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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1896)
THE DAILY AST01UAN, Fill PAY MORNINO, PKCKMKKU II, 111. WESTON BY THE SHI McKinley and Good Times! Now Js Tour .Opportunity SEASONABLE GOODS! IVoplo who have Um-ii hoimling away their money hw now huvlog Situated in Clatsop County Hear Astoria .. ... Columbia Harbor Land Co. CORNER... BOND and ELEVENTH STS. 4as or application. .LOTS Blankets... Warren ton nd Warrenton Park MOW being sold in tracts of all sizes. Bond for deed 1 N given with every purchase. . . . Each buyer has a Of Oregon and California manufacture, In all colors and sizes, at bottom prices. At Special Prices chance for the CAPITAL PRIZE. For particulars call on E. Z. FERGUSON. Truatoe ASTORIA. Misses. Youth's and Children's OCH00L vJHOES Ladies' and Gents Autumn Footwear Rubbers. Rubber Boots, Etc. Jobn Hahn & Co. Are WtttNM 479 Commercial St Ribbons 37 SHADES IN BABY RIBBONS Xa. I ricot tdoe AabT Bibsoa. Ic yi. 9c at Ko. t Sstii Ribboa - - Se yi. 17c ec Ro. iH Satia Ribboa - - 8c yi. 83c ac Ite. S Satia Ribboa - - 4yf.39cpc ITe call atteatioa to tkc tact Tbat at beep aoat bat best Qsalit all-Silk Ribboas. aid Sell tkeai lor less tbaa others Sell part-cottoa Ribboas 1IDFDT IMIMB 1 D Ce.srcfcil ALUUM LIUMarI saaNlatast SIGNAL SERVICE REPORT. TESTERDATS WEATHER. Maximum temperature. S3 degrees. Minimum temperature. 4 degrees. Prertpffatlon, J-H Inches. Totsi precipitation from September lft, im. to data, JS.U Inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1st, im, to date, 14.W Inches. TODAY'S W BATHER. Portland. December 10. For Ww.ern Oregon and Washington, threatening weather and light rain. Tor Eastern Oregon, fair weather. 0 KCaDERS. The "Dally Aitorlea" atalna twice as saaeh raadlag matter aa mmj ether paper pabliaaed la Astoria. It la tke oaljr paper that preeeats 1U reader with a dally telegraphic report. TO ADVMTI8KK9 The "Dally Aa Sariaa" has more tbaa twtee a. many read re a aay ether paper pablished la ria. It la therefore more tbaa twlee as ealaable ae aa advartlslag atedlam. I tat. of Oragoa. I Coaaty of Clatsop.) We, the asderalgd. local managers reepeetlraly of the Western Valoa and VMtal Telegraph eompanlr. hereby cer tify tbat the "Dally Astorlaa" U the only aapsr pablUhed la Astoria which now re elves, or at any time daring oar control f said offleo has received, a telegraphic p real report. B. D. JOHNSON. Manager W . C. T. Co. J.B.CLAKK, Maaager Postal Tel. Co. AROUND TOWN. Did you aee Cortnue last night? Buy your Groceries at 10th and Duane street. Just received Lowneys chocolates, at The Spa. J. O. Hanthorn Is visiting In the me tropolis. The Alice Blanchard and Chllkat are still in port. Tou can get the beet potatoes at 10th ud Duane street. Don't forget the sale of fancy articles on December 11th. Mr. W. J. Ingalls, of Lewis and Clarke, Is in the city. Mr. W. E. Tappaq has gone on a fish ing trip not for salmon. The Presbyterian sale on December 11th. Sale to begin at 7:30 sharp Magic music Is a new Indoor game that is at present very popular. Just think, 72 Christmas tree candles for 10c this week at C. B. Smith's. Julius Jense, Chinook; Chris. Peter son, Olney, were In the city yesterday. The Outing Club gave a box party at the Corinne entertainment last night George Bartley returned yesterday morning from a business trip to Port land. Ladles can save big money by pur chasing dress goods at the Low Price Store. Deputy County Clerk Wherlty Is on the sick list. He has palpitation of the heart. Grocers, who will give your money-back (without grumbling) if you don't like Schilling's Best tea, are help ing us. It is good business for all concerned. A ScbiMlnr a Company SaaFraocuca 421 STUART BROS.. Sale Agent OR OREGON ... On the QUEEN HEATER appears In large tetters, "Queen." None genuine without It. Beware of tmlta tlons. We are sole agents for the "Queen." FISHER BROTHERS H. EKSTROM Jeweler 560 Commercial St., Astoria. Or. rise une or Watches, Diamonds COLD AND SILVER JCaELRT. CLOCKS t.lBRElUS. rtRSES. STERIIXC 1ND rilTED ViKE. Suitable for Christmas Presents, at Very Low Prices. Every Article Purchased Engraved Free, of Charge. Thirty-two members of the Corlnna Company arrived on the Telephone last evening. The steamer Hayward yesterday brought the Cambrina Princess down the river. Half the town was at the Telephone dock yesterday to get a first glimpse of Corinne. J. M. Turney and wife left last even ing on (-, 7?;?fi ff ft da," vU,1t