over the pictures in the c lu b |specie3 coultl not pursue the male'
. ----------
luggage at H arrisburg ferry.
} But *<tbem
“ them davs
days are zon
gone e for-
red at th e .Ashland, O regon, P o sto ffic e a s Second C lass }jooth
EUGENE, Dec. 6.— Mrs. Robert , Parks could not stop his car
Mail M atter
• .
‘ever,’’ and thé last stronghold of
„ i rassed Englishm an is .view-, Byers, form erly Josephine Good- g o n g down the steep grade to the
Subscription Price, Delivered in City-
One M o n th ..................................... ........................................................ $ .65 t æ County ieadei, will show Saturday.
ing to the onslaughts of m odern'
Three Months
A ou will hear a lot about club work from time to time fem ininity.
Six M o n th s............................................................. ......
7 5 ü ^ lls eonflng winter and spring. Learn all you can about • Not a few o£ the older genera-;
Qne Year .................................. ...........................„ ......
By Mail and R ural R ou tes:
it at the W inter F air so that when the time comes, Ash- tlon of Engli3h clubmen are view-|
One Mon
ing with alarm th e -la te st inno­
'T ,ld........... ;...............-.................................. -...... ?
hmd boys and girls will be “ Ready to go.”
Three Months
vation of the Carlton Club. This
— tells the story of
Six Months
club ior
for years nas
has been the out-
x • n
T a
i .
n z-.
‘listening in’ on the
One Y'ear .
They re tr> ng to influence Denmark to sell Green- 8hlnglng example of the refuge
' world.
and, which IS the flist intimation that Oil has been d is- ¡where men could be alone, and
sin g le in s e rtio n , p e r in ch .......................................................
in Gieenland.
woman could not molest them. No
Yearly C ontracts:
woman— and, in fact, no guest of
One insertion a w k ........................................................
Two insertions a week .......................................................
any sort— ever was allowed hr
baily insertion ..............................................
cross its threshold.
Radio Supply
R ates F o r Legal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g
F irst insertion, per 8 point l i n e ................................................... $ .10
has so far succumbed to the march
subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ...................................
1 of progress th a t guests and wo­
' Thanks .............................................................
men are to be adm itted within its
Obituai- s, per line ................................. ]
02% j »
------ ----------------------- —----- — —_------------------- -------------------
portals. The admission, it is true,
, Magnus Johnson, of Minnesota Sweden and came to this country is qualified to the extent th a t the
- “ AJI fu tu re events, where an admission charge Is made or a is the presonification of th a t new- when 20, going immediately to club will m aintain the sanctity of
tion taken is Advertising.
est type of American Senator ' work in the N orthw est forests, its original quarters, but will
) discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
which is w ithout parallel in the From this labor he saved enough build and equip an
history of the upper House.
money to buy the 14 0-acre farm where members may receive and
No d e ratio n s to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis­ ■ He is a real “d irt” farm er, hav-
which he now runs in Meeker en tertain tiieir friends of both
ing. >r ioh printing— our contributions will be in cash.
! ing literally been called from a County.
harvest field and th ru st Into the
“C o-operative” Sponsor
He is known as the fath er of!
HOW TO GAIN A LL:— Seek ye first the kingdom of God and
Johnson, in appearance
and the co-operative m arketing sys­
his righteousness; and all these things shall’ be added unto you.__ m anner, is typical of the Ameri- tems of Minnesota. The idea was
Matt. 6:33.
can farm er. His prototype may- be i coceived in a most unam bitious
Report for December 6, 1923—
And many other points on
on almost any
farm m enner when Johnspn, w-ith a few Maximum, 53; minimum, 36; set
the Southern Pacific in tin*
neighbors, pooled resources and maximum, 47; precipitation, .63
Sunny Southern States.
bought coffee. Johnson handled until 6:30, after 6.30, .15 fell
the distribution. The plan worked m aking a total of .78 for yester­
\\ ednesday’s Tidings carried a news story originating
Use one of four daily tra ns to
so well th at soon other neighbors day and evening.
California. Through Standard and
! roni the local postoti ice, and in which it was revealed that
joined in, increased the extent
Tourist sleeping cars to San F ran ­
letters to Santa Claus were being received at the office
cisco and Los Angeles.
of the buying and laid the n et­
W ork starts on third Bull Run
tro n i the little children of Ashland. But the interesting
work for the m arketing organi­
Take your choice of three routes
line which will add to P o rt­
part o f the story was the announcement from the postoffice
zations th a t honeycomb the State.
the E ast from California with
land’s w ater supply.
.hrougli sleeping cars to Eastern
From his ability as an organi­
that not only would all such letters he directed Io the
zer of "co-ops” Johnson’s name
piopcr destination, whenever possible, but that if any were
spread all over Minnesota. He was
Sights worth seeing via the
received without stamps the usual ryle of “ held for post­
Southern Route include the
rew arded by serving both in the
age would he dispensed with. The announcement, in
American River Canyon, Pic­
lower House and the State Senate.
turesque Carriso Gorge, and
short, was thè et feet that the postmaster and employees
At the peak of the F arm er-L a­ Holbrook lodge, No. 30, Ancient,
the famous Apache Trail of
of the office, despite the rush of Holidays, will take the
bor movement in 1920 Johnson Free and Accepted Masons, a t its
tu n c to see to it that the Jetter of the .little one reaches
was asked to run for Governor. stated communication elected as
Let us assist you with the details
his “ Santa Claus.”
