The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 23, 1896, Image 2

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Tcliphun No. in.
IbMMk OH t.CnM.KIt'lHM
Sent by mill, per year
Bent by mail per month
Served by carrier, per week
. .60
. .10
for protection like the llapt 1st lo for the
doctrine of Immersion -and cvcr.vbody
knows It. There is no room for doubt,
nor will there be any occasion for discus
sion on Ihnt Issue Th. only o.ucstlon of
concern In the minds of the Intelligent
people of the country In whether the
party will declare iinc,uivo.-all- for
pound money at St. IaiuIs. That, there
fore, la the main Iwuo, and. In tact, the
only issue, that will cut any lliiutv In
the next presidential election.
by mall per year, tl In advanoe
Postage free, to subscribers.
All communication intended for publl
cation ihould be directed to the editor
Business communications of ail kind
aad remittance must b addressed to
1U Asiorlan.
The Astorian guaranteca to Ita sub
acribera th Largest circulation of any
aewspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rate can be had on arpil-
Ihe unanimity with whl.-h the heavy
appropriation bill providing for coast de
fense was supported In the lower house
of congrrs la significant of the Mrong
American sentiment In that body. While
the acrimony that ilii.ri.terUcd the re
cent controversies over Veneiuela has !
gradually given place to n sentiment ta- I
favorable to at Miration as a means of j
Milling disputes between the Kngllsh-
six-nking nations. It has at the same lime i
lmpres."ed the people with the Impor-
tance of building a strong navy adequate
to maintain the dignity and protect the '
commerce of the greatest republic on '
earth. While the national pride calls j
for a ureal navy, congrvi ha awakened ,
a Hon to til business manager.
Th Weekly Astorian, the second oldest1 ' fact that a navy without imptvg- ,
weekly In th slate of Oregon, ha, nextj "a"' t defers.- N- powerless .
to tha Portland Oregonlan. the largest 10 l"vdevt the country from Invasion by ,
weekly circulation In tha state. I hostile armies or to prevent the desiruc- j
Jno. F. Handley A Co. are. our Tort-' ,,on r bllllona of dollar1 worth of prop- ,
land agents, and copies of the Astcrian, rty ,n "r aC4at cities. The plan
can be bad every morning at their stand.! defend our coasts and staport cltle ,
C4 Third streeX j b' He,l ha b.en pronouncl by .xiwrts
i (o be Impracticable. It would Involve nn
j expenso of many liur.dr.-J million dollars. :
j To do e(T.-.-tlve and aggressive work the '.
navy must not be fettered to any of our ,
j cities. While the present policy of build- i
ing up the navy should be continued. It ,
must not be done at the expense of our
defenseless shores, along which are
stretched the richest cities of the tvpub-
lleorav II. Uelil. of lin.-hesier. hss una
of the most interesting ii'iinUimiil - eul
lections in tim romiiiy. and his roil I.
i liin t aaii-rs'' la . ...., i,,llv .,,,.,.1
intriitalc value iwliiii nearlv t twt Tin
collection iiI.ii coui.ilnx ma'iy xaluali
seciuien of cohilnehial mid lali
v. a tninht tell vou ivma
annul rough Cure, but von i.r..l..l,l
.i.-w umi ii eurra a coush. h .,ir. .m
uoes wno naa used It. It la a perfect
it"KMV i or cotimis. CO da. liosianli.s.
is an especial favorlts fur eliil.lran. I...
Ing pleasant to aK and nulck In e.nlna
.-. i . v i a.
airr. t'r in.m beak l on i ..m i. ,,
inerv was ll ..,! Oeil of Irulll III the
lie., .vii-, I.OMBS srrnu.l. tikluv l
iinisonncilH-es: cpe la 11 V when ha
a i ll was Ullmsa Ii e foe anc .if n I
i.'ii ii th.i ,n,i wo,, ,i ,.,,, . v...ik.,r.
e-i . icman.
Hums are. abaci
...... ..iicn nasei naiv la iiiomiitlr
api'lle.1. This statement I trua, A pr
. ivniniy i.r ssiii maeases. chapped
hands and Hps, and never falls to eur
rues, v naa, itnaer.
can't make :i iii.m k. y of
We are unalterably opposed to any
acheme that will give to this country a
depreciated or debased currency. We fa
Tor tb use of silver as currency, but to
tha extent only and under such restric
tions tbat Ita parity with gold can be
maintained. Wisconsin Republican convention.
rou are discharged Thave
no use for any one that has
not sense enough to chew
The political enemies of Major McKJn
lry reckoned without the complete record
f his speeches on the currency question
when they cited against him a solitary
speech apparently but not actually In
favor of the two standards.
