Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 10, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    PÁóié rfffl
ASlíWíB öÄ ttt TrbiiiöS
.............................................................Telephone 39
E ntered at th e A shland, O regon,
P o sto ffic e as Second Class Mail M atter
Subsc ription Price, Delivered in City
One Month ....
Three Months
Six Months .......... ’
One Year ..............
By Mail and Rural R outes:
Single insertion, per inch ....................................
U nw ritten Bock of Dreams.
O ssian was the H om er of my earliest
’’i y ears; to him I owe som ew hat of my
j m elancholy as a p ain ter. T his is the
Articles of timely interester
¡so rro w of th e sea. I very rarely tried
are welcomed under this head.
Church of the Xazarene
to im itate him, but involuntarily I as­
Communciations must bear the
S. 3. at 9:45. Classes for all ages. sim ilated the vagueness, the dream i­
signature of the author.
Sermon at 11 o'clock; second of ness, the self-annihilation in reverie,
series on the Holy Spirit; subject: tjie eye th at contem plates confused ap­
! “Emblems of the Holy Spirit.”
paritions fa r away. O ssian was for me
.Young Peoples Meeting at 6:30, an ocean a fte r tem pest, on which
Permit me to take advantage of leader, Mary Elliott. Evening ser- som ething was floating under the light i
of the moon, w here figures of young j
F°,rUm t0 make a feW remarkB vice will be dismissed to go to the girls
seem ed liftin g th eir w h ite ^ n n Z
Publtahed Every E ven in g Except Sunday by
B e rt R. G re e r
$ .65
3 75
7 50 dinanceierenCeAH
n n X
Ät The Churches
r° ° m
P^ y t e r i a n
th e N e w e l l
church, to
be opposed to the games of skill
Played on a pool table. They are
Y'early C ontracts:
convinced that ,—
.the atmosphere of
One insertion a week .....................................
Two insertions a week ................................
................................... * ... 2 a pool room is not morally healthy
D aily in s e rtio n ...................
.................................................................. jfp
for the youth of our community
These places are the lounging cen­
sm . . «
K a ,e s F o r Leg a l a n d M iscellan eo u s A d v e rtis in g
ters of all kinds of men from every­
r irs t In se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ................
E a c h su b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e
.................................................. ? .10
where, who 'come often very rough
Card of Thanks ....... ;.......................
vulgar, from the ends of the
Obiturlea, per line ................ ........................................................ '.......... 1.00
.02% earth, and »must be accorded Hie
----- privileges and liberties of the pool
taken tt” Advertishtg“^
*dmission charge is made or a collection ¡room. Here things will be said and
suggested that are demoralizing.
____ No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
The very fact that the state has
0 license fee is an argument that
the business is classified with the
job i l ’n d ü « - “ "’ ‘¿ Ä i t o M ¿ « ‘ ¡¡T ” S ii." * " * de in a<"'er" !"ne' or 'orm<!r « K » « . *»4 Indeed many ex
saloon-keepers have gone into this
business. So our zeal is for nothing
other than the boys of our communi­
BE SI RE YOU ARE RIGHT:— There i3 a way which seemeth right ty whom we want to see grow up
unto a man. but the end thereof are the ways of death— Proverbs 14:12. into good and plain citizens. This pur­
pose should appeal to every home
strongly. It should appeal to every
patriot who so loves his country that
A successful business man remarked the oilier dav 4 4it he wants it handled in the future
l x « .
• ?
doesn’t take as long to get a college education now a s7 t used! by
m? ;, ? 9hould appeal t0
every thoughtful man capable of
to .” The remark was ¡„ten,led as a compliment to .nodern
education methods-
Not so many years ago people looked upon a college edu-
not caused by th eir^ in ^ sU ce^ s
as an end rather than a means. Not until comparatively recent some ar£«e. nor their stringency,
years has there been anything like realization of the fact that but by intimidati°n and the fear of
more is expected of a college graduate than of others that the IrT * P **0“8«6’ and of opopsing a
loan who ohlained a eolle.,. education has assumed i X . o r
responsibility instead ot being given a greater privilege.
and thought of conserving the high­
The college graduate of today must serve instead of being est interests of the community the
ordinance would
served. The college graduate is looked upon as being fitted for uruinance
wou,d pasa unanimously
greater efficiency than one who has not had his advantages >Dd
indorsed by everyone. Much
r ,hinV “T ex|ie"‘i‘" ......... .....
