Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, January 21, 1922, Image 4

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    1 II
4 f» H LA* U HAI luí iiU lA ü f l
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P a ra g ra p h s
4-uvui «tua
Mrs. Josephine Champie, pastor of
the C hristian church, corner of B
-------Side L ights--------
and Second streets, announces the
following services for tom orrow :
L etter from W eed—
W e :ther Report—
Bible school at 10 o’clck. This is
A letter received from J. Hnery “ Bring A nother” day. Every one
W eather Observer Dodge reports
hat the coldest tem perature record­ Provost, who is now located with who has been enjoying this Bible
ed during the past 24 hours was 14 the Weed Lum ber company, Weed, school should co-operate in this ef­
abo-e zero, with prospects of slight Calif., states th a t he likes his new fort to get some others to have the
position very much. Mr. Provost same blessing. So do your part. In ­
ly warmer w eather tomorrow.
states th at it was 4 below zero there vite your friends.
Church worship at 11 o’clock. The
Swee. cream for sale. Rose Bros. Friday morning, but was m oderat­
115-6 ing slowly. He also states that the, sermon tonic is, “ W hat may I do?”
box factory has closed for a few This is in preparation for our m eet­
Use m o.or ether during cold wea­
Endeavor meeting at 6:30 o’clock.
ther. It makes the car crank eas­
The Nat skating rink will be This is your opportunity. Come.
ier. Get it at ELHART’S.
elosed Monday, W ednesday' and F ri­
At 7:30 o’clock in the evening,
day afternoons, but will be open ev-** the ex-nun, Miss Schoffen, will
O perated on To<lay—
ery evening.
115-5 speak. Her topic for this time is.
Mr. W heeler of Medford had an
"Convent life .and. convent practice.”
operation performed on his nose this Dead Indian W eather Cold—
If you have heard her speak you will
morning by a local doctor.
E rn est Cooper, who is working on not miss this another time. If you
the H. L. Moore ranch, 18 miles out hav^ not, you cannot afford to miss
W atch Rose Bros, windows for in the Dead Indian country, tele­ this.
home-made candies of quality. 115-6 phoned in this m orning th a t the
Our revival meetings begin F ri­
w eather there had been extremely day, January 27, and will hold for
See the prices on left-over suits cold, the therm om eter showing 18 ju st ten days. These days will be
a t Paulserud’s.
H O tf below zero Thursday morning, 10 full of opportunities for service, but
below Friday, and 6 below today.
they will pass quickly. Prepare to
R eturns to A shliyid—
Use motor ether in your gasoline attend every service.
Fred Pinkerton, who form erly re­
sided here, but has recently been in cold w eather. It helps. At EL­
living in Spokane, Wash., is visiting HART’S.
a t the home of S. A. P arker on Sixth
H otel A shland G uests—
street. Mr. Pinkerton is a timber
The following guests have regis­
cruiser and is expecting to make his
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 21.—
tered at the Hotel Ashland during
home in Ashland once again.
the past few days: S. Bookvist, J. P. A fter a two days debate, in which
Breen, H. Haslam, San Francisco; Japan and France both voiced vocif-
Separate coats and pants at prices J. C. Appel, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Quig­ irous objections, the W ashington
th a t can’s be beat, at Paulserud’s. ley, J. C. Myers, J. W. Day, Mr. and conference adopted the Hughes reso­
llO tf Mrs. C. M. Rynerson, L. V. Benson, lution, requiring the world powers
E. L. Gudon, A. R. Frazier, Edwin to bring into the open th eir various
Recovering from Illn ess —
G. Curtis, P o l a n d ; W. L. Jordon, commitments, treaties and agree­
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barker, of E. G. Lewis, W illiam Powley, C. L. ments in regard to Cihna, w hether
Hornbrook were in town last night. Clerce and son, P. Langmaid, Seat­ secret or otherwise.
Mr. B arker is recovering from a re­ tle; G. C. N inster, Yakima, W ash.;
Under the term s of this resolu­
cent illness.
H. H. H art, W. S. H art, Sacramento, tion, they will be compelled to file
J. D. Duncan, E tn a Mills Calif.; P. these with the secretary general of
Six room completely furnished W. Smith, Gladstone, Or.; J. S. Mc­ the conference.
house, including piano-, on paved Keown, Aloha, Or.; J. S. Rosenz-
street, first class inside finish, mod­ werg, Los Angeles; and G. E. Young, IDENTITY OF MAN
ern appointm ents, central location. G rants Pass.