A man Is never to b; judged by what
he said on a single circumscribed occa
sion on subject frequently discarded,
aya the Chicago Tunes-Herald, nor by
single speech taken exclusively In con
nection with past conditions of the sub
ject matter. Not a word can be found
In Major McKinley s utterances In favor
f sending the Vnittd Stat.-s to a silver
currency basis not one.
The real scope of the baleful effects of
anlimltcd ccliuge of silver was not per-
. celved until ISC Speaking that year.
September U. at the Acederay of Music.
Philadelphia, oa "The Issues of the
Tune," Major McKlnley said:
"My fellow tftlseru, there Is one thing
' which this country cannot afford to trine
' with, and that la its currency, its meas
ure of value, the money which naases
among Uie people In return for their labor
and the products of their toll or of their
sand. There is no contrivance so suc
cessful In cheating labor and the poor
people of the country as unstable, worth
tan and easily counterfeited currency."
i Ob the proposal that we should go back
to state banks. Major McKlnley said: "It
- ifctnltely more harmful than the irre
:. deenaek) greeeback In unlimited vol
; 'am" He added: tt would be a
thousand times more hurtful, more de-
Struct! v to business and trade than the
free and unlimited -oinasre of silver, bad J
as that would be."
in the same speech, sp-aking of the
lie, with fabulous wealth exposed to the
danger of spoliation from bombardment
by foreign powers. While our great ,
coast cities are practically unprotected,
European countries are establishing and '
maintaining a vast system of ,'ortiiica-
tlons. The sum of lll.3M.ttl which is :
appropriated by the bouse, is a trilling j
amount compared to the enormous ex- j
penditures of the British government for
this purpose. The Tnlied States desires
peace with all the world. To maintain
It the navy should relnfor.-ed by coast
defenses adequate for our protection
against foreign foes.
rtclalmed Hie man, lilarlng ferociously.
"IVnihtlcs you prrter In make n hog of
ir-u, leli.llu.l tile Miuiihi, wllh
, e I'Muein ,if .j ,...,..i.,i,
were cieariy tnuae to which nolhliia but
a .n.w.i,-,i mniey car could k'lve rlw to.
- .-iron irinuiie.
Children Cry for
Pitchers Castorla,
Teacher What Is lavl.lcrm. T
nl - I (urm know, teacher
'"-.. jminn e j.ihnnl.- ii'm i....
...,wn rariieia -I levelalul rialn I Viler.
lliisy people hsv no lime, and sensible have no Inclination to us a alow
remedy. On klinute Cough Cur arts
promptly and slvsa uantun.-ni l.m.s..
"Heteen you and me." i 1.1 llu. . .ill.
cal young man, -since llie.e lull,, ailil. lie
events In Oreeee, Wllh the sll..wm the
natives dln't make, 1 am iHwInultig to
ha.e a that limner ..
ileal of press agent "-,in..ila
Tile largest piece of (loop Tobacco
ever sold for 10 cents.
A Republican Thinks this Will He the
Coming Issue.
Editor Astorian:
After the election of lh-Mident Cleve
land and the reversal of the Uepuhlican
policy of protection, hard times followed,
and it became apparent to the pn-Mdent,
and some of his political associates, that,
unless the Republicans could be drawn
away from the tariff question In the
coming campaign, the Democratic party
would he distanced in the race. The
president and his associat.'S, therefore,
wisely Inaugurated an agitation of the
money question, and wtth such success
have their endeavors been met that they
have succeeded In inducing many of the
leading Republican papers throughout
the land to discuss the money question to
the entire exclusion of the tariff question.
Now the tariff question Is the real Issue
between the Republican and the Demo
cratic parties, and Is the one upon which
the Republican party can succeed without
aount. ir tt win but stand firm In advo
cacy of Its tariff principles. This Is
demonstrated, by the mamer in which
McKlnley is being borne forward tow
ards the White House. It cannot be said
that his popularity Is due to his po-i:lon
on the money question: nor to the sun-
advocates of payment of the ;reenbacks ! port of tne politicians. for they are
In bonds. Major McKlnley said- "Routed aa,n" nlm: out "wnuse he Is the Ideal
frvl . , Z ... u 1 Kouted , representative of the Idea of protective
from ihat position by the sober sense of j tariff. It Is upon that principle that all
the country, they became the advocates Republicans, and very many former D ni
ce rats, ran iintr nnH hv .n nin .i.....
a president in accord with tlielr views.