In Portia"!. . Tou can secure a Christmas tree all ready for use In private parlors, at the M. E. basaar. General satisfaction was expressed yesterday as to the result of the election of councllmen. THREE SIZES OP QUEEN HEAT ers now in stock and for sale only by fisher Brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Wermouth, of Seattle, are visiting at Mr. J. Gibsen's on the Lewis and Clarke. Messrs. Burns, Trulllnger, Dunne, Callam. and Levy, made a box party at Corinne last night The will of the late John Hobson was filed in the office of the county clerk yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Will Madison returned yesterday from Portland where she has been vis iting for some time past The moon and stars last night made their appearance but were hardly recog nised by their old friends. If you want any of those line tree ornaments at C. B. Smith's you had better get them this week. It is more and more evident that Christmas Is coming the shops are nearly all in holiday attire. Dr. T. L. Ball, dentist Teeth ex tracted without pain. Price reasonable. No. 562 Commercial street Mr. Otto Sund and Miss Arms. Supola were granted a marriage license by County Clerk Dunbar yesterday. Isak Mamara and Miss Ethel Mathl son, both of this city, were married yesterday by Rev. Mr. McCormac Be brief, for It is with words as with sunbeams the more thay are condens ed the deeper they burn Southey. We offer all our cast Iron stoves at 10 per cent below cost. The latest air tight stoves also on hand at 431 Bond street The re will be a masquerade dance on New Tears' night at the residence of Mr. W. J. Ingalls, on the Lewis & Clarke. The "Yellow Kid" of Hogan's Alley, has consented to sing for the A. F. C. December 31st, at the Columbia Opera House. Captain F. Parker was busy yester day afternoon putting up a new sign on the railroad front of the Parker House. The gchoner Vigilant, from Goble, is unloading 300 cords of fir wood at the Pacific Can Co.'s dock, for the Astoria Wood Yard. The boys' orchestra, composed of Al fred Kinney, Frank Carnahan, and Thos. Parker will play at P.escue Club tomorrow evening. Al. Selfeldt, who barely missed being councilman from the Third ward, is on deck at the old stand with his usual smiling countenance. It Is perhaps not generally known In Astoria that rubber shoes were orlKln ally called robber shoes, they having Coffee 5c, Woodcock's, 671 Com'l St. Comforts... In Eider Down and Carded Cotton, mode of the very best material. Very cheap. Warm Underwear We hatve the laruet "election of Ladles' end Oenla", Mineten'. Youth'" and Children Underwear to te found la this part of the country, and t reusKmahle price. C. H. COOPER been devised for the stealthy us of burglars. C. B. Smith, the confectioner. Just received his shipment of Gunther can dles for Christmas. Tou will do well to place your orders at once. A fire eater, tumbling, bar works, and living pictures, a regular New York Vaudeville show. A. F. C. at Columbia Opera House, December 31. LOOK OUT for fraudulent telegraph- to news In the Astoria afternoon papers. None of these papers receives on Une of outside news by telegraph. Call and see the Queen air-tight heat er at Horn oil A Ward's before buying; they can save you money both on the price of the stove and wood consumed. The county court was In session yes terday. The allowances of six wards of the county were discontinued, but no other business of Importance was trans acted, before purchasing, don't fail to sec" those celebrated air-tight stoves at Fourd A Stokes.' They have them In a dosen different styles, and every pos sible site. If the laws of California are similar to those of Oregon, the 110,000 Sharkey Fltxslmmons prise-fight purse will go to the school fund Instead of to either of the contestants. There will be tables of Interest for all at the Presbyterian church December 11. Fancy articles chlldfens candy, popcorn and peanuts. Refreshments; also cakes for sale. Don't forget that the Low Price Store has the only perfect fitting wrappers, the handsomest line of jackets and capes, and Is selling them at wholesale prices. 