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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN, FRIDAY MOKMXO. J AM! AH Y 1, 181)8. V. ... .-. ..I ' Both the method and results when ' Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts - gently yet promptly on iheKidncys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers andcares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects,prcpared ouly from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com- - mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all .leading drug- s gists. Any reliable druggist who - may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for. any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept , any substitute. CU1F0RHIA m SYRUP COL tM nuMoaat, cl uamniL a. xM ram t . A Narrow .Margin. b d n ar asking m tar sesok-of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes Our good are warraaUA. 479 Commercial Street John Hahn... 187a 1897 LUBRICATING OILS r A -SPECIALTY Fisher Brothers ASTORIA... -SELL . RTTTP CHANDLER T HARDWARE . IRON AM) STECTs COAL GROCERIES AXD PROVISIONS XLOUR AMD MILL FEED ' PAINTS. OILS AXD VARNISHES , LOGGERS' SUPPLIES j r AIRBANTCfl SCALES iDOOBS AND WINDOWS JlORICULTCRAL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS AND VEHICLES THE PROOF f th podding- Is In th .and the proof af Uqoort ISilN SAMPLING That's an argument that's dustr- demonsttation. On wQl stand to test. HUGHES & CO. Knows a Good Thing Are you fond of chicken f Many people are, but tome are not. We cannot aell everybody chicken for their dinner, but Rlnoe many people have many tastes. w con supply tiiera all with the things they want for the basis of their meal. Our meat are all food. ROSS, HIGCIXS & CO. LADIES' AND GEXTLC.IEN'S Underwear MADE TO ORDER Latest Sly ice Thorough Workmanship Price Low James Murphy 430 Commercial Street. 1 p TODAT'8 WEATHER. AROUND TOWN. ratDAT. Three angel share the lot of human slrtf. Three angWs glorify the path of Hf. Love, Hop and patience. Try Schilling'. Pert Ire and bsilng powder, Cheviot milk In the city, at the Paor. Hot Srotoh and hot Tom ni J,rrjr " Hie Office. Major Jones, of Portland, was a visitor In rtv city yesterday. See the bargains In omit, cape and Jacket. Shannhan Bros. Rp-yrle and nvalr 'P t 1 Nlntn trt. Charges reasonable. At the A. F. 0. alleys yesterdsy 11. Wise scored O and A. Murray mads S4. Wanted-AH kinds of second-hand fur niture. H. H. Zapf. 2 Commercial at It will be lonely In Astoria after all the Klondlkers hare Wt for the far north Closing out an our coat, and . ua than cosl. ShanaVian Pre. The blcjvle and repair ?op. at IS Ninth street, for sale cheap; eauae, oimer roln to Alaska, The day are srowlna; loop-r and en candles will not have to be a part of ths dinner menu. Now crop drjd frulta. n; crop rsMn n.1 ask-rted mits all extra fins quaJltv. at Roes, irVrlne A Co, Mia MunaelL the well known optician. has returned to Astoria and spent yes- terday In vlsstlns; feer old friends. W. J. Heckard creamery butter receired Wedneada)- and ftuurdaysi at the Par lor. Also sweet cream every day. Put whiskey HARPER. Perfect whis key HARPER, Every bottle ruaranteed HARPER. Sold by Poard tk Stcaea Co. Edward -Heald. formerly of Olney. re turnet yesterday from Santa Rosa, Cal.. and registered at the Central on him way to Alaska. Plum pudding, craoberrhs). sweet cMec and a lance ltne of otttr seasonable start" and fancy Groceries t RwV Hl- tlns A Co. Mr. H. L. Hamblett and wife. Will Madl. son. 