Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 17, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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By M argaret R ohe
(W ritte n for th e U nited P ress)
T he price of eggs has clim bed so high
Its reached the highest pitch
No w onder th en we use th e th in g s
To m ake o u r food m ore rich.
Wednesday, December 17, 1910
boy, having gone out w ith th e old
F irs t com pany on th e en tra n ce of J
th e U nited S tates in th e w ar, and
la te r served in F ran ce w ith the 69th
Coast a rtille ry corps. Since his dis­
W ill S tart January 16
ch arg e from th e arm y he has been
At th e m eeting of th e local W. C. employed in th e local round house.
T. U. held yesterday th e county
recom m ended th a t all
T rinity Guild Social
’ schools of th e coùnty be invited to
T rin ity Guild will have a social
! observe J a n u a ry 16 w ith tem perance aftern o o n on T hursday in th e P arish
instru ctio n and study of the 18th house, a cordial welcome to all
I am endm ent, or a program .
This is a good plan, as o u r boys
SH E FFIE L D , E ng.— A tro u t m eas-
; and girls m ust be tra in ed to under-
g 15 inches in len g th stopped
i stan d th e alcohol evil and how to
In table decorations this year Santa preserve th a t which the nation has tbe CIt> s w a te r su p p b for a day. It
Claus will beam from the midst of gained in victory for efficiency, good was draw n into the suction pipe at
patriotic place-cards and the national citizenship and physical and m oral th e reserv o ir and w orkm en seeking
th e fa u lt found it tig h tly wedged,
colors mingle with the regulation green
w elfare.
and red. H ere are little figures made
but still alive.
of crepe paper, representing America,
63rd W edding Anniversary
England and France. They are sim ­
Rev. and Mrs. W illiam Johnson,
ply little pasteboard paper dolls with
printed or painted faces, dressed up In tw o well know n and dearly beloved j
paper clothes and tiny paper hats. To residents of th is city, today a re ob­
make the table complete, Belgium, serving th e 63rd an n iv ersary of th eir
Italy and Serbia are to be represented. w edding day.
Rev. Johnson is a
Each little figure might bear a tiny
retire d P resb y terian clergym an and
flag. They are supported by strips
of cardboard pasted to them a t the is still quite active in sp ite of his i
back and are to be used fo r place- advanced years. His wife has been
an invalid for some tim e. No spe-j
cards o r m erely for ornam ent
cial observance of the day m arked
the happy event, save th e m any c o n -!
g ra tu la tio n s th a t were sh o w e re d ,
upon this estim able couple.
The Social Realm
Table Decorations
NEW YORK.— W ith th e cost of
eggs m ounting to $1.50 per dozen
even the P rince of W ales, Em m a
G oldm an or th e m isguided fem ale
who invented and w ears those b ifu r­
cated garm ents,
pales into insignificance as a topic
of public in te rest alongside an egg.
Hence I feel it was a tim ely effo rt
on my p art to have got in close per­
sonal touch w ith a thin-shelled m em ­
ber of th e fam ily, no less an egg-
salted personage th a n a 1919 egg.
I found Mr. E g b ert Egg carefully
reposed in his private com partm ent
a t the C arton. He was tastefu lly a t­
tire d in w hite w ith th e date of his
b irth stam ped in ’heliotrope on his
left side in m uch th e sam e m anner
th a t ou r best dressers are show ing
The m onogram on th e sh irt sleeve.
W ell, w hat can I do for you, my
d e a r young lad y ? ” he said eggily,
w hen I had introduced m yself. “ I
can give you ju st fifteen m inutes as
I have an im p o rta n t date, w ith a
c u sta rd a t the end of th a t tim e and
will certainly have to beat it.
“ I would like to get your eggsact
opinion an en t the present eggsorbi-
ta n t price of eggs,” said I.
" In th e first place, I don’t consid­
e r th e price e g g so rb ita n t,” replied
E ggbert, m uch eggsasperated. “ All
th e fuss is a g re a t eggsageration.
W hy, we a re only beginning to get
o u r ju st due. And believe me, the!
price is going higher and higher. A | A ,arger figHre of Santa Claus lg
drop in eggs a t the present m om ent: also made of crepe paper with the help
w ould only spell d isa ste r for I as­ of white cotton. It is built on a stick,
su re you all th e best eggs would be with wires attached for arm s and legs.
On this fram e a body of cotton is fash
q u ite broken up in consequence.”