Reduced today from $2500 tp $2100,
We are selling m re leaf lard for
really worth $2500. First come,
(Continued from Page 1)
than some folks charge for com­
first served. E. T. Staples.
pound. Bring your pail to D etrick’s to contradict the story told by
Groceteria. “We sell for less.”
Inspecting H osp itals —
118-tf ' Payne, and no fu rth er evidence hav­
Word has been received from Dr.
r ing been adduced, the jury rendered
F rank M. Moxon, form erly of this
a verdict of accidental death by fire,
city, who left for San Fi*andisco B asketball a t Talent—
Three games of basketball were cause unknown.
several months ago to enter the gov­
Payne says he did not know when
ernm ent service. Dr. Moxon was in­ played a t Talent last night. The Tal­ or by whom the fire was started, a^
cluded In a party to make a tour of ent town team played a team from he was asleep, and thought all the
Inspection of the government hos­ Applegate, Talent w inning b,y the rest of the bunch were when the
pitals and left San Francisco shortly score of 30 to 20. The T alent high train pulled out.
C igarettes were
after arriving there and since th at school girls played the high school
freely smoked, but there was no evi­
tim e has been in San Diego, Calif., girls from Ap|plegq|te, winning
of even a sm oulder when he
various towns in the Panam a canal a score of 17 to 1, and the boys of
his eyes on the scene.
zone and the W est Indies, and is the high school won from the boys
fu rth er testimony is fo rth ­
now at Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Moxon of the Applegate high school by a
coming, it is evident th a t the dead
and son accompanied the doctor on score of 19 to 15. Quite a large
m an’s name and w hereabout, will re­
the trip and all expect to visit in i crowd attended.
main a mystery, although some of
Ashland when they return to the P a-'
other members of th e -c a r’s com­
cific coast next year. Dr. Moxon ] LOAN COMPANIES TO
pany may be interviewed and per­
will be with the bureau of medicine
shed some light on the grue­
and surgery, navy departm ent, at
some chapter.
W ashington, D. C., for the ensuing
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.— D eter­
m ination to lay before the agricul­ TAX QN LARG E G IFTS
tu ral conference next week the th o r­
Motor ether puts the KICK into
oughly selfish and grasping attitu d e
the gasoline. At ELHART’S. 119-2
of many companies of different sorts
WASHINGTON, D. C„ Jan. 21.—
which loan money on farm m ort­
For rent, nicely located residence'
gages, was announced yesterday by A tax on large gifts, to be paid by
fronting on P ark street, roomy and
Secretary of A gricultural Wallace.
the recipient w ithin 90 days after
well furnished, three bedrooms,
Farm ers, the secretary said, were the gift is received, was proposed in
modern conveniences. E. T. Staples.
being compelled to pay 6, 6% and 7 a bill Introduced in the house today
per cent on five and ten year loans, by R epresentative Frear.
w ithout optional payments, and also
Leaves for H om e—
a commission of 5 or 6 per cent,
J. E. Coffee, of K nights Landing, j while in some cases as high as 10 FOR SALE— Good fresh cow su it­
Calif., is leaving for home today onj per cent was being added.
able for family. Milks 3% gallons
train 53 after a m onth’s visit with]
per day. Phone 257-J or call at
The secretary also charged th at
1177 Iowa St.
friends and relatives in G rants Pass,' many loan companies were cutting
Gold Hill and Ashland.
down the am ount they loan per acre FOR SALE— Man’s bicycle, good
condition, $5.00. Address P. O.
to the lowest possible point, “thus
Box 61.
We make our own candies, Ice restricting the farm ers’ credit a t the
cream and tamales. Enders Con­ very time it should be expanded, as FOR RENT— 3 com fortable rooms,
furnished, • fdr light housekeeping
62tf; far as may be safely done.”
Close in. Phone 353-L.
The place where you g e t'th e best values
for your money in—
• x L‘3
Clothing, Neckwear, Shirts, Hats, Shoes, etc.
Come in and get acquainted.
Vie have the best assortment in Ashland
to choose from.
Your satisfaction or your
money hack is our guarantee.
By the Post Office
[ Gives Skating P arty —
Miss M argaret McCoy intertained
a num ber of school teachers at a
skating party a t the local rink Fri-
day evening. Those present claim
I 1 they had a lovely time.
Phenomenon Recalls Primitive
Days of the Formation of
the Earth.
