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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
UiK lULUf AMOKLAX, TIIIKSUIY MOl.MNU, MAY S, 1 8.1.1. ; 1 . t 4 V Mil THE EXCaiENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS U due not only to the oripinallty and aimrlielty of the combination, but also to the care ami skill w ith which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to tho California Fio Svkit Co. only, anl we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fips is manufactured by the Califohxu Fi Svnup Co. only, knowledge of that fact w ill assist one in avoiding- the worthless Imitations manufactured hy other par ties. The hiph Mantling of the Cali fornia Via bvht i Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Fips has girtn to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken In them, and It dues, not gripe nor nauseate. In order to pet its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. At r Cisco, rL Ll ISYILLK. Ky. XKW TORE. .T. TODAT'8 WEATHER. Rain; cooler. AROUND TOWN. THOSE WHO WISH TO HAVE THK HONDA T EXTRA A3TOR IAN WAR EDITIONS DELIVER ED AT THEIR RESIDENCES OR PLACES OF BUSINESS WILL PLEASE SEND THIS COUPON WITH THEIR AD DRESS AS AUTHORITY TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE FOR THE EXTRA CHARGE. ICE CREAM Made of.... th Beat SWEET CREAM The "Spa." THURSDAY. Bluebird ia come again, singing and sing In.. Singing of lummer time, joy brimming over. Singing of apple blooms, bees and the clover. Tit Schilling's Bedt tea powder. and baking Beat Ice cream at tne Bonbonnlere. Sweet cream. 10 cents a pint, at the Spa. Kew Sail r at Iiunbxr', Midwife-Mr. Mary Make, TM Eichange trcet Don't forget the naval reserve benefit tonight New Laeeaat Dd ibar'. Try Golden Gate compressed yeat at the Parlor. Fresh cream, strawberries and ice at Foard & Stokes Co. When you want fine tea, good coffee and pices try Foard St Stokes Co. Born To the wlfa ot J. MoCormb k early yesterday morning, a daughter. Wanted An experienced restaurant girl. Call at the Model restaurant. If Snodgrasa doesn't make your tures, you don't get the best. pic- Just try one of those Ice creams with ' crushed strawberries at the Parlor. No extra charge fur reserve seats at the ' naval reserve benefit tonight at Fisher's. '' For Sale A quantity of clean news papers. Apply at the Astorian business Office. For Rent At Seaside, one siort building and one baker shop. Imjuirc of L. C,. West, Clutsop, Oregon. A new child's shoo found on thu s Of the Astorlan oltice can be had by owner calling at this ofllce. eps the New crop dried fruits, new crop raisins, figs and assorted nuts all extra fine qual ity, at Rubs, Hlgglns & Co. I i 1110 preteni proprietor is keeping up . the reputation of C. 3. Smith f,jr making ! nne ice cream at the Parlor. The ladles are taking much interest ln'li:'' ruiw.iy line ,,. meg,,., -i... r the war news and can daily bo seen scan- . Hhort Line -,nd th. W!,:t.- i nlng the Astorlnn bulletin boards. I lln-) in Portland arc trie trar.a!.rt.i is'itripanie whose h- ; rty oi-'i; r;tii.,n For Rent Piano in good condition; ,tu-" mmm;wi. has mad- : .. terms, $3 per month. Apply to Mrs. S. '" (''' together the state ,lj.-i,l .y. Normlle, Astor street, corner Third. (transportation has readily bo-i, u, , ', i to thwoinmirslon and n rri.-dit is Captain Randall of tho tug Relief, while j the railway lines for 'in,- fie' off the mouth of the river about 2 o'cioi it j All r.