0 P A O » FO UR DAILT MPCTQg. Ashland N ew s in Paragraphs Local and Personal ------ Side Lights------- O verheard at th e Elks' Club— 'G reasy” says to ‘ Gravy” Ply- m ate: “ Ever hear the story of the dirty s h irt? ” “Gravy” says .“ No.” Then .“ Greasy” says, “T h a t’s one on you.” Visit Maxey F am ily — < At L ake of th e W oods— Orres cleans clothes clean. 294tf H arry A. Hall and wife, and Ed. W ilmer Poley and family are Sw inhart and wife, of St. Louis and spending a couple of weeks at Lukej R eturn from D u n s m u ir - New York respectively, are spending of the Woods. Mrs. Nellie Conner and daughter, a few days with their relatives, the ---------- .Mrs. Frank Hanna, returned from Maxey family, on Allison street. They Automobile insurance— Yeo, of D unsm uir, Calif., where they have are touring the coast in an auto and 1 course. 299-tf been visiting for the past week. have been to Lake Tahoe and ---------- through the Yosemite valley, and are R eturn trout Huckleberry H unt— Cliff Payne makes apple presses. on their way to C rater Lake and Robert Casey has been out huckle- 299-tf Crescent City, and will spend the berrying and returned last night with w inter at Long Beach and Los An- five gallons of berries. He spent At C rater Luke— J. Edward Thornton and family nearly a week a t Lake of the Woods. geles. have gone to C rater Lake to spend If you want the best there is, eat) Ju st received the new Bruner tha week. at G arnett’s. 298tf, Woolen Company’s line of fall and Good food, cooked rig h t, served ---------- i w inter samples. Call in and see Ladies’ high-grade tailoring, iat- them. Cleaning and repairing done at reasonable prices. Hotel Ashland 297tf est fashions and woolens are now in on short notice. K. Nelson. Hotel Grill. Visitors from Pendleton, Or.— MEDFORD TAXI DRIVERS Mr. Funk and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. AR E BOUND OVER TO Green and son, Carrol, drove through in th eir car today for a visit- with - THE GRAND JURY Mrs. G reen’s aunt. Mr». A. R. Greg­ ory, and counsln, Mrs. G. H. Yeo. j (C ontlnutd Frcm Page One) Mr. Green is school superintendent of Umatilla county. Q. H. Yeo and witness was acting in an official family and Mrs. Gregory, w ith their capacity. Thereupon the court bound visitors, made the trip to C rater Goodwin to the grand jury with bail Lake, retu rn in g Thursday. at $1000. Couneel for defense made a plea Big dance at the Bungalow Wed­ for a reduction of the bail to $500. nesday night. Dancing, the couple,! “Goodwin bears an honorable dis­ 77c, war tax 8c, to tal 85c. Extra ladies and ladies unaccompanied by! charge from the United States