491 Bond street Some of the fishermen have been making good catches of steelheads re cently and have received five cents per pound for all they could deliver for shipment In Ice to eastern points. During the recent freshet on the Lew 1s and Clarke several of the residents of the UDDer river, among them Mr. Wiley's people, thought they would j surely be floated down atream by the swift current. During the high water on tho night of the seventh, a log raft belonging to Olsen, and one belonging to R. R. Cole, went out of the Lewis and Clarke river, but fortunately both were caught In Young's bay. . , , ., .... , ,wily l,npmin uui iia win iciu. u w i.'t i Olenmorag uiis morning aim ururu , . . . , , , , I 1 to state last night that if the weather man would give him good weather about the 20th, he would make another trial to float the ship. Mr. J. W. Fricke, assistant secretary o fthe C. F. Weber & Co., school and bank furniture dealers, of Portland, is visiting in the city. Mr. Fricke is look ing out for a little business and taking a vacation on the side. The preliminary hearing of William Armstrong, charged with rape, was con cluded before Justice Abercrombie yes terday. Armstrong was placed under 1500 bonds to appear before the grand Jury, which meets In February. When the ballot box from the Third ward was returned to Auditor Nelson a brick, suggestive of the name of the winning candidate, was found in It. Mr. Brlx thinks the Joke a good one. So does Mr. Siefeldt the defeated can didate. It was reported last evening that the Parker House 'bus ran away from the O. R. and N. Co.'s dock yesterday morn ing, but no damage was done save the loss of Driver Llewellyn's coat. By ntanders state that It was not a very lively runaway. The sluicing down the hill at the head of 10th street by hydraulic power, has proved a most successful experiment. About one yard of earth Is being moved The Leading House of Astoria. Whatever else you do between now and Christmas, be sure and see our beautiful novelties In perfumes before buying any gifts for your friends Mind you, we do not say buy of ua We merely say, see what ws have be fore you buy, and then do as you choose about the place you purchase. Of course we have an idea about what Ue result will be after having exam ined our varied stork, but that need not In any way lartusna your choice. We are showing our goods wjth the understanding that wish U purchase unless we disss U their beet Interest to do so. We hvs Id stock an elegant line of novelty perfumes In cut glass bottles, all new styles, never put on the market before, and filled with the choicest perfumes made by Adolph Spieler and Solon Palmer, the best manufacturers of perfumes In America; also a hill line of Imported ex tracts by Lubln, Roger and Gallet. Ed Plnuud of Paris and the Crown Per fumery Company of London, w ho are Itno.n tn he fhtt len.llnir nerfumers uf a.uv - T--. - w f f the world, and some of their entlruly . new orders In our stock are Metsukltu, Orchlda. Peau da Sprague. L. Iris ma. t eau u apraKue. u. ins Bouuuet des Amours, Vera Vlo- Parm. Parqulnta Lilly. Blanc, letta. Aurora Lily and Qt'EKN OF VIOLETS. I We also carry the largest line of toilet soaps of any house west of the Km-ky Mountains (that Is not a wholesale house.) We have forty gross ranging In price from 10 cents per dosen to 11 a cake, 12 gross of tooth brushes at from 5 cents to 50 cents each. Our JOc bruKhes generally sell for 73c. 24 dosen hair brushes at from Uc to IT each; bath brushes from 50c to 12 each; also an endless variety of lather bruKhes and shoe brushes, and hundreds of other articles bo numerous to mention, and all at the lowest cash prices. We take pleasure In showing goods, wheth er you buy or not, knowing, after ex amining our( stock and prices, you will call when In need of anything In our line. CHARLES BOGEHS, Druggist. Odd Fellows' building, Astoria. , per minute, and the vacant lots on Franklin avenue have been filled up level with the street. Observer Grover says that the wind during the storm of Wednesday was blowing from the southeast at the rate of thirty-six miles per hour. During Wednesday night 24 Inches of rain fell The barometer is now rising and prom ises of fair weather are made. The football players of the A. F. C. practiced yesterday on the VanDusen grounds. Burlington played particular- well. He Is a light man, but Is a I nA nr. r, fy. , ... . . 