-cognixe th,- 1,, n'ii's n, i. ,., yesterday afternoon, spoke the American 'f'"-'" thoroughly advert: ing tho r so . steamer Indiana, 68 days from Philmbl- I "! state." Every Dollar saved counts. Buy Schilling's Best bak ing powder and use only one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of flour. 6io i-he signalled "All well.' Hoirt from up river show that fln are running lutht there as yet, but the run In the lower river continue fair. A rti'h treat l In store nt Fisher's to. nlht for ttw lover ot iM'Hl mitilc ami the tiitvul re.rve boy will he bent lilted.. Come early anj leave your order for Memorial l:iy flower or itcliin at Itot nutot'k Hro.' opposite Cooper's. New ColUr at itinbr'. l'uv your ticket for M cent for the na val reerve benefit (onitrht ami then et your reacrvo without extra th-tnte Social S.ilo-Th IW llivo-Chl.tpcr thin you oan make them. Indies' Crash Hit. I-,tlcs" St-ive suit. Tin week only. If our Headache Tablets fall to cure your headache In ten minutes return the phi. hound to the found. i bottle an.l get your money. i;nar n hob- Th, n lsarnca went nfti-r the aprit. lt.m- era. tlracR:st. j.iU.n aal.l he wna rxcite.l nt the time. I . , . , , , ! '''I t th: ptKnt ulovlch r- .i. t-r A reaulaf pantoni ne of view, depict. r:.,,. ,, ,h rn , fr. Ins the life and h a.ory of Astoria an.l , ,, r ,., ,, (M mi, h .euvenlr. of he city and country at th, lv ,,,,. 1M,ir, , l U (,!N .,. I Snodprnaa sa.lery. , 0w m,t u ,, ,1 ! The harp la many psip',es fsvor.te ln irunient. Harper la every one favorite whl?ky. Sold by Koard Steko Co.. : Astoria, Oregon. The ,u!'.-r!ptlon Hat for the park Im provement fund la tl.i'.ly srowini: l.ircr and a sum of money that will da aome pxxl Is now In sight. j Napiha waahit everythtis wah-j able, from the tUlnt'.ti laces to the 'est clothe, whether they are cotton. woolen, or silk: three t ara " cent, t'h.i Rofers. Memorial Pay 11 be (centrally !throuhout the city. Hanks, public build- ; Ins- and atorew will be closed an.l arrn'- I priate exercisce held tlurlnc the day and evenly. j Now Is th time for spring rleanlna. ; After that cornea new linoleums, wall i paper and oil clotha. Have you een our . tock O. V. Porter, ola Central Hotel j I bu!M!n Commercial straeL i wTleat Punbar'a. i l.-ft On Eleventh or Commercial i atreet. a pie,-,, of muale entltbal "M-'m-' Injr Is Well Nich." Kinder will plea, re- turn at rnce to Mm. C. . Ku'.ton. a.' ' It I needed at tonight' entertainment. j If you have hldea. wool. fur, rata. ' bottle, lead. bra. corPr. b.ine. or any ' kind of Junk for a!e. h!p It to R .M. ' Caton, IX Fourteenth :reet. Astoria. Oreron. or write h'.m and he will rsll at ' your place and jet It. H paya cash I It I reported the tue Relief will leave I In a few day for the sound to brine over : th stenmer Victorian. The Wtorar. It ,ia tated. has proven n failure, a her , I machinery 1 too powerful for her hull I ! She will te taken to the b--ne yard In ' Portland. At the meeting of Ator lodge. K. of r.. held last night. It was deceldol by ur.anl ' mous vote that the due and si' k benefits of all member who enlisted In the d ! fense of the Star and Stripe would be : paid by the lo.!,-e during their term of , service. This Is another ar: of patriotism. ; In line with the American spirit that will ; help make our arm invincible. I I The body found fl.vitlnc n-'.ir the Flacl j i dock Tuesday w-ns ld.-ntiflal as that of a! man nnm..i William Teller, who w is drowned ab.-ut Mve month ago while! .luck hunting n-ar T-irgue Toint. The ; . fc'tly was badly t!. n.m:'M ml wis hurled ly by (".ron.r F .hi. T-! I ; lr. .it the time of h.a d'santetinn.-e, was ! t- have b.