- X « “
b: fz n:
(H a-' ,s ,n<>,e h.iisli in its judgment of the man rins minors on the plea that some
wno wastes Ins talents than upon the man who has no talent are Inarried men. Let the opposition
to waste. More is expected of the man with good tools than not quarrel with us on this point
of the man with poor tools- And after all, education is nothing! but wlth the constitution which de-
more than the tool for the work of life.
fines the age llm,L n is no more
serv ice
unite in and spreading out^ h X « h X X
the foam of the waves, w here , heard
1*95 r
1™ 1On an act on oi tbe City Wednesday night Phophecy class P,ainDve voices interw oven w ith the
followed bv 1 ,noaniDl» ot the w aters upon th e reef,
from 7:30 to 8:30
6 50
The part,es concerned in presen- prayer meeting for r e v i v a l
P r i. Ossian is tbe unw ritten book of dream s
------ ! ting them are not so stupid as to
a,)d th e pages of it a re covered with
fo r Rev. K o e h le r,
day night cottage prayer meeting in enigmatical characters on wind, my
conjunction with the Salvation Army eye rested as I wrote and rewrote my
place ~ot meeting to be anonunced OWn poems, as a dreamer may com-
Sunday. A cordial invitation is e x -! pose Ian<l3capes out of the motions of
tended to all
tbe clouds—Lamartine.
Rex. Louise Pinnell, Pastor. I m„CS “ bo " i± h
T J*",’ " *
Methodist Episcopal Church
S. J. Chaney, Minister
The Sunday School will meet at
9:45. Classes are provided for all
ages and all are welcome. At the !
morning church service Mrs. F. L. I
Davis, National Field Secretary of
the Woman’s Home Missionary ’
Society, will be the speaker. She will
have an interesting message. There
will be special music by the choir.
Mr. J. O. Rigg is the leader for the
Epworth League meeting at 6:15
Sunday evening. The Methodists wfll
join in the union farewell service '
for Rv. Koehler at the Presbytrian
church. This meeting will begin at
7:30 P. M.
This morning the ex-eserviee men of the city received
through the mail their copies of the Pacific Legion. On the cov­
er of the magazine is a picture reminiscent of war days. The
picture shows the once beautiful cathedral of Ypres, reduced
to a mass of ruins by the devastation of war. Under the picture
are the words “ Lest AVe F orget”
The wonts do not mean that the people of the United? X ' V o X
¡>iatis should not lorget the animosities and dislikes which asbestos- They have pines for neigh-
grew out of the war. Tt does not mean that those animosities b°rS
flres are frequent. F,ames
and dislikes which o - i - c t v ,»»»♦ O’ th
animosities sweep the ground, climb In pillars of
J-' ' n
war. It does not mean that fire to the top of the pine. They leave
mose animosities should be harbored and liutured for the war- tbe ground black aad bare- But in a
engendered hate has been dissipated to a great extent in the f<?W We*kS 8,1 ls green agaIn wlth the
whose underground roots and
years that have followed the conflict, as it applied to those palms,
protected buds have suffered no harm.
people whom the armies of the allies were directed.
Grass Amid Cobble Stones.
Those words do mean, however, that the ideals for which
For all Its huge size and large popu­
the youth of the country went to war should be remembered lation, for all its skyscrapers and
In the business of life of the present, too little time is taken for heavy traffic. New York city ls always
the display ot patriotism. No one will accuse a man of lack of ready to revert back to the days when
it was rolling hills and tree-filled
patriotism because be does not display a flag. A proper display fields. Trees still survive through
the American colors, on tbe other band, is a positive small boles in sidewalks and streets
indication of a m an’s love for the American ideals, and helps and In many a vacant lot when spring
comes to town grass grows, wild flow-
o keep alive a reverence lor the flag in the hoys and girls now» ers
b,00m- K only for « short’while,
growing up.—(»rants Pass Courier-
and new young tender sumac
_____ trees
Mail) a man who goes in pursuit of happiness has a
;e to run before he overtakes it.