1 1 K'X-HJ I Ulllirt HIIU It", tl 1 I t .u'.n.v. ... He played his position well. Holt and Allen also acquitted themselves credit ably. A gentleman .living In T'nlontown, last evening said that the reputed land Hllde In that section of the city was In his opinion only the settling of the ground at the base of one of the hills caused by the action of a large spring which overflows onto the land at that point. Yes, we have a few of those Burbank potatoes left, but at the prices and rate they are selling they will soon be gone. The Webfoot Commission House Is selling other groceries at the same rate. For Instance: A pound of Mocha, Java and Rio blended coffee for 25c. We grind this while you wait. Word was received yesterday by Mr. Gosslln, that owing to the sudden and serious Illness of Mrs. Hammond In New York, Mr. Hammond's departure for the West will be postponed. Mr. B. H. Brown, Jr., of Boston, who was In conference with Mr. Hammond In New York the other day, was expected to leave for the west on the 4th, arriving In Astoria some time before Christmas. President T. H. Curtis, of the North west Construction Company, returned yesterday from a trip over the line. He reports that no damage was done to the new grade work during the recent storm, and that Honeyman, DeHart A El Oompany are making good progress with the work under existing weather (-otiitttlotis. It is nialil that If the wealhir Is favorable, more men will le mxin put to work. Oeiu'i-nl l4ml Agent Onsslln, of tho A. and C. It. It. It., returned yesterday from up river where ho has spent sev eral days In visiting various points for the purpose of collei'tlng Information preparatory to instituting condemna tion suits to clean up the rest of the mllroaut right of way. Mr. Ooanllti re ports that lloneytnun, IVllsrt A Co. are doing good work along the line con sidering the weather. The following bill of freight charxt on a young dog shipped via Kslsjna to Mr. Walter Itobb, almost staggered that gentleman yesterday afternoon when It was presented to him; Freight, II. JJ; charges at Kalaina, for listening to the howls of said dog for eight hours at 111 an hour, llM; twelve pounds of loin steak at Me, 11.44; for time lost In wishing for some une to throw the dug overboard, II 00; total, !:... In East Astoria yesterday workmen were busy using the city water In sluic ing down one of the hills nrar Mcflreg- ors Mill. The earth was carried out onto the beach, and If there was a sea wall would soon make a showing to wards filling up the water front. The union of the water In running down the sides of the hill where a regular dlUftl has been plowed out, with water falls, rU js a good Illustration of what nature dors tMfJ 1" "'' now ter. Hope Ferguson and Oeorge I'artley returned yesterday from a visit In lh metropolis. Ferguson says that Hart Icy, who wtta taking dinner at Fulton Park, on the south side, had to rustle to get to the dork In time for the even ing boat. In his anxiety to vt out of lown l-fore the authorities -'ui him "'! ..v n W. n oul. be paid the mnlortnan fifty rents, to get up speed and sucveded in rtMuh-! ing the dork In twelve mlnuti-a from mg tne ins K in twelve minuK-s irom ! two mllesout After reaching the wait-1 Ing r.Mm he learned that the boat was. late and had a quite rest of four hours. Hartley suys that Ferguson was escort- ed to the boat by the chief of xll.r. THi: DKI'OT 8TKKKT. Astoria, December 10. (Killtor Asto rlan) Your remark Mining to t street to the dopot were timely, and re ceived the endorsement of the entire community. The average Astorlan ix great rustler and works very hnr.l building dry dis ks, Hour mills, hotels, city porks, central markets and ether needed Improvements, but is Inclined to overlook many minor works of the llrst Importance. A street to the depot Is a work which we will have to do. It must be built. Then why not stop our other great undertakings and do the thing we are bound to do, and not delay until we are damaged Irretrievably b the delay, Why not do thla work at once and have It out of the way and then go on with other and perhaps greater undertakings? If there be two or three owners who refuse to dedicate the right of way, why not at once have their property condemned and build the sfeet anyway. Surely we cannot allow two or three persons to stand In the way of the entire community. The writer realises that our common council has some very heavy burdens to bear and especially so these hard times but still thinks it should exert Itself In the mntter of getting Commer clal street extended to the depot. Y. CARD OF THANKS. The directors of the Finnish public church, of Unlontown, desire to express their hearty appreciation of the dona tions mode by the merchants and other citizens of presents for the fair which was held December 6th. The argument for abolishing the duty on alcohol Imported for use In arts and manufactures Is fairly good, but why not use American alcohol and help the manufacture of that? TO VVHK A COLD IN ONK DAY, Take laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. 