‘You m ust consider
w hat _ a royal loned, wound to place with thread.
p art o u r fam ily has alw"ay’s "pl'ay'ed! T*»« “ «»<> ls a bal1 of «>««“ covered
in history. H um pty-D um pty, ou r an- wlth p,nk crepe paper’ The eyes Hre
cester. was quite chum m y with a painted ° “ and 7 “ °? ? akeS th<?
— a r. i
. '
brows and beard. Red crepe paper
k “
™*‘ a,,d
E lks Dance Fine • Event
A large assem blage atten d ed the
E lks ball in th e club room s last
night. T he m usic,
furnished by
L aunspach's o rch estra, was especial­
ly conducive to dancing and th e gay
com pany enjoyed th e occasion to the
utm ost. The com pany was p rinci­
pally composed of A shland Elks and
th e ir friends.
A shland W oman Married
A nnouncem ents have reached Ash-j
land of the m arriag e of Mrs. E. A.
T horne of th is city, to W. J. C lark, a
well known passenger conductor for
the S outhern Pacific com pany. Mr.
and Mrs. C lark will m ake th e ir home
in Albany.
Popular Y oung P eople
Popular Y oung P eople Married
The announcem ent of th e m ar-
riage of Miss C laire T ucker and Dean
' Scott, two well know n A shland young
I peop,e' haS JUSt been m ade publlC’
a lth o u ^ h the w edding took place at
th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Slack
M e m b e r 1. I, w ,s .h e ir in te n tio n !
to not m ake th e announcem ent of |
I was talk in g to a Chicago cold stor- OOOOOCXXXJOOOOOCXDOOOOOOOOOO
th e m arria g e until they were settled
age egg th e o th e r day who knew thiss
in a hom e of th e ir own, b ut on ac­
C olum bus egg personally. Now I am
u n t of th e groom , who is in the
ju st a fresh young egg com pared t o 1
em ploy of th e Southern Pacific com ­
som e of those older boys, but I tak e
pany. being called unexpectedly to
it you a re a fte r a fresh view-point,
assum e a position in D unsm uir, th e
a re you n o t? ”
news of the w edding was m ade
W hen I assured him I was, Egg­
known. The bride is th e d a u g h te r
bert lost all reticence. He cam e
of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. T ucker of this
rig h t out of his shell and unbosom ed j
city, and is one of the ch arm in g young
him self en tirely frankly eggsuding i
women of A shland. She is a g radu-i
all th e fam ily secrets.
a te of the high school of th e class
‘N aturally, I am m ighty proud of I
of 1919. Mr. Scott is an ex-service
my fam ily, for while my m other w as,
an old hen, she was of excellent
breeding and my fa th e r was c e rta in ­
ly the cock of the walk. My b ro th ers
and sisters are all good eggs and if
some of the boys a re a little too fresh
and we all have a yellow stre a k , why
i t ’s only egg n a tu re a fte r all and
The United S tates G rain C orpora­
eggs will be eggs, you know. All
tion has a rra n g e r w ith th e m ills in
boiled down, I really eggsult in the
> Oregon, W ashington and Idaho to
fact th a t my im m ediate fam ily sets
offer to th e tra d e a “ S tan d ard P u re
such a good
eggsam ple for o th er
W heat F lo u r” equal to o r b e tte r
th a n th a t now being exported by the
"To be sure, th e re are d ark spots
; U nited S tates G rain C orporation, at
in o u r ancestry ju st as th ere are, no
i a price th a t will p erm it its being
d o u b t, in yours. I am free to con­
sold to th e consum er a t not to ex­
fess th a t th e cold sto rag e branch
ceed $12.00 per b a rre l; packed in
■of the fam ily is ro tten and even in I
24% lb. cotton sacks a t not m ore
th e m ost respectable egg fam ily you I W hoever she la. she will love th is th a n $1.50 and 49 lb. cotton sacks a t
occasionally find a bad egg. Take shopping bag of taffeta silk w ith Its not m ore th a n $3.00. If any dealer
my cousin, E ggm ount for instance ! ce,lu,old mountings, but if It m atches is unable to obtain th is flo u r a t a
th e re was a bad egg to r you
He i her 8treet 8Uit lQ co,or her joy in “ price th a t will p erm it its being re­
fpainerf «.-¡th
will be complete. This one is of navy
K ? b
ESS ,hOt ■>'»• «■ "«» »»<■« » ! '" KrteM red t .f - tailed a t not to exceed prices nam ed,
* e r . in bad odor With ihe healih de- , eta The
mou, „ |n s „
, he , o r if any consum er is unable to ob­
par m ent.
eggserted an evil sam e red and so is the long silk tassel. I ta in th is flo u r a t reta il a t not to >
influence over him and egged him The bag is suspended by a stra p at exceed prices nam ed please notify
on the road to ruin. Poor fellow, he the nayy silk.
th e
had a sad end. He got m ashed on
Grain Corporation
at 5 1 0 Board o f Trade B uilding
an actress and went all to pieces.
