Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, August 23, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs
Local and Personal
------ Side Lights-------
O verheard at th e Elks' Club—
'G reasy” says to ‘ Gravy” Ply-
m ate: “ Ever hear the story of the
dirty s h irt? ” “Gravy” says .“ No.”
Then .“ Greasy” says, “T h a t’s one on
Visit Maxey F am ily —
< At L ake of th e W oods—
Orres cleans clothes clean. 294tf
H arry A. Hall and wife, and Ed.
W ilmer Poley and family are
Sw inhart and wife, of St. Louis and spending a couple of weeks at Lukej R eturn from D u n s m u ir -
New York respectively, are spending of the Woods.
Mrs. Nellie Conner and daughter,
a few days with their relatives, the
.Mrs. Frank Hanna, returned from
Maxey family, on Allison street. They
Automobile insurance— Yeo, of D unsm uir, Calif., where they have
are touring the coast in an auto and 1 course.
299-tf been visiting for the past week.
have been to Lake Tahoe and
through the Yosemite valley, and are R eturn trout Huckleberry H unt—
Cliff Payne makes apple presses.
on their way to C rater Lake and
Robert Casey has been out huckle-
Crescent City, and will spend the berrying and returned last night with
w inter at Long Beach and Los An- five gallons of berries.
He spent At C rater Luke—
J. Edward Thornton and family
nearly a week a t Lake of the Woods.
have gone to C rater Lake to spend
If you want the best there is, eat)
Ju st received the new Bruner tha week.
at G arnett’s.
298tf, Woolen Company’s line of fall and
Good food, cooked rig h t, served
i w inter samples. Call in and see
Ladies’ high-grade tailoring, iat- them. Cleaning and repairing done at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland
est fashions and woolens are now in on short notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Grill.
Visitors from Pendleton, Or.—
Mr. Funk and Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Green and son, Carrol, drove through
in th eir car today for a visit- with
Mrs. G reen’s aunt. Mr». A. R. Greg­
ory, and counsln, Mrs. G. H. Yeo. j
(C ontlnutd Frcm Page One)
Mr. Green is school superintendent
of Umatilla county. Q. H. Yeo and
witness was acting in an official
family and Mrs. Gregory, w ith their
capacity. Thereupon the court bound
visitors, made the trip to C rater
Goodwin to the grand jury with bail
Lake, retu rn in g Thursday.
at $1000.
Couneel for defense made a plea
Big dance at the Bungalow Wed­
a reduction of the bail to $500.
nesday night. Dancing, the couple,!
bears an honorable dis­
77c, war tax 8c, to tal 85c. Extra
ladies and ladies unaccompanied by! charge from the United States <jf
i America for services rendered in the
gentlemen, 10c.
, world war, which ought to be a trifle
Order your Fall Suit now from in his favor a t this tim e,” said Good­
P au lseru d ’s.
299-tf win’s attorney in concluison. The
plea was denied.
C atfish P lan ted —
J. W. B errian, superintendent of
the B utte Falls hatchery, received
8000 catfish fry Saturday and plant­
ed them in th e sloughs above Ray
Gold dam. This is th e first catfish
at Orres Tailor Shop.
294-tf Austin Bldg.
A quatic E xhibition A u gust 3 1 —
planted in Jackson county stream s.
The exhibition of th e children’s It is predicted they will do well in
swimming class under the direction these sloughs and ponds and will
of Mrs. Loeta Homewood a t the Nat- not inhabit the cold fresh waters.
atoriutn will be given on the even­
ing of August 31, at 7:30 o’clock.
Ladies, bring a beau with you to
the Bungalow dance W ednesday ev­
Save money by buying your Fall ening. His tick et covers th e w ar
Suit at P aulserud’s.
299-tf tax for both him self and lady. If
you come alone you m ust pay 10c
Suspected Men Cleared__
war tax.
R. L. Parish, F ran k M. Allen, T
E. Sturdevant, A. C. W isea and Jos Iuspec; H ighw ays—
eph 1 ruck, advertising salesmen for
Highway Engineer H erbert Nunn
a railroad magazine, detained here spent several days last week in Jack-
yesterday for investigation, were son county with D istrict Engineer
cleared of suspicion and released Hodgman inspecting the highways,
Now is the time «to start taking advantage of our
last night when the police depart and espec^aJIy the one over the Sis-
received a telegram from au ­ kiyous v*hich the contractor, Oskar
thorities at Los Angeles, Calif., s ta t­ Huber, is ready to turn over to the
th a t the men were all right. Sus­ state. Mr. H uber was also with them
on all cash purchases. This continues until
picion had been aroused here against during the inspection.
Mr. Nunn
SEPT. 15th
the men when a letter was received went on to Salem Saturday.
by th e Cham ber of Commerce from Hodgman is out on th e C rater Lake
when the White House will change over to the Grocerteria
a railway journal published a t Sac- highway a t present.
plan buying and selling for cash only at prices that will
lam ento m aking indirect charges
mean a real saving to you.
against the men. The men are repre­
Arrived»— S h ip m en t o f F ord Size ¡
sentatives of a railway m agazine pub M ason T ires a t L eedom ’s T ire Hos-
lished at Los Angeles, Oalif., ac- pIta’-
so o ^ t'
cording to police of th a t city.
Leave for Santa Monica, Calif.__
Your Patronage Is Invited
Ladies unaccompanied by gentle­
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. H argadine a n d ,
men and extra ladies. 10c a t the daughter, Mary Virginia, left this '
J. C. KAEGI, Prop.
Bungalow dance W ednesday night. m orning by auto for th eir home in
The w ar tax m ust be paid.
2t Santa Monica, Calif.