-n married In a f-w days. i REMEMHER. THURSDAY MAP.'.! I.l'FF'S FINE LINE OF LAMES" SHOES WILL I'.E ON PISF'LA Y AT, PETERSEN" Jt rtr."',YN"S THIS HofSE - IS JI'ST NOW EXTENHIN".; IT-5 M'SI-; NESS TO THE COAST. Will.'!! WILL ! BE AFFOMliKD THE I'l.l VILE' IES oE ! THE MoP.E roITl. jl'S LdSTRI" TS y THE EAST. At the special meeting of the c.ty omn . ell held night there was little bus.n. ss ! transacted. The mayor presided and all j the members . except Mr M-iin-gor. were : present. A rv,lu..on wa-a Intr.alu, a and adopted changing the Eleventh street sewer from 1 ln hes to 12 Inches. The street committee' rejxirt against chang ing the grade on Alameda uv-nue was adopted. The sum committee reported fav,jra,bly on locating :t light on Commer cial street at the depot entrance, and the light was ordered erected. Fifty Springfield rifles, with belt and .bayonets, arrived here yesterday for Corn ' pany 2, Oregon naval r. servea. The arms I were distributed 1,11 night and th- mm. j hers were drilled at trie In the ! manual of arms. Ll.-u' Sherman ! rrad a command fr.,m Lieutenant fom i mander I.ewLa Informing the Junior ottl jcrs of the company ti prepare th-mselv-a 1 to pass a csiminny examination at h-.-end of M'-n days. The was also j !ntruet,d to apeir wnhou; l-gi;:r..i at j the r.a ejitlon tu b given th. in at !';-! .-i 3 ojeTa loiugn'. anu to a-s.-mt, promptly at H o'clock at 1c a,, iar-, rJ ! - the pion'a-r road of the w.-wt In ndopl- A man giving the name t W. il. rvm i .r.e ill imprnved facllltbn for the safety wa up I,. for.. Police Juuge N.-,s,,n y,-. in. njoyment of paascngi-r. An lllud terday on a charge of vmfratvy. (.- wasl'ri',-.! pamphlet, showing v.-ws of h-au-arr.-stial by the rr'lice the night, le-for '...'il M-.-n.-ry along tho route of the Pio us he was known to be v;t,ir,g hou."- in : -i- r I.'mlteal, wlil he sent free to any p.-r-, niontown f'.,r 'h,-all'-g'd purpose of li.iv. i 'on upon receipt of two-, ent pos'agc ing the r.-sl'b quest.-.) for th num'.-. i'oj. ,ti,I r. -job 'S '..-n's in advane.-. claim-. 1 to be hit. ring At the he from a.sthrna and to the i our.ty jail attendance. if. curt by o.ughinit his rcou.-st, J.idg. tenc.-d him to z !-. the privilege of i time. askcl ,, ,.- .:,! vi as to hive rn-dle,, uernon.sirateii .j,., the r- 'ir, to a o; .V. is- y- in iv ing n. h,c.s.-v r. s.-t,. ei'V J.lii Wi-ll A bull-' in i-sii' l 'r h ,-.,. hoi-.,- ; or ill" on eon emm, ; ,r ... , exiiiiion f.'iys: "Th.. or, ti I: u' Navigation eompanv. !,- a ...-.. i lutii'.i t I'.lv, r rallnav. tl... Souilo r- d-al ; die i -h'. i I II j Th- I ri;il of Mitch, I Zuluvich tor , niurdcr of Frank II. I'.nimh rford. ki, j as Pat llarnes. Siturday night last Mug nn altercation m their lishin:: b on -Miller sands, was concluded In , W II j inr-1 the mer Justice court yesterday and th,. pri, held In Z)w bonds to appear h.-rore the mxt grand jury. A number of witnesses wore examined and their testimony varied but little. Hofua fulb'-rtson, boalpulhr of the murdered man, was examined and his evidence differed but little from his statement already publish, si. Culb.