Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 28, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    p ib i
f f a i n j i H
Local and Personal
Thursday, December 2», 1922
. . » L L J _______ f f . . ' y t t n i^ w . M W
M odern A rtist Interprets
Sheepm en plan to have a lobby a t
j the leisla tu re to see th at the bounty
on coyotes is not repealed. C utting
j out th e coyote bounty has been sug­
gested as one of th e ways in which
to economize. G overnor-elect Pierce
was quoted as e n u m eratin g the coy­
ote bounty am ong o th er things on
i his list fo r retren ch m en t.
O regon’s sheep in d u stry is consid-
' erable and the woolm en su ffe r from
the inroads of th e coyote. It is said
th a t if th e cam paign ag a in st this
m arau d in g anim al was suspended for
'six m onths, th e dam age to the flocks
M u sic on Canvas
NEW S is any hum an activity
or even t that i s o f interest to
oth er hum ans. T he BEST n ew s is
that w hich in terests th e greatest
num ber o f people. The T idings
w ould greatly appreciate it if you
w ould ca ll 3 0 when you have an
item o f in terest. Thank you.
See the new OFE-N-ON CHAINS
a t L eedom ’s T ire H ospital. You k an t
F u ses Cause D elay—
Large Hotel Staffs.
Six of the largest hotels In New
! York city, under the control of one
1 company, employ 510 cooks, nearly
' 1,000 waiters, besides an average of
I 3,000 extra waiters lor banquets. In
i all, they have (5,200 employees, repre-
j senting over twenty trades and several
I professions.
The city electricians w ere routed
from th e ir beds early th is m orning
in response to a call from th e Postal
T elegraph com pany. It was found
th a t several fuses were blown out in
the Siskiyous, tem porarily discon­
tin u in g th e han d lin g of m essages.
The tro u b le was rep aired in a sh o rt
tim e.
W ANTED— By a m iddle aged widow
lady who is a good housekeeper
and splendid cook, a position to
keep house for w idow er or bache­
lor, w here she can have a good
H ere are Gene Sarazen, you tlifu 1 w orld’s cham pion g o lfer; R oger H ernsby, w ho l<ul National L eagu e
home. A ddress Box 22, c /o Tid­
h itters, avera g in g .4 0 0 for first tim e it has been done in m any years, an <1 topping th e field in hom e runs;
W alter H oover, o f D etroit, who wo n the diam ond scu lls at H enley En gland, and M ickey W alker, the new
E lectric boudoir lam ps glassw are,
china, candlesticks in cut glass and
ivory, all ivory goods, m irro rs,
brushes, etc., some m antle clocks, a
few good w rist w atches and m en ’s
w atches a re included in th e special
sale from now u n til J a n u a ry 5 at
Jo h n so n ’s Jew elry Store.
Dance Ja ck so n ’s Sat. night.
w orld ’s w eltei w e ig h t cham pion, wh o d eth ron ed th e veteran, Jack Brit ton.
New Y ear’s D ance P lanned—
F o r th e purpose of giving the New
Y ear a fittin g s ta r t, Dickey’s “ Noisy
F iv e ’’ o rch estra is giving a b ard -
tim es ball th e n ig h t of Ja n u a ry 1,
a t Ja ck so n ’s Hot Springs.
special fea tu re s a re being arran g ed ,
including the d istrib u tio n of prizes
and a feed a t 11:30 o’clock. Danc­
ing will be in o rd er u n til 2 o’clock
in th e m orning, w hile all th e late st
dance h its will be featured.
DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 28.— The
Ford M otor com pany, by producing
coke and selling it to em ployes a t $8
a ton, is saving w orkers approxi-l
m aiely $100,000 each m onth on th eir
coal bills.
According to estim ates, about 500
c ""“
>» “»■«. ■»»"•y do-
tons daily a re now being delivered »“ Hed to the A m bulance Fund are:
, .
A shland Daily T i d in g s .................$100
to iho
the hom es of » w orkers,
Jesse W i n b u r n ............................... 100
m eans th a t H ighland P ark , R iver
ltonge and other plants receire ap- L-n. u “ e “ u rg
T e d J" t t ' r " v 3 i s ...................
................... . 1 0 . ( I
id ii
P r ™ » .'“ .ei c
R u n nin g Special Sale—
O. H. Johnson, the Jew eler, is r u n ­
ning a special sale u n til Ja n u a ry 5th.