25c. For sale by Chas. Rogers. Druggist. Salton Sea Salt for baths at the Kstes-Conn Drug Store 10c and 25c per package. Men who have w-en a good deal of life don't always end by choosing their wives well. George Eliot. ROYAL BaKing Powder. Highest of all in leavening Strength V. g. Oovsmni.nt Report Orris root In the bath Is used by women who dote on the odor of violets. OABTOniA. flan Hail. It M ftrr titulars l should say so, In all the prettiest shades Imagin able. Special for the Hol iday trade at 30c per Yard Remember that prices m these lots, side of tho bay. within a stone's thru pimple are now living, will be advanced Us Weliioot Corn Curt. : No cure no pay. For sale lit Ka tea-Conn lrujr Store. Meany Is the leading taller, and pays the highest csslv pries for fur skins. WANTED. WANTKl-A girl or woman to do hnlf a day's work each day In a prt vale family. Apply M ths office of the Aatorlan. FOR HINT. FOH IlKNT Three room house tipper alts court house. Astoria Land A In vestment Co., IV Commercial street Four rooms to rent Ml Exchange street Adolph Johnson. FOU IlKNT Seven room house. No. ISO Commercial street, corner Blxth street. Apply to F. I. Dunbar, Court house. FOR RKNT A front room nicely fur. nlahsd. Inquire 134 Hond street, city. FOR BALK. ALL KINDS OF FANCY AND JAP ANK8K Goods for Christmas and ths holidays, at Wing Lee'a. HJ Commer cial street Cedar Shingles SEASIDE LUMBElt YARD. OFFICE t&t COMMERCIAL ST c707iuBYErM.O7D. mtSICIA UP M U;r.QX firsduated from Copenhagen I'nlver slty. Specialty, Female Diseases. No. 5"0 Comiui rclal street, Khaoahan Iliilldliig. Hour, 10-12 a. m : 2-4 and T-l p. m. TllA PjllllfA fftff ' ' VClIt Is the Place for a Good Meal... Eastern Oysters la tbt 'hell or cs . Served to Order or Sold at Retail VV. V. WHIPPLE THE PALACE "The Louvre" STOHIV8 tiOKGEOl!) ENTERTAINMENT HALL a rtooKi Fins Muale. Uaniss of All Kinds. Two Magnlflesnt llara. rum-cuss Good Order" aod Everybody's Rights STKICTI.Y OKSKKVKI). .SNAP A KODAK- at any man eomliif out ot our store and you'll get a portrait of a mau brlounlug over with pieaunl thoughts. Hutn quality In tho liquors we have to offer are snouxh to pleats any man. COMB AND TRY THEM HUGHES & CO. New Columbia Two Nights commencing Thursday, Dec. U ENGAGEMENT OF THE VERSATILE COMEDIENNE Katie Putnam And Her Praiseworthy Company of Players In a Number of Beautiful Plays Written Expressly for Miss Putnam. .."The Old -Lime Kiln".. A Picturesque Idyl of the West-One of the Most Popular Successes of Two Seasons. CHANGE OF PLAY EACH NIGHT For Further Particulars SHAN AH AN BROS. See wld. h are tin toal situated on the west if lh Warreiilun depot, and where Jiimiaiy 1, Wl. NORTH PACIFIC 1 .... 1 Steamship Company's i i STEAMER CH11KAT. Will be dispatched from Portland, Or. egon on or about November I, MM, o the route from that point to th Co. oullls Itlvrr. touching at all Interme. dial points as Inducements offer, and will remain permanently en that routs making regular I rips. For rates or other Information apply at omoee of the company, Woreeate Block, Portland, Oregon, or 11115J D. vis street, San Francisco. NEIL UlLMOItn, Agent slain Street Dock, Astoria, S. r,,A, Uw of FneaiM a HohM. M. T. IsM a SkH liWl Cel. FOUNDRYHEN Blacksmiths, Machinists and Holler Maker IKSShS Kinds of IflachJMry Iron and Uraaa Castings ustiaral Blacksmlun Work SflfUlTIM - W.(tk totael Wheal, Sals Snllhlnf as4 Skwaol W. Caaawy 4 Mill M..lrr. Martse ss4 StaSwir kM art Balli to Ort tpscUlly ajsiraaa rot Inrrvr.1 wars LamtiMkMKe SulkHaS iBlh and rranklln. PtiM78 Astoria and Columbia Riyer Railroad TIME CARD. Trains Wave Seaside for Astoria al 7:30 a. m. and I p. m. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Ftavel at I a. in. and 4 p. m. dally. Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 10 10 a. m. aod 4 p. m. dally, Trains leave Flavrl for Astoria al f a. m. and !.& p. m. dally. Ross higgsTco Grocers, : and : Butchers Aatsrla ana Upeer Astoria Flas Tata and Cofa.t, T.H. DaKcariM, OoaMSe as4 Tropical rrultt. Vtfuti.s. Sufai Cur4 M.a., Bams, tk. Choke Frrth and Salt Meats. 187a 1891 Fisf?er Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandolery, Hardware, Iron A Stel, Coal, Groceries A Provision,, Flour A Mill Feed, ' Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales. Doors A Windows, Agricultural Implement. Wagons A Vehicles. Opera House About Them... COLUMBIA IR K WORKS'