-rtson is 19 years old anil was horn In Troutdale. Anton J. Langren and Peter Shultg were trifling- In the vicinity u the time of the shooting sn.t tottiie, t,, herui, a voice MylUK "Let niu alone," which wn spoken In knkhI Knllh. nnd In from three to live minute afterward heard allot, fob lowed, liv three it roe n a lan tiunytm, another ftahcrmnn. teetitlod to (ho anie the irtvetlliiK wline. J Hruco lol worth, protivutliiK attorney of Wuhkl.i kiim rounty, Wmdilm-ton, who wa pro ent at the trner Impicst at 1'illar Hock, produced the bullet extracted from the ll. t,y irt of the rlchl nrin of Harm- Martin Houcaitcn. lvottpiiier for Zulovtch. tiwtlllr.l through an Interpreter. Ilia evi dence in auhatnnce x,t that thev lal,l out on the inside or channel tlrift. near 1'illar li.vk. ami after laying ut nU'iit t:V fathom of net, t fathoma reniiiiniii in tne rs'n. no Heard voice try out. "la that you. Martin?" Harnea told hint to pull .town stream mid not crona ,u net. ! win, n He did. Harm on, I hi loMtpuller laying on their cmr. Ki, kin up to I hi '"W. nl bumped Into It. llnrnea I I'unc a soundlmt bad at lua captain, hut ; it mlc,t him. Harm grabbed nn oar an.l j -.uioti.h, pullisl the .mr away from linn. when the two boata met. Harm letting ko h.a not to aheer the other man down atrtam. Aa the U-ata came fto-thcr t'ul- , Nrtaon atal.d he ttuild not ahove off from ' ,'nlot !, h boat, , (h latter had made . Ih. in both faat. Oilhertaon toid u i;o.mi ! a;ory whl,4i waa not h.ik.u on i ! evinv. nation, but part of It w.ia eontr.i i d . by the eviden. v of the puller 1 for Zulovlch. WHKN XATfUK . Xe,! aaaiatanco U may be btt : dor I: promptly, but one should to ren-rcniem- 1- r to na oven the m w; perfect retiu -.Ilea ly whrn neiHlial. The l.t and moat n"le and centle rcm.ilv la th.. ,r.m of KiK, nmnufacturtd bv the fallfonila y.g s rup Co. THE ASTuKt.V TKAM WON. j Took Four StmlKht itam.-a Knun Hw.t.n I Howler twist Nurht. V team of elsht Iniwler from th.. Ilwaco I Athletic club met a team from the A. K. i. on the latter alley l.,at The cam, w ere quite Interesting, the llwa. o nun mailing a very not'd showing when It is considered that they were on atrance alley. The local how ler made cotiaiaieiit score and won four straight icaine. ( II Coi'Pcr wn hurh for the home team, with !M. Mar leading the visitor with 111 The host score of the evening was V. It. Sovcy 31. The total follow : ILWACO ATHLETIC CI.I'M. Mar llureh Swans. .ti M oran Wilson Hold trvatull U.I l 1.91 !- 131 l.'T lit 111 abor Total 1.4: ASTORIA FvTHAI.L C l.VTt. ". H t'ooper i:aj t C. Pulton n: I". H. S.ivey I- H. llarrough W. C. I,tw f. It. Higgln f. J Trenchard f. Ii. Il-nnli u: u: HI in IM is: in,, til." Via. cr.-s by Tt l The home tam overag 3.-S. The : It or" av-ng.. being C. came follow: I A. f IIS A. F. '" i: .1 M E, 'I! THE NAVAL I'.ESEUVi: Th- Ladie" R.-lief Corp have pl.inne.ti i - iTioiic f-ntenalnment for the ben- "it ,f th-),ya of the naval reserve, now dal.y exp.'"ting order to go to war. Th- en-j t -r'aitim.-nt will be Int.-reating In every le'-iil. and ivt doubt r Isher o,-a ho, He j will b.. tilled tonight bv the friend ..f the i 1 "''' and the citit. n wh ' ,r h.-m.alves If n-.-ded program p-aks fr Ita-lf: , would L Tle f-clo ' n .-rt n-e )r, hestrn. (uariett "Sir aua Valse." Sopranos Mra. f. W. Fulton and Mrs 11. Vanillism Altos-Mrs. C. J. Tr-nehard and Mrs. 1 J v'( Sol, "Trump, Tramp, Tramp." Mr W 1 Harker. I' ,.b Selecte.1. Ml Iura F x. Solo-Selected. Mr. F. J. Taylor. Liu.-tt-Selected, Ml I'earl Hold.-n and Vt. K. Iiurnett. Solo "Mol of My Hert." Mr. It. Van Tiuaen. Medb-y National Airs, Orchestra and audience. Solo A Dream," Mr. J. T. Ros. Ins'rumental duett Selected, Mrs. Th. Ol-s.-n and Miss Conn. Sol. ' t. all Me Rack." Mr. 8. Danxlger. I'.e, Itiition-Helccted, Mr. T. S. McKean. Solo "Redouln Ivo Song." Dr. R. P.ur netL , Ladle fpinrtette "Soldier's Farewell." Musical director Mr. E. Janson. A'-cmpanlsts Mrs. Th. Olsen and Miss E. f'.nn. THE PIONEER LIMITED N th- name of the only pTf-t train in I'h- world, now running every n.ght b-tw-.