ASH LAN D D A I L Y T I D I N G S vrhen Avliat ye i» som® moans of making winter mere- man of Aberdeen, Wash., alid bride of a week, was drowned last night and her husband barely pulled F^iThed iven Evening E ^ p t Sunday“^ -------------- tri£ eitiherj to State F a ir at Salem or the International from w ater in time to save his THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. at 1 ortland- | L ondon , Dec. 7.— In olden 1 fe, and a car driven by Wizfiflff — ------------------------------- ---------------------------------j If you really want to get interested ask any of the day9 a club in England was a BR ID E OF A W EEK IS life, when a car driven by William place lnt0 into wnicQ which ine the rema,e female 01 of tne the _’e" c Gree r .......................................................................Edltor fourteen who attended the summer school at 0. A. C w hat!place DROW NED AT EUGENE Parks, San Francisco, lost with ‘ 10IAL CITY PAPER ....... .............................................. Telephone 39 they did there and then look over the pictures in the c lu b |specie3 coultl not pursue the male' . ---------- luggage at H arrisburg ferry. } But * l xi . • . , ~ ‘ever,’’ and thé last stronghold of :— Be sure and see the moving picture that Loyd Moss, th „ i rassed Englishm an is .view-, Byers, form erly Josephine Good- g o n g down the steep grade to the Subscription Price, Delivered in City- One M o n th ..................................... ........................................................ $ .65 t æ County ieadei, will show Saturday. ing to the onslaughts of m odern' Three Months ................................................................................... 1.95 A ou will hear a lot about club work from time to time fem ininity. Six M o n th s............................................................. ...... 7 5 ü ^ lls eonflng winter and spring. Learn all you can about • Not a few o£ the older genera-; Qne Year .................................. ...........................„ ...... By Mail and R ural R ou tes: it at the W inter F air so that when the time comes, Ash- tlon of Engli3h clubmen are view-| One Mon ing with alarm th e -la te st inno­ 'T ,ld........... ;...............-.................................. -...... ? hmd boys and girls will be “ Ready to go.” Three Months 1.95 vation of the Carlton Club. This — tells the story of Six Months 3.50 club ior for years nas has been the out- x x • n T a i . n z-. ciud ‘listening in’ on the One Y'ear . 6.50 They re tr> ng to influence Denmark to sell Green- 8hlnglng example of the refuge ' world. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: and, which IS the flist intimation that Oil has been d is- ¡where men could be alone, and sin g le in s e rtio n , p e r in ch ....................................................... .30 yOYCied in Gieenland. A woman could not molest them. No Yearly C ontracts: woman— and, in fact, no guest of One insertion a w k ........................................................ .27% Two insertions a week ....................................................... any sort— ever was allowed hr .25 baily insertion .............................................. .20 cross its threshold. Radio Supply Now, however, the Carlton Club R ates F o r Legal and M iscellaneous A d vertisin g F irst insertion, per 8 point l i n e ................................................... $ .10 has so far succumbed to the march 1 subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ................................... .05 1 of progress th a t guests and wo­ ' ' Thanks ............................................................. 1.00 men are to be adm itted within its Obituai- s, per line ................................. ] 02% j » ______________________ ------ ----------------------- —----- — —_------------------- ------------------- portals. The admission, it is true, WHAT C O \-.r iT C T E S ADVERTISING , Magnus Johnson, of Minnesota Sweden and came to this country is qualified to the extent th a t the - “ AJI fu tu re events, where an admission charge Is made or a is the presonification of th a t new- when 20, going immediately to club will m aintain the sanctity of tion taken is Advertising. est type of American Senator ' work in the N orthw est forests, its original quarters, but will ) discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. which is w ithout parallel in the From this labor he saved enough build and equip an annex. DONATIONS history of the upper House. money to buy the 14 0-acre farm where members may receive and No d e ratio n s to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis­ ■ He is a real “d irt” farm er, hav- which he now runs in Meeker en tertain tiieir friends of both ing. >r ioh printing— our contributions will be in cash. ! ing literally been called from a County. sexes. harvest field and th ru st Into the “C o-operative” Sponsor DECEM BER 7 Senate. He is known as the fath er of! HOW TO GAIN A LL:— Seek ye first the kingdom of God and Johnson, in appearance and the co-operative m arketing sys­ TH E W EA TH ER his righteousness; and all these things shall’ be added unto you.