"Uut." siy some of oi:r
tor" the city charter to vent bis spite up
on the water commission lecaus- they
would not comply with his demands. No i
man should be nominated, or elected, :
who will or has used his offl.-e to pass
laws to construct streets at the public J
expense for the benefit of himself nnd
friends. No man should be nominated
w ho will or has squandered, the city '
funds to elect himself for office to pass
"sea gull Kills." etc. If ruch run i
nominated the people will not elect th-m .
Astoria. Or , April Jl, IK.
To the Editor:
I have enjoyed the little poems you
give ns of late so much that I venture
to send these herein enclosed for your
use if your judgment approves If not,
I shall not feel hurt.
There are still some who know that life
is something more than the seltlsn strug
gle for material tblntrs. and who believe I
In the cultivation of the beautiful and
altruistic, as well as the utilliailan and
egotistic: and they feW positive pleasure
In- rinding sympathy with thefr deepest
convictions and finest taste.
To- such these glimpses of the higher
life, nmld the "maddening max. of j
thmjrs" are a.f "cold water to a tbtrsly i
souL" MRS. W. W. .ARKt:a !
Krau Cocma Hiiiar, widow of the
great, I cautlng much -.-m-nient
by her growing n-c nrt -Ith-s Mic
recently cimp.vs.-d il- ioema In bonor
f her son Sleirf n. d's IWe .lor i'n
Slritfrted" birthday -h.- gave a reecptlon.
icti'l after the guests had .is.-mt'k d she
c.tlle.l In the .K and had her five
poxms recite,! and sung for their t n. nt.
Frm scrofuliwis, akin or scalp dlesssis.
ouirnt to t-e given Pr. n ree a ilklen
M.-dlcal Plscorery, for purifying the
Morel. Fur rhlHrvn who are puny, pale,
or wruk. the "Discovery" Is a tenle
which builds up both fl sii and strength.
Wh it Is said of It for -hfldren, npplles
equally to ndulta As in i-ietliin, re
sturitlve tonic. It s.-ts it work all the
prm.-sses of .nirestloT ntul nutrtih-n
rous.-s every organ Into natural action,
and Slings bac health anil strength.
In recovering from "grippe-" or In ewn-
vaies-ence rrom pneumonia, fevers, and
other wasting dharases. It speedily and
sun-ly lnvlirurnti-t- an I tsiilds up tha
whole system.
For all diseases er.used by a torpid Hver
or impure blood, as ly;Kpln. Illhsua-n.-ss,
lllotches, and Kr ip'sma, It gives
most iW.rt sntl'STlrtlnn.
ah ine patent nrs adverllar.t In
! mis paper, together wllh the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc . can
be bought at the lowest prices at J W.
Conn's drug alere. onuoalla i ,.... ,t.-i,tl
Hotel. Astoria.
I shall apply for a divorce lis Is
treating me like a dog and he makes
me work lit a horse" "Well. lien,
you should make your comi.lalnt lo the
Society for the Protection of Animals
and nut to the courts." 1,'llluatrs d
I oche.
Dr. Price'! Cream llaklnf Powder
Centslns im or A lam.
Shade of the Period - "In your day, na
I iiii.i.-rstan.l, tnern was no rlorioua
leal n except In heith-. Mtiad of
A'-hllles That Is sutlatlally correct
iriey iii.t not ,iH rule fur app. n II -Ills
men . ivtroll lTll.une,
-e .
Oroccrs, : mul : Hutchcnt
Aalsrla and I'ppsr Anuria
i'ibs Tsss ssj t:.ies. rM ivu. . i.i.tiu.
asl lr.t'Hl I mill. Vafsisbles, Sugar
I vita' Itssii, llatiai. I k
ChoUe Frrsh uj Salt MmH.
rlclal attention twld to taaiiiboat r
iMtlring, flrsl-olaaa horseshoeing, etc
17 (.Uiisy street, blwn Third and
kud Fourth Asiorla. .sr.
After (Deals I
I'ltorKHKKlft ALAtUia
Or at any oilier llmr
when ytit wlali a ipnui
Piliat ask fr Ills well
known, lissne-mailo,
ham! ma.1", white lalxii
rigar -
t.r Hello Aaatot Iw "
tuuw.lsl by all sinokera
.i lw (lie hal plunr
w. v. sciin-i,i-,
7f IMintr Strut,
aatorls. (Iresasj
I'hona Nn as
Astoria, Orefsa
Pure hlc-Kl means gsod health. De
Wltt's Rarsapartlla purslsa Ihs Wood,
curs Kruptlona. Krsma. "rtorula. and
all diseases arising frem Impure blood.
