PÁóié rfffl ASlíWíB öÄ ttt TrbiiiöS ASH LAN D D A IL Y T ID IN G S , THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Editor OFFICIAL CITY PAPER .............................................................Telephone 39 E ntered at th e A shland, O regon, P o sto ffic e as Second Class Mail M atter Subsc ription Price, Delivered in City One Month .... Three Months Six Months .......... ’ One Year .............. By Mail and Rural R outes: DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch .................................... U nw ritten Bock of Dreams. O ssian was the H om er of my earliest ’’i y ears; to him I owe som ew hat of my j m elancholy as a p ain ter. T his is the Articles of timely interester ¡so rro w of th e sea. I very rarely tried are welcomed under this head. Church of the Xazarene to im itate him, but involuntarily I as­ Communciations must bear the S. 3. at 9:45. Classes for all ages. sim ilated the vagueness, the dream i­ signature of the author. Sermon at 11 o'clock; second of ness, the self-annihilation in reverie, series on the Holy Spirit; subject: tjie eye th at contem plates confused ap­ WRITES IN DEFENSE OF ! “Emblems of the Holy Spirit.” paritions fa r away. O ssian was for me POOL HALL ORDINANCES .Young Peoples Meeting at 6:30, an ocean a fte r tem pest, on which Permit me to take advantage of leader, Mary Elliott. Evening ser- som ething was floating under the light i of the moon, w here figures of young j F°,rUm t0 make a feW remarkB vice will be dismissed to go to the girls seem ed liftin g th eir w h ite ^ n n Z THE FORUM Publtahed Every E ven in g Except Sunday by B e rt R. G re e r $ .65 ___ 1.95 3 75 7 50 dinanceierenCeAH I n n X , Ät The Churches r° ° m ay P^ y t e r i a n th e N e w e l l church, to be opposed to the games of skill 30 Played on a pool table. They are Y'early C ontracts: convinced that ,— .the atmosphere of One insertion a week ..................................... . Two insertions a week ................................ ................................... * ... 2 a pool room is not morally healthy D aily in s e rtio n ................... .................................................................. jfp for the youth of our community .20 These places are the lounging cen­ sm . . « K a ,e s F o r Leg a l a n d M iscellan eo u s A d v e rtis in g ters of all kinds of men from every­ r irs t In se rtio n , p e r 8 p o in t lin e ................ 8 E a c h su b s e q u e n t in s e rtio n , 8 p o in t lin e .................................................. ? .10 where, who 'come often very rough .05 Card of Thanks ....... ;....................... ................................................. and vulgar, from the ends of the Obiturlea, per line ................ ........................................................ '.......... 1.00 .02% earth, and »must be accorded Hie ----- privileges and liberties of the pool WHAT CONSTITI T E S ADVERTISING taken tt” Advertishtg“^ *dmission charge is made or a collection ¡room. Here things will be said and suggested that are demoralizing. ____ No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. The very fact that the state has ,a |5 0 license fee is an argument that DONATIONS the business is classified with the job i l ’n d ü « - “ "’ ‘¿ Ä i t o M ¿ « ‘ ¡¡T ” S ii." * " * de in a<"'er" !"ne' or 'ormDd indorsed by everyone. Much °f ti r ,hinV “T ex|ie"‘i‘" ......... ..... ! - X « “ b: fz n: , (H a-' ,s ,n<>,e h.iisli in its judgment of the man rins minors on the plea that some wno wastes Ins talents than upon the man who has no talent are Inarried men. Let the opposition to waste. More is expected of the man with good tools than not quarrel with us on this point of the man with poor tools- And after all, education is nothing! but wlth the constitution which de- more than the tool for the work of life. fines the age llm,L n is no more serv ice unite in and spreading out^ h X « h X X the foam of the waves, w here , heard 1*95 r 1™ 1On an act on oi tbe City Wednesday night Phophecy class P,ainDve voices interw oven w ith the Council. followed bv 1 ,noaniDl» ot the w aters upon th e reef, from 7:30 to 8:30 6 50 The part,es concerned in presen- prayer meeting for r e v i v a l P r i. Ossian is tbe unw ritten book of dream s ------ ! ting them are not so stupid as to ' a,)d th e pages of it a re covered with fo r Rev. K o e h le r, day night cottage prayer meeting in enigmatical characters on wind, my conjunction with the Salvation Army eye rested as I wrote and rewrote my place ~ot meeting to be anonunced OWn poems, as a dreamer may com- Sunday. A cordial invitation is e x -! pose Ianiatis should not lorget the animosities and dislikes which asbestos- They have pines for neigh- grew out of the war. Tt does not mean that those animosities b°rS flres are frequent. F,ames and dislikes which o - i - c t v ,»»»♦ O’ th i animosities sweep the ground, climb In pillars of x, J-' ' n war. It does not mean that fire to the top of the pine. They leave mose animosities should be harbored and liutured for the war- tbe ground black aad bare- But in a engendered hate has been dissipated to a great extent in the f