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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1898)
TI1K DAILY AST0K1AN. TIIIHSIUY MOKMNfl, JANUARY 27, IK8. TODAT'8 WEATHER. lUiln. AROUNDTOVN. TIU'KHIUY. Constant consideration In th secret ot llrlndhlp Kurh Anhmnr. Try chtlllnt'i llest tea and ttaklnc powder. Cheapest milk In the oity, at th. Parlor. The season of broken lens In now pnet history Next I 'William Turnbiill yesterday dc-hivd his Intention to become an American cltlien. Todny the. mn will bowl their ninthly tournament at the A. F. C. alleys. Mr. E. Mndd of New Astoria and Mr. O. ,P Graham of Warrcnton were tn the elly yesterday. Hot Scotch and hot Tom anJ Jerry at OnOKVi Mm. William 15u.ll an.l Mm. K. A Wether, of Che leStvls and t-larkf. were In th city yesterday. Blcyol. and repair shop at IS Ninth str-cot. Charge, reasonable. Mr. R. P. Jonos, rh lumber nun. or Portland. I spending a ftssr pays In the city. J. V. ami J. n. Mortowan of the ro.tett cannery, ami H. S. McOowan. ol the Chinook cannery, are In the city. For Sale SVosr; suitable for fVhln pur poses. Dimensions HxSrt feet; feel deep. Aprty to West Shore Mill Company. Chris Kveson. proprietor of the Cen tral hotel, closed hV place of business yesterday ami will make preparation to leave for Alaska. An apprentice on th Milton Park, wh.i I sk-k with a fever. w transferred from the ship to the hospital yesterday. Wanted Atl kinds of second-hand fur niture. H. H. Zapf. 3 Commercial at. W. TV. Co. Pan Larch. V. F Cull. Portland; Fred Colbert. Ilwaoo: Chas. Wlokstrom, Nchnlem: A. H. Kllnt. Cray' River, are retristered at the Parker house. Wanted A partner with tlW or TiVW. to take a third Interest In a propeller boat: lerurth, fee: beam. 1 feet. .VI dresaa, Steamboat. Astorlan office. Th. Hrlllsh Ship Milton Park yesterday recovered her lost amrior throiwh the good ufllo'i of Hie O. K. The oar on tlie trlswevkly street car line started up yesterday. They headed fvr rppertosn .n.t will try to srt back next seek. The pupil of It"1 city s.-h.vU are very busy till v,k li thrlr iilarterly ex .iniltiiiil.n. I'kv tlMtri and a.-hmn head are the rvle. "IVo RiV Itch Ahhctt, police JiMsc recorder. m:irs".il, etc., of War rvntop. hit'HiW 1 w;' bin A:orl frlen.k y. il.'td.iy. TxWuwtMW .'nttit at the SMveley a.'hoolh.wir' will .nviir :he nTimul m.-et Irnt of taviwv. i for the purp.e of levy In tlie s. h.vxl tax f.r tx. tlenonil Aitent ? V l.ontwh.Try. of tne O. H. A X. v. went home liat nlKltt little utxlt r the -Miner. ii(T. rliiir from U'latt- k of the Krtp He alll prob ably 1h on il-k In a day r two. A f ill attemlan.v l deored at the meet ma- of the W. i' T. V. today In or tt- r that arrann- nw-nta may te nwtte for the tnp to If you bave hdt, too. fura, rajn. bon. or any klnj of Junk for aale. ahlp It to K. M. flaatiwi. K6 Potirti-nth atrret, Aatorta, On-jMi, or arlte him nnd h will call at your pla.'e and ei It. He pays cah. n at".iitt of the library entertain ment Frt-I iy en nn-s the tnenib-r of the A. K. i!l not la th-ir team boMlln touniaint r: unul Monday, a h'n the Hal ltit ar.-l lu.U a-. 1 1 try .tn,-iiLioii and the Tru: a ill m ike an t ff.trt to demon si rale th- lr iirriori:y ovtr lN I'lam. The w.v-kman often hi lumti On the name tvn -h where he doe hi work The offi.-o nvm ton hi bk Into a dm Ine table, Xelther it- the out of tttxir exen Wo he nee.!, neither take the proper time for eatltitr. It L amall wonder that the Jis-wtUin of b'th set out of order. In in-h ea." Pr. Pten-c- Plew.wmt pel- K-t tvme to their awl'tance by akHng na ture In ukltiic care of the ftxnt John P. McOoxran. J. P. Retta. IVirt land; A. M. Mill. Spokane; A. R Alex ander, Aaat. V. &. F. C: J. O. Mesler an1 wife. Brookleld: A. Elliott. San Franei fo. are retflstered at the Occident. lioat January Ith. lady Mack lynx fur eollar. Finder will receive reward by tearing at Aatorian office. New crop dried fruta, n-w crop raMnat tea and anaortd nuta all extra Una quality, at Rom, HVrftna & Co. The revival wrx-lcea at the M. E. church will tie continued tonight. The nerroon will be atldreoaed to tho who are In doubt art to their aalvmion. W. J. Heckard creamery butter received Wednesdays and Saturdays! at the Par lor. Also sweet cream every day. Pars whiskey HARPER. Perfect whis key HARPER. Every bottle guaranteed HARPER. Sold by Foard St Stokes Co. Plum pudding, cranberries, sweet cMer and a large fine of other reasonable staple and fancy groceries at Rom Hit tins & Co. Advertise your d'.y. The AMortan has the cuts and can print mans of the Alaska route In your old envelopes and letter tieads at small cost. AlJ kinds of hard and soft cori wood for sale wt the Wee Shore Wood Yard. Trulllnrr's do.-k. J. Abercromble, pro prietor. Te4phoi 45. When roinc eat travel on the North era Pacific Railway. Quick time and the only line running dining ears. Train Veaves Portland dally t 11 o'clock a. m HOTEL FOR BALE. At one-fourth It real value; well eetabliehed buine.- present proprietor la going to the Klon dike. For particulars Inquire at th?s office. Miss Munsell, optician, has returned and can be found at room 141, Shanahan building', until January a. where she will be pleased to meet her frlnd and patrons. It i nugsested that the I'haraVr of Commerce and Progressive A l-itlon give n annual banquet. Invite the presi dent and Secretary hin to attend, nnd let the -orld knew that Astoria I in th Pacific Northwest, an well im Tacoma. Nell Crop by, deputy insp-ctor .if fu- toms, narrowly escaped striouH injury while on duty on board the Oriental Mn:r Olympla lying at Havel. While m.ikini' a tour through the verwel at nixhf hf fell Into the oal bunkt-rw a dift.ince j about 2U feeL Wh-?n picked tip fle wuh uncoti.tcioiir". but with the ex'f'iition of a alight cut on fjhe forehead -a iitilnj ir.-.t. There wa a warm time In fnlontown Tuesday nltfhL Many of tho resid-n- thougiht they were back In the old coun try as they Ktartl from the top of a high hill (or a swift slide over th dark ling snow. Old and young, gray-lu-i-l" men and women Jollied the chlldr n in Jofly eport. nnd no broken lii-a-l h:i-l o be patched up the next day. Mr. Fred Le!n-nwebbrr and his bn. are sending a nhort honeymoon In Port land. The wedding ceremonie" Tins'lav evening were somewhat shortened owing to the fact phat Mrs. Kuettner. the mother of the bride, went to Portland Monday night on telegraphic nummow, to atteno the bedside of her on'l, who Is very nick. Mr. and Mrs. LHnertweliber will be "at (home" In a few day to their many friends in Astoria. Contractor W. H. Wattis left last niht fur San Francisco, rhi re he will bid on the construction of a SW-foot tunnel atwl other work for a California railroad. Monday (Mr. Wattls org.inlzed a camp on section 12 of ttie A. & C. It. it. it witlil almiit 7rt men. He reiiortetl that the work from Goble wost was progressing vry rapltlly. and that siwlft work would be done on this end of t(h line, although It Is here that tho greatest difficulties have to be overcome. Frank Wlleon, bartender for Harry Jones in I'lH'ertown. o;'ned up the place vetrd.-.y morning an.l a a apparently In hi ukimI health. Wlrhln a few min utes after starting to work he dropped dead on the floor fivm a stroke of apo plexy. He was a member of Verba Huena loilrfe of tVId Fell.ia. S.m Fr.inca-o. The order ht-re will take charge of hi funeral Friday. On Fehruarj" I will ht celebrated trie rth year of Pythunlm hv Pacific and .tor lotlge in J-lnt .-;on. Iit t.hrhl .tir loUe ro-al!y receivl a committee from P,uHtlc an.l It w.i tleodej to have a proper celebration of the rven: fraught altri so much Interest ti all knight. It Is probable that a mind hall will be In cluded In the cer-rnoH- t la rtain that the Mill be llttlrgiy ob- evrve-l. OND KNJOVS Hoth the tncthotl and results when Syrup of l'i(5i is l.tkenj it is pleasant an J refreshing to the taste, ami acts gently yet promptly onthcKiilncys, Liver ami iiowels, cleanscsthesys tcm ctleettially, dispels coUIs.heatl achesatnl fevers ami enren habitual constipation. Syrup of l'igsisthe only reined v of its kind eter pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly in its cttcets.prcparcdonly from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of 1'igs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. loumuu. it. tew rot At TltlO HnttHtlttti OF AM., Mr. .tame .Kuiot, of h (riiM Unit til Jones A Non.ViMVtloll, In rpmtkloK of IV. King's New llcoviry, sa that lat winter bin wife atlackcl with la Ml tppe, nnd i,i- , nsr kih r., a. rloua that pli alivliiiia at 'ntlcn nnd Puna cotiM no iitililii4t f.i-n-r. It ncemrd to ,lov.-op Into haaty .."M'in.on Having lc, Klng'a Xmv I'I,mv,i-v In Mtore. and s-llllig Iota of II. he look a b.illle hoine, nnd j Ui uitUo of nil -dot Ii-kihi to ire boiler fioni tlini t,.,-, and half a tloa-'ii ib.llar b.itllm tvin-tl her oui an, ytvU. Ir King x.-w iiH,v,i'y for oiihiiiiiihIoii, 1 oui;h and cobli Is giutianivtM to do till gml work, 'IN-y II. Tr U,ti .; tcs-t'on'ii lnig v'ompiuiy. r't'.VKltAI. il-' Mlt!. IIOIISON. ltrxe Attendaruv of Kneii. I and n,w.'.'r l-'e of the !-!- k ih. I'lO- Th fum-ral of 'Mm. Anna K. Ilolxon, rellit of tho late Hon. Jiin llion, - coll-ctor of customs at tht port, took pWee yestenlay. The service wre con- diicteil by the Rev. H-nry Man-otte. jus- tor of tho Presbyterian church, of whicn the ib-eoewd had for IT years l-en on ac tive working m-niber. Imring ttio Im ptvlve ervlce. a juarteti t-hilr, feel ingly and beautifully n-nd.-rtd the favor ite hymns of the (b-partnl one. "Nearer My 0L to Thw,"' "Abkto With Me." a no "JeiH, Lover of My Soul." Tne varlonn apartnuni of the spaclou resklence re niletl with sympathuing frretuls ol the divMised and the bereawd family, and tho caskvt containing th- m-Ttal remains wart literally covered nlih aproprlut floral offering. At 1 o'clock the casket was convey--! by fhe (Mill tx-art-m. H. Van luen, P. I Ihintiar. prank J. Taylor. K. lUx-lllng. K A. KerguBon. and II. K. Pra-I. to the hearve hi waiting., and thvn.-e by s(e'ial train to the Pioneer Pr'byteirlan cm etery. on Clatsop plain, and there de Dostted in mother earth bv th- aide ol The cause of nine-tenth, of the lck-K f nU!tb,m, mho hmi h , u mi mm, The N-ed of Kaiinem and t'ltlaeiia In 'UtK-p v'-nimy. Une of Kie most lnimrt.iii matter oc ciiplng tho attention of the famietw ! the iieioii of better road ami the IM0l feaelble plan to have tlicm linprovcil A prominent eliln ti eieidiy , pre rd I to' opinion that If I'"' county wool. I ,tK,Miis a pottablo aniiilll and put It to work r:e road In I'l.inop county would siMii be In iMMsnhlo con-llttoii iiih i-oulu be Knikbt for aU-m JiV nnd lo lb I x H'iie ah-uil .1 lie ud-bd .the e.vl ot cm ploung a capable nia i to operate II Cotdmoi toad are louiul better lhaii any iHHrr iMa-l-, and ,uv more ta!lng Where r k t not a tv found, llie r -ali Hint are made have to be done over auln In ttio eoure of a ear or two, w!etvu the rals n-paltid l a p--rt able sawmill will last for an In.b iliuu- i.m.v S. 1 I conn His In the rial.- of Washington tine poll 11K0 iiwni!ll a"l thrv give satisfaction In e- ry Instance W hi re lumber I source In tho district and r-vk can be oh tainetl. riH'k ccu-dict nr,- used. tin that ale actually unimproved, h a pattH of t o- Nibab ni road, to k ni:,.f would t,- of mil,, line a II would Notice la b.svby given, 'hat bl-at will be r.--Ulre an Immense nniount of rock to received by (lie c iiumltte ,m hoalth and I lining HII . ..,,;. .....n..!! , .... hlle It last. Nit It require, constant 'oria. at tn om. or lllo AiMilor and work to k.sp It In repair, and li Is gen- 1 01 loo .ludge. 011 Friday, Jiuitxtry Ja, ISM, rrally a bud as e- r In a year, If the at llw hour of 1 o'clock p. m.. ,rf aald dav Is b.-.iv, nver It -1 1 it,, tttii.l I ... . ... ' -t 1 ior tiottnuuir tie rurti 1 t. ,..riHi city prisoners In the city jH ,,f Aitorla TI10 rltht k r-w.-rvetl 1,1 rejtvt any and nil b!,k ty order of llie couius-n council lte. January . su. M. K. NKItMoN Ai.lll.r and Polb-o Judge. ii i'i:i,iaM , I'tkniihn: Von ant f.iieslisl In nie- t ut the I tl '. I', hall al I i p 111 l-'ildny. January S to !! In the funeral of mir late bronla r 1'iank A. Wilson. ty rt,.r, 1A K A t ,,is, N 1. H.avt-r laslgr, No. j 0, II. K, Nni'H Ob" ItlUM rll iHtAltlMN'O 1 MTV IMiltft VXKUM, FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE lo l'l, Htilij, I,rssi.i nnd Miiinitfi'i', ... January j8-2q... IXDKK TH I! AISHUIS AM) I'OK Till. hkxki'it or tup. runic iihkakv. t rathe hobs with tirmii and nibbi-h Is of little use In a Wei climate like ibis a it. I after one winter, wlim sorkl up by trattb the rouih nn !n a worse c m illion than formerly. Some oonerrted action shoul I tie taken lo hate better roa.ks and ihe is.llcv alot e.l bv tMaisop tveintv .Hks I ke a "pt nny wise and pound foolish" one Th telsr Inv....l Is the intl-i i ,Mt, nlv.1 tho tiiiitv .tiiiri and o.wmtv .oniniis Shartu ,.f the, ai.,.v Trniuamriallon slon. r are not to Mams for not Middling "eveopiuent eomiwiiy or (lilca.-o a sllk-ht tan on ib- cuiniv wlihoui tin, ling out tihe wlsh. f Hi,, firnurs I'Utwop 'iui!v in . nt. ivi .e In the Improve m-'iit of county rttatls Thoso couiitles in Wasliltuton that ut nt-se m.M-rn luiprovciiient have nut one-fourth tht- ar-n of farming cotii-ry at-i s.eno of them not one-fourth, the spi!atlon of ri!no eoulity r wi,. in, t, ,.sn:bl beftus tho public Kafer thai, wvng lv.a, ,j bank ttk 1-iMng nrgo tllvkl.-iwU Slmr- one ! Kor inform nloii ad. ,lrrM W, Pmll- v ,i,.rnl .coo 11. 1. ler building. Seat He, Wani. E K IZ U U E il 1 J-.-t via v v 1 Mount Angel College MOUNT ANGIL Hiim Canal ORtGOst : This la Just ti.s plat-s for your bora, liellgtilful I... all. m, Ult bulldlnga an4 giounds. go-sl meal, pb-nly ot healthy riertlae, si. client Icacl.ers ami rwrWul Iraliilng- tbl is wlial ltfcy all aay of MT. ANUKI, t'Dl.t.KUK. Hend for Cat. ab'giis and special tsrma P. F. PLACIDUS. Director 1 nea of the workl In constipation. Prom this one cause come Indigent Ion; tllsurd em of rhe tomach. liver and kklney; bll lounesa. healaiiei, flattilenre, heartburn, Impurity of the blood ami the serlotr comtdli-ation that f.illtsw. To begin with, constipation at a llttv thing, ark a little thing will cure It. Tho "Pl--a.ani Pellets" are tiny, iigar-coa;ed granues. Th-y will perf.