Chas. Rogers.
"I'tn onto you. .ld man." said Ivt.-ctlve
Kni. as the Iroimrd loa4 stealthily by.
"Tou won t penw-rrate any more devil,
menl without my knowing It; you're
spotted nil right " - Richmond Dispatch.
of a
f the free and unlimited colna,
dollar worth less than 10) rents.-'
Tet there are journalists and politicians
who profess ta think that Major MrKin
fey never squarely declared himself In
Ar of the gold standard and ugainst
unlimited coinage of sliver!
The writer of the communication signed
Gold" is clearly not as wvll informed
ca the political sentiment of the coun
try as be ought to be. He thinks the
tariff question Is to be the lending Issue
between the Republican and Democratic
parties during the coming campaign, ana
says the money issue Is an Invention of
the president and his associates to throw
dust In the eyes of Republicans and de
feat a return of the country to the bene
fits of a protective tariff. He never
made a greater mistake in his life If
he could but spend a few minutes dally
In the Astorian office reading the edi
torial opinions of the leading Republican
papers of the country he mlsht learn
that if It is true that President Cleve
land and his counsellors are responsible
for the money Issue they have thrown
the most destructive boomerang and
menus. tne morwy question Is the
greatest Issue now before the ople." If
they would assert that It Is the gravest
Issue now before the people. I would
agree with them. The ravlty of the
Issue, however, arises from the fact that
said Journals are assisting In mlsl-adlng
their party as to the real Issue between
it and the Democratic party, nnd are
urging upon It Issues which with the set
tlement of the tariff question win settle
When one sees a Republican paper Ig
noring the tariff question and declaring
that "the money question is the greatest
Issue since the civil war." It Is fair to
say that Its editor has been misled, or
that he has some hidden motive, and Is
not working for the success of Ms party.
It Is apparent that certain Republicans
In this state are desirous of supporting
an Independent candidate for congress In
this congressional district, avowedly for i
the purpose of defeating Hon. W. R.
Ellis, the popular Republican candidate,
because he is a free silver advocate. I
wonder If those individuals realize how
hard a run they will make for Hon. Thos.
j ll. Tongue in the First District by their
actions. The attempt of the untl-iree sil
I ver people to defeat Ellis, will result In
i the free silver people knifing Tongue. I
Imagine I hear them sharpening their
Knives at this time. By the way, lsn'
Tnera are, no doubt. insurm4.intabk
obstacles. Hut tnnt barrier to the enjoy
ment of health, chronic :ons:liiarfiin. Is
not among them. Ami this for the ren
son that there Is a thorourh. pr mvt.
and non-eriplng medicinal i;g.-m. Hos
tetter's Stomacoi Hitters, adapted to Its
relief, as well ns to the rmov.U of those
btlisaja and dyseptlc symptom which
accompany it. Violent punra'lves. wheth
er mineral or vegetable, weaken the
bowels ami disorder the stomach. The
Hltuprs. on the contrary, strengthens and
resrjlates them Both. M.sreover. ft tran
qulllsps the nervous system, nnd Is a
cure for and medicinal safeguard against
kli.'hey and makiriai complaints. It Is a
most genial and effective tonic, ocnt r
acts the Infirmities of awe and promotes
convalescence. Sleep and aptartite are
both benefitted by Its use. It Is a stand
ard remedy endorsed by the estire me
dical fraternity:
I t'he t-i salve in the world foi Oila
i 'In.,.. .s.,rr I'l.-e's. .Halt Ithesm,
Ire- T. t:er '"hipued Hands,
',hiains c.ti . nnd All Skin Krup
tbn.. and p.-sitiveiy run Piles, or no
in. required !t Is gu.iratKoei to give
!-rf -e satisf i. ti,,i, ,,r m iney refunded
Price ? ivr:i i-r tx. Fur s!e b
na nogee, maj i-i,,w- hulldlng
It's Just as easy to try On Mlnuta
Coogh Cur as anything ehas. It's easier
ta cur a sever cough or cold with It.
Let your next parrhaae fee a cough be
One Mlnut Couch Cur. Heller msdl
rm: better rssutr: better try It. Chaa.
Reg era
IMd you say that Mr. owed his
financial success nj bis own still power?"
