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About The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1881)
C'J mjMiUmOiamamMmtKtg Vol. xiv. Astoria, Oregon. Wednesday Morning, April 20, 1881. No. 93. W $ Jr JP JV Jr JiWIy "You bet. Interesting Letter from a New Correspondent of The Astorian. WILLAPA VALLKV, W. T. Editei: Atoijian : It ma' be possible that thore are, in this broad land of ours, a few people who are unaware of the existence of such a place as the Willapa valley; such ignor ance, while it appears inexcusable, nevertheless appeals strongly to our sympathy, and we feel it our duty to offer a few words in en lightenment. Surli a Vnllrjr Hoes Cx'st. And forms, probably, one of the most fertile regions in Washing ton territory, inhabited bj- a lives pushing and energetic people, a number of whom have just brought to successful issue an enterprise which will no doubt assist matcri ally in the development of this valley, and at the same time con tribute in some degree to the prosperity of Astoria, as that city will, no doubt, constitute our market for many years to come. I refer to the building and launch ing of the steamer South Bend, at the Soutli Bend ship yard. This steamer was built by a joint stock company, under the supervision of I'll . Patterson, !'.. As genial a gentleman and as thorough a mechanic as can be found on the Pacific coast. Mon day, March the 2Sth, was the day set for the laanch,and early on Sun day the boats commenced arriving from both down the bay, and up the river, and continued steadily up to the very hour of the launch, when there were gathered at South Bend, probably, the largest crowd ever seen at that place at one time. The morning of the 2Sth dawned cloudy and threatening, but by nine o'clock the brilliant orb of morning had routed the squdrons of fog-cloud in great confusion, and remained master of the field for the remainder of the day. At exactly high water the din of ham mers began, and in a few moments the galftnt little steamer glided smoothly and swiftly onto the bosom of the tide, amid the cheers and acclamations of the multitude. She sat like a duck upon the water, and -with colors Hying and Moorr mnl .SI. C'I:iIr Kauri Discoursing sweet music from the hurricane deck, it was an cxhilcrat ing sight to the denizens of the Willapa. Don't think. Mr. Edi tor, that we over-rate such things, but consider, for a moment, that hitherto we have constituted a little world of our own, all by our selves, walled in by the everlasting hills and the everrestless sea, feed ing our wheat to the hogs, burning our bacon to smoke away the mosquitoes, sacrificing our eggs at the store at Woodards landing, and Heaven only knows what Jake does Vith them, it seems to me he couldn't eat so many. But now a change comes over the spirit of our dream, and we will ship Our Produce to Astoria. And then listen to the meiry clink of coin in our pockets. It was clearly made apparent on this oc casion, that the rapid settlement of the valley renders the present hotel accommodations at South Bend totally inadequate to accom modate the crowds that are liable to be drawn together at that place in the future, but no doubt the mill company, with their usual energjr and foresight, will soon remedy this. At night a grand ball was given at the commodious hall, and a splendid supper served at the company's hotel; the music was excellent, and the dancing continued up till daylight next morning, and not a jar or note of discord occurred to mar the pleas ure of the occasion. At ten o'clock next morning the unusual sound of A Sti-nuicr Whistle was Heard. At the. wharf, and one hundred and eight souls took passage on the new steamer for Woodards landing. A pleasanter route for a pleasure excursion could scarcely be found; at one moment broad stretches of level tide land spreads out oh either hand, clothed with the verdure of spring, and lazy cows and oxen couteiftedly chew the cud and view with a sort of mild surprise the strange craft that 'is puffing swiftly by; the next -as jJ- moment we are steaming along be tween precipitous hills, Oowred With Ci.uitlc Spruce. So dense that nothing but their deep green foliage can be een, and the shrill whistle of