-n St. Paul and Chicago, via the 'h--.igo, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway i :m,. Addn-as (Jf.rg'J H. H -aff rd, Pa.swngi-r Agent, fhlrngo, III. INDEPENDENT REIT I: LI' 'AN NO. A-'oria, May K.-To tho Editor of the A-' I ha v read with Int'-rc-u and 'ipp r ival the I'-ttcr In y.-sterday's As o.' bv "Independent Republican. " I !o :,.,i 'hitik, however, that the respon - ' -il.'y for the rwluction of taxes for the i ' ro.,, ir cent should r.-.t enlif-ly I th- county court. As I under land It, '!. En1-,, ti appeared 1,, fore ihe court as he .ftorwy for the rallpm.l and ,,'ke.l i ' ti,.ile Ihe reduction and th n af'er- ,r,! when tho properly holders a.-lcd 'a a similar reduction Wiit le 'ore the e.r and opposed It. 1 DEPEND KNT REPTT1LK 'AN No. . THK HAWAIIAN 11 "ESTION" '.'iishinglon, May 21. The active oppon 's of Hawaiian annexation In tin- ,v:M- nitre. d to an arrangement for daily -',.n of the senate, Icninning at 11 lo. v., 'inly alter an understanding be e,ii the republican Hi-naiois thai ihe v. lian 'luestlon sliould not bo ai n- .'ly i" o j ;,i the senate In any form this scs ion. f 'OA L FOR DEWEY. San i-iancl.uo, May 2". The steamer Nlng fhow has arrived with (i cargo or coal from Pugct sound. The government Ins been negotiating for the charter of the collier for several days, anil It Is pos sible that Him and her cargo may lie sent to the assistance of Dewey's fleet. A big enrt'o of coal already purchased by the government has arrived here on the Peter Jebsen, which may nlso go to Manila. WORK IX ASTORIA I'liitsop Mill llin I'iutuii nnil Oihcr rropcrty IKstnncit. IMIKTSICMON niKl VIINin I Linic SiaitiJ iii I ii , i iic H,im tlrniif work oi f it )i(Mieitifi ,nul M.iui olnt(fr Soaiv au-iilcntv I The ni..-t dlsaatrcua ,r ,, y(Mrt (H.. i curi-Ml in A-toria at :l .V o', lock yeatcrday jafti-rtioon. atroy :,- conipl. ti-ly t. box I factory of the Clai.-on Mm (, , ,ie I'o j tiiinhiu cannery. iti I'acitl,- fnion ,-an-jiiety. the old n, nweb. r cannery and,- uie roadwav of Kx. h.uiKo air.a-t. III.,, ,,,TMey r.i. ir,tle. and th,. rail. The tiro In the encm,, room of the N.x factory, and i ., moment the entire building wa.a a man. of tlitmea. The tliv denirtmeiu w.ia a.s.n on the Rrviin.i with all tho ai.paratu, the city The llremeii were .puckly Jo,, ,v hundre.N of voliinteera and tlrapit,. the h. rol,- efforta of ill It ., ,M, ,.V,,. that the U.v fa.-torv waa,-,l wind from the ,,: preyailed at the t:me. which .ie,l the amm fron, .batruc- ' "minion or an w.t.a now bent to prevent th,. aprea.l of lam,. a to ad- lo.nitiK- property, but not w IthataiidltiK " "rate, rtorta tn,. ii.,,,,,., caiiKht oiumtM. and Tactic I'til,,,, ,.. n,., which wen, burned to t, ,,,.r i n.-n e.inie th k- ,,r r J diti Ko,ti ... , ry was next In the lin or in iron or u. tire monster and f r a tunc etu. , erta ti or . , I men. under .. ,., p.j,,,, f Addilt..i,al V'.b. rt Set. I o".r en ,:ic,r co.ll.a .IM, woW,, aa : inv.r before. II, re th.r.- wa, ,m,- torn observed and with aati.-fa.ti,,,, tt. boy aw that thnr hard work .,.. ot m vain. The brewery w aa saved In the ne the wnd carried aparka ""o- ity ,,, trie l.o,.!i c.itlttery. which , aught tire but the Maine, ,.re ,iil, kly cxtlnguMi-Hl and ,, damage wa Ion,. .,t , with th- :,i e.uin.-ry ti.jr by. Sivirk . t the r,f allre, whi.i, ),1 mllllllea N for,, the del i'.ir-Mletlt could g,.