W h ite House
Two W eeks Vacation—
"Dangerous Business”
I t ’s d a n g e r o u s b u s in e s s
t o s a y y o u ’r e m a r r i e d
w h e n y o u ’r e n o t.
I t ’s a P e p p y S h o w — G o T o n i g h t
Comedy, Custard’s Last Stand
— Educations!
Tueudejr, August M, 1M1
“S h in e” Edw ards Next
Special Agent Gates was the only
witness against Jam es (Shine) Ed­
wards. He testified th a t he met Ed­
wards by agreem ent, and they drove
in his auto to the southw est part of
the city where a m an gave Edw ards
a bottle of “ moonshine,” and $10
was paid for the same. This bottle
like the bonded goods was introduced
as evidence, and was also but half
full. Gates testified th a t he and
Edw ards had taken a drink or two
out of it a fte r the purchase. He said
that he represented himself to be a
traveling man to Edwards. The wit­
ness also made the observation that
w hat he bought was “pretty good
A fter a short examination, the
court bound Edwards to the grand
jury, in $1000 bonds, a motion for
a reduction being denied by the
N either Goodwin nor Edwards
took the stand in their own behalf.
Bonds were furnished by both.
Up to noon today no word had
been received from the party of spe­
cial agents and deputies who left
Friday morning in search of boot­
leggers and stills in the eastern part
of the county.
‘2 P rice
lake advantage of this special offer and secure inv
expert treatments at half price.
Chiropractic—Electrical Treatments—Baths
A s h l a n d H c a lt h a t o r iu m
First Nat’l Bank Bldg.
Phone 48
O regon S ta te F a ir __
delicious peppermint
flavored sugar jacket around
peppermint flavored chewing gum
that will aid your appetite and diges­
tio n polish your teeth and moisten
your throat.
Mrs. B. O. W allsten, clerk at Mc­
Salem, September 26 to October 1.
Gee’s dry goods store, is on a two A wealth of ag ricu ltu ral, live stock
weeks vacation.
and Industrial displays, an excellent
racing program , high class am use­
We specialize on Taney brick ¡ce m ents and attractio n s, and ideal
cream. Rose Bros.
264tf camping grounds. A. H. Lea. Man- .
ager, Salem, Oregon.
300-6 *
At Crescent City —
John H. Fuller, secretary of the
Chamber of Commerce, is spending a FOR SALE— Iron bed and springs,
few days a t Crescent City.
sanitary couch and m attress, small
coal heater, garden hose, refrig er­
W atch Yeo's window.
ato r and dining table. Also Craw­
ford peaches. Inquire 143 Nutley
s t -. or phone 29<-R.
C om plim ents Park M anagem ent—
Miss M athilda G effert, 1022 Bel­ WANTED— W aitress experienced in
mont street, Portland, has w ritten
hotel work. Apply Hotel Ashland, j
to th e Cham ber of Commerce here ________________ 2^'
:300tf i
expressing g ratitu d e for the retu rn WANTED— Good woman cook to
of a coat in Lithia park. Miss Gef­
work b reak fast and do pantry*
work during lunch and dinner. A p-!
fert compliments the park m anage­
ply Hotel Ashland.
300tf '
ment for the efficient service ren­
FOR SALE— At a bargain, 16 acre,
ranch, all fenced, no buildings,
A nnual M eeting o f C hautauqua A s­
two building sites, telephone, elec­
tricity and R. F. D. If interested
w rite P. O. Box 231, Ashland.
The annual m eeting of the South­
300-tu-fri-2 1
ern Oregon C hautauqua association
will be held on Tuesday eveipng. FOR SALE— 700 shares of Gold
Ridge Mining company stock, will
Sept. 6, a t 7: 30 o’clock, in the
sell a t sacrifice. See Tidings is­
Chautauqua Pioneer hall. Election
sue of A ugust 19 for description
of officers for th e ensuing year and
of property and big strike. P. O.
Box 542, Ashland.
other m atters of im portance will be
considered. John H. Fuller, pres. WANTED TO BUY— Horse and light
F. J. Shinn, Secy.
wagon. 72 G arfield St.
c n r  -r t L J i
r --- WHIGI LV S-t
[ Z j 2 2 u F i c y W IN G f r u it
WANTED— W oman, of good appear­
ance, to w'ork in bakery, m ust be
able to make change. Apply Lithia ¡
S 'il
a t th e
; jJm
\ 'l
Every Wednesday Night
WANTED— Experienced dishw asher,
man or woman. Apply Hotel Ash­
No. 2 Box C a m e r a ..............$ 2.50
No. 2A Box Camera ......... $ 3.60
Vest Pocket Ju n io r ......... $12.00
1A Folding Camera ......... $18.00
2C Jr. Folding Camera . . $20.00
3A Folding Camera $22.00, $27.00
Like every man who does his own. thinking, you
want fine tobacco in your cigarettes. You’ll find it
in Camels.
And, mind you, no flashy package ju st for show.
No extra wrappers! No costly frills! These things
don t improve the smoke any more than premiums
or coupons.
A F u ll A ssortm ent o f Ansco and
Eastm an Film s
Bring Us Your Developing and
But QUALITY! Listen! T hat’s C A M E L S I
Quicker Service
Better Work
McNab Bros.
Best Music
They prefer Camels because Camels give them the
smoothest, mellowest smoke they can buy— because
they love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos,
perfectly blended— and because Camels leave NO
Keep the Doors of Memory
Open with an Ansco
Ansco -Cameras Make Perfect
Best Floor
Such folks know real quality—-and DEMAND i t
Snyder’s Royal Jazz Orchestra
The Coolest Place in the Valley
Biggest Crowds
•amels are made for Men who
Think for Themselves
'R oko JUL stun
____ ,
I. C