He is closing out discontinued p a t­
te rn s In silver p late w are, also “ odds
and en d s” in o th e r lines. This is a
good o p p o rtu n ity for ladies to fill
in on th e ir silv er sets and to buy
from m any o th er lines a t very low
prices. Sales ru n s to J a n u a ry 5th
D am e
H all.
F riday
V isitin g in K lam ath F a l l s -
Dr. B ertha Saw yer is spending a
few days in K lam ath F a lls w ith her
siste r, Mrs. J. F. Goeller and fam ily.
— th e passions an d glory o f a for*
gotten world re-c re a te d
— an em pire throw n aw ay for th e
love o t a b eau tifu l wom an
sp ectacu lar
"The Loves
ot Pharaoh
— Also—
— and—
used as her tone model a fox trot
song >f the seasons, called "W hen
the Leaves Come Tum bling D ow n"
“ There were brow n m inors:
Berta Hadei of Nyack,
New York. Uses Tone
Color in Painting
T he amazings, clavilux which
te rp re ts the g re a te st composers ,t
term s o f color's has become an es­
tablished p art o f musical expression
but it rem ained fo r a New York
woman a rtist recently to take irac
tical advantage o f the great prim
p - 'r
« shading th ro u g h w arm er reds and
| yellows ;
to wonderful major greens:
T one R eleases C olop
“ lu st as the pressure of a key on .
li)C clavilux
U4VIIUA releases
citi exquisite
r- Atf. 1 » il'- ’
color eq u ivakiit. se thè audii le mu ì
sic cherd releases a color in thè fi;inà
of the a rtist she explains.
“M usic w ith m y painting, e sp e ­
cially wnen 1 am a t w ork on tand
in that music,” she declares.
scares, has th e re fo re become ?dn:osi
" i t really m ade me see elves and
dancing through dells am i
as n ic e ts a n to me as my b ru sh .”
F o r Ser m ost recem landscape at
;!. '
it was the m ost successful
'. a > ' u had.”
. .umn idyl, Miss H ’-.d' r
H( re from G ra n ts I’ass—
A. B. Cornell in su ran ce m an from
G rants Pass, was in th e city this a f­
ternoon greetin g old friends and fel-j
low S hriners.
Incidentally he was
passing o ut a few calen d ars repre-j
senting his firm .
He was accom ­
panied from M edford by Jam es R.
Fish, who recently cam e to so u th ern
Oregon from Los Angeles, and who
believes th is section of th e country
has a fu tu re , and is plan n in g on lo­
cating here perm anently.
F rid a y
M em orial
Local Society Meets—
M em bers of the O. M. S. S. society
m et at the Plaza oonfectionery yes­
te rd a y afternoon for a social affa ir.
Those present w ere the Misses M ar­
ion L each, D orothy and Oma Ge-
B auer. Mabel H ager, R am ona W ise
and T helm a Perozzi.
R egular Adm ission
m o u tl" y -
We have been forced to move into
la rg e r q u a rte rs in o rd e r to accom ­
m odate o u r patrons. L adies’ work a
specialty. Auto delivery. A shland
C leaning and Dyeing W orks. Phone
p . lto d g e & S o n s ........................
Radfation From Sun.
Experim ents made last summer In
Europe show th at the amount of radi­
ation received from the sun on the
surface of the earth hi a clear day is
greater with a dark blue than with a
light blue sky.
In the latter case
there Is a higher tension of the w ater
vapor in the air. It Is suggested that
some instrum ent capable of measuring
accurately the intensity -of the blue
of the sky would he useful In observa­
tions on the variable transmission of
the sun’s heat through the atm os­
that will wear.
Walrus Brand
Jdaicr-orcof clothing
Keeps j / o u
Ask for it!
The Enders Co.
944, $50; H. A. S tearns, $5.
SALEM, Dec. 28.— The sta te of
Oregon will save in postage n ot less
th an $10,000 biennially in case a
bill introduced in congress by Sena-.!
‘or David L. W alsh, of M assachu-
setts, becomes a law. This was an-
nunced here by Sam A. K ozer, secqp-
tary of state.