"t. no: to his mu le's will imwer ll
left everything ; Marks. -D.-ir.ilt r ree
Innl wore,
Ship ChniKllcry,
( roetjr.OH,
1 Yov.h.oiih,
special AIMalloa Paid la pplying Skips.
rovrrlM, Flour, Fred, Provision, Ff tills
VrieUhles, Cnukery, GIjm and
PUlr J Vre. I offer' Supplier.
(- Cass nJ Suaaow Win is Aafcxls. On
Jill IN T.
times, iipslalra, Asliutsa llulldltig
ll. Kll.IV JANHON.
tifTIc ovsr (Msen's drug sinre, Hours, It
In it a. m i I to ami 1 in I p. at. Mun
days, IV In II.
Hissi'lal atlsnlbin In diseases of wom
en and surgery.
Office ovsr lanaljr' slur Asi.arla
rlph ii i'p t
jAif TurrLfc. m. u,
PIITnlClAN, rUlttlKtlN, AND
tiffloe, Itwuns and , I'ytblan
liulldina. Hours, I to It and I k
t, Kealdvtira, U, (Vdar street.
Conunssroaal Street.
VV. at. UFures. . It. litaltk.
uroncit A HMITH,
tJ Coi
A little III. then a little pll. The II)
ha gon, the pall has wen. DWltt's
U' tie lUrly Hla-rs ar thellttis pills that
cure great Ills. Oh. Rogsrs.
"What I want," suiit the
manager, "IS a genuine
"Something realistic?" asked
wrright. "Taw; but I don't
.he play-
-an t any
rai pugilists, or real divorce lien.ln. s,
or real live stock, or real sawmills In
ft." The playwrltar looked wearily
thoughtful, and after a paua-. Inquired:
"How wouM It do to spring ome:hlng
on the puliflc with raX sctan. In It?"
Washington 8tar.
It a Utile Mtranre that the el.
committed the most egregious error I vorats of this inde)nd nt movement ,
f ang set of politicians In nil history. I are A- B,,sh Rnl J- It. Allx rt, of Salem. '
Instead of the money Issue Jlvidlng the - E. Br. Wood' of ''or" ""
. , . " Democrats? Does any Republi-an be-
Republlcan party it has absolutely cast lleve they, or either of them would voTe
eff from the Democratic party at leaBt f"r a gold bug protectionist, as against
one-third of Its total adherents, compris- i a fr'"e "ver free trader? If so, let him
Ing the most Intelligent and best ele- I t!Z 1 tl"? ' ""i. "V""
'"cause each of the aforementioned gen
ment of that party. On the other hand, j tlemen will vote for a Democrat on
there Is every reason to belU-ve that the j i"r"A 11,1 f1- regardless of the number
Republican paity will not, and cannot, ! of ,lm- be may vote for a gold bug Re-
I '""-"" 'i' iiiuuin, in ine pres-
mi-j jie ence r.r Kcn-ir,
lose one single Ea.-tern
Western electoral vote in the next
presidential election, provided a straight
ut sound money plank is adopted at
the St. Louis convention. Bo far as
the tariff Is concerned thre-fourths of
the voters of the United ritates today,
regardless of all prior political affilia
tions, will refuse to vote for rny mnn
ta the next campaign who Is not known
to favor a protective tariff. Less than
three years of actual experience under
the Wilson bill has settled the tariff Is
sue for the next quarter of a century;
and It Is not the Democratic party that
is seeking to mislead and iiefuddle the
minds of Republican voters by Injecting
the money question in the politics of the
atlon, but rather tha Republicans who
indiscreetly committed themselves to the
liver craze when It raged a few months
ago and are now seeking to find a way to
creep back Into their local organU.itlons
ly persuading their former associates
that the money Issue Is not a proper
subject for discussion In Republican
meetings and conventions. If our es
teemed correspondent will read the ar
ticle from the Chicago Times-Herald on
McKlnley, which we reproduce this morn
ing, he will probably change his mind
as to the reason for the enthusiasm
shown all over the country In favor of
McKlnley. The Republican party stands
voters! between now
and then. That Is an old Democratic
trick In states having larg.; Republican
majorities. JOLD.
D. W. Fuller, of Cinajobirie. N. T.,
says thig he alwr.ys keeps Dr. King's
New Dlrorvery in the hous-: and his fam
ily has always found the very best re
sult f'ilow Its u; that he would not,
be wl'tmut It. if procurable. O. A. Dyko
man, Drui.'t-It, f'a.:sk1ll, .V. Y., says
I)r. King's .NV Diw.-.v-ry Is
the b'jst c.-.-jgh remedy; that he has ul
It In his family for eight years and tliat
It fc.-s never failed to d.. ail that
clairaed for It. why not try a r-mi Jy
so ;ng tried and t-sted. Trlil but.tles
free at Chas. P.uap.-ra' drug store. Regular
mae 5oc. and tl.
t.enml Thomas I'llnuhmn. of North
arollna. who gained ns a commander
of Confederate troop during the war,
and was at one time a Tnlted States
senator. Is 'in applicant for .nlmlsskin to
the Confederate Holdlen' Home at Ral
elth. He Is M y-rar of age . and is IHip-
i.-ss ana witnout resoup-.s of any kind.
