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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1884)
V UJ $k gnilu Jtstoviatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY FEttKUAttY 1. 18S4 BAR TOWAGE AND PILOTAGE. This Ib a subject on which The Astobian has had a good deal edi torially and locally to say. It is a topic that is always to be discussed, whenever opportunity arises or occa sion requires. It is a subject of great importance to every resident of the Columbia basin. Yesterday's News has a column article concern ing the matter which purports to be in answer to an inquirer from this city who wishes information. The article starts out by asserting that for the past four or Sva years discussion of the subject is all that has beeu accomplished, but corrects itself a little further on by reference to the law passod iit the last session of the legislature uit this imporant point That law reduced the price. If it did anything else beside break the backs of those who were most in strumental in getting it passed, it has not transpired up to date of pres ent writing. The reported reason that the Portland owners of the Pioneer ceased opposition is that they couldn't make it pay, and their solicitude for the producer was not sufficiently warm to justify them in playing a losing game. The result of financial Io on the part of the owners of the Pbtivsr was the forma tion of a sort of partnership in which the Bi'tiiham, (Jolumbia and Pioneer skate the profits and losses of the towage business. As to local quar rels or opposition between pilots, The Astoriak, while always ready to give facts and news does not feel called upon to take sides in the mat ter any more than in any other dis pute of the kind. 'Two of a trade never agree,'" whether it is in the merchandise, boating, manufacturing or other business. x-Si'i:akbi Keifkb is still under going a merciless persecution because he dismissed a short-hand writer in Washington when congress ad journed, and gave his own nephew the place during the recess, when there is nothing to do except to draw the comfortable salary of $3,600 a year. The great Republican leader should, in our opinion, be commended for his thoughtful and tender con sideration for his relative. It shows that ha was a kind-hearted unole. To prefer a stranger to one in whose veins coursed a rieh, red stream of Keifer blood would have been mon strous. There is not a nephew in the tounrn who will not exclaim, "Would that all uncles were like unto him!" A gentleman in Paris, who was re cently an unsuccessful suitor in the courts, took it into his head that his lawyer wan responsible, and revenged hmibelf for the loss of his case by shooting him. This method would certainly quicken the attention to business of lawyers, but it would lead to :t fearful amount of bloodshed. One lawyer must die in every case, and in such trials as the Beecher a whole holocaust. The idea, might, however, be popularized. Russian writers have lately drawn attention to the existence of various poisonous species of fish in the Japanese t?eas. The eating of a mod erate size bit of the flesh of one of them, known as the Fuku, is said to be almost instantly followed by death. Many fatalities a re caused by this fish among the lower elates of Japanese, who eat it, at the risk of being poisoned, on account of certain mar vellous properties which they find it to possess Moijkkn eulerpribe far surpasses that of the palmy dayb of ancient Babylon. American showmen are now exhibiting three separate and distinct skeletons of Guiieau his skeleton when he was a boy, his skele ton when he shot Garfield, and his skeleton when he was hanged. The man who securer the keleton of his ghost will make a fortune. Five hundred vessels at a time have found protection in the harbor of Portsmouth. X. H. The channel is 900 yards wide at the narrowest place, and there is never less than seven fathoms of water at an stage of the tide. The harbor is never frozen, ko swift is the current of the Piscataqua. The lease of the Oregon Railway and Navigation eoinp ny by the Northern Pacific Railroad company has been practically decided upon, but the terms are still a matter of negotia tion. A good many Northern Pacific stockholders are opposed to a guar antee of 6 per cent on the stock. A Toronto special says that the Canadian Pacific road threatens to carry emigrants from Toronto and Montreal to "Winnipeg for 17 on the opening of navigation. The American lines have made preparations to meet the cui The wife of a Wisconsin editor brings her baby's cradle into her husband's newspaper office every day. "When that infant