The proposed law, a copy of which
was received a t th e sta te d ep artm en t.
provides th a t official b u lletins of ¡n-,
form ation to voters issued under the
laws of th e sta te and a ffo rd in g op- i
posing candidates and the advocates-
and opponents of m easures referred
to th e voters equal o p p o rtunities for,
the p resen tatio n of th eir claim s and
arg u m en ts shall he tra n sm itte d with-!
in the lim its of the issuing sta te in
th e U nited S tates m ails free of post-;
The secretary of sta te , in a le tte r
sent to S enator W alsh, declared th at
he favored passage of th e bill in the:
in te te sts of economy.
Nature Has Made Provision.
Man cannot take enough nitrogen
from the air to affect nature’s bal-
anee. Growing plants and animals
by the
most ......................
rem arkable harmonic pro-
cesses in nature, maintain the propor-
lion, oxygen in 100 pounds
’ • of air 23
and nitrogen 77. Man cannot disturb
this ratio by little nitrogen concen-
" __________________
F re sh m oss for your gold fish a t
EL H A R T ’S.
t ----------- ■■
M otor W oik .A rm ature W inding, W ashing M achines, Irons and all
kinds of E lectrical A ppliances R epaired
Phone 359 Y
“ A dam ” or “ P a tric ia n ” p a tte rn s in
C om m unity w are; “ Jam esto w n " orj
"N ew p o rt” p a tte rn s in H olm es &
E dw ards silv erp late; ' L a S alle” p a t­
te rn o r “ L incoln” o r “ C linton” p a t­
tern in R ogers w are, should fill in
on th e ir silverwmre w hile they can
get it a t reduced prices d u rin g the
special sale. Many o th e r item s low
Jo h n so n ’s Jew elry Store, i
R em em ber th e dates, u n til Ja n u a ry
H- r e f r o m Sail F r a n c i s c o -
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam L abish, of
San Francisco, who arriv ed recently,
a re visitin g Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
R hodes a t the P a rk hotel. They will
go to P o rtla n d for a few’ days, re ­
tu rn in g to A shland to w atch th e old
year out and th e new year in with Rank E m ployes M eet—
Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, retu rn in g * to
Em ployes of the F irs t N ational
th e ir hom e in San F rancisco th e last ; bank m et for th e ir m onthly m eeting
o the week. Mr. Labish is a S outh­ | last nig h t, and to talk over a ffa irs
ern Pacific engineer, having been on i p e rta in in g to th e in stitu tio n . F o l­
th e road 22 years. He is very fond low ing th e business session, th e bank
of lith ia w ater, and both he and was host to a feed to the employes.
Mrs. L abish express g re a t a d m ira ­
tion for our city.
Dance Ja ck so n ’s Sat. night. 98-3
516 Elizabeth St.
P. 0. Box 161
É V fP T /w — D C
H ard Tim e Ball, Ja ck so n ’s, Mon­
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 28.— Cap­
day, J a n u a ry 1. Prizes for best cos­
tum es. Dance till 2 o'clock.
98-3 tain of D etectives Duncan M atheson
announced th at he had every reason
to believe th a t C lara Phillips, “ ham ­
V isiting M>s. E ih a rt—
m er m u rd e ress,” visited San F r a n ­
Mrs. A. E. K im ball w ent to A sh­
cisco follow ing her sensational es­
land Tuesday to spend a week w ith
cape from the Los Angeles jail re ­
her d au g h ter, Mrs. H. E ih a rt, from
cently, and th a t th e autom obile
which place, accom panied by h er
which b ro u g h t here h ere was still
d a u h te r, Miss Mary Newton, she will
in the city. He declined to hazard
continue to Los Angeles to spend the
a guess as to her present w here­
rem ain d er of the w inter w ith her
b ro th er, Edw in M iller, says th e Gold
Hill News,
L adies who have silverplate in
W hiting & Davis m esh bags, finest
q u a lity m any styles, a t less th an
Bring your RU BB ER BOOTS and w holesale cost to close out. Jo h n -
shoes to Leedom ’s T ire H ospital. We so i’s Jew elry Store.
vulcanize new soles and heels. 97 tf
-» tilH T *
1 2 ’5 0 ”,
T hus these em ployes a re assu red ,. g B u t | e r .................................... .
of a ton a m onth m inim um each a t
Dr. S w e d e n b u r g .......................... . 100
a fair price, according to the F ord
H. G. E nders & S o n ..................... 100
B ert M o s e s ......................................
W ith 'c o k e selling th ro u g h o u t De­
O. A. I’a u l s e r u d ............................. 25
tro it and vicinity a t from $14 to $16
Phoebe W e l l s .................................
a ton, it will be seen th a t w orkers,
C. L. L o o m i s ................................
individually, a re able to save in m any
J. H. McGee ................................
cases from $6 t0
° r virtu ally w g D e P e a u .................................
w hat the com pany asks for a ton.
