1 II i 4 f» H LA* U HAI luí iiU lA ü f l • « T “BRING ANOTHER“ DAY P a ra g ra p h s V AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH 4-uvui «tua Mrs. Josephine Champie, pastor of the C hristian church, corner of B -------Side L ights-------- and Second streets, announces the following services for tom orrow : L etter from W eed— W e :ther Report— Bible school at 10 o’clck. This is A letter received from J. Hnery “ Bring A nother” day. Every one W eather Observer Dodge reports hat the coldest tem perature record­ Provost, who is now located with who has been enjoying this Bible ed during the past 24 hours was 14 the Weed Lum ber company, Weed, school should co-operate in this ef­ abo-e zero, with prospects of slight Calif., states th a t he likes his new fort to get some others to have the position very much. Mr. Provost same blessing. So do your part. In ­ ly warmer w eather tomorrow. states th at it was 4 below zero there vite your friends. Church worship at 11 o’clock. The Swee. cream for sale. Rose Bros. Friday morning, but was m oderat­ 115-6 ing slowly. He also states that the, sermon tonic is, “ W hat may I do?” box factory has closed for a few This is in preparation for our m eet­ days. ings. Use m o.or ether during cold wea­ Endeavor meeting at 6:30 o’clock. ther. It makes the car crank eas­ The Nat skating rink will be This is your opportunity. Come. ier. Get it at ELHART’S. 119-2 elosed Monday, W ednesday' and F ri­ At 7:30 o’clock in the evening, day afternoons, but will be open ev-** the ex-nun, Miss Schoffen, will O perated on To