the steam er echoes and re-echoes from hill to hill, and the wild duck and swan go currying away in wild affright. An occasional farm house, with its neat garden and .smiling orchard, looks pleasantly dewn upon us from the rivers bank, while from the hurricane deck, the music from the band floats dreamily away on the balmy spring air, until at last the picturesque little village of Woodards LauriliiK Itraelied. Here a ilirief halt is made and :i large number of passengers dis embarked, when she turns her prow again toward the sea, and disappears around Armstrong's point with the Star Spangled Ban ner floating proudly in the breeze, and that old and well beloved air The Arkansaw Traveler, rolling from the deck in a manner that would cause an old Missourian's heart to rise right up and choke him. Yor Bin'. The Cartnusians. Auntie. The Carthusian monks have thus been cuioirizcd )v Victor Huge: "They renounce the world, home, sensuality, pleasure, vanity, pride and self-interest. They are dressed in coarse clolh. They possess no property. On entering the order, he who was rich becomes poor, and what he has he gives to all. He who was noble, lord or gentle man, becomes the equal of him who was peasant. The same call serves for all, and the same bread, the same straw to lie on, the same coarse dress, the same ash-heap to die on. lie mav have been a prince, but he is not distinguish able from the others. No more titles even family names disap pear. They are cut off from their earthly families and united into a spiritual family. They succor the poor, care for the sick, and elect those whom they obey; they call each other 'Mv brother.' " There is perhaps, no more sublime work than that in which these souls are engaged, and we add, there is, un doubtedly, no more useful work. There must, be some to prav for those who never pray. How Irish Feasants Live. DhWIm UUer. The dens, misnamed cols, in which the peasantry of Gal way and Mayo counties live, are mere ly stone shelters. Owing to the intense ignoiance of the people they are not provided with any facilities for drainage, and are often incomparatively filthy. The floors are of hard mud; it is rare to find more than one room in a hut, with its one story. Beds and bedding are luxuries which the poorer tenants do not possess; old heaps of hay and stra-v are the couches on which the lovelv brown-eyed, large-browed maidens of Con naught repose. The smoke from a peat fire in a common peasant's cabin spreads through the room, and you narrowly escape strangulation on yoar first visit. I have had this experience in Herzegovina, and consequently minded the smoke but little. How family decency is maintained in these dens is a mystery, and how the people manage to keep clean for they look clean is a puzzle. The pigs run in and out the doors, and such wretched pigs! A North Carolina wild hog would be an aristocrat beside them. In dozens of these cabins sick people are to be found sick people dependent either on the charity of the neighborhood, or on friends in America who send them small sums. An instrument called the mar- garimeter has been invented by two Parisian chemists for detect ing the presence of margarine in butter. It is based on the differ ent densities of butter and the greasy substances substituted for it or mixed with it. The per capita valuation of the state of California is G7,G0o. "Who will say after this that Cali fornin is an impoverished state? t Consequences of Calumny. F.AV. i:o"ertsow. Who can arrest a calumnious tongue, or who can stop the con sequences of calumnious misrepre sentation? You may refute it, you may trace it to its source and expose its authors, you may sift every atom, explain, annihilate it, and yer, like Greek fire, in remains unquenched and unquenchable; or, like weeds, which, when ex tirpated in one place, sprout vigor ously forth in another spot. Half truths are often more calumnious than whole falsehoods. Not a won! may be uttered, but a half suppressed innuendo, a dropped lip, an arched brow, a shrugged shoulder, a significant iook, an in credulous expression of counte nance, nay, oven an emphatic silence, may do the fiendish work; and when the light and trifling thing which has done the