gets old enough to talk he will be more embarrassing to gat along with than a ship's parrot It is estimated that at least 1700 men have been discharged from the service of the railroad companies in astern Washington and Oregon dur ing the past two months. GRANT VERSUS LOGAN The present debate on the Fitz John Porter case in Washington has not thuB far thrown an additional ray of light on the question, nor is it likely to do to if it were to last for the .next twelve months. In the opinion of all unprejudiced men who have studied the point in contro versy a great wrong was done to Gen eral Porter; and it will not be to the credit of the nation if it is not re paired. The information that has been made public since the close of the war with respect to the position of the Confederate forces in front of "Porter's command shows that "he was unjustly condemned. The opposition, to him now assumes the shape of a vindictive, personal assault in which small army jealousies and animosities play a prominent part General Logan is the centre of that opposi tion. General Grant, who has studied the case, declares Porter to be inno cent. His opinion should outweigh that of ten thousand Logans. Os Christmas Day a London bride groom was not forthcoming, and it was found that be had committed suicide. It is presumed that after the wedding day was set ho saw an American girL Somk of our exchanges are discuss ing an alleged "snow flea." They can't imagine how a snow ilea is made; but an old-fashioned Chinook rain will make the snow flee about as quick as anything. Soup kitchens aie being started in Walla Walla to relieve the immediate wants of hungry men discharged by the Oregon Construction company. Gen. Gkant denies that he has the slightest interest in 3Iexico except that he holds some stock in a railroad with a very gloomy outlook. Patti has been guaranteed $63,000 and will sing in San Francisco. Let us make up $30,003 more and have her warble in Astoria. The London Daily Tcltyraph claims an average circulation of 241, 000 copies a day; the largest of any newspaper in the world. "Does death end all?" is the title of Joseph Cook's latest lecture. If it doesn't end it, it adjourns it .some what, Joseph. The Leadville, Colorado, banks are failing. The directors, will only save their necks by divvying with the miners. Gen. Shkhmax keeps right on re fusing the presidency. They'll get to believe the old fellow after awhile. Wages of all kinds are being re duced in the east. They were low enough in all conscience already. The Mississippi annually carries 312,501,000,000 pounds of mud into the Gulf of Mexico. Life is a tiresome journey, and when a man arrives at the end he is all out of breath. The ex-Yillard stocks are still see sawing. At last ac(J0nnts they were going up again. There is altogether in this country Sl,637,750.000 insurance on 661,453 lives. - m mm m FoBxr American companies have paid $407,979,795 life insurance since 1850. Njnkty-xine women voted at a re cent Olympia city election. HORN. In Astoria, January 28th, 18S4, to the wife of Edward D. O'Neil. a dautihter 9 pounds, and the tenth grandchild of Judge P. !L Fox. DIED In Astoria. Jan. :u, Alice A. Brodie, aped 9 years and 8 months. Funeral at l :ty p. m. to-day, from pa rents' residence. Wood Yard. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE AbTO rhtWood Yard. Gray's Dock, foot of Benton street, w ill .sell wood at the follow ing prices ana deliver wherever the streets arepl&uked, between 'Jrulliiiger'i Mill and O'Brien's Hotel, .bae. to Astor .street : Ureeu Alder, 2-cut $J 50 per cord, long $3 75 Drv do do GrnHemlo'k do 4 do do do do do do do do do do 4 00 4S0 4 75 4 7 4 75 .-. IKl 6 73 G 00 3 75 4 00 I 00 4 00 425 500 5 25 Dry do Green Reach Green Fir Dry Fir Vine Maple and limbs Extra Maple do do do do do do do do do do do do Wood of All Kinds By the Scow load at REDUCED RATES. J. H I. GRAY Astoria, February 1st. ism Sheriff's Notice. TO THE DELINQ UENT TaX PAYERS OF Wahkiakum County. Tne Tax Roll for the year 1883 is now In my hands for collec tion. Delinquents wM puvse oal. at my ol flce nCa'hlamet aim ettie ti:e am and save sheriff's tnileaue and increased costs. 