Whm Baby was sick, we gave eerCaatoria.
Whaa she wsa a Chial, aba crkal for Caatarla.
Whaa abe became Vka she clsisx o Caatoriav
WbaaabeL 3 Alma, ab g tthem Caatorla.
'Jne of lie m.wt m mtr Riswlans Pn
I'arls today l-i rien.-rnl F.'ugene de Poko-
J sr. Jle round a Roman swur-i w hen In
the Caucasa-. last susimer. This An
mounted baj.utlfully ami prvs.-nted to
Trance, "tho country of great heroes. f
great savann, of great writers, and
great chnmijlons of linerty ,'
Take a dase of Di-Wltfs Uttla Early
Risers just for the good they will do
you. There little i"is are good for In
digestion, good for headache, good for
liver comjlalnt. gcod for constipation.
They are good. Chua. Rogues.
Mrs. K.'lrjiln to .Saunders, a coin In of
Joseph J.rr.-rsfin, and formerly a mrtuber
of the t'alifonila Th.-.u it Slock Cum-
l,jpany Irr San r ruiclseu, n lelirated her
kii on ,.... i ma w.-r. nn,, puty.-l mo
part ot ijreiehi In Jova-ph Jefferson's
prodiP ilon of "lUp Van Winkle for sev
eral s-eunons.
Hist ress That
to, see you List
The Seleetion of a Congressional Iti pre
sen'atlve an Imortant Duty.
To the Editor:
The selection of two competent and
honest men to represent the people ef
Clatsop county In the next legislature Is
one of the most Important duties of
the voters of Clatsop county In the com
ing clecUon. Care In the election of
candidates by the Republican county con
vention on the 2fcth must be used. And
It should nominate only .ncn who will
work for the Interests of the public.
No man should tie nominated who Is a
"chronic candidate for office," with or
without pay, In order that he may con
trol the patronage am "pickings" of the
position to which he Is elected by the
people. No man should be placed in
young man who called
night, Jane, staldi verv
late. Jan It was me bro her, mum.
"Hut, Jane, I have noticed thirty-seven
different men In your company within
the laat two years, and each oe. you
said, was your brother." "Yms, mum,
poor folks allers have large families,
mum." New York Weekly.
nomination who will manipulate or "doo- I Chas. Rogers' drug store.
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, get a bottle now
ar.d get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiarly ad.pied to the
relief and cure of all female complaints
exer'lng a wonderful direct Influence In
giving strength and tone to the organs.
If you have Loss of Airpetlte, Constipa
tion, Headache. Fainting Spells, or are
N-tvous. Sleepless, Kxcltahle, Melan
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Klec
trlc Hitters Is the medicine you need.
Health and Strength are guaranteed bv
us use. iarge DOttles on v 60 ci
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Tle late Congrtasman William II.
Crajie, of Texas, eras one of the best
'iimslcal scholars ever sent lo congress.
It is said that be, knew the "Iliad" and
tu Oreek tragedtm almost by heart.
overcoats and winter wrepa will be In
fashion. They can be dlerarded, tempor
arily while traveling In the steam h-ated
train or tne Chicago, Mllwauke- and Pt
Paul Railway. For wind romfirl, for
feted and for safely. no other line ran
compare with inn great railway of the
For a dinner, earvad on the Dining cars
ef the Chlrag Mllwauke and Hi la,d
Railway, will oa sent t any on
receipt of a bwu-cent potage aivurp.
Apply to Oeo M. HeafTord. li. n. ral Pas
senger Agent. uHd CHy Hulldlng. Chi
cago, Illinois.,
E. rltNEIU Kccclvcr.
Cavaalt St .Rial Jhaa, Asaari
General Machinist i4 Boiler Maketr
leal tm4 Marina FafleM. MUa Ml, Ste-aa-kaas
n4 Canntry Wstk a 5r)y.
CaMlngs All DanpM M4 M Otaw ea
Sinn Iwiflta.
