AGE j V v C « ♦ '’.ÎXFff* ANO DAILY TIDINGS O M « A SH LA N D D A ILY T ID IN G S ♦ : Thursday, < October ¡¿A, J9’X< »♦« * ••> > » » » » « ♦ « » < Banquet a Success— The banquet given Saturday nffeht (Established tn 187Ô) ♦ ---------------------------- -------------- in « f t - 1 o at the High School was a very sue-, cessful affair. Published Every Evening Except Sunday by MRS. GRACE E. ANDREWS, Editor Phone item s to her at 34 5-R, between lb A. M. and 2 P. M. Prof. Forsythe acted a s 1 toast­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. and evenings. m aster and ¿hose,w ho responded to Bert K. G re e r.................................................................. Editor 1 toasts did so in ‘ very pertinent phrase. and Miss Edna Dougherty re tu rn ­ OFFICIAL CITY PAPER . 7...........................7. Telephone 39 8OCIETY- 1 The trend of most of the speeches ¡Calendar for th e W eek— ed to Medford with the W heelers’, E ntered at th e A shland, O regon, P o sto iïice- as Second C lass Mail M atter Thursday, Octo. 25— P. T. A„ for Sunday evening, the Reeders emphasized the friendly spirit that Subscription P rice, D elivered in City afternoon and evening at Club leaving early Monday morning, for existed and should exist between One Month ..................................................................................................... . $ (55 House. the schools and i he proper school , their California home. spirit. The speeches were enthus­ Six Months .................................................................. .. .......■.......................... J 75 FrIday’ Oct- 26 Social, Reese j iastically applauded. One Year .......................................................................................................... * 7^50 Creek, 7:30 P. M. Social C ircle Met W ednesday— The three course luncheon proved Saturday, Oct. 27— G. A. R. at i The Social Circle of the C hristian By Mail, and R ural R outes: o u e .uontn ................................................................................................ $ gg Armory. church held its business m eeting at a mots satisfying repast prepared Three Months ..................................................................................................... 1.95 Nov. 3— Civic Club Card Forty. »“he home of Mrs. F rank Crowson on and served by skillful hands. Six Months * * * 3.50 The decorations were particular­ Eighth street, W ednesday of this One Year 6.50 ly appropriate and added the cheer­ Mrs. Edm und Dews E ntertains— ¡week. While purely a business meet- Saturday evening .Mrs. Edm und ing those who attend have very ful note of color needed. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES: Single insertion, per inch .................................................... Dews was charm ing hostess at a de- pleasant times and the social d e ­ .30 Y early Contracts: lightful card party given at the ment is not lacking even when there H aw thorne Circle Meets— One insertion a week ............................................... The H aw thorne Circle had a $ .27 home of her m other Mrs. J. H. Tur- is no special preparation made for Two insertions a week 25 most interesting m eeting on Tues­ ner, on the Boulevard. entertainm ent. Daily insertion ........................................................... ...A .'." .............................. 20 day afternoon at three P. M. at the The rooms were beautiful in W ♦ * Katcu For L egal and Miacallaiiwous A d vertisin g Hawthorne Library. The address by tones of yellow, carried out in th e 'A r t Club Meet F irst insertion, per 8 point line ............................................................. $ .10 most characteristic of Hallowe’en I The A rt Club held its regular Miss Hicks on “ B etter Film s” was Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................ ' 05 Card of Thanks ............................................................................................ 1 00 decorations and gay marigolds add- ' m eeting at the Civic Club house on particularly well received and the O bituries, per line .................................. __________ 02% e d j h e l r beauty to the scene. ¡Monday evening of this week, with class songs from Miss W illiam ’s room were very well sung and es­ WHAT CONSTITUTES A D V E R T IS IN G I F ° Ur tableS ° f Five H undred were iMrs- Rl’ger and Mrs. Kinz as host- pecially well chosen. Mrs. Fred Neil ..... » , , , , A iw iau played and the evening passed all ¡esses All future events, where an admission charge Is made or a collection « ,,1 , . . I delighted the listeners in the songs taken is Advertising. t0° Quickly in thorough enjoym ent, ! The evening was sepnt most de- she so graciously sang. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. tn i- at a late hour tbe hostess serv -R ig h tfu lly in cards for those th at There was a very large a/tendace ’ nONATfnN»---- ----- ----------------------- ed the mOSt delicious and satisfying wished to play and many brought and closest attention was given the XT . t. . refreshm ents to the guests as they th eir fancy work No donations to charities or-otherw ise will be made in advertising, or were seated at the small tables well planned program . job printing— our contributions w ill be in cash. seated at tne small tables. The decorations were appropriate i The high score was awarded Mrs. to the coming Hallowe’en time and Elwood Hedberg and the consola- beautiful flowers in the colors of the tion to Mrs. O. A. Paulserud. general scheme (yellow) were a r­ OCTOBER 25 The guest list included the Mes- tistically arranged. MANS BIRTH RIG H T:— Thou madest hhn to have dominion over the dames O. A. Paulserud, . Howard A num ber of new members were works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet.__Psalms 8:6. i B a rre tt’ Hal McNair> H - K - Tomlin- added, and if interest continues the ______ __________________ son, Newton H arrison, V. V. Mills, membership will reach fifty before - — F - G- Swedenborg, Louis Dodge, J. long. THE AIRPLANE IN PEACE F. Finneran, Elwood Hedberg, There were tw enty-three present Air science received its greatest forward impulse because ^ho^trid^ ’ ^Vm‘ M’ Briggs> Elbert to enjoy the evening at the close of of a capacity for destruction. During four years of its infancy D o X ’ which the most delicious refresh­ ments were served by the gracious the woild was engaged in hostilities in which its adaptability( Provost, Mrs. Pinte, a guest a/ the hostesses. io purpose ot war was immediately and strikingly apparent. ¡home of h er m other, Mrs. Sorenson » » * Hence armies and navies have been the plane’s most diligent and Miss Helen Dickeson. Who D os M eet— • • sponsor. The Who Do class of the M. E. tertain m en t a t Reese Creek— Sunday School met as announced While these services still interest themselves in the per- E n All the young folks will be inter- tection of aircraft, there are signs that the contractive c a p a - | eBted to know th a t there win be a at the home of Mrs. Thompson on Terrace street, Tuesday afternoon of cities ot planes are rapidly becoming apparent, and that the Box Social a t the Reese Creek this week. impetus tor turther development of the science will he furnished schoolhouse this coming F riday __ «..-,...^,3 nn-« uiiK meeting, the A fter the business lin t alone by lighting forces hut by civilians in pursuit of p e a c e . I Mr’ Frederick Johnson, the ¡ladies present spent the time in ty- The Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce summarizes a few of teaeher at the scb°o1 states tbat an ¡ing quilts- and while fingers were its constructive works: • j excellent program is prepared by busily engaged, the class enjoyed a - 1 • -in W of entertainm ent and every one delightful vis’/. and the social fea­ lo,tal sen ice planes carrying mail from coast to coast is cordially invited to come, bring ture in no way because on icguljii schedule in little more tlum