The truth seems a lot more attractive after a 'man
been carnght in a lie that gives him trouble.
Y our
Do they need g’lass
before cold
. P ro s p e rity is n e v e r s a fe u n le s s it
re s ts upon
Today Only
p ro te c tio n .
Service Station
:: Associated
Gils and Greases
Salvation Arm y
The Salvation Army will have
services at 268-4th St. Saturday
evening, free and easy meting, 8 p.
m.; Sunday morning, holiness meet­
ing, 11 a. m.; Sunday afternoon,
Sunday school, 2:30 p. m.; Sunday
evening great salvation meeting
8 p. m. Everybody welcome to our
Capt. M. H. Porter, Lieut. D. Dye.
Radiator Caps
W i n d s h i e l d Wipers and
Weed Chains
Spark Plugs
Greeting Gards
All the needs for your car J
¡Lap Robes:
/o r
All Wool,
Heavy Cloth,
No wind will go thru
Only $3.4».
Bring ¡n your plate and let
us make up your Ubrist-
masinas Greeting Cards
now while our stock is
McNair Brothers
Drug, Sforo
We Repair Tubes
Free Crank Case Service
Conscientious and Pleasant
We YVant Y’our Business
All Prices Reduced
Dr. Oeser & Son i
More Miles to the Tire
More Miles to the Dollar
More Miles to the Cent
Deep chested and fear­
less lumberjacks of the
Great North Woods.
More Pleasure In Driving
More Life to the Gar
When You Buy
“Uneasy Feet”
<4 S-
A Hamilton Coined v
Tomorrow and Monday
A Melodrama of the
I ,ow
Presbyterian Church
C. F. Koehler, Pastor
This Is the last Sunday of the
Fine Line Of
present pastor’s ministry here. With
his family he hopes to leave Monday
for his new field of labor at Spo­
kane, Wash.
M e take used beaters in
Subject for the morning sermon:
for new ones.
“Occupy ’Till I Come”. Subject for
the evening sermon: “The Foot­
prints of the Gallilean.”
Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.;» Jun­
ior C. E., 4:30 p. m.; Intermediate
C. E., 6:30 p. m. Westminster Guild,
6:30 p. m.; Mission Study Class,
6:30 p. m.; Prayer meeting, Wed­
nesday, 7:30 p. m.
Cannery Workers, Notice
The pulpit on Sunday Nov. 18,
The Ashland cannery will not
will be occupied by ReV. R. W. Nel­ start until Wednesday, November
son. The pulpit committee consist- 1 14
ing of W. C. Lyman, C. A. Lamkin, |
W. W. Robison, is active and has
C a n n e ry W o rk e rs , N otice
several men in view who will occupy
T he A sh lan d c a n n e ry
w ill
the pulpit as candidates as soon as s t a r t u n til W e d n esd a y , N ovem ber
arrangements can be made.
For a smooth shave, and
quick service, go to "the
Shell Barber Shop, across
from’ Depot. Grinding of
all kinds. Children’s work
a specialty.
W. A. SHELL, Prop
K -»2 A. St. Ashland, Ore
I Tires:
J x C X C t^
Least Tire Expense
Least Road Trouble
Least Fear of Blowouts
Least Fear of Skidding
Least Inflation
There is no more honestly built tire for
xt’L Ashland or anywhere else, than
L 1 C tires. And with that honesty of pur­
pose in buildiner comes a resultant honesty
of service m mileage, safety, durability and
increased economy of car operations.
Bought For Cash—At a Saving—Sold For Cash at the
Same Saving. An Oregon product which Merits Sincere
Support for Home Manufacturing.
And our price is right
Sold At
L e e d o m 's T i r e
Beaver Block
The largest exclusive paint
and wall paper store in South- <
ern Oregon.