John Fns .. I'reldsrlwia uprtntsndnl
i- rot rice ITvsldon
II. lTa. fUcrwary
rintt nalhinal Hank. TWa.ur- r
Few ilen Would Ask
for a Finer Dinner
"n tbas w erv We're trying la
vary way lo mak tham h moat n-
Joyahls) ki town. All the "gees) things'
r tne awuon-cooked by stir lcwllant
owok-la the moat deltiSou slyta. I'r-
teol sorvlre.
If yi invite a friend- t the Falacd
Rrataurwnt tha plac la a surTlcient guar
uitae tsal h will revive a so! anval.
The Palace fastanrant
m Transeontmental
t. rul.
(huuLa or
M. Paul.
Pullman ana Tourtwt xieauers
Fru ReolirHnu CK-lr Car
RHVAt. Hnkincr Pnwrirr
w wxe a m aa amS'SIMA V W V I
Msrhest ot all In leavenlntrV
Strength V. S. Oovernmeat Report
What has become, of the ,-eal, old-fasia.
loned buckwheat cake that tasted of tha
If you want a sure relief for pains in the back, side, chest, or
l.mDs, use an
Bear in Mind -Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita-
.' t;ons is ai food as the penuine.
Furevar tJared.
Four out of Ave who
suffer nervousness,
mental worry, attack
of " the blue." are but
paying the penalty of
early eii-csscs. Vic
tims, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
vigor. Don't despair. Hend for bik wllh
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free.
ER'E MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
Astoria to San Francisco.
Columbia, Thursduy. April 23.
Htate of CaJIfornla, Tuesday, April 28.
Columbia, Bunduy, May I.
Htato of Callfornbi, Friday, May 8.
Columbia. Wednesday, May II.
Htate of California, Monday, May 18.
Columbia, Haturduy, May 23
State ot CaJlornla, Thursday, May 28,.
Astoria and Portlnd Steamers.
K. It. Thompson Leaves Astocta at 7
p. m. daily, except Huiulay; leaves I'ort
land at 7 a. m. dully, except Bunday;
Hunday at 8 p. m.
Lurllne Leaves Astoria at i:4C a. m.
dully, excit Sunday; Hunday at 8 p. m.
leaves I'ortland at H p. m., dally except
Haturduy and Hunduy; Saturday at 10
p. m.
For rates and general Information call
n or address
Qan. Pa AU PcrUana, Or.
la there a man wllh hart o 4d.
Thai from his family would wllhhol.l
The which they all uld find
In astleles of Fl'ltrHTI'RK ot the right
woum augsaii at tns staaon a
nice Hldelward. Ki tension Table, or set
or timing t halrs. Wa have tke largest
and flwet Una .- shown In tha rltv
amt at prices Ihat oaiinut fait lo plraae
iu hhmi Duysr.
B. F. AliliEH & S0H
Wall Psf. Aitlitt' Malarial. PaJaH.
Out, tilati. tt. Japaoaas Mnliit.
Rug utt Kooiboo (wodt
Jft.a, Coninacr-cUsI Htreet.
They Iack Life
at taw.
t)fflc on Msooud tstrsst, Astoria, Ot.
J. N. Ihdpa. Jtlchars) Nltoa
rhner V. Itoipb.
lMiI.1'11, NkXtN K'U'II.
Arrt'KNicrM at uw.
Portland, (rnin., and IT,
llamllluii llulidut. AU leaal and cut
teotlon busln.-e imimp-ly allaadrd to,
tialma agwluss las governtiienl a spw
HlKiirrt MKKTINilH.
TICMI'I.K Ll'lKlK NO. 7. A. Viid
A. M - llegulsr inniiiiunlcalloiui held
hi Ih rlrat and third Tuceday svetilruj
f each monlh
il W laMINHIIKItrtT. W. M.
K C. IIUl.DICN. Masantary.
vf . C. CAHMKI.U
Notary public.
Tl ll.Uld trcet
r. llaralley A Co . IM Third treat, and get
tha Iaily Aalorlan. Vlallora need ass)
nilaw Ihalr morning paper while tkare.
171 iM
sn AsrtiA,
1 Shi,. Chan
I nn tt Sti'cl,.