( t ,, l,v ,,,, ,.. ,,. I'lii'ding waa t,.irnnifc. ,,, little r ii i.a a., ti,h r.iilro,,! trestle w.ia r' -ie. but Maoag r t'urti had a gang of m-n stahoned there with buck- eta an.l no damage w.,a done The a:-,tn- r Telephone ate.,m.i down .,,. that time and M.a,.al . I.,,,, ,,r h,w (1,h.,r, h..-. keep the In ohcslt lit tllla I' ' n . i he daniag., to Hx. hang,- a:r.-.-t . not gre.,1. t pink, ng u;, It, ..,,-,., .,, a W Veil W .1 '',-low. The tug Itcii.-f, fa,,!.,,,, lt.,.,,.,! ...I I had to Ih- tire u',ti i- it inthorn a 1 1! n.-ry t.-ct.-d thf fr ,rn tltlng a,.,rka. and pr-. A n- ar aa ctii.i b. stun ,:, .I l ist Ir..i,t the tosv, a w in as f,, . flitsop M,i; fi-; ,i ma-it-.- s; . ,. oimicit . ami. rv J.' ((,.,, ,. I'.c :!.- I'niori , anne: y J; . "inn.-ry t: '- : r-.-ta and 111 fits . elotn ing ' n-h. rni. n. :.,r. ,) m tl Th'" estimate ,ia t,, ?1" , i,.. it.. I s -IM tl m i,i :i . -. t r i i ' ir.-o nunil. P-.l ... op, . hut I Iftl i '"P, -r S. m 1 f t'honia .. tor. d In th !: ,il no -h t,.-: tthi.h j I-,:-.,. d , inn. ry I tho tir- a (,.,. ,,rr. .1, i,; .,. . ., rat .. 1 ! i-. n r. ,, . iv. n n , no . , ii in i n,-.-,r "i .r, ,r th- U,x ( l,y a 'ini1- r "'I'd have dr. Vt I ho n th h. .1,1 k. ! I ho ',-sir-l atid v P. Adams p in;.. ,,f th nped In and mt'lof. ea I'ill-sl h t, of th.. r,, io'.' foiinor. hud t, a, up- the fir.-, and bi.ily burned. , lump l-lrn. a ,rl-..ird t 't.erg waa M iv.r , half the , und.-r the xt" li.-n, . oda The Ibrginan and others wh - ,,,e aseri.-,i tnat not on.--lam ige wouid hat-.. la done old volunteer system and with I not, und.-r scat.. mat l- nicth 1,11,1 nr.. oepartnient Is bx 'mull to hand sin h a bl.11.. as th,,. . l-eat.-i soioij. ano nan it not l-eri f,,p the goHl work f Volunteer that whole end of town would have gone lit. In u,ot.. 1 no nr., 1irtmerw romnnnie did .,,i,n. in worn, ano w-.-re ,rompilv on II,.. , .-. nut alone would have been unable to ,sn,,e with Ilia emergency. iETS Till: AMEIIIfAN FI.A !. Ian Er inels, o. May T. -The ,..!.m. r Z' Will be t.ret.lired I,, a:,,l t..r XI-,. nll.i with tr,-,,s i-n,..r ..t f ,.nKrP sh. Ih admltt.-d i Am-rlcan charter and when -he s-,ila next it whl b. with (he S'ars n, Sfr!t a , h-r masth-ad. fan- tain Howard will lose no time ! ,ich.,rg. Ing the vessel ..n.l nreo.'i Hi,,, t..- .1... .. - m,l i'i,n ,,f troop. It la ,-xp-ei...l that will be r.-.-idv to s!i in a w-e.-k SHORT STKA MEItH Son Francis.... Jlnv i",. Th.. O.-winie :"' ,:e-lii, Ci. ),,M .,.n w,., oll or arni-ra bv 'h gov. rune ti'. and a every !ll,-r V. ss, ,,,,rt (a eli!' ,L., ,I ll i .... i-,t.. t,.i Honiiiuiii t , Ide,,':,! ;he I,rl -. ih- piaserig. rs Iviolc'-d f,,r ill I,,- I in ri Oriental i" d ov, r to the ( ic. for p.iHsage on I 1 " i "o i a,, , rror. ivaH madi hart ,, s,..,,m,.r ft.nntor ,,, ,,W,lt, , eiiotmoii :,, , uniulatioti ,,f grain In T ' old not b. spared ,y ),'-r on n'-rs. THE Y'H"N,;KST VOLI'NTKEIl. an Fran, i urn,-, r of Fie til le ' 'I T ". M iv '.'" - Tho youngest Ic- present cmpalgn has ,1,'. lie l,i Dollgl MS li.elge, and he found stowcii "V " ih- of Hvdney. wh.-n the '. 'iMIIL' nor win put aboard it tujr to Vi a -hoi.-. It '!"kl:ind wl 'long In h' l oli c, ., W), eh''iv, foitgnt still, l. rnly the big h id In i hargo. silll '' rminallon to go wuh Ih ('ve him tht'ie lo-arly I "1 lllltl, HA TTAI.lo.V A Kit I VKH t r- In rs I . M.iV :'-,.-The Third l.allallon, ' ', i 'nit "tale volunteers, arrivd lure " ! I'oii'l.i. f:-.,m lar-'uria. The ball.