E ric W eren ..................................
Before the season ends, it is e sti­
O ther c o n trib u to rs declared but
m ated th e Ford M otor com pany will
, ,
I not yet paid, a re : Mrs. E ugenia At-
liave saved its w orkers $1,000,000 , .
on f
b ll
kiuson, $25; the M urphy PMectric
Co., $25, and A shland E lks lodge,
B erta H ad er, whose appealing 1
child draw ings appear in M cCall’s
and other w ell-know n periodicals
n e t only has utilized mnsie as an aid
to her usual w ork in her Nyack
studio, but has discovered in her
self an unsuspected talent fo r la n d ­
scape painting in consonance w ith
tone suggestion.
D ance
H all.
C O S M O P O L IT A N R R O tX /C T lO N S
Coconut Shell Mandolin.
Compared with the rest of their ! FOR SALE— At sacri I ice price of
achievements, the African natives
$300 large b eautiful K im ball pi­
have reached a high development In
ano, high class. ' Term s to rig h t
music. Their instrum ents, while made
153 G ranite St.
of crude m aterials, are often orna­
mented with rem arkable decorative
skill, and the sounds obtained are
highly effective. Coconut shells chosen
for their size and shape are especially
favored for the bodies of mandolins,
and with these quaint Instrum ents
muscians, who are privileged charac­
ters, wander about like the ancient
bards and m instrels and exert a great
influence over the chieftains.
D etrick sells for less.
FOR SALE— W ood, body fir, $4 per
tier. W rite Box 4, T alen t, Ore.
l i
L ook £ o to
A nc / e p t
£G ypr tor \ ■
OlOOFP/O ¿7tfVW5
CT EGypT/pt/
T ìy O K e PUC*$ '
9 F th e - H e Ab -
D R e SSES ® f £ G K P r /M /
Ç )V E E M \
T h f ££ yP T /0 H G1PDLÜ?
(w o c e v /rp e d r a p e r
I*,MODERN goddesses of the ball-
room a re casting th e ir eyes
on the modes of the ancient E gyp­
tian goddesses and queens of the
Nile for inspiration fo r th e ir mod­
ern evening gowns.
They’ve done the Spanish in­
fa n ta mode alm ost to death—the
Greek mode is too simple fo r some
—but the E g yptian mode! Shades
of C le o p a tra ! T h at allows fo r met-
ai cloth gowns of bronze and g o ld ;
long stone-studded g irdles; ban­
deaux of spangles; gauze scarfs
of scarlet and purple! Bracelets,
long earrings, beads, scarabs,
everything but the asp— Who
couldn’t be a siren in all th is glory
of g litte r and color— The sleek
lines, the long tra in s, th e centre
drape sk irt?
The gown in the photo shows an
exquisite model worn by Gloria
Swanson, the P aram ount s ta r, in
“My Am erican W ife.” I t is of
black ciré velvet w ith a fan tra in
falling from the w aistline in the
C rystal beads form hip
bands and fro n t panel in tru e
E gyptian style. The c ry sta l also
form s the shoulder stra p s. This
banding of cry stal is interesting,
for, rad ia tin g as it does from the
girdle cabochon, it helps to bring
out to the g rea test extent the lines
of the popular and chic centre
drape. This centre drape is, by
the w’ay, su rp assin g all side
drapes in th e eyes of the fashion­
able one.
But to go back to Miss Swan­
son’s evening gown. F u rth e r ra d i­
ations a re made by bands of
shining black sequins th a t g litte r
a t every step, and the centre o rn a­
m ent is o f ’black onyx.
The headdress is interesting. A|
bandeau of scarab and je t is top-i
ped by a roll of h a ir in tu rb a rj
effect. Long drop e a rrin g s of jejj
and c ry sta l complement it.
The cry stal bandings are stud-i
ded in je t also. Indeed this is onel
of the m ost glorious costumes,
ever worn by Miss Swanson, who!
is noted for her exquisite tastol
and chic.
The sketch shows a sim pler
gown in brocade w ith the centre
drape, w ith girdle and headdress'
ornam ent to m atch.
The two head sketches a re shown
w earing two modern versions of
headdresses worn by erstw hile qn-
chantresses of the Nile.