8. F. ALBERT. S-4t Sheriff of Wahkiakum Co W. T. JORDAN & BOZORTH, A FULL LINE OK Crockery and Glassware. Notice of Sale. ("1HEN SING LUNG & I'O. HAVE SOLD J their goo is and business to vonp Fat of San Kranclsco, who will dt uustaess un der the firm .name of Walt Hiug Jan Wone Fat will not be responsible for any debts incurrrd by Chen Sine Lung & Oq, All kinds of Chinese Good for sale. I WONG FAT. jti torla, Oregon, Ju. nth, 1884. AiOMMt Extraorflinary ! The Champion's Triumphal Tour Across the Continent. THE GREAT L COMBINATION Will Exhibit at OCCIDENTAL HALL On FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Tills crcjit combination embrace the best kuownand most famous boxers and atu tes living:, anions whom arc, first: JOHN 7.. SULLIVAX, Champion t the World. , HERBERT A. SLADE, the great Maml Giant. STEVE TAYLOR. ex-chnipIoti litavv- trftehr of the Cmted Slat d. PETE McCOV, coumplon Ughi weigh' i: MIKE GILLESPIE. fi.vo ite oparrer FRANK MORAN. in istui of cer. iuonlr. J. AlUNZINGCi:. and other elebritx ' Scenes of the lainous ilarthon .juan'. New York contest, r--a jcti J ril, .-!-VAN and SLAUE. special attention wl 1 hr zIvkh ladle. - -,,., At3IlSfO.V - - .I.5t No extra charge loi r-crjl v;al, at lite New York Novelty A!. K. Smith. Mananer ol Combination. F. "Vv". Stechhan. Manaser Omnui. Wash-' InKton and British Columbia. Stockholders" Meeting. A N AD.10UI.NKI Mh. UN - U i'JIE k. stockholders of Cape I o. I ckin..iii pany will be held at the company's tifllce In Astoria. Fehniaty 29th. 1881. W. 1". McGRF.fiOR, Secrctarj. Jauuary 30th. 1851. Notice. THIS 18 TO INFORM ALL WHOM IT mav -oncern that this business formerly known as Sun Shins: Co.. In the e't of As .oria Oregon, on Cheiiauiui Mieet pio-.lU' the I'ost office, and owned l Hon Fanjr. WonffChu. and Hliik Yin. Iia bi::ii bought bv Homr l-'am: who will a.vume all the lt::- bilitieof tut Sun Slug ft., and will ii!irci all debts due the same. Horn; Fong will keep Chinese grocfcrii... teas, fruits, etc. Astoria Jan. -th. liBl. EMILE TURIN. jl COOK BY PROFESSION. 1 WANTED Jol. at Fihlierton C uuiory. Tacoma Isdgrr please oopj. :st Notice. HAYING CLOSED OUT MY ULSINKSS In Astoria all panics Indebted to me are requested tomakeimmediatese'tlcment of the same at the ofllet of I). L. Rck .v M)it- In this city. All parties having claims against me will prfsenr the same at tb nDo e office. G EO. . iiU M E. Jnn.S.lsSL 0. L. BECK & SONS. ,Succe.voi- to Geo. W Hume) DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND CAN nery supplies, corner Skamoqua and Oluey streets. Astoria. On retinue from the above business, 1 take great pleasure in leconimendlng my succevsors to my friends, and bespeak for Messrs. D. I. Beck & Sons, a liberal shan- of their patron-ige. G.W.HUME. Notice. milE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEM X bers of tin P. L. & B. Association of As toria, will be held In Liberty Hall t e even ing of t ho 9th dav of Februarv. 18S1. at" 'clock i. m. WM. L McEWA". dtd Sectv. Executors' Notice. TITHE COUNTY COURT OF CLATSOP JL County. Oregon, having appointed the undersigned executors of the hist will and testament oi Iranian v. Powers, deceased, all persons having claims against said state are requested to present ihesami with the proper vouchers, at tne office of C. Leinen weber. Upper Astoria, within six. months from this date. C. LEINENWEBER. Wm. WADHAMS. Astoria, December 14. lSSt. Notice of Dissolution. I HAVE TniS DAY SOLD OUT MY HALF interest in the Astoria Sail Loft to C. J. Johnson, who. in connection with Mr- A. M. Johnson will carrv on the business, at the old stand. J. I5KS. Mr. A M. Johnson will collect al- bids and settle all accounts of the late firm f J. Ile-3 & Co. J. HES. per A. M-.J. Astoria, Jan. 14th, lt$3l. TuMISrmDR00MS"ToTET " IJy the Sight. Dny, Week or Month WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. With use of Parlbr. Librarv and all the com forts of a home. Terms ren.soM.ible Apply to MRS. K. C. IIOLDEN. Cor. Main and Jiffer?on Sts. Copper Paint. IN HALF GALLON TINS. At WILSON & FISHER'S. ctTA Liberal Discount to the Trau.-S Boat Building. JOS P. LEATHERS Formerly orer Arndt A Fsrcheas Machine Sho S BUILDING FIRST-CLAS BOATS IN thehop formerly occupied by M. John sou on Concomlv street, one block west of Hansen Bros Mill. Modrl. Material anil FlBlxti Flnt-class. GEO. GANSZ, DKALKH IN Presli and Cared Meats. SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. Next Door to John Rogers Central .Market. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. UKALKKS IX Iron. Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils f STEAM PACKING, PROVISIONS, (TO(7R AND .TOIX FEED. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capita Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Trices, In Stock. Cornpr Chenamus and Hamilton Strepfci STORIA.. OREGON. TheAl Fast Sailing Schooner "GEN. BANNING," I SIM ia? tons register, will leave Astoria, on or about FEBRUARY 18th, 18&1 FOK Gray's Harbor. . She will take freight at Portland, and on her return from Portland will leave Astoria. For fuither particulars applv to J. H. D. GK AY. Astoria, Oregon. You Are Sure AT THE iH I a g fs Pill p b- a ill iSELily rJ Leading OP ASTORIA. OHAS. HMLBORN. .F o N T A S T u R E si. FOE lall, OlficSs Library, and DINING ROOM, in WALNUT, CHEEHY, ASH, AND MAPLE. "We mp without n-Joubt showing the Largest and ilost Completo line of CHAMBER SUITS in this city, nn.iqualed in Design, Work manship and'Finish. We Carry an IMMENSE STOCK OF CARPETS of All Designs and Colors in Body, lioxbury,. and Tapestry Brussels, Three Plys, 1 Extra Supers and Ingrains. -FOSTER'S THE Billiard Parlors Are not excelled by any north of San Francisco. Nothing but the best 5 dispensed, and every convenience for the com 1 fort of guests. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Most Complete Establishment in Astoria. AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE 0. R. & N. DOCK. valentines valentines Valentin VALENTIXES VALENTINES ITa1usu received DIE ECT from tlie EAST, tlie IA.EUESr and FINEST st'.ck of Sentinienuil and Comic VALENTi ES that have ever been displayed here. Besides Belling them CiiEAPEU than any oiher house In On-gon we alto furnish ST A MI'S and ENVELOPES with each VALENTINE. Remember the Place HEMEMBER JiQIEMBEK Ife tr York Novelty Store Opposite Parker House. 3Ialu Streit, Astoria. - - - Oregon. Valentines! y THE " CSflwYnrkNoveltv V, ..... .w s N. STOIM2X d to be Suited House F U N I T E THE Parlor, Chamber EXGHAHGE. and Olyb Rooms r IANOS AND RGANS SMALL MUSICAL 1NSTEUME OF ALL KINDS. FINEST VIOLIN STRINGS Slieet 2UT.-u.slc Piano, and Organ Instructor - CELEBRATED STECK&OABE PIANOS! USED BY President of United States" ''Governor of Oregon," Astoria Musical Society, Mrs. J. W. Conn, of Astoria, And other prominent persons. Pianos and Organs of many leading makes, ii'nn'ajila nnH uioll m Including 'CELEBRATED TABER ORGANS. i AM) WO.VDEBFVL LITTLE GIANT STECK PIANO Largest House on This Coast. GARDHEB, Bros., 1 165 First St., Portland, Oregon. The Portland and Astoria STEVEDOEE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHEE TOET. Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. My for Bus FRANK L. Fresh Fruits FAMJY GROCERIES. TER apply to :he Cai)tain. oi to EMPIRE STORE RE-OPENING ! Fine Goods Reduced Prices Ladies desirous of procuring Goods unequaled in Style and Finish will take pleasure in examining our Stock of SILKS, SATINS and DRESS GOODS. IN THE GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, Everything is Complete and of the heBt PRAEL BROS. John A. Montgomery, -DEALKK Tin, Sheet Iron A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for ftlagee Stoves and Ranges The Best lu the market. Piumblng goods of all Kinds on hand. Jot work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAb FITTING, AND CANNERY Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CbenamiiH Street, Xext to C IV. Parker's Stere. ASTORIA, THE NEW MODEL . .' Ji35 .SggSSS f A rULIi STOCK Two doors east of Ocddent notel. '-a -SWb, 1 LmtmWKMr-r cu. 1 M. OL3EX. J. GUSTAFSON. A. JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. KALERS IN jQ7 FURNITURE Ss BEDDING. Corner aiuin aud Mquemoqna Streets. Astoria, Orejcea. WINDOW 6HADES AHD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. ATJT. KINDS OF FIIKKITIIRK TIKPAIRFI AW1 VARNISHED. YOTT CAN TAKE THE CAKE! And by Bujlugltat F. B. ELBERSON'S SEASIDE BAKERY You will be sure that It is worth taking. Every Variety of Fine Cakes and Confectionery Special Inducements For the Holiday Trade. Candies, Christmas Tree Trim mings, Etc. The Best Quality of Fine Bread Delivered every Morning SEASIDE BAKEEY, F. B.ELBERMOX, Proprietor, Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitls immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. PARKER. Vegetables STE1MEB CLARA PAROR Eben P. Parker.Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK B. U. PABKK1, iy- and Copper Ware. WORK RANGE OAK BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF . MAWE9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOD WILL BE PLEASED. E. K. HA WES is also agent tot tac M patent Mof Store And other flrst-clafls store. Foraaoa "Wark. SUaa Kt. tiaSx. to.. a spalmlt7. ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTOBIA, OESGON . X'ssssze: California Exchange The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic aad. Fereljr Clgtau mt the best Brands. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Conconily between Benton and Lafa vette streets, lm GEORGE G0SLUB8 I. "W. CASE, ' IiLPORTER AND WH0LE3AL1 AND-JLS TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MEECHAEISI ftaet Ohenamus and Cms streets. ASTORIA. .... OB1GON