-ctly cure the worst cie of constipation and in.lhrestton. If the druggist trW to sell you some other pill that pays him greater profit. )irt rhlnk of wist will b st pay you The result of the accident during tne roasting Tueday night on Fourteenth- street hill were more aw-rtoo than at first anticipate,!. A protruding plank In the strert wa the cause of most of the trouble and collision of the bob-sleds', charle Ura. n.iw lying In the h wpital with a broken ankle, wis reported as resting eary last r.iglit and not In a serious con dition a w.ib supposeil in che morning. Among the other Jolly coasters wtio were more or Us Injured were Miss Nora Nk-kerson. Clark Bell. Mrs. Matt Helen, Leonard Stinson, Jam- Clanoey, and a pnm:r.-nt young I nly. tys-writer in a wholesale h.tus-. AH the injured are do ing well. A promin-nt business man has just had printed handsome letterheads on which I aps-ar .1 m.ip In r-1 of Anforla and pjt relation to Alaska and such s-nt-nc in an hour or two of her d-tnl-,- thai she as the: "Astoria -nearest to St. Mich Is": !.-st rut to Dv-a ami Skag their nn.l earthly resting place but short yeur t-tfore. A Urge delegation of the Aston I.urhtVr of It-b- kah Lotlge. , o. . K or wnteh decease -a a member, were prevent at the funeral and at the grave. The beautiful burial service of rhe lodge wis impresiwly rendered by Mrs. It M. Stewart and Ml Cleveland, noble grand and vice-gram! of the l.slge, th other member d-v-xtting In rhe grav their sprig of ewrgrven -fit embHmis of Imm-wtallty. The Rev. Henry Mareotte by prayer and benediction, entl-'-l the cere mony. HKK IJlFK. Mr. Anna K. Hobwin wan born In in Francisco. Oal., ttotnber 31. K'.i She came to Astoria an.l wa married t the late Hon. John ll.tbson in IK75. llefore h. hru.'band death It wan plainly evident chug sects of consumption bail taken root In her system. With wifely devotion however. he faithfully nursed him dur ing his protra'tet) and fatal lllne. After hl death by the advice of relatives an- friend she went to htr native slate am took up her abode at Nonlhnff. Ventura county. H--re ehe rec.-IV'd rhe klnd-st attention that could xibly be liestowed from the frien-ls ami acquaintance she made there, but rhe fiat hal gone forth climate nor kind friends could stav the hand of d.-afh. Though hot,ef(j of covery aid a return lo h-r hum,- even to fhe laet .lay of her life. 11 was only with way : r.-t nnd che:i.t place to out- til : "M-amer .-very live days to Skagway Uelou tn the and Uvea.' It Is s igirt-Hf by the Pro-gr-K-iVM Ar-.t-la'ion that the business men of tti.- ci'y us letterhead similar to th.- for-going, and that they have prlnt-sl on sllii ,,:.-,, f Hunting ton s rw-nt e;..r r, trH Se,-ntlll( h arti.-li- on the Jetty. This will b- good advertisuiE and cost but little truil.I- to mail. reiillze-i t?iP rn.l drew nigh. Then, with her dear children present, She affectlonat. mother bade them farewell, and. con isl. the christian woman o.ilmly and triumphantly surrendered her spirit to the rjod who gave it (lf aurvb-lng children are Kdwin, nge 20, Rnba. H. ami flertha. II. Mt. A. X. Hmlth. the popular trav. ling agent for W. P. Fuller Co , of Portland. I In the city visiting bis A.sioria friends ami pouring oil on the vr.-u-r on ti- M l- !i.VTi:.sT HUTi. ItKTt:RX. The OfflHa! Coii.-i'. at ' Kvf-nlng. trtMu'k Ijisi I h-- n-imlr-r voi'-s east for each can- lulate uji to pr- ttrne is as follow: Mr. J-ox tun Mr. Hare I-. .Siierni.c. ir. i;---i-mari .ir. Iiunbar lit, 90 Mr Wis....... Mr. l'r.if-1. The votT ,ir 1- r lrx-k anl k by th- rornn.ltt-e. p. 111 Any uf the. alive men can b b-ii-i if thv d Lighthouse tender Columbine, Captain Charles Itliianlnon, orrlveil In yterlay from the Sound. While on th-- crulnc Captain Klsk. chief of the engin-.-r eorps, accompanml 11- ship, visiting all the sta tion of Importance on the Sound and m.