'W. E. Tallant and F. M. Ourni were parsemrers on the Telephone laat nUrhl for Portland. All kinds of ttard and soft cord wood for sale at the West 8hore Wood Tard. Trulllnjrer's k. J. Abercromble. pro prietor. fv4phone & Advertise your cfty. Ttie Atorlan has the cuts and can print maps of the Alaska rout In your oia envelopes ana nitr heads at small cost- S. E. Warren. J. H. Kern. 0. L. War- den. 8. H. Greene. Portland; J. H. Tming, 6an Franctooo: C. Foster. Seattle, are Kueets at the Occident Of The S3 additional signatures re quired for the Toun;"s bay brldire peti tion, IS legal voters had lned their names yesterday evening. William A. Gilliam, W. D. HUERln Berkley; W. C. Barrett. Seaside; Captain Thomas Parker. San Francisco, are suests t the Parker House. Posters were distributed yesterday throughout the city announcing the 4 parture of ttie steamer Chllkat, Dunham, master. January 25, for Alaska. There will be a big turnout tonight at the Chrysanthemum ball at Foard I Stok' hall. The time for amusement ts short. Lent will soon be here. When going east travel on the North ern Pacific Railway. QuMc time and the only line running dln(ng mrs. Train leave Portland dally at 11 o'clock a. m. HOTEL FOR SALE. At one-fourth Us rval value; well established business present proprietor Is going to the Klon dike. For particulars Inquire at this office. Mlsw Munsell, optician, has returned and can ne found at room 111, Bhanahan bultdinr, until January 28, whre she be pleased to meet her frlen-to and patrons. Thomas LlnsHle Is now devoting all his time In preparing for hW early return to Alaska. His outfit of clothes, sleeping robe and utensils sill be second to none In the territory. The O. R. g. N. tug boat Emma Hay- ward Is on the way" down the river with government barge No. 5. loaded wttn can non and gun carriages for the fort at Scarborough Head. Contractor Normlle Is training his pair of Klondike dogs for sled service and by the time he Is ready to go to the land of gold will have leaders for his team that will know their business. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Chinese residents commenced the celebra- tlon of their new year feast and for awhile raifted a hub-bub which affordwl much amusement for the small boy who had dreams of the Fourth of July. The final meeting of the stockholders of the United Capitalists will be held at the Experience social at the M. K. church this evening. The exercise will be In. terestlm? and profitable. Full atten lanr: desired. Outsiders welcome. Admission 10 cents. The tournament between the teams of the Riverside and Public bowling alleys waa closed lawt night, resulting In a vic tory for the Riversides with a score of 1997 pins to 1930. It would seem that the Riverside "monkeys" made baboons out of the other fellows. MANY MATTERS IN COMMON COUNCIL URi.e hmoixt or risisrss Tims JUTED BY CUV TUtlERS. CfliRCilnti Thpni' Rrsiaflliu kc ccptct i C. C. Titte I nnimnitv Elected io nix fUcc. At the meeting of the city council lust night Mayor llergman presided, with all the members prosent. The petition of Carlson Pros. nd Alet Campbell for retail IWuor licenses were referred to ths health and pollc com nilttee. A petition from tun Mattson. akn for UU) a compensation (r Itvlurle re celvexl by her exm by falling throiuih a street In I'nlonloan. Novvmhrr lt. ' rferred to the way and means com mlttce. and the petition for an ebvtrle llKht from rodents n the vicinity of Fourth and Exchange was referred to the committee on streets ami public ways. A communication from the county clerk irlvlng the asseescd valuation i the city si C.tSS.m. was r-fcrred to te ivin' nilttee on ways and mean. A communication from Chief Stockton, of the tire ikivirtcent, akln the councl! to purchase a Wo.pound hell, was re forred to ths committee on Are and water A communication was read from Coun cilman Thompson, of the Flrt ward, ten derlng hi resignation a councilman. A motion that the matter be taken up un der the head of "unfinished business." was carried. Ths health ami police committee re. ported