mischief has fluttered off, the venom is left behind to work and rankle and fester, to inflame hearts, to fever human experience, and to poison human society at the fountain spring of life. National Wealth. l' MctkotlM. It is stated, on good authority, that the annual increase of wealth in England is 325,000,000; in France, $375,000,000 in Germany, 200,000,000; and in the United States, S25,000,000. In the total valuation of property, the United States ranks "third on the list of the great western nations. The prop erty of England is valued at 44, 400,000,000; that of France at 30,700,000,000; and that of the United States at S33,000,000,000. So much for the aggregate wealth and the annual increase of it in each of these favored countries. As our annual increase is nearly three times the amount of that of either of the two countries named in our statement, we shall soon be as rich as the richest; and after a while how much richerthan the rich est our moderate supply of figures would hardly enable us to com pute. Going to See a GirL Auburn Cowrier. The Eel river road shows up the latest smash up of railroad ma terial. Last Sunday a train ran off the track between Auburn junc tion and Cedar creek, smashing several cars badby, and destroying a quantity of flour and grain. The most prominent sensation con nected with the smash up is as follews: A young man from But ler, dressed in a suit of black broadcloth, and his mug adorned with a spring plug hat, was on his way to see a girl. The conductor was on the engine when it jumped the track, and walking along to the rear end of the train, he spied some object crawling out of the mud and water that accumulated along the ditch. It arose, and there before him stood the would be lover. "Hello, what's up?" asked the conductor. And empty ing the water out of his plug, he remarked: Tin a pretty looking thing to go and see a girl, ain't 1 ?" Clarke County Mines. Vancouver Independent. The people of Clarke county have never given up the idea that there is paying gold somewhere in the foot-hills or the Cascade.moun tains in this vicinity, and every year we hear of prospecting parties who renew the hunt. This year is no exception to the rule, and now we hear that the sons of, John Proebstel, and others, have found a quartz lead in the foot-hills, up the Lacamas, about twenty miles from Vancouver. They have sunk on the lead about twenty feet, and report finding valuable prospects, better than has ever before been shown on this side of the Cascades in "Washington territory. Furth er developments will be awaited with patience by a people who have long suffered for good news in this line. Two thousand and thirty-four newspapers have made the joke about the Boers being "bores," and several counties yet to hear from. This country is afflicted with too much wit. -" "V-aosiCii. ". - J- itf.i Jksdt- Peruvian Bitter.-. Cinchona Rubra. The Count Chichnu was the bpauish Viceroy in Peru i:i 1(a. The Countess, his wife, was prn.stnUed by an intermit tent fever, from whieh 1ip was freed by the um' of the native reined, tin? Peru vian bark. or. as it was called in the language of the country, -Quinquina.' ("ratcftil for her recovery, on her return to Europe in IKtl, she introduced the remedy in Spain, where it was known under various names, until Limueus called it Cinchona, in honor of the lady who had brought them that which was more precious than t lie gold of the Incus. To this day. after a lapse of two hun dred and fifty years. cience has given lis nothing to take its place. It clfectu ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants, by restoring the natural tone of the stomach. It attacks excessive love of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys both alike. The powerful tonic virtue of the Cinchona is prescned in the Peruvian Bitters, which arc as effective against malarial fever to-day as thev were in the das ot the old Spanish Viceros. We guarantee the ingredi ents of these bitters to be absolute! pure, and of the best known quality. A trial will satisfy you that this is tlie best bitter in the world. -The proof of the pudding is in the eating," and we willingly abide this test. For sale by all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers. Order iti Mothers ! Mother ! Mothers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Viiisiovs Soothing Syrup, it will relieve the poor littlu suf ferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it. who will not tll you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give ret to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Stato. Slid everywhere. 