Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 25, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    AGE j V v C
« ♦ '’.ÎXFff*
O M «
Thursday, < October ¡¿A, J9’X<
* ••> > » » » » « ♦ « » < Banquet a Success—
The banquet given Saturday nffeht
(Established tn 187Ô)
---------------------------- -------------- in « f t - 1
at the High School was a very sue-,
cessful affair.
Published Every Evening Except Sunday by
Phone item s to her at 34 5-R, between lb A. M. and 2 P. M.
Prof. Forsythe acted a s 1 toast­
and evenings.
m aster and ¿hose,w ho responded to
Bert K. G re e r.................................................................. Editor
1 toasts did so in ‘ very pertinent
and Miss Edna Dougherty re tu rn ­
OFFICIAL CITY PAPER . 7...........................7. Telephone 39 8OCIETY- 1
The trend of most of the speeches
¡Calendar for th e W eek—
ed to Medford with the W heelers’,
E ntered at th e A shland, O regon, P o sto iïice- as Second C lass Mail M atter
Thursday, Octo. 25— P. T. A„ for Sunday evening, the Reeders emphasized the friendly spirit that
Subscription P rice, D elivered in City
afternoon and evening at Club leaving early Monday morning, for existed and should exist between
One Month ..................................................................................................... . $ (55 House.
the schools and i he proper school
, their California home.
spirit. The speeches were enthus­
Six Months .................................................................. ..
J 75
FrIday’ Oct- 26 Social, Reese j
One Year .......................................................................................................... * 7^50 Creek, 7:30 P. M.
Social C ircle Met W ednesday—
course luncheon proved
Saturday, Oct. 27— G. A. R. at i The Social Circle of the C hristian
By Mail, and R ural R outes:
o u e .uontn ................................................................................................
$ gg Armory.
church held its business m eeting at a mots satisfying repast prepared
Three Months ..................................................................................................... 1.95
Nov. 3— Civic Club Card Forty. »“he home of Mrs. F rank Crowson on and served by skillful hands.
Six Months
* * *
The decorations were particular­
Eighth street, W ednesday of this
One Year
appropriate and added the cheer­
Mrs. Edm und Dews E ntertains—
¡week. While purely a business meet-
Saturday evening .Mrs. Edm und ing those who attend have very ful note of color needed.
Single insertion, per inch ....................................................
Dews was charm ing hostess at a de- pleasant times and the social d e ­
Y early Contracts:
lightful card party given at the ment is not lacking even when there H aw thorne Circle Meets—
One insertion a week ...............................................
The H aw thorne Circle had a
$ .27
home of her m other Mrs. J. H. Tur- is no special preparation made for
Two insertions a week
interesting m eeting on Tues­
entertainm ent.
Daily insertion ........................................................... ...A .'." .............................. 20
at three P. M. at the
The rooms were beautiful in
W ♦ *
Katcu For L egal and Miacallaiiwous A d vertisin g
The address by
tones of yellow, carried out in th e 'A r t Club Meet
F irst insertion, per 8 point line ............................................................. $ .10
most characteristic of Hallowe’en I The A rt Club held its regular Miss Hicks on “ B etter Film s” was
Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................ '
Card of Thanks ............................................................................................ 1 00
decorations and gay marigolds add- ' m eeting at the Civic Club house on particularly well received and the
O bituries, per line ..................................
02% e d j h e l r beauty to the scene.
¡Monday evening of this week, with class songs from Miss W illiam ’s
room were very well sung and es­
I F ° Ur tableS ° f Five H undred were iMrs- Rl’ger and Mrs. Kinz as host-
well chosen. Mrs. Fred Neil
..... » ,
, ,
A iw iau
played and the evening passed all ¡esses
All future events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection
« ,,1 ,
the listeners in the songs
taken is Advertising.
t0° Quickly in thorough enjoym ent, ! The evening was sepnt most de-
No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders.
tn i- at a late hour tbe hostess serv -R ig h tfu lly in cards for those th at
There was a very large a/tendace
’ nONATfnN»---- ----- ----------------------- ed the mOSt delicious and satisfying wished to play and many brought and closest attention was given the
XT .
refreshm ents to the guests as they th eir fancy work
No donations to charities or-otherw ise will be made in advertising, or were seated at the small tables
well planned program .
job printing— our contributions w ill be in cash.
seated at tne small tables.