He lost by a slim margin. Upon officers for the ensuing year:
of your trip.
the death of Senator K nute Nel- B arnett
It is a story of heart interest and the sentiment ex­
son friends telephoned Johnson, j m aster; Dr. Ralph I. Mills, senior
hibited l>\ tilt» local postoftice is highly commendable.
Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager
who wan working in the harvest w arden; Professor H. F. Price
Portland. Oregon
"Would th a t all little children get in communication with
field, and prevailed upon him to ju n io r w arden; Charles E. Dekins,
good, old »Santa. W ho of us who arc grown have forgotten
run. This time the tables were re- secretary, and
Edward Allen,
the enthusiasm, the expectancy, the .joy of Christmas and'
treasurer. The members of Hol-
Santa ( la'us? '1 he flood-gates of memory are opened and
i (Continued on page 3)
t brook lodge will hold installation
( E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 )
b ’ h y p o th e tic a l
on December 27. Plans are now
j on foot for the construction of a
j uew Masonic temple next year at
ja cost of $15,000. ,
ferry, which was c-xpected to ar­
rive soon. Mrs. Byers and hus­
band freed themselves from th*
car but the woman was swept to
death down the river. Byers grab­
bed a tim ber and was saved.
Parks, who is an expert swimmer,
tore through the side curtains and
made shore.
The body of the woman has not
been recovered.
The Picture
New Senators Who Are
Sitting In Upper House
Something New
Write Me About Your Case
TF you will write me about
A your condition, I will send
you my FREE illustrated book
which tells many things about
Piles and other rectal troubles
which YOU should know.
It also explains my non-surgical
treatment which, without pain ot
confinement, is GUARANTEED
to cure your Piles—or fee refunded.
It a ls o lists h u n d r ed s o l
fo r m e r p a tie n ts , b o th
m en an d w o m e n , w ho
t e s t if y a s to m y skilL
Ten-day stopover
on all tickets at
San Francisco - Los Angeles
M E N T t ,O t N v' T H I S
P *P t»
Southern Pacific Lines
we are overwhelmed with the jovs and pleasant reeollec-
1 n. ot tin ( bri»(mas times ot boyhood and girlhood d ay s.: not flashy, not a brilliant speak- '
u io c o n io a m em o ry ot a snow-white landscape, of pran- pr and does not dress according toi
eilig ìo ises, bob-sleds and sigigli liells. There unfolds a i what bas been tbe accepted sa r­
l>icture of the preparations .for Christmas, and depicting torial style of the Senate. Hia
delicacies available at that season only. There appear a ta3tes are quIte plain and a»npie;
Christmas tree, with tinsel, popconi halls, a pair of red he is blunt,y out«P°kcn, and he
to p hoots, a doll, whistle, harmonica, a book and a hair T & ‘leep’8eate^ dlstru8t of "prb
,.:i i, ,, rpi „
P . .. . ’
’ i’IKl a 11,111 yileged and predatory in terests.”
ul,bon. I lii rp ponies a scene.of Christmas morning. Dark-i i . everything m a t he <ioe.
n e .'s p t f \ ;)! bd but we were awakened 1)V the snapping of a ! there is force and energy and
• ire in the old box stove. W ith opened eyes we peered into re90luteness—a11 qualities of the
the old front room, made cherry by the coal oil lamp. There true’born politica! leader and cam
was a rush tor the stocking. As it was emptied of its price- paigner*
F or P lain P eople
less articles our joy knew no hounds. While Santa Claus
“ My heart is with the plain peo­
received the credit for the many precious gifts some how ple,”
he declares. “I w ant noth­
"i o th e i mother and father assumed new proportions in ing finer said about me than th at
our minds. As we recall it the most beautiful picture of all I have given all within my power
was that of the smile that lighted their faces as they obser­ and ability to make life easier
ved our joy on Christmas morning. Perhaps one or both and better for them .”
One of Johnson’s greatest as­
have gone over the long, lo n ^ trail, but they are always
is a clear, booming voice. It
with us on Christmas day.
th e sam c ccs^
.u< e x h ib ite d In the little fellows oi today. God help themifer.
<• p h '.lsa ilt ( hl’istmas. But what of the hoys and
Johnson dislikes style and
g irls who tail to get in communication with Santa Claus* p01ap and display. To his friends
What will the postoffice employees do when they are un- and admirers a11 over Minnesota
able to direct the letters of some of the unfortunate little he is '‘Magnu8’’ <never Senator)
folks to a »Santa Claus?
Johnson. Even clerks in his office
( ’ooiu»i-‘itiin , »,.» Il» « ,- « ,*
ca i
• -
have a difficult time rem em bering
other than
on the part of the c iv ic societies with the; to address
postoftice might solve the problem.
¡ “ M agnus.”
All his life Johnson has worked
hard and long in lum ber camps
and on farm s. He was born in
If human nature were not what it is, the Christ­
mas season might not he one of rush and worry over what
to buy, and sales forces in stores would not be rushed to OPINIONS differs as to
exhaustion m the two or three weeks before the event. If
people did their shopping when it could lie done under' washrington , Dec. 6 Before
th e lc;m t congested conditions, it might extend over months a great and colorful gathering,
instead ol weeks, and it would be not less seasonable
President cooiidm hmk„ hu 1™»»
However, none but the exceptional person think of
“J"* addre8Md a r'0,nt Be-
doing shopping until it cannot he put off longer Then it °r
“¿ L
beeom S .in on eal un i is so strenuous that it tends to rob fcterlzed th e speech as "sound and
it season o th e
c h e e r and good w ill” that attach to sane-” Progressives received It
it sent I men tally. The “ good w ill” might actually pervade icoldly’ fra n k ly critisizing sugges-
t he shoppers were they uot overworked trying to fimf what 4 tons regarding the bonus, trans-
they want and struggling to get it. Yet it would not be portation and agrlcalt«re. Demo
t ’hristm as for a lot of people were it otherwise They have cratism with few exceptions, voiced
become so accustomed to waiting and then making a hurry- disapproval of the whole program .
A thousand bills, th e largest
up job ol It that they would not feel right were it done num ber ever Introduced a t the
opening session of Congress, were
Hitman nature is a peculiar thing despite the fact that jam m ed into the House and Sen­
al ot us have it. It wouldn’t be human nature if it w asn’t ate today. Senator Kind. Utah, in­
odd If we did everything in a reasonable and sane wav we troduced the m ost bills, many of
would not he human beings. We would be super human them dealing with foreign topics.
and that is too much to expect. It is the nreroe-qtivo nf
limuan being, to do as they please and of Jourse moM of
8TAB,IJZA™ ” i
us please to delay as long as we can the doing of what we
cannot avoid. There may he those who are forehanded in
1 h iis tm a s shopping but they are rare.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.— The
creatiion of a stabilization corpor­
ation to be capitalized a t three
hundred million dollars is pro­
posed by Senator Gooding, Re-
publcian. The corporation would
buy w heat a k a fixed price of $1.50
a bu8hei. The corporation would
be controlled by directors recelv-
The h o r s ’ m J «rîvlc.» i i i i
. .
K ill- -.11.1 t i l l v » 8 f I I ? K ! n ( ,)e.Sl!re to VlSlt th6 W inter
<ai(‘Gdl\ the exhibits made by some of
It’ H»\s and g i l ls clubs of Jackson county.
i he 240 hoys and girls who took the club work in 4ng *12,00() a year each and to
appointed by the President.
.hu ksnu ,•m inty sa y il is interesting and worth while work. be
" .........
hey have tomul use tor the $1072 of prize money that
H untiqgton— D urkee Basin Oll
they received and tlurty two of them were given'a free
( & Development company plans to
Science gives us artificial rain and synthetic lightninc
ghtning Sink shaft.
Ashland’s Toy Land
And the warmth o f
Pearl Oil is good*to
coine back to! Turn it
How well our store can be called that as never before have the people
of Ashland and vicinity been offered the wonderful selection of toys to
choose from that we are displaying this year.
DAD—how well
and Mother dear
you r e m e m b e r
y o u r first Jack­
knife. W h y n o t
m a k e son happy
with one Xmas.
ean’t you remem­
b e r with what
pride you took Dol­
ly out for a ride in
her first go-eart.
up to full flame—heat?
A roomful in no time!
N o oily smell with Pearl
Oil—but a clear, steady
flame that warms you
through and through.
S o o n as th e ro o m ’s
warm enough — turn
the wick down as low
as you like.
Pearl Oil will hum
brightly on all day long
with no fuss, muss or
Furniture for my Dolly’sHome—what little Miss would not be made
one drop wasted. --*■
To insure best re­
sults, use only Pearl Oil
happy with some lovely Furniture for her
— the clean-burning,
Dolly’s home. Far more happy would she
uniform kerosene—re­
be to see that her Dolly was made happy
the Standard Oil Com­
on Xmas than to have all for herself.
pany’s special process.
fined and re-refined by
“ Coal oil” or “ kero­
sene” may mean any
A Miniature House
complete in every detail.
Just like Daddy’s but just
room for her Dolly to live
Beds, Tables, Chairs
Doll Furniture that you
can think of.
kind o f kerosene—say
“ PEARL OIL”—copy­
righted for your pro­
(C aliforn ia)
What live wide awake boy wouldn’t like to own one of these toys. Our toy depart­
ment is just Tull of these things that will make the children happy on Xmas day.
We ask all our friends and patrons to do their shopping as soon as possible. Not only will you have a better
assortment to choose from but we will be able to give you better service and attention.