'Si cents a bottle. The Peruvian syrup lias cured tlion sands who were suffering from dyspeji sia. debility, liver complaint, boil's, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth V. Fowle & Sons. RoMou. Chemists and physicians agree that King of the Blood is eomjmsed of some of the rarest and most valuable medicinal elements known to science, and 13 a very efficient purifier of the blood. See advertisement. Unity aiiiihk. iiy-lM T.V.lin.1.1. CHICAGO BRBWBRY, Henry Ahrens & Co., Proprietors, M0 to Mai Pine Street. SAX FICAYCIS1'0. miUS KKKWEKY IS THE MOST I'OPl JL larotithe roast, ami have iMalilMietl a branch in thNcitvaud is under the manage ment of .I.STUArSS. who will 1 pleased to till any order f mm a doen bottles up to a thousand barrels. This lecr needs no rec ommendation, as thoM- umiii; it miiv will never use anv other. Orders left at the Oc cident Hotel or at Isaac Filter's will be promptly attended to. All orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. Families supplied willi this excellent finali ty of beer. .1. STRAUSS. Ap-nt. Watei street, next door to Isaac Foster's, Astoria. Oregon. HANSEN BROS Bej: leave to notify the public that they have moved from Upper Astoria to TIIKIK XKff SIIOl. COItNKK ASTOK AND CASSS TKl'KTS. Near Congregational ('hutch. And arc now ready to receive orders for all kinds or WQOEX WQt;R33:, Contracts taken to build and remir SHIPS'. UOrSKK, BOATS, ETC.. AT J.OWKST RATES. DON'T FORGET -THK- Great Eastern Saloon ON CONCOMLY STKEKT. FRESH AND SHARP ional Brewery BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. I have two beds laid on the floor So tlint the boys cau roll for evermore. Until their muscles do get sore, But don't take the horxjshoe from the door. THE DEW DROP INN ! Oh, fishermen, all hear the good news ! A fine saloon Is started with best of Liquors, Wines and Beer, AND FINE FREE LUNCH UNGUARDED. The Grandest Caviar and. Cheese, IN SANDWICH TIUCK AND THIN And will you spend a pleasant hour, drop in at the DEW DROP INN on Concomly street. J.T.BORCUER3, SAN FRANCISCO Ksimiitiusiiss:zit3a::3ciiciiitsi3iKiU9aiiiaiit3;iziiMii!iiii!itsis!!iai!xiiiiiui! ! THE NEWS! I 5 iahzuxicsiiaa2t.3:i&xfca:is3aats:-4e3S33Uiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiauiuiiuaiiiiiiiiiiliuatuuiii M .5 - n a WELCOME TO ALL ! THE FISHING SEASON HAS OFENED AND SO HAS THE POPULAR SAN FRANCISCO olothlg"stoe1'1 ; Opened the largest and best : selected stock of ; pn F - BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, HATS AND CAPS, AND THE BEST CARTER'S CAPE AJSQST 4HEi HI RUBBER BOOTS, ETC., WHICH WIIJ. UK SOLD AT SAN REMEMBER THIS IS NO HUMBUG. HAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS IN NEW YORK AND SAN FRAN CISCO FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL MY GOODS, MY FACILITIES FOR BUYING ARE SUCH AS TO ENABLE ME TO Undersell all Others. I Defy Competition. Facts and GKEAT SURPRISE AT THE ; I San Francisco Store ! UKliK AUK rltrOHS OF GOODS THAT WILL SUItPJtlSE ALL. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. jfENS AND BOYS CASIMERE SUITS FROM- EXTRA BEST SUITS FINE BLACK SUITS DIAGONAL SlTITS CASIMEUE PANTS EXTRA BEST PANTS BOYS SUITS. ALL SORTS, FROM FTJENISHING GOODS. OVERALLS PKOM CO CTS. TO JUMPERS " 60 " ALL WOOL SOCKS ?.. 