The decorations were appropriate
i The high score was awarded Mrs. to the coming Hallowe’en time and
Elwood Hedberg and the consola- beautiful flowers in the colors of the
to Mrs. O. A. Paulserud.
general scheme (yellow) were a r­
The guest list included the Mes- tistically arranged.
MANS BIRTH RIG H T:— Thou madest hhn to have dominion over the dames O. A. Paulserud, . Howard
A num ber of new members were
works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet.__Psalms 8:6. i B a rre tt’ Hal McNair> H - K - Tomlin- added, and if interest continues the
______ __________________
son, Newton H arrison, V. V. Mills, membership will reach fifty before
- —
F - G- Swedenborg, Louis Dodge, J. long.
F. Finneran,
Elwood Hedberg,
There were tw enty-three present
Air science received its greatest forward impulse because ^ho^trid^ ’ ^Vm‘ M’ Briggs> Elbert to enjoy the evening at the close of
of a capacity for destruction. During four years of its infancy
D o X ’ which the most delicious refresh­
ments were served by the gracious
the woild was engaged in hostilities in which its adaptability( Provost, Mrs. Pinte, a guest a/ the hostesses.
io purpose ot war was immediately and strikingly apparent. ¡home of h er m other, Mrs. Sorenson
» » *
Hence armies and navies have been the plane’s most diligent and Miss Helen Dickeson.
Who D os M eet—
• •
The Who Do class of the M. E.
tertain m en t a t Reese Creek—
Sunday School met as announced
While these services still interest themselves in the per- E n All
the young folks will be inter-
tection of aircraft, there are signs that the contractive c a p a - | eBted to know th a t there win be a at the home of Mrs. Thompson on
Terrace street, Tuesday afternoon of
cities ot planes are rapidly becoming apparent, and that the Box Social a t the Reese Creek this
impetus tor turther development of the science will he furnished schoolhouse this coming F riday
nn-« uiiK meeting, the
A fter
the business
lin t alone by lighting forces hut by civilians in pursuit of p e a c e . I Mr’ Frederick Johnson, the ¡ladies present spent the time in ty-
The Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce summarizes a few of teaeher at the scb°o1 states tbat an ¡ing quilts- and while fingers were
its constructive works:
j excellent program is prepared by busily engaged, the class enjoyed a
- 1
W of entertainm ent and every one delightful vis’/. and the social fea­
lo,tal sen ice planes carrying mail from coast to coast is cordially invited to come, bring ture
in no way because
on icguljii schedule in little more tlum <i c I hy . Passenger ser- a box and enjoy the good time with hands suffered
were busy,
vices in various parts of the country. Experimental trans­ th e school and its pa/rons.
There were perhaps tw enty there,
SO d
Today and
The Toll of the Sea”
♦ ♦ ♦
oceanic flights in contemplation. Timber patrol work in Ore­
for this interesting meeting, at the
¡close of which delightful refresh ­
gon anti ( ’alifomia, expected to save thousands of acres of val-j M issionary Society M eets—
Missionary Society of the ments were served by the hostess.
liable woodland from destruction by fire. In Canada nlnnosL The
is indicated by /lie fact
equipped with special fire-fightmg apparatus have already¡nesdiy in the Junior room at two- th at Interest
a num ber of new members
been employed successfully in combatting forest fires.
th irty p. m .
were added to the class roster.
Coast guard air patrols. Geodetic Survey experiments in re- Mrs- c - B- L am k,n< as president,
• * *
mapping sections of the coastline by air photographv Scien conducted the business session, one Alpha Embroidery’ Club Meet__
tific studies of fishery from the air by observers and camera °f th° lmpontaut 1Hatter8 planned The Alpha Em broidery Club met
at the Masonic Hall, Tuesday a fte r­
u,en of ,1 . Smithsonian Institute. Work of the Bureau
noon of this week.
e n to m o lo g y ill collaboration V, ltll tile army air service in scat- ¡deavor, the W estm inster Guild and
The first mot ion picture in I
Owing to a combination of cir­
tciing insecticide over valuable lands in Ohio and other local-)^be Missionary society,
cumstances there were buZ few of
ities, and the use of dirigibles in the same work in New Eng- Mr8, McCoy led the Quiet Hour the members present, but for those natural colors—
land orchards. In Louisiana, experiments this summer ledk“! ^ 183 NIver bad tbe program in th a t were In attendance, the a fte r­ The players are as real to
noon was a very pleasant one, and
to a conclusion that the boll weevil may be exterminated even- charge.