Portland, Oregon
T here h a s alw ays been q u ite an
a ffin ity betw een our fam ily and the
Q uite dozens of us have ’
m ade h its on th e stage.
“ My cousin E g lan tin was a tem ­
p eram ental young egg. Most people
on seeing her said. ‘Oh. isn ’t th at
egg flip?' but I really eggsonerate
h er of such a charge. It was ju st
h er eg g sh ileratin g sp irits. She really
Safety Razors. Gem, E nders, D ur­
did get to going a bit too strong,
ham , G illette.
though, and one E a ste r she dyed her
3 1 .0 0 to 3 7 .5 0 .
h a ir and painted her face and went
Shaving M irrors and Stands,
to th e W hite House to an egg rolling.
Clothes B rushes, T herm os Lunch
F rien d s who saw her last said she
K its,
w as going down hill very fast.
3 4 .0 0 to 3 5 .2 5 .
But. m ercy m e,” m urm ured Mr.
D iaries for 1920, Loose Leaf
contritely, “ I’ve not only
M ilitary B rushes, Bill Folds
eggshausted th e subject but you also.
F iction by Zaue G rey’
As a p a rtin g word I ’d like to ask
you to eggshort the public not to
kick on th e high cost of eggs. Re­
More De Lavals a re in use th an
m em ber. we are ju st full of n u tri-
Gift S tationery, 75c up.
all o th e r m akes combined.
tion and album en and equal to
S ta r E lectric V ib rato r, 35.OO.
The De Laval is tftne tested. It
pound of m e a t.”
was th e pioneer cream s e p a ra to r iu
And Mr. E ggbert Egg scram bled 1878 and has led in po p u larity and
sales for forty years.
up and m ade his eggsit.
I t’s th e wot .. a sta n d a rd cream
P ra irie Creek. W allowa county, has j
10.000 acre irrig a tio n project.
We Have Several Side
Lines This
Wool Slipper Soles
Hand B ags
Slipper Trees
V A U P E L ’S
68-72 E. MAIN ST.
The Store] With the
Christinas Spirit
F o r th e benefit of those who do th e ir C h rist­
m as shopping early, and to convince o th ers of
th e ad v an tag e of so doing we a re m aking ad ­
vance displays of Gift* M erchandise. Look for
our displays.
Blankets andXomforts
Those who know good blan k ets and eom forts
will in sta n tly recognize th e q u alities of our m er­
Made rig h t, bought rig h t and sold
r i g h t ................................................ 35.00 to 310.00
Dainty Gift Handkerchiefs
If you w ant to show your th o u g h tfu ln ess and
a t th e sam e tim e p resent a gift th a t will be ap­
preciated, choose a h a lf dozen silk or linen
handkerchiefs. Prices range from 5c each up
to $1.50 each.
Christmas Slippers
T ruly a gift th a t m eans m uch real com fort to
th e recipient, w h eth er m an, wom an o r child.
W e are fea tu rin g a splendid collection to choose
from , 32.00 and up.
Handbags and Purses
A handbag m akes a very acceptable gift to any
wom an, fo r it is so useful. W e a re ju stly proud
of o u r com plete ran g e of bags and purses which
we are show ing a t all prices.
Shirts and Cravats
O ur line of sh irts and crav ats th a t we a re show ­
ing fo r the holiday season is th e best and m ost
com plete in the h isto ry of th is store. A sh irt
-or tie never comes amiss.
Silk, lisle, and cotton of all kinds and qualities
comprise our big stock of hosiery. Through a
late shipment just received we are able to take
care of your holiday needs in this useful gift.
All prices.
Elite Hand Polishers
The woman who appreciates the importance of
a good petticoat as a distinct necessity in a
winter wardrobe will be most interested in
seeing our splendid line at all prices
Shop Early at Vaupel’s
Silk Shopping Bag
rT ’HE year now closing has been an
1 exceptionally prosperous one for our
We hope each and every one has re­
ceived his share of these benefits, and
trust that all will have a .
merry Christmas
and that increased PROSPERITY and
HAPPINESS will be yours during the
coming year.