20 CHECKER SOCKS. SIX PAIR FOR COTTON SOCKS, THREE PAIR FOR WIUTE SHIRTS FROM 90 " " COLORED " 75 " " CxVSDIERE" SI 50 u FLANNEL - " 1 00 " - BLUE NAVY 2 00 " " FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS FROM 1 25 " COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS GO " MARINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS 50 OIL CLOTHING. LONG OIL COATS FROM . OIL JUMPERS u ... BOOTS AND SHOES. MEXS CALF BOOTS FROM MENS KIP BOOTS - ELASTIC GAITERS " BUCKLE SHOES - MENS SLIPPERS BOYS BOOTS - I HAVE THIS SPRING STRAINED EVERY NERVE AND USED MY ENTIRE ENERGY AND BEST JUDGMENT IN PLACING IN OUR AS TORIA HOUSE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE ABOVE LINE OF GOODS. CALL AND INSPECT FOR YOURSELF. YOU ARE WELCOME. I WILL GLADLY SHOW MY GOODS, NO MATTER WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. NEW GOODS BY' EVERY STEAMER. S.DANZIGER. San Francisco Store. Squemocnhe street, next door to Tage & Allen'd store, north of walla-walla Restaurant. Astona Oregon. . " CLOTHING STORE. rfFr! i -arp i AND - Furnishing Goods, FRANCISCO WHOLESALE PRICES. Figures ! S 8 00 TO 15 00 " 20 00 " 25 00 " 22 00 " 4 00 " 5 50 " 12 00 12 00 18 00 15 00 2 SO 4 00 0 00 SI 00 1 00 25 1 00 25 I 75 I 50 3 00 1 75 2 50 ... 3 50 TO 4 50 ... 2 75 u 3 00 53 CO TO 4 50 . , 2 75 1 75 225 50 1 25 4 00 2 50 3 ZZ5 1 00 1 75 BUSINESS CARDS. J, Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chenamus Street. - ASTORIA. OREGON rj XV. PULTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTOPJA - OKEGON Office over Plage & Allen 's store, Cass street T W. KOBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - - OREGON Office OVPr AV.irrpn Fntrm'Q AetnHn "Mor ket, opposite the OccidenwHotel. "P C. JIOIiDKX.j NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN- SURANCE AGENT. A. VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. Chenamus Street, near Occident Hotel, ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. XI P. HICKS. HENTIST, ASTORIA, --- - OREGON. Rooms In Allen's building up stairs, corn? of Cass and Sqemooihe streets. D1 ,K. M. I. JE.VMXOS, niYSIdAN AND SURGEON. uiuuiliic uuiveraiiy ui Virginia, jobs Physician to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City, ISCT-TO. utnuK-in rage a; Aiien-s uuuuing, up stairs. Astoria. JAY TUTTIJ2, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEONi Office Ovr the White Ilouse Store, Residence Next door to Mrs. Maason"s boarding house, Cheuasfw street, Asfofl? Oregon. T C. OKCIIAIID. t J DENTIST, Dental Room SHUSTKR'S Photograph Building. T A. 3IeIXTOSII. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel Building, ASTORIA - - - OREGON C. II. BAIN & CO.. DEALKK IX Doors. AVI h dews, .Blinds, Train sohim. Xiussber, Etc. All kinds or Oak Lumber, Olass, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam M 111 near Weston hotel. Cor. Gen evive and Astor streets. J G. FAIRFOWL & SON, STEVEDORES ANO RIGGERS Portland and Astoria. Oreron. Refor by permission to Rogors.Meyers&O. Allen & Lems.Corbitt&Macleay, r uruiuiu. uregon. "YM. UIIIiEXIIART. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTOKIA - OREGON. Hot, Cold, Shower, Steam and Sulphwr BATHS. -Special attention given to ladles' and bildreu's hair cutting Private Entrance lor Ladles. WILLIAM FRY, PRACTICAL BOOT AM) SHOE MAKER. Chrxamus Stkekt, opposite Adler's Boo niuip, - AirruuiA, UKKUOS. B?-Perfect fits guaranteed. AH -work warranted. Give me a trial. All orders promptly filled. SSk W. L. M'UARE, f. A. HKOWN Portland. Astoria. zi itnoirx aicCASE, STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS. "- Astoriaofllce At K. C. Ilolden's Auction store. Portland offlct;24 B street. 13-U Music Lessons. m T. F. CULLEN and C E. BARNES TEACHERS OF VIOLIN, PIANO, GUITAR, COR NET AND BANJO, Would like a few pupils ou either ot the above Instruments. Terms Eight lessons for five dollars. JSTOrdera left at Stevens & Sons book store will be promptly attended to- To-Night. To-Nlght. GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVENING. JESm jSL. QTJX3Xr-KT, dealer in FA3ILLY GROCERIES, NAIIS, HIIIX FEEI AITO HAY Cash paid for country produce. Small profits on cash sales. Astona, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Squemocqhe streets. s PILES. The undersigned Is prepared to furnish a large number of Spiles and Spars at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.G. CARLES, Columbia City I. "W. CASE, IMPOKTEK AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GEEBA1 MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. Wm. Houseman oi Portland BEGS LEAVE TO NOTIFY HIS friends and customers that he has opened A FISHERMAN'S CLOTHING AND FUENISHING GOODS STORE Next to Of "W. Hume's grocery store. F. HOUSEMAN., ssl E.