The study for the day was Alaska spent in the usual way. The next your eyes as tin* people around
tually by the employment of insecticide dropped from planes and all the num bers given were on
you who applaud the perfection
m eeting occurs in two weeks.
over plantations.
achieved in mirroring nature.
line w ith th a t though/.
• • •
Beared under the unhappy auspices of war it is encourag­ The work of the church there, the W. R . C. M eet—
And the drama is as true to
ing to know that the plane’s capacity for constructive labor music, and an account of President The W. R. C. held th eir regular life as the colors. It is the'
is being exploited rapidly, and that its development tomorrow H arding’s visit to the little Mission m eeting Saturday afternoon. The story of Lotus Flower, a girl
church were among the things th a t
depends 110 more on its utility In war than on its value as a were
usual routine of business was taken ia China, and of a young Ameri-i
given a / this meeting.
unique instrument toward the greater safety and prosperity President H arding met Dr. Con- up but there was nothing of special can who wooed and won heri
and then—as men will do—
ot mankind in peace.
d lt and S. Hall 'Young and with im portance transacted. The next
straightway went to another||
them inspected the Sheldon Jackson m eeting will be in two weeks.
girl he had wooed hut not vet
On Monday of last week they held
school. On Sunday, the President
and his party attended the little th eir Club m ee/ing at Mrs. Geo.
The woodshed is not merely the chamber of punishment, it Misison church the services of which Carey’s at which th ere was a good­
is the place where conviction of misdoing is born. The man were conducted by the na/ive pastor ly num ber present and at which
who whips his child is aiming wholly at correction of which who by a strange coincidence read those who were there had a very de­
Mud and Sand”
punishment is a means—or is eonsidèred so. It is a highly the same passage of scripture, lightful time.
a Burlesque on
important thing that the child be convinced of the justice of Micah 6th chapter, th a t was read at Dinner Guests at the Fraley’s—
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fraley
President H arding’s funeral.
Blood and Sand
the punishment, that he realizes lie has been wrong and now
The pastor conducted th e usual were host and hostess to a num ber
has learned a lesson, else he becomes sullen, resentful and un­ services, m aking no changes, and of guests at a most delightful din­
manageable. In adult life it is called being “ hardened.”
President H arding and his party ner.
Precisely the same thing is true of nations. The reflection Joined heartily in them .
Those who enjoyed this gracious ■
were Mrs. Bellinger, Mr.
is worth considering when so many peoples seem to he sore
and Mrs. Fisk and two children and
about something and so many punishments are being planned W ednesday in ♦ November.
• ♦
Miss B ertha M acPherson, who re­
or executed to teach lessons to alleged offenders.
F am ily R eun ion—
turned to Los Angeles, W ednesday.
“Could not stand nor sit and w a s ,
AN'orld peace depends finally, not on the power to punish The visit of Mr. and Mrs. Leland
• * ♦
forced to cry out from intense pain.”
offenders hut on the capacity to convict misdoers of the dangers
w rites Henry Williams, Tarkio, Mon- '
P. Reeder and Miss H ighland Reed­ W. C. T. U. Meet—
met Tuesdav af i ta n a - “ The doctors said 1 had in-
of their evil ways. It means that all peoples must be, if not er was the occasion of a num ber of The W . C c . T i . U u . m
et Tuesday af- fiam ation of the bladder and
oper- i
content, at least pacified. It means that there must he no un­ family gatherings, th e last at Mrs. ternoon a t the Library and had a ation was necessary. Tried an Foley
i .