-i-' h ! ",iN,w,,l .,r Sli". men under the "mi,,;, nd ,,r foi ,n, I Whalley. Tho troops In.m. look the elect rle cats for Van, over h.rraik. where regimental h, ,Hl,iiariets w.ll be established for the SIMPSON wants COMMISSION. T'ljeka. Ka.c, May 2.1. Congressman J'-n.,- Simpson wants lo go to war as col onel , f ., Kansas regiment. Immediately af'T Ihe publlf atlori today of a call for aouiilonitl volunteers, Congressman Himp son t, I, graphed to Governor I.edy for ail Hiorlly to raise n regiment and asking for a commission us Its colonel. It Is prob able Congressman Simpson's request will he grunted, Lead in Prices ? Well, I Black Brocade Dress Goods.! New weatea lit the latent c valuca, apeclal at It ll Vallloa, npe, lal ill . $1 Z value. Ntecla at . ., (Ted a . . 4'C per yarn ;: per yalMl tkv p, r at,l ii . value, apeeinl nt II II. per yur.l Tha r.iliioilon a uniiaii ally irnvtt, yet there at,, oilior e.pially atlracth., fea ture to (hi tlicaa (i'Hsla. offerinK the Wide ttldtba f , (l1 u, , ,,,., did erM tiM li It I y tif ( hi mi u ii v ft' i' Nililitiirr. New Wash Goods. o' vuliioa In S. ot.l, l.anna, -r hm l.'Se value t'ercale. per yard S'c In Sateen, per yard v r:sc valine In Puniii,-. Wr janl . 7c Apron iHiiKh.tnu, per yard .. New Dress Skirts. i I-. t.'iv value In Ulaek I'Vure.l, m . i I-' '"' t ilu.a In lil u k i: Ih'iV value in,,, I, , i .. , M ,'ai value ii, Mn,i t',..,r, at ... ).' N iluea (n Mte, tSdor.a. nt t : Shanahan Hil.l. SU i: tin MHNKl' n EVKKV Nominees' Cards. FOR Jl'STIf K OK THE I'EAf K (Atorla l'rcln, t ) John Abercrombie RKCl'LAIl REI'l'ULICAN NOMINEE FOR SHERIFF. J. W. WILLIAMS i'nion Nominee. for cocnty clerk Harry J. Wherity iiE'ii'i.AR Ri:rri!i.if.N nominei: Felt cocnty clkrk. Perry A. Trullinger UE'in.Alt I'M, N CAN'IHIi.VT!'. A0ENT8 WANTED Ag"nt and ranver to ll Dr Kllck's Pocket No Inhaler for catarrh, asthma, and lung and throat disease Hells ear for Jl. Dig profit. Write for samplit and terms. Dr. Kllck Medical Company, Cincinnati, 0. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 1, A. T. AND A. II. Regular communications held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. Q. W. LOUNBBERRT. W. M. B. C. HOLDEN. BscrtUrr. PROFESSIONAL. h.'t. (TROSBt! '"' ATTORNET-AT-LAW. ttt Commercial Street. JOHN T. LIGHTER. . ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Office, upaulra. Astorlan Building. C. C. B ROWER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Qunderson Dulldlng, Aatsrta, Oregon. DR. 0. & ESTXS. FHTBICI.N AND SURGEON. Special attention to diseases of women and surgery. Orrire, over Danxlger itore, Astoria. Telephone No. 61 Q. A. nOWLBY. ATTORNEY AND COL'NHKLDR AT LAW. Ofllce, Bond Btrect, Astoria, Or. DR. JAY TUTTLR. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office, rooms I and (, Pythian llulldlng. Kl Commercial Street. Realdence same. Telephone M. Acting assistant surgeon Uultod Btutes niarlno hospital service AHHIGNEE'8 NOTICK TO CIlKDITOItH Notice Is hereby given that Ihe under signed has this day been appointed as signee of Rcherrri Btrauss, an Insolvent debtor. Creditors of the said assignor are hereby notified to present their claim under oath to the undersigned within three month fn m this date nt his place of business at No. S7S Commercial street, Astiuin, Oregon. Dated this 11th day of December, 1K97. N. HCHLUHHKI. Aslgneo of Rebecca Btrnuss, an Insolvent del-'or. Bicycles l.'i' K -, K'KVs A Mi KWINl, MAi III tl-;,..., Alio all I.litht Repaired I'aalleg l ead, "n K Ml 1.1 M lehiniiry. C. H. Orkwitz 111) lih'ANK. CASIORIA For Infiuits .nd Children. r-D f..0. i.iiiit it ' I'le :aiH. 