R eal E s ta te an d R eal In s u r­
an ce. (E s ta b . 1 883)
P h o n e 211
41 E a s t M ain
“Abarlgines” was the name which
tha Romans applied to a tribe which
they found in Latlnne. Assuming that
that tribe had been there since the he-
ginning (“ab,” from, and “origine,”
miraculously come to life. But it wasj beginning) the old Romans called
I on Anfsterdam a'venue at One Hundred those people literally “From the Be­
long aad Slxty-seventh street that the most ginning,” aaya the -Detroit News. When
f 8tar(1II’g instance was observed the English-speaking persons and commu-
other day, says the New York Son and nltlee came in contact with peoples
Globe. Crossing this avenue a pedes­ who had been la a gives territory be­
noticed forcing themselves proud­ fore they arrived there, they applied
lia s
ly and brazenly tbrougb the cobble te them the same name, speaking gen
stones many blades of grew.
Prosperity is
Never safe
Billings Agency
First Church of Christ Scientist
Pioneer Avenue South
Sunday services at 11 o’clock. Sub­
ject of lesson: “Adam and Fallen
Man”. Sunday schol at 10 o’clock
Wednesday evening meetings at 8 o’­
clock. Reading Room open daily
from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays !
and holidays.
The palms are wise. They toil and
sflln and weave cloth that Is well-nigh
as fireproof as asbestos, and wrap
themselves in it. Palmettos start up
into the sun and air; then, says Na­
ture Magazine, as lf they “smelled
danger," they poke their noses—their
pushing points of growth—back Into
the soil and send their roots on for
20 feet or more underground, shooting
up here and there clumps of glossy-
of the drug, uo harm would be, done.
at th Presbyterian church.
preposterous to debar such from a
liable basis many of the basic industries of the state *
the p°o1 hal1'
The Oregonian was foremost among leading papers in con ' As 1 am writing there come be-
demmng the non-partisan league, vet it exerts all its
powerful 'Ore me me met
me” ory °' "'°“ ,er‘ wl,#
exeits nil its powerful have plead with us with tear-stained
T T ‘.,ltain
lea- tar.» a„„
MMllM4 llp» ,o do .cm.-
- „
’s tllat
mar bre«
Dreed 1 non-partisan lea-1*........
gue followers. It loses sight of the fact that the farmers of Ore- thing to
rescue their boys from the
gon are desperately struggling to prevent mortgage 1‘oreclo- lure of tbe p°o1 room- Only _
sures to save their land to themselves and their posterity The 9pbInx could he silent under Buch
Oregonian fails to realize that Oregon farmers have been d r i v e n ' Un,stance8-
C. F. Koehler.
to their last line of defense.
Jt seems that the force guilding the editorial policies of
e )regonian has never experienced the pangs of poverty
Palmetto a -Self-1 naurer.
therefore has no sympathy for those less fortunatelv situated’
R em arkable flying feats p erfo rm er
in m iniature a irc ra ft ure described in
tlie P opular $c|ence M onthly.
Ohio aeronautical engineer, it Is said,
bus built a “lucycle-plane,” weighing
less than 100 pounds and operated by
foot power, which lias flown success-
fully a t McCook FJeld, Duyton. Even
m ore rem arkable is a kite-like glider
constructed iu Europe.
weighing only ten pounds aiyj c a p a ­
ble of being folded up and carried
on the back, this airship is said to
have rem ained in the air for alm ost
an hour on several occasions.
Y o u r h o m e is n e v e r safe. P r o te c t it
m aking the tooth extraction alm ost
' -----------
1 Pleasant, comes from tbe coca plant, l»y in su ra n c e . Y o u r b u sin e ss is s u r ­
First Baptist Church
whose dried leavesvSouth Am erican In-
Sunday school at 9:45; preaching dians carry about with HTeni in 'little ro u n d ed by ris k s , in s u r e it. Y o u r
service at 11:00. The pastor will re-I bags- These leaves a re chewed much
turn from Portland and will occupy ?S we use tobacco- "ben they are on v a lu a b le s a rc a lw a y s in d a n g e r u n ­
the pulpit. B. Y. P. U. at 6:15: No ?Ourne?8’ and are « tr e m e ly sustain-
ing. Cocaine taken In this form is less p ro te c te d by in su ra n c e . In s u re
evening preaching service as we will harm less, and if people would be con-
y o u r p re s e n t p ro se p rity to
rem .iin
u n ite w ith th e o th e r c h u rc h e s in a tent to chew the dried coca leaves in-
fa re w e ll se rv ic e fo r
R ev. K o e h le r j stead of taking the concentrated form p ro sp e ro u s, W e can h e lp you.
First Congregational Church
and Main street. Sun­
day school at 9:45 a. m., with clas­
ses for all grades and ages. Bring
Il the latest news reports are authentic the state income tax : tution lf you want to strike-
Bible. Morning service at 11;
has been adopted by tin* voters of Oregon and will become a Much was made also of the con*
subject:“The World Court.” Junior
law, and resolutions of condolence are in order to assuage the tention that the state law 18 an old Christian Endeavor at 4 p
b u ilt:» n a v e - c i
sobs of the Morning Oregonian, official organ
organ of
of tax
tax dodgers
the state constitution, so the fed­
and reactionaries. In its issue of Thursday, the Oregonion fea- eral constitution: why therefore not evening service will be a union
Jf’^ d a story that a new m anufacturing plant would he estab- ignore there? The pool room has service at the Presbyterian church
lshed in the Rose City, now th at the income masures had snf- changed only in one particular, as a farewell srvice for Rev. C. H.
tered defeat, hut now that it is approved it is suggested that the namely that soft drinks have been Koehler. Under the direction of the
Federal Council oi Churches in
for hard drinks.
promoters drop down to California, where corporations pay substituted
America, representing the twenty-
tax, not on net incomes, hut on gross. receipts
Times may have changed
denominations of
Tvnno-vnli»»i/.41li- «« i c
* ’ .
human nature has not. The laws of
November 11th,
g n . •
a news standpoint the Oregon- character has not. The power or
4- tl Vl” 1 eX( ° en
, hut there is something radically wrong temptation has not. The desire Of which 1 b also Armistice Day, the
AMtii tne perspective ot those responsible for its editorial pdli- men to coin money if need be out of churches have been asked to devote
eies, particularly with reference to state problems- and issues the 80uls of boys and the tears of their subjects to the question of
It is unfortunate for Oregon that the Oregonian seldom ever mothers’ has noL The Principles of “The World Court,” which was one
of the foremost themes that occupied
takes a stand in favor of progressive measures. Seldom is i f T V " * Wr°n* have not Why the mind of our much lamented
men who pose as intelligent
ever on the side of the farmer, the stockman, or the fruit grower-
men and as advisors to others quib­ president at the time of death, and
\\ henever an issue arises in which there is to he a choice be­ ble about such matters? Why should much reflection acclaims President
tween those who are independent, so far as this world’s goods any one want to take the side of Harding right. Next Wednesday Nov.
are concerned, and those who are struggling for a better foot­ several business institutions and 14th Is the date for the first num­
hold in the business or agricultural world the Oregonian is ever against the homes and youth of this ber of tbe lecture course, sponsor- !
the pool room pro- ed by the American Legion post of
and eternally with the former. It never espouses the cause o f I community?
“**“ ■'' “ If v“c
Ashland. That we all attend, the
the poor ,„a„ ,„„l is always ,„„„,1
every n , e a ™ f e ° ™
mid-week meeting on that date will
at is pioposed tor the benefit of the common classes. It views them do as the great mass of men begin at 7 p. m. The public is cor- j
. (piestions and issues as it effects the wealthier interests and are d°iQ&— get into a business that dially Invited to all these services, i
W. Judson Oldfield, Minister, t
ever loses sight of those who are struggling to place on a prof-ldoes not have tbe disadvantages of
----------- ----------------
( Established ia 1870)
oue Month ».......
Three Months ...
Six Months .......
One Year .........
^*tu»«i«y, November lo,
S to r e