Kidney Pills and improved at once !
bridled punishments in the woodshed which leave the victims H. W. Andrews on Church f/reet. most * interesting
meeting. A great ; Tell all my friends about Foley Kid- i
resentful, sullen and potentially unmanageable. The result They were guests of /h e D. W. deal of business was disposed of ney PHls as R
save niany from I
W heeler family^ Miss Marie An­
suffering and perhaps as in my case,
would be hardened states just as we have hardened men.
drews, th e Aaron Andrew s’ family and many plans made for fu tu re a dangerous operation.” Bladder and
There is no thing visionary about this, for it is common both
at the ranch and at the town work. There was a good attendance kidney trouble demand prom pt tre a t­
Foley Kidney Pills give quick
sense of the most elementary character. Is not the great prob­ house in Ashland. D uring the short considering all the other calls upon ment
relief. Sold Everywhere.
lem today how to make nations forget their grouches and visif many fam iliar spots were visit­ the tim e of the members.
keep still long enough for the factory wheels to spin and ed and many calls made on old
the crops to be harvested ? Are not all those grouchel born in friends.
discontent over a licking or an attempted licking, the justice It had been planned to have a
fam ily reunion and picnic dinner In
for which never has been impressively demonstrated?
the park Sunday afternoon prior to
I hat is the history ot all periodic wars. It contains a very /.he dep artu re for Beverly Hills on
simple lesson, and the fact that many European states ignore Monday but the w eather man order­
it neither weakens nor eliminates it. It is one of these incorrup­ ed otherwise.
Mid-Winter Hat
tible tacts winch remain to mock men who believe that human The out-door affair became an in­
door one at the home of Mrs. H. W.
nature is made of Indiaruhher and that states can be bounded
Andrews, on Church street.
by walled forts.
The attorney for a condemned Western murderer secured
an injunction preventing the hanging, alleging that irreparable
injury would he done if the sentence was carried out. It surely
would have played hab with his client.-Kansas City Journal
“ Sideburns are coming hack,” says a fashion note. There
are always some men who do not care how they look—Green­
ville Piedmont.
Rolling stones often get that way because of rolling pins
—Asheville Times
Walking is healthful exercise, except when frequent cros­
sing of the street makes it too violent.—Greenville Piedmont
Here were gathered the members
of the D. W. W heeler family, the
Aaron Andrews family, to which
were added Mr. George Andrews
and his son Leonard, and Mr. Alan
K. Andrews of Ogden, Utah, recently
arrived, the W. J. Dougherty family,
and Mr. and Mrs. H arry H arrison.
Mr. GilberZ, a guest in the A. An­
drews home was also present.
A fter the entirely satisfying re ­
past, the afternoon was wholly giv­
en over to th e rem iniscent visit th at
is the joy of these gatherings of
relatives and friends. Music,, of un­
usual order by /h e gifted
D ougherty and Mrs. H arrison added
much to th e pleasure of the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Reeder, Miss Reeder
- -
Ì on can do 110 better elsewhere, than you
can at
and Saturday
Six Great Groups
of Coats
10 Coats at
IS Coats at
IS Coats at
IS ( ’oats at
10 Coats at
10 Coats at
And the very best possible value squeezed
into each lot. Let us convince you by com­
parison before you buy.
Really tailored, too—not made by sweatshop laborers,
but by contended tailors.
Super-Value Lots Now At
$29.75 $36.75 $44.50
5 Stylish Stout Suits
Values t h a t
were cheap at
form er prices
4 Stylish Stout Suits
jB U r
"71? Values that we
sold close at
Exceptionally Good Dress Values
Silk Dresses
5, $24.50
$34.50, $4 1 , $54.50
Wool Dresses
Style b Stout Dersses
Silk Dresses
W ool D resses
$24.50 to $50.00
$24.50 to $44.50
It’s the
triple blending
Fifteen (15) Percent Reduction for
the next three days
Thursday-F riday-Saturday
Exclusive patterns in. the makers of Fisk,
Classic and Blair brands ot feminine
Wineland and Sliepberd
Hair Dressing Parlors
Rooms 1 and 2 over Citizens Bank
Frankly, it isn't the tobacco alone — other
cigarettes might have eight varieties—it's
the triple blendingzhsit gives exclusive supers !
iority to Blue Boars—it produces a unique
bouquet—a welcome surprise to men who
seek a superfine, nomcommonplace smoke.
W e ask you to judge—smoke your first
pack of Blue Boars-
see how triple blend­
ing gives a newappe'
rite-—added delight.