p ib i f f a i n j i H Local and Personal Thursday, December 2», 1922 . . » L L J _______ f f . . ' y t t n i^ w . M W S g BSBgWa^HaWBBi SKB£FMEN WILL FIGHT COYOTE BOUNTY R E PE A L QUARTET OF 1922 LUMINARIES M odern A rtist Interprets Sheepm en plan to have a lobby a t j the leisla tu re to see th at the bounty on coyotes is not repealed. C utting j out th e coyote bounty has been sug­ gested as one of th e ways in which to economize. G overnor-elect Pierce was quoted as e n u m eratin g the coy­ ote bounty am ong o th er things on i his list fo r retren ch m en t. O regon’s sheep in d u stry is consid- ' erable and the woolm en su ffe r from the inroads of th e coyote. It is said th a t if th e cam paign ag a in st this m arau d in g anim al was suspended for 'six m onths, th e dam age to the flocks M u sic on Canvas NEW S is any hum an activity or even t that i s o f interest to oth er hum ans. T he BEST n ew s is that w hich in terests th e greatest num ber o f people. The T idings w ould greatly appreciate it if you w ould ca ll 3 0 when you have an item o f in terest. Thank you. See the new OFE-N-ON CHAINS a t L eedom ’s T ire H ospital. You k an t lose-em. i>8tf F u ses Cause D elay— Large Hotel Staffs. Six of the largest hotels In New ! York city, under the control of one 1 company, employ 510 cooks, nearly ' 1,000 waiters, besides an average of I 3,000 extra waiters lor banquets. In i all, they have (5,200 employees, repre- j senting over twenty trades and several I professions. The city electricians w ere routed from th e ir beds early th is m orning in response to a call from th e Postal T elegraph com pany. It was found th a t several fuses were blown out in the Siskiyous, tem porarily discon­ tin u in g th e han d lin g of m essages. The tro u b le was rep aired in a sh o rt tim e. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY W ANTED— By a m iddle aged widow lady who is a good housekeeper and splendid cook, a position to keep house for w idow er or bache­ lor, w here she can have a good H ere are Gene Sarazen, you tlifu 1 w orld’s cham pion g o lfer; R oger H ernsby, w ho l