(rrict'fit'- .6 Phviiri!,
.Flour Mill i',
1'itiiitH, ()U, VarninhsM,
FairlHiik' SitlfH,
, iVmrsi & WiiiilowH,
Agricultural laipltmrntit
Vp)i)H A VoilU'leH.
rut auovi: imch ki. imius not
naa a wafer train on lha Chicago, Ml!-
wa-aka and Hi. Paul ItaMway. No.
arena ar vesilliuled. bsaler by t
nd llgkted by eleclrlclty. Keen aleetx
ar barth ha an electiM reading laniu.
ta dining car sr th la In tha world.
ml II cache are palnwa on wheala
IHU great railway, eonnx-tlng as II
na with all IranacoiillssMiinl lines at Bt.
aul and Omaha, aaauri lu tli tarvsllrur
nolle ih heal servlr known. Tiekets
la Ih Chlragu. Mllwaake and Hi. Paul
lt'illwey are on sale at all railroad tk-ket
timiM l any Milni In th t'nlted Hiaiaa
or Canada. For mapa, rolilar and elher
Airmallan, atldrea.
C J. Kl'DV, Oan.rwl Agvnl.
W. CABKT. PortUad. fir.
Trar. Pa and Tkt. Agent.
Portland. Or.
There are twines sod to flshermsn
on the Columbia river that stand In 1 '
the Sams ralatlotasdalp to Marshall
Twin as a wwoden Image doea to th
human belng-tbey lack strength-Ufa
evenness sad laattag qualities. Don1
foul yourself Into lbs belief that other
twines beslda Marshall's will do "just
as well." They won't. They cannot.
Snap A Kodak
at any man mining out ot
nnr star and you'll get a a
portrait ol a man brimming
nvar Willi pleasant thoughts,
Much uuaJliy In the liquors
wv hare to oiler are enough to
Corne and Trq Them
A complete slock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed, flooring, rus
tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish;
mouldings snd shingles; also bracket
work dona to order. Tessas reasonable
and prices at bed rook. All orders
promptly attended to. Office and yard
at mill. H. If. Iu. LOOAN. Pron'r.
Seaside, Oregon.
Car. Tnth snd Bond 5trts.
A twlstsr la twisting
May twist him a twist,
Kor In twisting a twist
Three twist make a twist;
Ilut If one of the twists
Untwists from tha twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That Is, when It's twisted with
other twins than MARSHALL'S.
is a tig railroad
but it doesn't run every.
w her.
You Can't jse It If you
are going to Cu morula tr
Hrlllsrt Columbia, or Alas
ka, or anywhere west of
tlier. Ilut you ean-and
HHOt'Lli -iiae It If you ars
going anywhere east or
so u I It.
Not Im-c;iiis It Is cheap
er than other .Ines Hut
becauao la-lug much short
er. It Is much quicker.
To Omaha. Kansas City,
Ht. laiula nnd all southern
nnj souiheustern cities the .
the Is ?i miles
ahurler than any other
railroad. That liiearn thus
saved And time raved Is
what you an. looking for
Tli knls ii nd time-table
at the local ticket onice.
A. C. HlllCl.hON, (I. A.,
Portland, Or.
' L-...I. M. ... rw. . .
-..-fi. mono,.. .unco v.niet tottl
miasary, Vancouver llnrracka. Wash.
March 2S, Healed proposals In trip
licate will be received heroaand at offices
of Uommlaaarlaa at following named
posts, (fog fresh beef and fresh mutton
to be delivered at that poat only), timll
12 o'clock, noon, Friday, April !l, m,
then npaned, for furnishing and delivers.
to Subsistence Defiartment, V. 8. Army,
the frueA lieef and fresh mutton called for
by tha Commissary of post to bs sup
plied during six months, and also aeo-
arata protioeals for year, ronimerarlng
July- 1, JKJ; Ilolae Ilarrack and Fort
Bhetman, Idaho; Forla Canhy, Hpokona,
Walla Walla, and Vancouver Uarraoka.
Wash. Freah beef shall bs good la qual
ity and condition fit for Immediate use.
and from for and hind quarter meats
proportionally, Including all bait oula
thereof. Fresh mutton shall be of mmd
fat and marketable quality, from wethers
over one and under three years old. n..r
and mutton to bs dressed a a trimmed
and delivered a prescribed In circular of
Instructions to bidders. Proposals will
bs also received staling lvk-a at whinh
bidder will deliver fresh beef or mutton
of character above stated, aad lo ho de
livered of temperature pat greater than
W dwgrees Fahrenheit, re
serve the right lo rsjwet tha whol or any
part of any or all Mds. Full Information
furnished hers, or hjf Commlsasrv at ihi
several poets. Eavelopes containing pro
posals should b marked "Proposals for
Fresh Peef (or Mutton)' at " and
aildressed to undsrslgned or lo Comml.
ary at posu t bs lupplid. W. II. Nash
MJ., C. 8- , , ,
M I v 4 S aV aar i
V t .... '