Volcano on Kamchatka Hurls Rocks
Larger Than Ships Through
the Air—Has 65 Volcanoes,
20 cf Which Are Active.
Tokyo.—Showers of rocks larger
than ships were hurled from a raging
volcano on Kamchatka, where a ter­
rible- ami magnificent volcanic phe­
nomenon occurred some weeks ago. re­
calling the primitive days of the for­
mation of the earth.
After having been wrecked and
washed away on the shore of Kam­
chatka, Frederick McCormick, a well-
known newspaper correspondent, wit­
nessed the extraordinary eruption.
Writes of Spectacle.
In a report to the Japan Advertiser,
Mr. McCormick say s:
“On arriving at Hakodate, in north­
ern Japan, I heard from a fisherman
of an earthquake above Hokkaido,
and the disappearance in the sea,
September 6, of a part of the island
of the Kurile group. The earthquake-
extended from Hokkaido to the Aleu­
tians, and was but a prolongation of
the seismatlc phenomena occurring in
Kamchatka, where I was wrecked on
the Kronotsky peninsula. Ten days
later, sixty sea miles to the south, I
found myself at Semlschik. From there
I saw the magnificent eruption of
volcano Karimskaya. Above a moun­
tain ridge which lay between we could
see, without the aid of glasses, the
expulsion of showers of rocks, many
of which must have been larger than
ships, as they flew through the sky
in giant parabolas. Only the flowery
crest of the eruption was visible to
us as it played against the sky. The
smoke column, tilted southward by
the wind, reached upwards thousands
of feet, and in two "days the smoke
cloud extended 100 miles down the
coast and out to sea.
Sprinkled With Dust
“Then the wind shifted to the west
und the ship was sprinkled with vol­
canic dust. There was a great roar
like the sound of an artillery battle,
and it was reported that the water
of Kronotsky bay had risen in tempera­
ture 5% degrees, while magnetic dis­
turbances rendered the ship’s compass
unworkable. Fearing a subterranean,
sea-wave we put out forty-five miles
off the shore, and on September 5,
recorded a violent earthquake which
shook the ship. Tiie same was ex­
perienced at the Coinmandorsky is­
lands and Ust Kamchatka.
“There are few places where the di­
rect and positive force of nature can
be realized so intensely as in this far­
away* land.
“There are about sixty-five volcanoes
in Kamchatka, of which twenty are
active. There is no historian to record
their great doings, except an as­
tonished fisherman, 1,000 to 1.200 miles
away. A geographical expedition from
Sweden Intends to announce next year
the results of its scientific work in
One of the most eloquent speak-;
ers on the American lecture p la t-;
form has been procured by local cit-1
izens to lecture in the Lyric theatre, j
in Ashland.
A. H. MacMillan of I
New York City is the speaker, and
his topic will be, “God’s Kingdom i
Im m inent.”
Mr. MacMillian is almost as well
known in Europe and Canada as he
is in this country, and, since th e !
war clbsed, he lias made several
tours of G reat Britain, France, Bel­
gium and Scandinavia. While lectur­
ing in the large cities of these coun­
tries lie made a close study of E uro­
pean conditions. His investigations!
and observations have brought him]
to the conclusion, it is stated, that I
there is no relief in sight for suf­
fering hum anity, so far as human
agencies are concerned.
C onditions F oretold
In the lecture here the evening of
January 25, it will be pointed out, it
is said, th a t the very conditions
which exist in the world today were
foretold by Jesus nearly two thous­
and years ago and these, in con-]
junction with the terrible events of]
the past five years, are signs which j
Jesus gave to mark his presence and]
the end of the “ w orld” (or social!
and political order) and the usher-]
ing in of a new “ w orld” wherein
dwelleth righteousness.” W hile m an­
kind has looked forw ard to the end
of the world with fear and forebod­
ing, Mr. MacMillan, it is stated, will
prove to the satisfaction of anyone
who believes in the Bible th a t the
end of the world is the best thing
that could ever happen; th a t instead
of it m arking the destruction of this
planet, it merely m arks the time
when m ankind will begin to enjoy
the blessings which God has de­
signed to give them on the earth.
The lecturer asserts, furtherm ore,
th a t there are many people living
today, who, when learning of the
requirem ents of the new age, will
not need to go down into the grave,
but will live forever.
No auditorium s were found ade­
quate to hold the crowds which
came to hear Mr. MacMillan in E u­
rope. In some places thousands of
people would wait outside the hall
until the lecture had been delivered
once, then immediately the first au­
dience had dispersed, the hall would
be refilled.