'S'.r-rt ;-. -t DEWEY Table Oilcloth. I'l Hi, U hit., Marbln Wo,h patt, r, ,,.,. toe,v, Tabla till 11,, ih r ,,, .., uuallly, full 40 lllclicat wide, p. r yartl, I.V Shelf Oilcloth. fan. v McalloptHl lMgn Hllr ,.,,,, (, i-t color, IlKht r ,llirk ,3 !,.,.. W'de. ,ipe,,,r .pinllty, ,., y,,,,, j ,., Boys' Knee Pants. Hot a' heavy l'otloii, Hoho pant. In laik Kiev or brown mlviuie rtia value. -r pair ' ., Hot a heaty all-w,m flirt-lot k nr., . Ill dark liiUliire. alue, per lr WH ,,,,,,1,, i Vila . .ieV Toilet Soaps. I in i, t illv ,, I lycerlno Complexion Hoap, ...i;,c !'.'. lal at Th., New Yellow, K(l 8(inil ()r () '"7 iMg; iMsher Brothers ASTORIA.... l.lllklCATIMI OILS A 5li:CUl.TV S1CL1, B 1 1 1 1' CIIANDLERT HARDWARE IRON AND 8TKEL COAL tlRiH'ERIES A Nil IMIOVIHIONS FLOCfl AND MILL FEED PAINTS. OUJt AND VAUNISHEF I UHlOEItB' 8L'Pl'LIE8 FAIRHANK B SCALES I IXMiRH ANI WINDOWS AliltlCl'I.TCItAL IMPLEMENTS) WAOONH AND VEHICLES SEASIDE SAWMILL A complete stock of lumtwr on hand la j ih rough or lred. flooring rustle, i rrlllna ail all kinds of rinlih; molding nd shingle. Term reasonable and i rrlce at bed roc x. All onlers promptly ' .tended o. om, s and yard at mill. II. F. L, UlUAN. j Healde. Oregon. Proprietor I UDItS" IM) l.tMLCMtN'S Underwear .nor to oitorn Itrkt fltys Thorough Workmnip Prlc l James Murphv 420 Comtnerclil Street. THE PROOF of th pudding Is In th Httai and th proof of HqtMr IS IN SAMPLING That's an aigumatnt that's mam eluslv a demonstratlosi. Ours will sUnd th tL HUGHES & CO The Choicest Table Wines... For Families Also for Medicinal an Cooking Purpos ih-lvate Stock. Cream Rye, Old Hickory, Pride of Kentucky and HermltMr; llaav sold California Rrandles. Carlson's FamilyLiquor Store IM TWELFTH 8TRBBT J. B. WYATT, I'linnr No. 6H Astnrls, Oxci-r I Inr vvre, Sliip ChHtidlcry. (iroeerleB, IroviHionn. DAINTH nnd )ILH. fecial Altcnllun I'aldlo flupplylng Khin Bonn tho Blgnnture of t Ihe Kind You Hate Always Boughl guess we do. Men's and Boys' Golf Caps. Hi.,, til mid Tan. or iliay nnd lllaek, d llolf t'.ip. with patent laather Vlnola, I I f value, racll Qq White Unlaundrlcd Shirts. Vc v.ilu.a Willi I. , lln.ii bo at In Men White 1'nlaui, dried liif.acr.l back and front. ,ev etlra We mull,,, IKielal MO Glnnham Aprons.,, of Hlandanl ilinKhaiu, In blua blow t, . h, i : inl.r. . ,-. t iNiitom, a nit wall .ISO lua. I., and well sewrd. moI Children's Sunfconnets. M.i.ln of ftnihric ilina-hama, Uni rxl r.reale. In check. lrlpe, and plain , olii, , tch Ma Lace Curtains. of I. a, n t'urtitln to b cIomnI 'dd pair out tills w . k laic jmlr and up Bros. l'l III'IUM.'. The Imps- Th. tn nrr nil k n ln f Imp In hat,, but the ki. itrt imp' ! Imp olti,,n of In ferior ,nii;,y n.tuj.Kiu.ird brhiml Ih i, , initio ..f ,,w pti.r Whrn the mk t off it will l. t,,o t.i net your money I, i k Th beat w iv I to iivi your money In advance by l uting thn beat hon, which h.ia r,,oKii!,. tncr'.n with nothing mak- rd or cti.-nlrd Petersen Brown. & Healthy Appetites J - : A 'ills - ' " f. - i -v Kncoiirngeil by ,-utln, f ,od me.t. combined with flue, healthy vrgnlahles. If you want a juicy, rip,, fruit or any other nddlthin, i ornn whers the best only la offered, and that t niodemte prices. hohh. nniuiNa a co, The reason for it. W have bf.r ;n the Shoe business in Astoria lor many years, dsrlaut which time the wants or our raav tomers have bea thoroughly at4 le and adequate preparations mad to rr.tet their svsry demand. W carry th Uirjrcst sloik In lln city. . . and every purchase we make ha th approval of our many year' -Prlenea ffiS'T JOHN IIAHN. THE PARKER HOUSE CENTRALLY LOCATED- Cor.icmrNlntl, , Ah,r HUw Guests Received on American or European Plan. OAHTOniAi Bean the j The Kind You Haw Always BoujM . -. J"9& it. . ys 1." a.: