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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1885)
en t gaita inrtortim. ASTOKIA. OREGON; SUNDAY DECEMBER C.1S85 THE OREGONIAN. The Oregonian was thirty-five years old yesterday. The Sun day Oregonian celebrates its fourth aniversary to-day. To say that the Oregonian is the leading newspaper of the northwest is but to say what every one concedes to be the fact. In general its. re sponsibility is the measure of its pewer: it is a factor of good in the circle of its influence and its efforts are for the best interests of the country that for over a gener ation has supported it and seen it prosper. As a newspaper, a ve hicle for the dissemination of intel ligence it is the paper. This is the chief function of a public jour nal that has for its purpose what the Oregonian claims is its intent. Apart from the lurnishing of news a newspaper is supposed to echo public thought, to voice public sentiment, and without specially leading, to direct public opinion. When the opinion of a newspaper is believed to be unbiased it has considerable influence: when that opinion is evidently the public ex pression of private judgement or appears to be influenced by preju dice or a desire to view only one side of the case, the opinion loses weight. People care less for newspaper opinions than most newspaper men imagine. Of course a man in or out of a newspaper office that has no opinion is a fool; a man that is afraid to express his opinion is a coward, but what we mean is a vast majority of news paper readers care less for the editor's opinion than for the exact statement of the facts themselves. In coloring the statement of facts to suit the beliefs, hopes or wishes of the editor, the journal in question loses prestige and stand ing, for people readily see and judge how much credence to give what they see in a newspaper. It is but due the Oregonian to say that it has always had the courage of its convictions, and although not always willing to concede to others the consistency it claims for itself, yet, on the whole, it exhibits at least no more of that spirit than its lesser contemporaries. The AsTOitiAX congratulates its Portland contemporary on its thirty-fifth birthday, and is sincerely pleased to note the editorial state ment in yesterday's issue that it is doing a good business and is finan cially a success. t m In. 1855 each operator in a shoe factory (according to Massachu setts labor commission statistics) made 455 pairs of shoes and earned 205 a year. In 1885 he made 1,205 pairs, and his wages had risen to $390, though he worked 22 per cent less time. Bisnop HrGH Thomp son, when recently akfil if wom en were equally etp-.hle with men in receiving what i-. ca'.k'l the higher education, i- fri'dired with the answer, ''Then1 i no ;:ex in intellect." All told there woreiJjMl collis ions between Union and rebel troops during the war. In this enumeration the minimum of Un. ion troops is 400 and the maximum 100,000. In olden times whales taken off the English coast were perquisites of royalty. They were eateti by the Saxons, and even Queen Eliz "beth used to eat porpoise on Fri. days. A foot-pound is a force which will raise a pound one foot, and 33,000 of these foot-pounds make one horse-power. i A lakgee ratio of people born in Yermont have emigrated than from any other state in the Union. There are over 12,000 fisher men engaged in trawling in the North Sea, off the coast of England. Ix Thibet the "women do all the hard work, leaving the men to do all the visiting and gossiping. Kansas City is shocked to find that it has 2,318 more males than females. NEW TO-DAY. Democratic Ticket. For Mayor J. 0. TRULLINGER Councilman 1st Ward.. P. E. FERCHEN Councilman 2nd "Ward. . . .L, C. KINNEY Chief of Police A. M.TWOMBLT Police Judge C. H. STOCKTON Treasurer J. G. HUSTLER City Attorney GEO. NOLAND Snrvevor N.D. RAYMOND Assessor J.P.DICKINSON Auditor and Clerk "WM. POHL Harbor Master DENNIS CDRRAN Supt. of Streets .THOS. LOGAN To the Independent Club of Astoria. GKNTLEMEST ' I respectfully decline tlie nomination of Councilman from the 2nd ward. J. H. D. GRAY. A Card. Ma, Editor : Permit m space In your paper to expres3 in v views of the Democratic convention held at the court house In Astoria, Saturday evening. The nominations were maae uy acclamation and voted on lv narties not en titled to vote. In fact Mr. Editor there were men voting there who were not 21 hours off a British ship. The nomination of Street Supt. was balloted for, and when the t-llers who were appointed by the chair came to count the vote as many as seven ucxets in a bunch were taken out in favor of my oppo nent. JOHN McCANN. Communication. Astobu, Obkoon, Dec, To tlie Citizen of Asteria: S.1885. At the request of Mr. W. J. Barry, we this day investigated the charges lately circulated in this community by Mr. Chas. Hanwn against said Barry, viz: lit. That while Barry was Chief of Police in 1881, he, Hansen paid to Barry $20 as bail for "Win. Uhnck and John Knutson, and that said money had not been accounted for by Barry t and 2d. That on another occasion be, Han sen paid Barry the sum of $20 as bail for one Henry Olsen, which was not ac counted for by Mr. Barry. We find in reference to the first charg es the records of the Police court show that the money was paid into court by Mr. Barry and was forfeited to the city. As to the second charge Mr. Barry claims that only $5 was paid to him, and that it was paid on the fth dny of July, 1881, while Mr. Hansen asserts that he paid the $20 on the 23d day of Jnly, 1831. The records of the Police court do not show that there were any arrests made on the 23d day of July, 1881; but it does appear therefrom that Henry Olsen was arrested and let out on $5 bail on the oth day of July, 1831, and that said sum was paid into court and forfeited to the city, and Mr. Hansen's own private books show that on said 5th day of July, 1631, he paid'$5 to the jail," which sum is in said Olsen's account and the en tries in his book of July 23d, 1831, do not show any payment to the jail" or for bail for said Olsen. And we are fully satisfied from the evidence that there is no foundation whatever for either of the charges. FkihkL. Paeeeb. J. F. Fbechek. N. E. Goodell. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on "Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. JLSTOBIA, OlCEGOit. UNION MARKET When You Want Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fish, Eggs, Butter of the best quality: when jou vv.uir Chickens, Ducks, Game of all kinds, and want them fresh and good, call on C. F. Iteed at the Union Market on Water street. Vegetables of all kinds constantly on hand. I warrant everything sold fresh aud ot the best quality. Proprietor, Ualea Market. M. STUDZIK9KI, Finest Selection of Jewelry in MI (M anil Silver. Most Suitable Holiday Presents! Offered at Very Low Figures. JKTThe Quality of Ererr Article Gairaateed. GO TO THE 0. K. Hair Dressing Saloon Parker aTshsc, Mala St., For a'nzst-class Share, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Shampoo, etc. After September.lst I will be prepared to manufacture all kinds of hair work. H. Da PABK, Frp. Cannery Siolies Republican Ticket. For Mayor C.W.FULTOX Councilman, 1st Ward.. .F. SHERMAN Councilman, 2nd Ward KUU1.U&HKU1JU1U Chief of Police W.J.BARRY Police Judge R.V.MONTE1TH Supt of Streets. . . . W. P. McCROSKEY City Treasurer.... CHAS. HEILBORN City Attorney G. C. FULTON City Surveyor C.B. MARTIN City Assessor D. H. WELCH Auditor and Cleric T. S. JEWETT Harbor Master PHIL. JOHNSON Independent Ticket! For Mayor, J. O. Trullinger Councilman, 1st Ward,..!?. Sherman Councilman, 2nd " . . J. H. D. Gray Chief of Police C. W.Louglirey Police Judge, John Hahi Supt of Streets, Jno. McCann City Treasurer, .". . . J. G. Hustler City Attorney Geo. Noland City Surveyor, N. D. Baymoud City Assessor, Wm. Poole Auditor and Clerk O. W. Sbively Harbor Master Phil. Johnson Furnished Rooms. MES. E. C. HOLDEN IIAS A FEW NICE ly furnished rooms to rent at ft re dol lars per month and upward, and by the week or night Enquire corner Main and Jeffer son streets. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, at 'apt. Roger otd stand, corner ot Ca.s and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeta?. Waeons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Final Notice. NOTICE IS HKBEBY GIVEN THAT THE undersleaed has filed m the County Court of the state ot Oregoa for Clatsop couuiy. ner final account as aaiauustramx or the estate oi J. w. hood deceased, ana that the same has been set for hearine on Monday, January 4th, 1S88, at the hour of two o'ciock r. H. . J.JI.KOBB. Administratrix. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY-GIVEK THAT THE . undersigned intends to apply to the Common Council ot the city of Astoria, at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, male and spirituous liquors ia less Quantities than one auartfor a period of one vear. in the building frontlne on Cbeaamus stmt and situated on lot No. 8, block No. 65 in toe city or Astoria as. lata out and record ed by John MeClure. HARRIS fc WEIGH r. G. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS, Mouldings, Wrmde w Frames, etc. A Full Supply of Material. Bids Furnished : Contract Work a Specialty. -Mill and Office on the Old Site. Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF 8TOCK holders of the Masonic Land and Build ing Association of Astoria, will be held at the office of Capt. George Klavel on Wednes day, December 16. rsss, at two o'clock p. ac ; for the purpose of electing five directors for the ensuing year, and. tor the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. S.T.MTCEAN. Secretary. Astoria, November 13th, 1685. Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, EJ. JACKSOK, - Frariter. The best Bread, Cakes and Pasby In the Ctty Ice Creams and Ornamental "Work to'order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. GUSTAVBONTGEN, ansrsMiT NEAR VAX DySEX'S STOKE, UPPER ABTOBIA. All kinds of new Guns made to order. Breech-loading Guns made from Muxzle- loaders. All repairs-done prompt and cheap. First class work guaranteed. Address letters GTJSTAV BONTGEN. Care of John Kopp, Astoria, Or. Summons. IN THE CIBCUIT COUBT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop. W. W. Tarker. plaintiff, s. A. W. Berry, B. G. Crane, N. Koefoed, Mary J. Koefoed, defendants. Mate of Oregon, county ot Clatsop, ss. To B. G. Crane, defendant : m the name of the state of Oregon : you are hereby re quired to appear aud answer the complaint filed against you in the abOTe entitled suit by the first day .or; the next tera of the aboTe entitled court, to-wit : the lltfi day of January. 18. and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judg- mtuk g&iu3 jruu ior uie wna ana oisDurse ments of this suit and for leave-to Ijsue ex ecution In the Judgment and decree of the above entitled court heretofore readered In the case ot J. C. Trnllinger vs. V. Koefoed, etal, and for such other relief as the court may grant plaintiff. Service of this sum mons Is made upon you by publication in TaxDAiLTAsTOBiAX, pursuant to an or der ot F. J. Taylor.Judge of the above court, made on the 24th day of November. 1885. - J.Q.A.BOWLBY, sa-fit Attorney for Plaintiff. Stockholders' Meeting. STOCKHOLDEB3 OF THE FISHER men's Fkg. Co. are hereby notified that the annual meeting will be held at the Co 's offlee at Upper Attoria, Or., on Tuesdar. Dec 29,l8S5,at9A. M. for the purpose of electing a board f directors for tie ensulug year, and the transaction of other business that may come before the meeting. By order of the President. H.E. NELSON, Secretary. -Nitice " PI HEREBY GIVEN THAT SHE ANND al meetlngof the stockholders of the ScandlnavtanPaaklng Co. will be held at the company's oftee on Monday. Dec nth 13. at 9 o'clock a: m.. for t&e Vurpo Si electing a board of directors for tne eosuln Sear, and the transaction of suck other bus iess as may come before the raeetln. By order ot the president. H.PLATH. Astoria, Nov. tb, im. StcrtXur- SttckhtUtrs' Mtitinf . THE REGULATRAttff OAL MEETING OF thettoekfaolaewof the "Pythian Laa5 and BbMm ASM wmibTheJdo Dec 31. at 5 P. M,PytkUa Hall f er tSe purpose of electls a baard Mve Dtreeteri for the euslBg year ufl atteadtar to nefc other baslaem as may lefaUy emuWiort it. sect. After Three Weeks of Hard Labor! Has Got the Most of His MAGNIFICENT WHERE . . . . A 3lM? THE JftBfc3v Ik. TO CALL THIS WEEK Grand Exhibition Every Evening. Carl Adler's Crystal Palace A Slaughter IMMENSE SALES AT THE WHITE CLOSING OUT OUR Entire Stock of Dry and Fancy Boofls, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. AND IN FACT EVERYTHING APPERTAINING IN THE LADIES ONE AT COST! And Less than Cost. On Account of Discontinuing the -' . Above Lines I Shall also offer the Following Inducements: All Purchases $5.00 and Upwards, 5 per cent off. All Purchases 20.00 and Upwards, 1 0 per cent off. Ladies Call Early! And Secure Such Bargains as Never Offered in Astoria Before. This is a Bonafide Sale and No Sham, as we need our Space for other Purposes and the Stock Must January. S. SCHLUSSEL Next to Bank of Wm. T. Coleman, EMPIRE STORE. CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, OT. T. PARKER IN NEW QUARTERS! Having Consolidated My Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now offer the Largest and Jlost Complete Assortment of Fine tni Plain Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wiaiow Shtdfi, Pictures, Moulding, etc., At Portlud PrtoM. and Invite a Call o f Everybody in "Want of Goods in My List, OnarantMins Satisfaction in Every Respect. GH AS. HEILBORN. STOCK "X-OT2T - JIA&GAWSr A "3 P. in Dry Goods " HOUSE A Be Closed Out before the 1st of J Astoria, Oregon. Manager. Groceries Cheap for Gash! JL el J, 69 JL 6&i F. L. P. CASH DK.VX.EIl FRANK X?. PARKER. IS. B. PARKER, Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Bricl, Cement, Sani anil Plaster Woo J Dellrrrr il to Order. Drajinir, Teawlns Anil Express Buslnm. IKK .qip'l to; he Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL Hf fc-'Vrfc-ffb.. . A FULI. STOCK J-ODBC3NT .A. M O UST T C5-O 3VL DE! H. TT DEAL2B iy Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods. AGENT fob, 31 AGE E STOVES AND RANGES, THE BEST I THE MABKET . Plumbliig goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done lu a v, orkmamlke manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to -promptly On Reasonable Term. ChenamHS Street, Next to C L Parker's Store. Atiteria. Oregaa. Holiday Goods! AY The New York Novelty Store! We are now receiving one of THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF - HOLIDAY GOODS and NOVELTIES Ever offered to the People of Astoria. Gome One! Gome All! The Public are Cordially invited to Call and Examine our Carefully Selected Stock, Comprising articles for Old and Young alike and within the reach of all. Heretofore We have Always Led in Making Prices for Our Competitors, And now We Propose to Lead ffta ley As AnvthinR and Everything will be offered at The I. west Possible JUTingj Mar gin of Profit. Look Out for Our Grand Opening Next Tuesday Evening! NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Opposite the Parker House. Main Street, Astoria, Orafon. Sol Gopw Glry Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Piaaos and Organs of llie Best ntafao at the lowest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. 0-A11 goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER County Orders. T AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY COUNTY X Orders. R.B.SPEDDEN, rm IX 'TRAMKB ('UKA PARKEH ban P. Paiher,Ma3ter. F.rTY,'IX(i, FKKIOHT or OH A K 11. B. PAKKEU. KANOE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF Em Bm HAWB&i AGEKT t'AlX AND EXAMINE IT. YON WILL BE PLEASED. K. K. H AWES is alio agent for the Bati patent Mm Stove Anil other first-class Stores. Fnrnaoe Work. Steam Tit tinga. etc.. a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. THOS. MAIRS, (Late Cutter with M. D. Kant.) FffidDfliuiUta Tailor A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Pants, from $8 up. Salts from $30 up. Shop opposlta Bozorth A Johns. Clio ram