favorably on a number of claims, and a motion that the bills be laid over, was carried. A report from the same committee re commending thst the petition of ths sec retarles of the public bowling alleys, ask. Ing for a reduction of 50 per cent on their licenses be granted, was on motion, r dered placed on file. The committee on way and means re commended the payment of a number of claims, and a motion was passed that the bills be ordered paid when appropriations are made for the same. A report foom the committee a ways and means recommending the petltloa of Viola Kant asking for ths redemption of property sold for taxes on Grand avenue an that penaltk on ths same be remit trd. waa adopted. The same committee reported favorably on recommendation made by City Treas- urer Carney for necessary stationary for the office. A report from the committee oa ways) and public ways stating they had equal lied the anncnt on the Young's Ray improvement was on motion, ordered placed on file. A report from the committee on streets and pubhc ways stating that the contract for the Improvement of the crossing at Seventeenth and Commercial streets had been awarded to L. Lebeck as per ordln. ance. for fTj In city warrants, the same to be paid when the work was) completed, was on motion, adopted. The report of the board of assessors confirming the assessment for the Im provement of "Commercial street was or dered placed on file. A report from M. J. Meara and W. L RiAib, stating they had experted the books of the city treasurer and had correctly arranged the balances of the same, waa on motion, orlred referred back to ths ways and mean committee. An orknanr was Introduced confirm ing the oMvwement of the special assess ment on Young's Bay Improvement No. 1, and rad first and second times, and on motion was moved back to Its second r-adlng for the filling In of date blank. An ordinance appropriating JT) out of the general fund for iJie purchase of the bell and tower of llsj Company No. 4, was read first anil second tint's. An ordinance waa Introduced reguluflng the manner of Issuing and collecting li censes from bowling allays, pool tables, pigeon hole tables asd billiard tables, and amending section 24 of ordinance No. HSfi. The ordinance fixes the following rates: Howling alleys, IT. per quarter, each additional alley, K.'J); pigeon hole tables or pool tale, $." per quarter; bill. lard taMe, 110 per quarter, each ad tlonul, l. The onltnance pawl the third reading under suspension of the rulm, Thompson, MoQregor and Brix vot ing "No." The ortKnance appropriating J1MS.2I for the payment of Normlle ami FaHtabend for the Improvement of Bond street, Mc- Clure's Astoria, was passed. A motion that the council meet In spe. clal nlon Monday, January 24, at 7:Jij p. m., to take action on mailers pertain Ing to making tax levies, wai passed. A nwolutlon dlnpenwlng with the ser vices of the superintendent on the exten sion of Commercial street 'Was paseed Clinton, M(iregor, Park-r and Trullln. g-r voted "No." The resolution created considerable dlscuHKlon, it blng con ienji mat ills services were unntces. nary and that the supT"lKlon of the work should be jK-rformed by the street super Intendent or the city surveyor, and also that a part of the material used In the extension of the street was of an Inferior fjuallty and ehould bo rejocted. Those In opposition to the rnsoluMon believed Mr, Clinton was capable of performing the work iioHlgned to him by the council and did not think It right that summary ac tion should be taken without first finding out the facts. A resolution authorizing the auditor te receive bids for furnishing meals for prisoners In the city jail, and also a reso- ution Instructing the auditor to give no. tlce of the flllng of the assessment for Commercial street to the east line of Sev enteenth were passed, A resolution that Hie ways ami mean committee be Instruct! to employ vlerloai assistance In the matter of preparing no tice of publication and etilrlm on lien difc'kot to the Vouna's Uy Improve ment, was passed. A motion tlml the experls' bill for rx pertlng the city treasurer' hok be re ferred back. " passed. A tvoulsllloti imii Ihe committee on b.wlth and polli-e for a numlx r of house, hold rlKl.s for is-e tit the city Jail was oiileivd allow etl. A motion that Ute rei'gnatlon of Coun cilman Thomt lw c.-.-pll was car ril. A nl of thanks for his ss-rvlce while a invmlx-r of the council wo paam'd uaanlmously. Mr. Thompson thnked the council, lie mild he had Iim mhIII wllh ths cootu'll ifor two yours aint hnl found them tiln'rt iih-n. II s assoclatloiw with Its members had always Veen pica, sot and he regretted to have tt resign. Councilman tHlnton then nominated 0. FultiMi to fill the --ncy caused by the resignation of Councilman Thomp son, and there Ixdng no other tiisnlna lions, his rl-vllon was nia.W uium'm.MiA Mr. Fulton's term ctplns In Janu-iry, "ouiii l adJiHinnl. It Is retoned that the Washington pi lot -io have len using the Oregon stale pilot boat since IV-cember 1. Were notified esterday from South llend that their branchm had expired hy reason of their failure lo procure a 'hivner as re quired unikT the Washington law, within the 40 da' limit allowed litem to do so by the Washington commissioner. The rumor could not be verified up to a late hour last night, but It Is said an effort was made by communicating with some of the menders of the commission who are absent from the stats to procure a renewal of the extension allowed. There Is beglnnlisjt to be much discussion a to the right of the Washington pilot to use , the Oregon schooner in plying their voca tion, and It Is doubtful If they will be further accommodated In that manner, I ..... it. iimi. .n...l ih-m i.. .,r.ei.l their own boat has been actually ex tended or nut. The row rile yesterday afternoon el pisml the mudflat ad)acrit to Whipple's restaurant and a motley flock of seagull feasted on the refisie lying stork In the I mud. Their antics afforded amusement ror me passervny on t ommerviai street, a a half don-n of them foJsht over the powKswion of a gum boot. They sr ex cellent scavengers an, It Is a gol thing ths law iinpusw a fine for killing Ih-m In- sldo tke city limits. THK CHCRVIt lini-XTORY. If the pastor of the city will leave their copy for the church directory to be published at this offk-e. this evening, they will confer a favor It I designed lo have a uniform notice for iwch church, nen-ssltating only the addition of ths weekly -nnon themes. Following Is a sample of the prwprd notices, as agreed upon by the ministers' meeting: Messrs. Honeyman. Dellart and Glenn were In the city yesterday Congregatlonul ("hurch Corner at 10th and Exchange streets Itev. T. S U,)Hn- ger. tstor. Prea.h-ng at 11 a. m. ami 7:30 p. m. Bundwy school at IMS. Junior Kndravor at 4. and Y. P. 8. C. E. at I i m . A cordial welcome is extended, IN OLDEN TIMES. People overlook)! the Importance of r manently N-nefl ial eff. cts .ml were sut- Isfled wllh transl-nt actl.m, but now it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual rotwta- tksn. well-informed pple will nt buy other laxutlves which act for a time, but finally Inujure the ii"m. Buy ths genu. In, made by the California Fig flyrup Company. BB !) TO YoliltSKLE fcn.1 good to your friends. When yoti tr-nt friend to whfc-key, give him the b-t. HAUPEK Whiskey I the b.everage for your friends and for you. Sosl by Fonrd & Ht..k-s Company, If you have hdtM wool, furs rags bone, or any kind of Junk for sale, ship It to R. M. Gaston. 