__ m anner, is typical of the Ameri- tems of Minnesota. The idea was Matt. 6:33. can farm er. His prototype may- be i coceived in a most unam bitious Report for December 6, 1923— And many other points on found on almost any farm m enner when Johnspn, w-ith a few Maximum, 53; minimum, 36; set the Southern Pacific in tin* neighbors, pooled resources and maximum, 47; precipitation, .63 A SENTIMENT THAT IS COMMENDABLE Sunny Southern States. bought coffee. Johnson handled until 6:30, after 6.30, .15 fell the distribution. The plan worked m aking a total of .78 for yester­ \\ ednesday’s Tidings carried a news story originating Use one of four daily tra ns to so well th at soon other neighbors day and evening. California. Through Standard and ! roni the local postoti ice, and in which it was revealed that joined in, increased the extent Tourist sleeping cars to San F ran ­ letters to Santa Claus were being received at the office cisco and Los Angeles. of the buying and laid the n et­ W ork starts on third Bull Run tro n i the little children of Ashland. But the interesting work for the m arketing organi­ Take your choice of three routes pipe line which will add to P o rt­ part o f the story was the announcement from the postoffice zations th a t honeycomb the State. to the E ast from California with land’s w ater supply. .hrougli sleeping cars to Eastern From his ability as an organi­ that not only would all such letters he directed Io the cities. zer of "co-ops” Johnson’s name piopcr destination, whenever possible, but that if any were NEW MASONIC TEM PLE spread all over Minnesota. He was Sights worth seeing via the received without stamps the usual ryle of “ held for post­ FO R FO REST GROVE Southern Route include the rew arded by serving both in the age would he dispensed with. The announcement, in American River Canyon, Pic­ lower House and the State Senate. FOREST GROVE, Dec. 5.— turesque Carriso Gorge, and short, was thè et feet that the postmaster and employees At the peak of the F arm er-L a­ Holbrook lodge, No. 30, Ancient, the famous Apache Trail of of the office, despite the rush of Holidays, will take the bor movement in 1920 Johnson Free and Accepted Masons, a t its 'Arizona. tu n c to see to it that the Jetter of the .little one reaches was asked to run for Governor. stated communication elected as Let us assist you with the details his “ Santa Claus.” He lost by a slim margin. Upon officers for the ensuing year: of your trip. the death of Senator K nute Nel- B arnett It is a story of heart interest and the sentiment ex­ Y. Roe, worshipful JOHN M. SCOTT son friends telephoned Johnson, j m aster; Dr. Ralph I. Mills, senior hibited l>\ tilt» local postoftice is highly commendable. Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager who wan working in the harvest w arden; Professor H. F. Price Portland. Oregon "Would th a t all little children get in communication with field, and prevailed upon him to ju n io r w arden; Charles E. Dekins, good, old »Santa. W ho of us who arc grown have forgotten run. This time the tables were re- secretary, and Edward Allen, the enthusiasm, the expectancy, the .joy of Christmas and' treasurer. The members of Hol- Santa ( la'us? '1 he flood-gates of memory are opened and i (Continued on page 3) t brook lodge will hold installation ( E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) b ’ h y p o th e tic a l on December 27. Plans are now j on foot for the construction of a j uew Masonic temple next year at ja cost of $15,000. , ferry, which was c-xpected to ar­ rive soon. Mrs. Byers and hus­ band freed themselves from th* car but the woman was swept to death down the river. Byers grab­ bed a tim ber and was saved. Parks, who is an expert swimmer, tore through the side curtains and made shore. The body of the woman has not been recovered. The Picture Southern New Senators Who Are Sitting In Upper House Something New PILES Write Me About Your Case TF you will write me about A your condition, I will send you my FREE illustrated book which tells many things about Piles and other rectal troubles which YOU should know. It also explains my non-surgical treatment which, without pain ot confinement, is GUARANTEED to cure your Piles—or fee refunded. It a ls o lists h u n d r ed s o l fo r m e r p a tie n ts , b o th m en an d w o m e n , w ho t e s t if y a s to m y skilL Ten-day stopover on all tickets at San Francisco - Los Angeles DEAN. 2ND AND MORRISON PORTIAND.OREGON M E N T t ,O t N v' T H I S P *P t» W W IT IN Q Southern Pacific Lines we are overwhelmed with the jovs and pleasant reeollec- 1 n. ot tin ( bri»(mas times ot boyhood and girlhood d ay s.: not flashy, not a brilliant speak- ' u io c o n io a m em o ry ot a snow-white landscape, of pran- pr and does not dress according toi eilig ìo ises, bob-sleds and sigigli liells. There unfolds a i what bas been tbe accepted sa r­ l>icture of the preparations .for Christmas, and depicting torial style of the Senate. Hia delicacies available at that season only. There appear a ta3tes are quIte plain and a»npie; Christmas tree, with tinsel, popconi halls, a pair of red he is blunt,y out«P°kcn, and he to p hoots, a doll, whistle, harmonica, a book and a hair T & ‘leep’8eate^ dlstru8t of "prb ,.:i i, ,, rpi „ P . .. . ’ ’ i’IKl a 11,111 yileged and predatory in terests.” ul,bon. I lii rp ponies a scene.of Christmas morning. Dark-i i . everything m a t he HEAïôHGHT (KEROSENE) What live wide awake boy wouldn’t like to own one of these toys. Our toy depart­ ment is just Tull of these things that will make the children happy on Xmas day. We ask all our friends and patrons to do their shopping as soon as possible. Not only will you have a better assortment to choose from but we will be able to give you better service and attention.