-iklng a thorough thereof Captain Ilirti., rd -ion say that Seattle Is a red-hot town: th re ure all kinds of p-o- ZI'M pie there, and everything Is wld,. oe n. HO from a 1'i-cent show to a li op-ra. ISamle 1"' of -mia-lc parade Ho- xir- eis an.l nigln ir Ilk" day. Tli- store ar. lllbd with an 11 alOl 99 B manner of Klondike suits, the clothing be ing thr- heaviest ever exhibited on Ihe 1st Into a ballot box un- UMt. T-nts an.l sl.-nlnif l.airs btI cou.-ni-l eadh nlKlit t,.,i -ton- windows with duinml re. I'oHs clo.S tolllgilt at cllnlnlf neact-fillle ort Iheir cm. tin- kind of iKir.'iphanalla tihai H.-alll,- li prt-paretl to fu;-nlsh. Stentnern are going ami coming day and nll-'ht, and It le ilttll cull to s-ute coal enough lo supply their liiirikers. ling trains utul reind-'r are n In the streets and Ihe hotels lire so crowded that It Is dlflb-ult for u man lo get a bed In which to nleep. 'I'uday morning while ir-issing down tin- S'taiie of I'uca ihe Columbine pas.o-1 Ihe steam er Oregon about half way helwn-n Flat tery and Victoria, loaded to Ihe guirds with freight nnd passengers for Ala-ka Salute .were exchanged and all was well. Arriving off the mouth of ihe river . terday morning the Columbine was in ompnny with the Amerlcin ship Stetson and Captain libhar-lson hvh that the latter Khlp, .while hovering ahoin the llt'hlshlp, walling lo come into harbor. wae most beautiful haniled-ln fa-t she "had the appearance of n yacht p-reput Ing for a race. TIIK !frirri AltKIVfy. The go.hl Am.-n.-aa rhip ;-ttrite ntet on arrived In ye.trr-t.iy. in d.ive tr,tm Haltiniore. wliu a full t arg.t of fr, ig 11 for iNtrtland. Captain Mun-hv r-it.,rtetl a long and t.-ll.iu vol age around thr lorn and t,t.i tlrt- to come ashore The Ste.rstn Is ,i-if of the handsome! ships that ev.-r entered tin harbor. Her lin. are l.k- thta.,- of -,i,-ht. and a s.'u- lay at anchor In ihe stream last even leg. .t irt mu.-h admirtsl bv all those who saw h.r She Is In the Sutton & lit ehe lln- and will go up to l'ortlan.1 a soo-i as possltd... Mrs. Mary Itird. Ilinrlsburg pa, lay.! "My child Is worth millions 10 ms- y f would have lofit her ny croupvd not 1 " Investrtl twenty. five centt In a botilo 0j Ono Minute though Cure It cures riu.-ha cold and all throat and limit troubles, Chaa. Roa-ra. W BATH Kit SPINS No t'se (, 11,. Afraid of Had Wea tiler the JS'h ami th. It haei rained and nowi. It I going to rain ami sno some more; thrn It will clear off an, 1 . plrasnm. Kin.- wruttier k uarinte.-, for net week. esN-clally rrl.lay ami Saturday, rhe night of the great Orl-ntd vih." a It la pro. veri.lal wit.i Krvkweil an.l Itarne. th. manager, mat it never rails 011 the nufht of their entertainment. mt. - ... 111,1 i-n orma ner, wnret) Is given In three- a-t. Is full ,.f - ,, ,ash." sstt.i.t.iUr and .ip.-mtlc In character. In trod jcng n.a.4 sp,s ialtbn ami new Id. a. 1 on t ineiy music and sweet songs, with horn work by tlrtv v,.l-r un,i ,.eche. tra accompaniment. N,( waits, no ,1. lavx. no moms.Kiu si-ts. n,t Iw, hours ot ill I. Itil.-restltrg and pleasurable enjoy mem. mat is -. slgn lodraw full house Uton It .n merit. It u new, original an.l orl- and .1 rare chance for i-mwe. m-nt lover. A. . 1'. W NiiTpiK. r. J Mosny, th leading merchant tailor. tI7 Tith street. -The highest pries , paid for fur skins. l'mhn-la covend ami retnmj by a 1 practical workman, at l .Ninth street. PHOFEHHIONAIj OA Him t I'll. lIHI-t.K J. MA01MJNAU. DISKASll OF WOMEN AND OP THE N EHVOl'l BY STEM Offlcs and resldenes. 