106 Fourteenth .treei Astoria, Oregon, or write him and he will call nt your place and get It. He pays cash. longest and moat complete assortment of air-tight 'heaters In the cty. Al the klnda advertlsi-d m this) paper may be seen and compared at our store, then your selection will be satisfactory to you. Foard A Stoke Co. Shares of the Alaska Trans)orta4ton and Ievf)ment company of Chicago are Uho most d.srable Invnstmnnt before the public Safer thai, savings bariKS and bank stork. 1'iylng urge dlvUli-mls. Sharn one dollar. For Information ad. drtsss W. I,. Dudley, giurnl agvnt. Hol ier building, Seal.tle, Wash. 1 FOR THE WINTER. AND SPRING. Ravlny pnrchancd the ntnek d bHsitess of the Colum ns, nime to., we ire oirennu f ; the public our line of fancy U mi tjple fsotwear t the Lowest Marjjin of I'rofit. nticicnt salcsmtn and con si.Htcnt prices, Peterson & Brown. i3rxnooooo)3rxsOsOp ATTKMITiai HANK UOII11KJIIY. Ca-siler of a l'orllund Hank Too Much for a II ghwaymati. INirtlnnd. tr., Jan W. JA daring al trmtd w made to hold up the CllUcns' lUnk.ou the n.HthcasI corner of Ksl VVaslihiHlon strivl and I'nlon avenue this irti-i'iioim fhnrtly after J oM-nk. The Bllcnnt would 4iave sisweded but for Ihe prompt and determined n-sUlalics on the purl of A. W, Umbert. casliler. who drove Ihe ler frim Hie tk and t.Mk a purling shot at him as he pusmM f,,.... tiHiik rihim Into the slroct. Us mlwnl him by slining a llltle tmi hlirh Allhoiiah the wnk Is slluated In Ihs of Knl Portland where ntiinbor ore coiislanlly pssnlng along Ihe. streets during the afternoon and Is surrounded by burliness hoUM-s, Ihe roblx-r evaded everyone and efTcctnl hta e-itt ttn. cat hoi. AVhn he saw he waa Mled In his porpo-r be haetlly Ml the bank, hur ried around the block, and iiiminteit a horse he had (led on ihe same block Ttie hunk had Just closed the day and l.nmtxTt had pulled down the window hnilo. Ijtinlx'rt was slamling at the counter talking to W. K. Klliott. solicitor for the Kvamlner, when the il.r was su-kleiily opened by a iimii "f middle helgtit, wearing a durk mark, who Imme diately advanced to the i-ounl-r Ths left hand of Ihe stranger grasped his chin as :f to hold down the mak, ami wllh the rlcht he moved the solicitor asiile and thnt a pistol fairly Into l.aulMrt'a fa.-e, wllh the imler 'hand out them green, hacks." at the same time beikoulug to a considerable pile of currency lying un a smutl slietf Inside the counier. The rash rrs right hand resting on the coun ter when the ordrr was given aial not more than a foot from where his own re volver waa lying He es-lsrd tills tpilckly and brought it to b-ar uihiii Ills opHneiil who st.ll had hks pMtol aimed. As he i brought hi revolver forward. limlert swung hlmsilf tvhlnd a woodi-n (tame supporting a large p4iie of plate grow Aiming lh guanl This unexpected ac tion sernvnl to confuse the highwayman. The two men had eaoh other covered but neither fired. Ths robber seemed lo think that he could get s round ths end of the guard by suing strtl further to his nhi. At lh Juncture the rubber started toward the door. loimberC hurried lo a Iwrt of the i . . , . . I countrr nearest Ihe door and lot one shot at the crouching man as he mads hi exit. The shot was high, but tended to accel erate the speed of the rotbrr. He ran tip Kaxl Waistilngtou street on block and UKHintr.1 a horse h had lied there and dlsapeared. .n.viHTHii it.vimirrT winu San IVamisco. Jan. 51 A strclal lo the Awsaiated 1'tvs from Hangkok, Mlam. atya that Cniie,! Stairs Minister Barrett has Un awarded a favorals decision by ths arbitrator In the matter of ths aao)t by f iiwiw soldier upon R V. Krllett, 1'nlle.l States vice-consul, at ttilwggul. Novemlier II. 1M. It was) agreed that ths Siamese government alioulil apidngis or punish ths offender. Th ofTloerH In command of the troop are to Im puhlkiy reprlmandel and degraded In rank, while the m-ii are to be de. prlved of pay for three months. CHRISTIAN HOIKN'B. ivanaa t tty. Jan. Ju.