The lecture will be delivered at ]
7:30 p. m. No admission will b e 1
charged and no collection lifted. The]
invitation com m ittee urge those who
intend to hear the lecture to g o !
We are closn g out cu t Rock Springe Coal at $1G5O
per ton, delivered.
Now is the tim e to buy, while you can save money.
Ashland Lumber Co.
Phone 20
CUhite a n d T ints
Decorating and Beautifying
Walls and Ceilings
At Pre-War Prices
Dickerson & Son
Investing $25,000,000
A Year
Yes, We Have It
Ashland Laundry Co.
Fixlt Shop.
The word is SERVICE.
English Professor Says It’s Only
Has it meaning for you? Does it
Place in London Where
clean, com fortable linen? Does
Brain Works. •
— it mean clothes laundered in the way
Manchester, England.—“The zoo Is th a t will make them w ear longest?
the only place In London where I can- Does it mean Monday free from the
think,” Prof. Stephen Leacock lyis spectre of washboard and boiler?
confided to an interviewer, adding
Does it mean convenience— a quick
that he goes there early in the morn­
and your whole family washing
ing, as soon as the gates are opei/ to
the public. Judging from one of the whisked promptly away to be as
letters to Lady Glenconner published promptly returned?
in C. T. Gatty’s biography. George
In order th a t it may mean these
Wyndham likewise found peace and things the modern laundries of the
contentment at the zoo.
United States last year (1921) in­
“I go to ihe zoo,” Wyndham tells
a sum estim ated a t $25,000,-
his sister, “specially to look at birds.
new equipment and new
When flying from men I avoid
] monkeys and addict myself to birds. buildings.
! (Parrots are not birds, and are use-
And toward these twenty-five
i less to one escaped from the house million we contributed many thous­
of. commons.)
ands in order th at our patrons, here
“From the birds I went to the ele­
phants. I detest half measures and in this city, m ight have constantly
compromise—after a fortnight in the improving service.
Better washing machines, th at
house of commons. A due attention
i to birds and elephants, to the volatile make clothes clean by a gentle
and monumental, inures one to time sousing process,’ w ithout rubbing or
and prepares one for the future.”
scrubbing; rem arkable spinning bas­
kets th a t remove w ater from clothes
Kitty Finds Home With Pigs.
w ithout so much as disturbing a
St. Thomas, Canada.—A strange
equipment for ironing, so
ease of maternal devotion is reported
11 by a Middlemarch farmer, who claims fine in its action that, it irons even
to have a sow with a litter that has tiie most delicate laces and silks—
] ] adopted a half-grown kitten and per­ these are only a few of the many
mits it to nurse with her babies and improvements we have been making
|j to sleep with them. The kitten has in order th a t our patrons might have
been a member of the family of pigs the most economical and thorough
for several days and will no longer
laundry service possible.
] touch cow’s milk when offered it. At
That is why, if you will send your
night the kitten curls up on the sow’s
to us, you can be sure of
¡i side.
washing and ironing th at will cleanse
and conserve, and save you tim e and
Felon Ran Away to Make Crop.
Frankfort, Ky.—Zeke Anderson, a money.
Pike county mountaineer, who escaped
Phone us to come for your next
from the Rock Castle convict road family washing. Your bundle will
camp last spring, went home and be called for and delivered punc­
made a crop so his family would have
food iu the winter. Recently he gave tually, with everything as immacu­
himself up at the state reformatory. late as if laundered in your own
Anderson never attempted to evade home, under your own personal su­
the officers since he escaped. He was pervision.
sentenced in the spring of 1918 to
serve 15 years for murder.
Umbrellas covered.
iiln g Coal
For the beat In quality, henaa,
bacon, cottage hams and lard, see
Detrick’* Groceteria.
The quality
is absolutely the best and our prices
are lower than the rest. A trial will
convince. We sell for less. 118-tf*
You Will Like It
We will also make a special price on
which we wish to move
Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co.
9 9
B i l l H art
The Old-Tini.* West— It Is He!
As Fennim ore Cooper summed up
in his novels, the pioneer days of
America, so does William S. H art,
on the screen, live the life of the
G reat Wild West. Many call "W hite
Oak” with' its love, its thrill, its
daring, the finest picture he ever
made. See it? Tingle! Judge for
S U N D A Y ------M 0 N D A Y
From the Famous story
By Sir Gilbert Parker