13 Thlrtesnih strest Portland, Oreaon. Ofiv-s hours from 1 lo 4 p. m.. and b appointment. H. A. SMITH. ucesiini. tJUa.ja.j TX.C Itooms 1 and . Pythian Dulldln over C. H. Cooper's stors. H. T. CROfHlT. ATTORN KT-AT-LAW. Coram rclal atrsst JOHN T. LIOIITRR. ATTORNET-AT-UAW. Ohio, upstairs, Aitorlaa llulldlui. C. C. fUtOWEK, ATTOftNET AT LAW. Ounderson DuU llnf, Astoria, Orwson BOCIETT af EETIN08. I I I 1 1 H KKCK1VK1) IN THE IMtlMAKY. (I It A V M A It AND acadkmk: OKA DEM J. M. THE SISTLRS OF THE Conyent of the ...Holy Names ASTOBU. OHtCON. II V VK UI'INKI-TIIUIl IIOAKOIMI AND 1AV WIIimiIm Fur rates, etc , sddrswi lbs HupoiU.rsxw INHtlli;- WKNTAL, Mt'HIC, PAINTINU AND VOICE CULTURE FORM A HPRCIAL DEPARTMENT rn the ev)l:ig f Feti. 1. at 7 M. I'ast Supremo Mast.T Workman J. tl. Tate will deliver an ndtlnsss at Fk-her's opera h.ise on the mission and vun" of the Ancient Ord-r of fnlt.-.l W.trkm.-n. The sibllc no- oi-dlally hivll.,1 to attend. After the sge-akliur a lunch will 1. spriMti ta O. B. E8TE8. TEMPLE LOME NO. T. A. F. aasl A. M.-Rular communications bald sti th. first and third Tuesday avsnlns rt twea mo. th. O. W. IX)UNIDERP.T. W. M. B. C. HOLDEN, IWcratary. 111 inn i,ig.. r.swn for the m- nrtH-n of the order In go! st.iraHng and their wives, an.l m-mlter of the li.Vree of Honor. Ml the ttrethr-n are lo m.i nt tftio hall of S- iutnle l.slge Tuestlay nrier- noon at .1 o't, 11 is I march to the boat In a 1k- to wW. tune llrt,iher Tate, My order of Joint Committee. XOTTCR OF AXXUAL MEETINO. once or trm Astoria Wharf and Ware house) company, Astoria, Oregon. Xotlr. I hereby given that th annual meeting of Hho stockholders of th above PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. . Ppsclal attention to dlsoases of worn and surgery. Offlcs over Pari'seTf stora. Astoria Telophon No. U. Q A. BOWLBT. ATTORN ET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlcs on Bond atrsst. Astoria, Or. Chester V. Dolph. Richard NU.a ImjLPH a NIXON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, U, U, M and Weighing Things A Narrow Margin. Is al are asklnf on our stock ot Ills Valor of our groceries ik-Mtntla ou threo things ; How much you grd , ytwir irntney, how (.aid It Is when yoi got It. ami 'the pries you psy for what you get. We bavo sugars that ar rtvtfi arul anigars Uiat ar. ruod. We hav cof. ft- that will satisfy Ilia apetlt. ami the P kcthts.k Htsplo rU of all kind at liew than stapls prl.-a. ItOHS. IIHKU.VH A CO, Lndlcs' and Genti' Boots and Shoes Our good ars warranttd. 479 Commercial Street laDiry M) i.rTit.c. s narrssl compony will bo held at th office Hamilton nulldln. All legal and Mb of tho Pacific Sheet Metal Works in ih. Isctlon builn ss promptly attended ts City of Astoria, Clatwip County. State C.1,.l.m ""' th fov.rnm.nt P- OT OreiTOn rtn Xtonnv ,hA IV .t .... I .. --, .. ......... , notniui uo J or rebruary, m, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for th election of oftloers for the cnsulnf I)H. JAY TUTTLE. ""''on or such other tusl- PIIT8ICIAN AND BUItQEON " u..-ioro mem. run,. K .r.,1 t ntki.. ...iia saaavw -aiin ar aotivs V A WIWU F. P. KHXDALL, President. Attest: ,VIMdAM TTMSOX, Secretary. uated Astoria, Oregon, January 21, 18W. Commercial Bt, Resldenes asm Telephone M. Acting asHlstant aurgeon U. B. Ma rine hospital service. Pimples, l,K,te!,,.fli fcivijt.,1,, rw roiih, oily, "' fl-n, It-iH'ng. s-ai;-.e-i'p, dry, thin, sod Wr-t I'air. unit lai.y i.ii iu,l,e prevented by C'l TK I I1A hill', the most effe, litu .kin purify, iogkud bc-njufj ir,g si,i,p in ihe tturld, u well a puruat and awec-u-at ior toilu, bat and nuraery. micnra IiKtMthrOTirhmittli world. Pnrrrt D. tm O. nosr., sola Props., Boston. SflliwlobMulIfY