-Th criminal court tislny sustalnnl the deration of th poll'-n court In fitting Mrs. A. J. Balrd. a hading Christian Scientist of hl city, W and tvsis for falling to repore a oase of dlf.htherla under her charge. The il Id iHesl. snd the court saJd he would have fined h.-r ll) If possible I'mbMlaa covered atsl n-iirrd by practl. al workman, nt IB Ninth street WHEAT. In June 2. wheat sold at V. It ha sine sold at li.OJ. Difference, c. or II 5,5 on 10.000 bushels. 1100 would have made this amount by our system of Joint investment accounts sines June Why not try this system and Incraas your Incomer Amount of 120 and upwards received. our information Is of such a eharjctar and from such source as to make It n tirsty reitaw. write for particular. J, u. Rnowiton oo., grain brokers, 10J California street. Ban Francbjco. Little money buys a fine coat or cape at Shanahan tiros. ABfllONEE'B NOTICB TO CREDITORS, Notice Is hereby given that th under signed has this day been appointed as signee of Rebeccah Strauss, an Insolvent debtor. Creditors of the said assignor are hereby notified to present their claim under ooth to the undesigned within threo months from lhl date at his place of business at No, 575 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon, Dated this eleventh day of September, W". N. BCHLTTSSTIL, assignes or iteneccan Htrauss, an Insol. vent debtor. TO FISHKIfMKN AND CANNEflTMEN, 'j-me genernj reipnlr shop at ths corner of lOIJi and Dunne la now prepared to make conlraot to cast lends on flsh net line for the comlns; big season. C. If. ORKWITZ. Mannger. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SeVeVeVe-eWrA DR. O. B. EBTRB, PHYSICIAN AND BOHOEON. Bpeclal attention to disease of worn and surgery. Office over Daniigor' itore. Astoria. Telephone No. U. J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORN ET AND COUNHFXOU AT LAW. OfTlce on Bond street. Astoria, Or Chester V. Dolph. ftlchiird NU.e. POLPH & NIXON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24, 2t, 24 and tt Hamilton Building. Alt legal and aol leotlon buln-e promptly attended t Claims against th government spe-laity. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE I.. II, 81 1,1(1, I.sssopntitl Mmintr. ,,. January 8-20... wtS'S; . t il 'fi pst-, -: IM)N( THR Al'Si'ltCS AM) T0K THI. IW.M'.I'IT W THR rUHIC LIIIKAKY. Nuiii'ir I have sold my ''! and sjioe buslnrvs al (a Comniei.l ureel lo .Msts I. O. Peterson and lliail.s Brown. These two aentlenien h-'lng so well and favorably known by our lilllens. resjulrs no rec ominndnllon ftom me. but th sums lib eral patronage whiih you hsve so kllhlly favored in wllh In lh I"1"1 '' 'or hl.4i I Hunk you. I h.ipe will b exteraled to my uccesiss. All aixNMiiil dus lh old nrm will l by me as well as aN avounts against ths old firm will b p d by me. I'. 1 Til UUKN A..-a. Jan. 3. la NOTICK FINAL ACH'.T. Noll,' k heivl. xiien that C. H Wrlgtit and T A H U n t e- olon of Ihe estate of KlliatM-lh Jane It' 41. hav Dl-M their final acvouitl In sal rs(l. In Ihe county court of Clatsop coon I y. Oregon, and the Judge thereof has sel KeOrusry II, It), at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m for the hearing 'f lije. tims If any then be. to life allosanc of the same tnd the i loalng of the administration of said es tate C. S WIM.1HT. T A. HYI-AM). Kxeculors. Astoria. (rr(on, January I. IM I.KAtll'K Mi:irriN0. meeting of the llcpubllcan l-sri Of latsop oaiuly I hereby called 10 met In Ut county court room. In Ihe court house, on Monday evening. January St. at I o'clock, for th purfsHs yf electing a es retary In place of Charles Maskory, rraignt-tl. mid