llw skip, -ftea BL00O HUMORS P'rminrntlT l?arril ItT Cl'TII'l.'KA KtMfcDIKi. Ti FIHUHIIMKX AND CANNKRYMKN. Th! general repair ahop at the corner of lOtli and Tuan. Is now prepared to make contract to cast leads on fish net lines for the coming bur season. C. H. ORKWITZ. Marnier. FOR THE WINTER. j AND SPRING. rlavinii purchased the stock it) butincss. ol the leliim liia Slme Co., Mt are nfferint tlicpulilit our line of fancy and staple Innlwear at the Lowest iM;ir(ln of I'rofit. Klficlcnt sHlcsmen nnd con nistcnt prices, Peterson & Brown. N'oibv. of (Hiritr uss.-sein.-nt and of meet Imr of Hoard of Kpimlizatlori to review .md equalize the. s me 11 1 for ttm m provi-ment of (''nm-rchi.l street from the cunt line of H-n-erileenlh street to tin. -ei nt,,. f Tw.-i,ty. ihini Mire.-t, Cg3TxagaaxxQriaajCfa..k u. d I'wi rily-tnlrd sir-t.1 from Ihe north line of t'omtrK-rclal to KxchatiKu slnets, in Hint C'lly of At, tor In, (iri Kon, Notice Is hereby id yen "hat the assess- n.enr roll contnlnliiir Ihe him-cIhI n. m.-nt f'r Iho Imtirovctnent ttt rVimmer. rial rttrts-t from llho t-nsjt line of Bcvcn terrMh wtr''t to th nvt llrwt of Twenly- thlr.l sir-t-l mul Twenty. third sitr'-et the north line of fomiiurcliil ritrv-ct to nxclmiit'r. slrrs.t. In the city of Astorln, 'r'-Kv.n, tirid known nnd d'-Nlsnruled i(j (he "''ornm-rc:i street Kxtenslon Improve tin nt." tins been fllrs In the olllce of the tiuditor imd is.iice j,isiK ,,f .!,,i city, and Ik n.m- open for limpeetlon, nnd will so rerun In open unlHl the IWh d.,iy of Pel,, runry, nt ihe, (hour "f 10 o'clock n. m. of snld dny, prior to which lime nil objec tion !o the nforfn.ld must be fled In wrttlrnr with tlm snld nitdllor nnd poll-e Jii'ltfc., and on the dny and d;:l - nnd hour of lh dny aforesaid, the board of -riirills;i,ion, cnnslHllnir of the c -n mtt ! e 1 n -ire I nnd rmh'Je way of ht eoremon eoniie rif said cite and he brnrd of nss'"rtvirs of spld cliy. will meet In th oonrvll ri-timV' if t!he clly hnll In snld city to review hik! eiinllse tho a- f'-yxment afonn.-ild. l!y order of the common council of snld city. Attest: H. R. NBLHO.V, Auditor and Poll Judge City of Astoria. Astoria, Oregon, Jnntiary M, 1WS. , Underwear Ml OK TO luteal Styna Thorough Workmanship Prices Low James Murphy 420 Commercial Street. THE PROOF Of th. pudding Is In ths eaUruj, and th. proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument lhait'a eon. clualya demonstration. Ours will stand the tact. l.l'IIRICATIMI OILS A 51'IICIAl.TY John Hahn... i7j 1897 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... SKI SHIP CUANDLErtT IIARDWARD IRON AND ITBCL COAt, OHOGBnina and PROvnioNi TIOUIK AND MILL FEED PAINTS, OILS AND YARN! HUM LOOOBRS' BUrPUBB rAlIUlANK-a BCALE8 DOORS AND WT.VDOW8 AO RICULTURAL IMJ'LDMBNTS WAOON8 AND VEIIICLBH HUGHES & CO. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT Koomt 317-318 Portland Saving; Hank BldR. Portland, Oregon. tti(ret and most complete smtor'.ment of .lr-tlKlt iheaitorw In th. city. All tlh kinds advertised n this popor may b seen and compared at our store, then your aolecdon will b. sttlfaotory to you. Foard & Stoke. Co. The Choicest Table Wines... For Families Also for Medicinal aa4 Cooking Purposes Private Block. Cream Ryo. Old Hlrknrr Pr.l of Kentucky and Hermltiure; ney. old California Drandle. Carlson's FamllyLlquor Store 10S TWELFTH 8TRBBT Oriental Novelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. 043 CummProinI Stroot Knxt to Mndiann'a Oiuar Stnni? Umbrellas I-OCKH. KEYS ANIt KKWINd MACIilWKri.... Alio all MkIiI Miichlngry. Repaired C. H. Orkwltz 44H II HANK. Prlooa out lu two.