for the further purpi of eleclll'g d-Seg tle to represent laid bagUe at the mertlng of stats rthib 14 b held In foreland, on hVliruary I. Vet. JollV DAMN. President. F. J. Many. th leading merchant tator, 1J7 Tsilh tret Th highest prk- paid for fur skins. Mr. Mary lltrd. lUrrltburg. p., say. "My child ks worth million lo m; yt I would hav ist his; oy croup had I not Invested twenty. fir cents In a botll of On Mlmils Cough Cur." ft curs coughs, eokla and all throat and lung troubles. Cha. Rogsr. Pirsspertty comes qutrkesi to th man whose liver 1 In good condition. DeWllt's Utile Early Risers ars famou llttl pills for ronsrlpatlon, hlllousnsss. Indlgwrtloa and all stomach and liver troubles. Chi. Rogsrs. OAHTOniA. Emil Schacht ARGH1TEGT Roomt J 1 7-j 1 8 fortUod 5vlof a Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon. HIST Tit I.RAVR. rOKTUND, AHK1VB. OVKRI.AND KX I'llKhn, (or ealuiii. ItiituliiirL'. Aililllllll. t:UlP,Mj Hserainento, Orleli. t:M-U Han rraiiclMio, Alo- lave, Los Anxules, HI ram, New ur leam and the Host. Koieburg puieugor Via Woodhum, for Mount AiikuI, bll verl'in, Wot Nclo, liruwusvllle, Hprlng 11' id and Natron C'orvallls paasungur. Inilcpctifletics psss'gr tDally oxcvpfHiindayr 8:30 A. W 4:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Daily except biuuiay. (7:30 A. M. tft:D0 P. M t4:fln P. M, t:i!h A. M. iJalljr" Connecting at Ban Franolsc with Oe- ildental & Oriental, Paoiflo Kail, aad Oceanlo steamship lime for JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, AND HAWAII. IX) W FARE8. EVERT DAT- PORTLAND TO BAN FRANCISCO 18.00, Second Class ; f 10.00, First Class; Including berth. Similar reduollon to Log Angelta, Fresno and o titer California points. Baggage checked to destination. . KOEHLBR, c. H. MARKHAM, Manofsr. 0. F. and P, A, In suxair -nl O OOCTNajSilAaTA J iilo TO THE EAST oives cuoicb or -2- Transcontinental ROUTES. Ura Northern Hallway via potuss. Mlnuaapolla and PuJ and Oila, Oregon Rhort Lin 4a Ball Lake, DSW vsr, Omaha and Kanaaa City. Lowest Rntcs to All Iiast crn Cities. OCHAN STEAMERS tX'i l.esie Aslorls eerll'hel')S to Kan r'ri'lsiis IoIIosb Ci4umb4s. Tnurs.lsr. Jatiuary It Stats of California, Turlar, Jan. U. Coiuntbla. Buiwlay, Jan. a. ; fit it of caiifurnl. rndar, Jan. U. Columbia. Wednesday, FW. . Rials of California. Minday, Feb. T Columbia. Babirday, Jan. It Hlat of California, Thuradny, Fsb T. Colunibla, TV lay. Feb t). Stat of California. Sunday?" rb. V. fltaamar) monthty from PortiaM tJ Tokohansa and H rsrk ng, rta eh) North ra Psclfla StjrusMp Company fa pectloa with 0. ft A N. 'i ' t - Far ralsa and gsneraj lironaatte ' so sr address O. W. LOCNIBBRHT. Agsat W. IL HURLBURT. Ostv. Pas. Aft., Portland, Or. FOR " TILIAMOOK, NE1IAIJCM AND TILLAMOOK. NtllAIj:M AND TILLAMOOK. NEIIAI.EM AND TILLAMOOK. NEHAIXM AND TILIAMOOK, NRHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINT) OTHKR COAST POINTt OTHER COAST POINT! OTHER COAST POINTS OTHKR COAST POINT. -St R. P. ELMORR, , IU P. ELM OR a P. ELMORE, ' W. H. HARRISON W. H. HARRISON W. II. HARRISON AND AUOUITA' AND AUGUSTA' AND AUOUSTA ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTEH O. R. N. Co, Agents, Portlanf. Salllns; data to and from Tillamook' and Nahalem depend upssj thawaUtrfc For freight and paassnger ratea apply to ELMORE, BANDORN A CO.. Agents. The Choicest Table Wines... ror Families Also for Medicinal sod Cooking Purpose Private Block, Cream Rysj, Old Hickory. Ptld of Kentucky and Hermltig.) Rsp. old California Brandies. Carlson's Family Liquor Store lot TWELFTH STREET Oriental Koyelties Japanese Goods ..WING LEE.. 54a Utimnwroiiil Htrout Next to Mndisrm'i Olgnr Htnnd Umbrellas I.OCKH, KKYi AND HKWINU MACIIINKH..,, Also til Mght Miiclilnery, Repaired C. H. Orkwitz 448 DUANK. Prices out In two.